@@ -139,23 +139,23 @@ function chado_reverse_compliment_sequence($sequence) {
function chado_get_feature_sequences($feature, $options) {
// Default values for finding the feature.
- $feature_id = array_key_exists('feature_id', $feature) ? $feature['feature_id'] : 0;
- $parent_id = array_key_exists('parent_id', $feature) ? $feature['parent_id'] : 0;
- $featureloc_id = array_key_exists('featureloc_id', $feature) ? $feature['featureloc_id'] : 0;
- $feature_name = array_key_exists('name', $feature) ? $feature['name'] : '';
+ $feature_id = array_key_exists('feature_id', $feature) ? $feature['feature_id'] : 0;
+ $parent_id = array_key_exists('parent_id', $feature) ? $feature['parent_id'] : 0;
+ $featureloc_id = array_key_exists('featureloc_id', $feature) ? $feature['featureloc_id'] : 0;
+ $feature_name = array_key_exists('name', $feature) ? $feature['name'] : '';
// Default values for building the sequence.
- $num_bases_per_line = array_key_exists('width', $options) ? $options['width'] : 50;
+ $num_bases_per_line = array_key_exists('width', $options) ? $options['width'] : 50;
$derive_from_parent = array_key_exists('derive_from_parent', $options) ? $options['derive_from_parent'] : 0;
- $aggregate = array_key_exists('aggregate', $options) ? $options['aggregate'] : 0;
- $upstream = array_key_exists('upstream', $options) ? $options['upstream'] : 0;
- $downstream = array_key_exists('downstream', $options) ? $options['downstream'] : 0;
- $sub_features = array_key_exists('sub_feature_types', $options) ? $options['sub_feature_types'] : array();
- $relationship = array_key_exists('relationship_type', $options) ? $options['relationship_type'] : '';
- $rel_part = array_key_exists('relationship_part', $options) ? $options['relationship_part'] : '';
- $is_html = array_key_exists('is_html', $options) ? $options['is_html'] : 0;
- $is_txt = array_key_exists('is_txt', $options) ? $options['is_txt'] : 0;
- $is_raw = array_key_exists('is_raw', $options) ? $options['is_raw'] : 1;
+ $aggregate = array_key_exists('aggregate', $options) ? $options['aggregate'] : 0;
+ $upstream = array_key_exists('upstream', $options) ? $options['upstream'] : 0;
+ $downstream = array_key_exists('downstream', $options) ? $options['downstream'] : 0;
+ $sub_features = array_key_exists('sub_feature_types', $options) ? $options['sub_feature_types'] : array();
+ $relationship = array_key_exists('relationship_type', $options) ? $options['relationship_type'] : '';
+ $rel_part = array_key_exists('relationship_part', $options) ? $options['relationship_part'] : '';
+ $is_html = array_key_exists('is_html', $options) ? $options['is_html'] : 0;
+ $is_txt = array_key_exists('is_txt', $options) ? $options['is_txt'] : 0;
+ $is_raw = array_key_exists('is_raw', $options) ? $options['is_raw'] : 1;
if (!$upstream) {
$upstream = 0;
@@ -591,21 +591,21 @@ function chado_get_feature_sequences($feature, $options) {
function chado_get_bulk_feature_sequences($options) {
// Default values for building the sequence
- $org_commonname = array_key_exists('org_commonname', $options) ? $options['org_commonname'] : '';
- $genus = array_key_exists('genus', $options) ? $options['genus'] : '';
- $species = array_key_exists('species', $options) ? $options['species'] : '';
- $analysis_name = array_key_exists('analysis_name', $options) ? $options['analysis_name'] : '';
- $type = array_key_exists('type', $options) ? $options['type'] : '';
- $feature_name = array_key_exists('feature_name', $options) ? $options['feature_name'] : '';
- $feature_uname = array_key_exists('feature_uname', $options) ? $options['feature_uname'] : '';
+ $org_commonname = array_key_exists('org_commonname', $options) ? $options['org_commonname'] : '';
+ $genus = array_key_exists('genus', $options) ? $options['genus'] : '';
+ $species = array_key_exists('species', $options) ? $options['species'] : '';
+ $analysis_name = array_key_exists('analysis_name', $options) ? $options['analysis_name'] : '';
+ $type = array_key_exists('type', $options) ? $options['type'] : '';
+ $feature_name = array_key_exists('feature_name', $options) ? $options['feature_name'] : '';
+ $feature_uname = array_key_exists('feature_uname', $options) ? $options['feature_uname'] : '';
$derive_from_parent = array_key_exists('derive_from_parent', $options) ? $options['derive_from_parent'] : 0;
- $aggregate = array_key_exists('aggregate', $options) ? $options['aggregate'] : 0;
- $sub_features = array_key_exists('sub_feature_types', $options) ? $options['sub_feature_types'] : array();
- $relationship = array_key_exists('relationship_type', $options) ? $options['relationship_type'] : '';
- $rel_part = array_key_exists('relationship_part', $options) ? $options['relationship_part'] : '';
- $num_bases_per_line = array_key_exists('width', $options) ? $options['width'] : 50;
- $upstream = array_key_exists('upstream', $options) ? $options['upstream'] : 0;
- $downstream = array_key_exists('downstream', $options) ? $options['downstream'] : 0;
+ $aggregate = array_key_exists('aggregate', $options) ? $options['aggregate'] : 0;
+ $sub_features = array_key_exists('sub_feature_types', $options) ? $options['sub_feature_types'] : array();
+ $relationship = array_key_exists('relationship_type', $options) ? $options['relationship_type'] : '';
+ $rel_part = array_key_exists('relationship_part', $options) ? $options['relationship_part'] : '';
+ $num_bases_per_line = array_key_exists('width', $options) ? $options['width'] : 50;
+ $upstream = array_key_exists('upstream', $options) ? $options['upstream'] : 0;
+ $downstream = array_key_exists('downstream', $options) ? $options['downstream'] : 0;
if (!$type and !$feature_name and !$genus) {
print "Please provide a type, feature name or genus\n";
@@ -786,600 +786,3 @@ function chado_get_location_string($featureloc) {
return $featureloc->srcfeature_id->name . ":" . ($featureloc->fmin + 1) . ".." . $featureloc->fmax . $strand;
- * Quickly retrieves relationships for a feature.
- *
- * Using the chado_expand_var function to retrieve a set
- * of relationships can be very slow, especialy if there are many relationships.
- * This function is intended to help speed up the retrieval of relationships
- * by only retrieving the base information for the relationship and returning
- * an array.
- *
- * @param $feature
- * The feature object
- * @return
- * An array with two objects
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_feature_api
- */
-function chado_get_feature_relationships($feature) {
- // Expand the feature object to include the feature relationships.
- $options = array(
- 'return_array' => 1,
- 'order_by' => array('rank' => 'ASC'),
- // We don't want to fully recurse we only need information about the
- // relationship type and the object and subject features (including feature
- // type and organism).
- 'include_fk' => array(
- 'type_id' => 1,
- 'object_id' => array(
- 'type_id' => 1,
- 'organism_id' => 1
- ),
- 'subject_id' => array(
- 'type_id' => 1,
- 'organism_id' => 1
- ),
- ),
- );
- $feature = chado_expand_var($feature, 'table', 'feature_relationship', $options);
- // Get the subject relationships.
- $srelationships = $feature->feature_relationship->subject_id;
- $orelationships = $feature->feature_relationship->object_id;
- // Get alignment as child. The $feature->featureloc element
- // is already populated from the alignment preprocess function.
- $options = array(
- 'return_array' => 1,
- 'include_fk' => array(
- 'srcfeature_id' => 1,
- 'feature_id' => 1,
- ),
- );
- $feature = chado_expand_var($feature, 'table', 'featureloc', $options);
- $cfeaturelocs = $feature->featureloc->feature_id;
- if (!$cfeaturelocs) {
- $cfeaturelocs = array();
- }
- elseif (!is_array($cfeaturelocs)) {
- $cfeaturelocs = array($cfeaturelocs);
- }
- // Prepare the SQL statement to get the featureloc for the
- // feature in the relationships.
- $flrels_sql = "
- FL.featureloc_id, F.name as srcfeature_name, FL.srcfeature_id,
- FL.feature_id, FL.fmin, FL.fmax, FL.strand, FL.phase
- FROM {featureloc} FL
- INNER JOIN {feature} F ON F.feature_id = FL.srcfeature_id
- WHERE FL.feature_id = :feature_id and FL.srcfeature_id = :srcfeature_id
- ";
- // Combine both object and subject relationshisp into a single array.
- $relationships = array();
- $relationships['object'] = array();
- $relationships['subject'] = array();
- // Iterate through the object relationships.
- if ($orelationships) {
- foreach ($orelationships as $relationship) {
- $rel = new stdClass();
- // Get locations where the child feature and this feature overlap with the
- // same landmark feature.
- $rel->child_featurelocs = array();
- foreach ($cfeaturelocs as $featureloc) {
- $res = chado_query($flrels_sql, array(':feature_id' => $relationship->subject_id->feature_id, ':srcfeature_id' => $featureloc->srcfeature_id->feature_id));
- while ($loc = $res->fetchObject()) {
- // Add in the node id of the src feature if it exists and save this
- // location.
- if (property_exists($featureloc->srcfeature_id, 'nid')) {
- $loc->nid = $featureloc->srcfeature_id->nid;
- }
- $rel->child_featurelocs[] = $loc;
- }
- }
- $rel->record = $relationship;
- // Get the relationship and child types.
- $rel_type = t(preg_replace('/_/', " ", $relationship->type_id->name));
- $child_type = $relationship->subject_id->type_id->name;
- // get the node id of the subject
-// $sql = "SELECT nid FROM {chado_feature} WHERE feature_id = :feature_id";
-// $n = db_query($sql, array(':feature_id' => $relationship->subject_id->feature_id))->fetchObject();
-// if ($n) {
-// $rel->record->nid = $n->nid;
-// }
- if (!array_key_exists($rel_type, $relationships['object'])) {
- $relationships['object'][$rel_type] = array();
- }
- if (!array_key_exists($child_type, $relationships['object'][$rel_type])) {
- $relationships['object'][$rel_type][$child_type] = array();
- }
- $relationships['object'][$rel_type][$child_type][] = $rel;
- }
- }
- // Now add in the subject relationships.
- if ($srelationships) {
- foreach ($srelationships as $relationship) {
- $rel = new stdClass();
- // Get locations where this feature overlaps with the parent.
- $rel->parent_featurelocs = array();
- foreach ($cfeaturelocs as $featureloc) {
- $res = chado_query($flrels_sql, array(':feature_id' => $relationship->object_id->feature_id, ':srcfeature_id' => $featureloc->srcfeature_id->feature_id));
- while ($loc = $res->fetchObject()) {
- // Add in the node id of the src feature if it exists and save this
- // location.
- if (property_exists($featureloc->srcfeature_id, 'nid')) {
- $loc->nid = $featureloc->srcfeature_id->nid;
- }
- $rel->parent_featurelocs[] = $loc;
- }
- }
- $rel->record = $relationship;
- $rel_type = t(preg_replace('/_/', " ", $relationship->type_id->name));
- $parent_type = $relationship->object_id->type_id->name;
-// // get the node id of the subject
-// $sql = "SELECT nid FROM {chado_feature} WHERE feature_id = :feature_id";
-// $n = db_query($sql, array(':feature_id' => $relationship->object_id->feature_id))->fetchObject();
-// if ($n) {
-// $rel->record->nid = $n->nid;
-// }
- if (!array_key_exists($rel_type, $relationships['subject'])) {
- $relationships['subject'][$rel_type] = array();
- }
- if (!array_key_exists($parent_type, $relationships['subject'][$rel_type])) {
- $relationships['subject'][$rel_type][$parent_type] = array();
- }
- $relationships['subject'][$rel_type][$parent_type][] = $rel;
- }
- }
- return $relationships;
- *
- * @param unknown $feature_id
- * @param unknown $featurelocs
- * @return multitype:|Ambigous <multitype:, an>
- */
-function chado_get_featureloc_sequences($feature_id, $featurelocs) {
- // if we don't have any featurelocs then no point in continuing
- if (!$featurelocs) {
- return array();
- }
- // Get the list of relationships (including any aggregators) and iterate
- // through each one to find information needed to color-code the reference
- // sequence.
- $relationships = _chado_feature_get_aggregate_relationships($feature_id);
- if (!$relationships) {
- return array();
- }
- // Iterate through each of the realtionships features and get their
- // locations.
- foreach ($relationships as $rindex => $rel) {
- // Get the featurelocs for each of the relationship features.
- $rel_featurelocs = chado_get_featurelocs($rel->subject_id, 'as_child', 0);
- foreach ($rel_featurelocs as $rfindex => $rel_featureloc) {
- // Keep track of this unique source feature.
- $src = $rel_featureloc->src_feature_id . "-" . $rel_featureloc->src_cvterm_id;
- // Copy over the results to the relationship object. Since there can
- // be more than one feature location for each relationship feature we
- // use the '$src' variable to keep track of these.
- $rel->featurelocs = new stdClass();
- $rel->featurelocs->$src = new stdClass();
- $rel->featurelocs->$src->src_uniquename = $rel_featureloc->src_uniquename;
- $rel->featurelocs->$src->src_cvterm_id = $rel_featureloc->src_cvterm_id;
- $rel->featurelocs->$src->src_cvname = $rel_featureloc->src_cvname;
- $rel->featurelocs->$src->fmin = $rel_featureloc->fmin;
- $rel->featurelocs->$src->fmax = $rel_featureloc->fmax;
- $rel->featurelocs->$src->src_name = $rel_featureloc->src_name;
- // keep track of the individual parts for each relationship
- $start = $rel->featurelocs->$src->fmin;
- $end = $rel->featurelocs->$src->fmax;
- $type = $rel->subject_type;
- $rel_locs[$src]['parts'][$start][$type]['start'] = $start;
- $rel_locs[$src]['parts'][$start][$type]['end'] = $end;
- $rel_locs[$src]['parts'][$start][$type]['type'] = $type;
- }
- }
- // The featurelocs array provided to the function contains the locations
- // where this feature is found. We want to get the sequence for each
- // location and then annotate it with the parts found from the relationships
- // locations determiend above.
- $floc_sequences = array();
- foreach ($featurelocs as $featureloc) {
- // build the src name so we can keep track of the different parts for each feature
- $src = $featureloc->srcfeature_id->feature_id . "-" . $featureloc->srcfeature_id->type_id->cvterm_id;
- // orient the parts to the beginning of the feature sequence
- if (!empty($rel_locs[$src]['parts'])) {
- $parts = $rel_locs[$src]['parts'];
- $rparts = array(); // we will fill this up if we're on the reverse strand
- foreach ($parts as $start => $types) {
- foreach ($types as $type_name => $type) {
- if ($featureloc->strand >= 0) {
- // this is on the forward strand. We need to convert the start on the src feature to the
- // start on this feature's sequence
- $parts[$start][$type_name]['start'] = $parts[$start][$type_name]['start'] - $featureloc->fmin;
- $parts[$start][$type_name]['end'] = $parts[$start][$type_name]['end'] - $featureloc->fmin;
- $parts[$start][$type_name]['type'] = $type_name;
- }
- else {
- // this is on the reverse strand. We need to swap the start and stop and calculate from the
- // begining of the reverse sequence
- $size = ($featureloc->fmax - $featureloc->fmin);
- $start_orig = $parts[$start][$type_name]['start'];
- $end_orig = $parts[$start][$type_name]['end'];
- $new_start = $size - ($end_orig - $featureloc->fmin);
- $new_end = $size - ($start_orig - $featureloc->fmin);
- $rparts[$new_start][$type_name]['start'] = $new_start;
- $rparts[$new_start][$type_name]['end'] = $new_end;
- $rparts[$new_start][$type_name]['type'] = $type_name;
- }
- }
- }
- // now sort the parts
- // if we're on the reverse strand we need to resort
- if ($featureloc->strand >= 0) {
- usort($parts, '_chado_feature__residues_sort_rel_parts_by_start');
- }
- else {
- usort($rparts, '_chado_feature__residues_sort_rel_parts_by_start');
- $parts = $rparts;
- }
- $floc_sequences[$src]['id'] = $src;
- $floc_sequences[$src]['type'] = $featureloc->feature_id->type_id->name;
- $args = array(':feature_id' => $featureloc->srcfeature_id->feature_id);
- $start = $featureloc->fmin + 1;
- $size = $featureloc->fmax - $featureloc->fmin;
- // TODO: fix the hard coded $start and $size
- // the $start and $size variables are hard-coded in the SQL statement
- // because the db_query function places quotes around all placeholders
- // (e.g. :start & :size) and screws up the substring function
- $sql = "
- SELECT substring(residues from $start for $size) as residues
- FROM {feature}
- WHERE feature_id = :feature_id
- ";
- $sequence = chado_query($sql, $args)->fetchObject();
- $residues = $sequence->residues;
- if ($featureloc->strand < 0) {
- $residues = chado_reverse_compliment_sequence($residues);
- }
- $strand = '.';
- if ($featureloc->strand == 1) {
- $strand = '+';
- }
- elseif ($featureloc->strand == -1) {
- $strand = '-';
- }
- $floc_sequences[$src]['location'] = chado_get_location_string($featureloc);
- $floc_sequences[$src]['defline'] = chado_get_fasta_defline($featureloc->feature_id, '', $featureloc, '', strlen($residues));
- $floc_sequences[$src]['featureloc'] = $featureloc;
- $floc_sequences[$src]['residues'] = $residues;
- //$floc_sequences[$src]['formatted_seq'] = tripal_feature_color_sequence($residues, $parts, $floc_sequences[$src]['defline']);
- }
- }
- return $floc_sequences;
- * Get features related to the current feature to a given depth. Recursive function.
- *
- * @param $feature_id
- * @param $substitute
- * @param $levels
- * @param $base_type_id
- * @param $depth
- *
- */
-function chado_get_aggregate_feature_relationships($feature_id, $substitute=1,
- $levels=0, $base_type_id=NULL, $depth=0) {
- // we only want to recurse to as many levels deep as indicated by the
- // $levels variable, but only if this variable is > 0. If 0 then we
- // recurse until we reach the end of the relationships tree.
- if ($levels > 0 and $levels == $depth) {
- return NULL;
- }
- // first get the relationships for this feature
- return chado_get_feature_relationships($feature_id, 'as_object');
- * Get the relationships for a feature.
- *
- * @param $feature_id
- * The feature to get relationships for
- * @param $side
- * The side of the relationship this feature is (ie: 'as_subject' or 'as_object')
- *
- */
-function chado_get_feature_relationships($feature_id, $side = 'as_subject') {
- $feature = chado_generate_var('feature', array('feature_id' => $feature_id));
- // get the relationships for this feature. The query below is used for both
- // querying the object and subject relationships
- $sql = "
- FS.name as subject_name, FS.uniquename as subject_uniquename,
- CVTS.name as subject_type, CVTS.cvterm_id as subject_type_id,
- FR.subject_id, FR.type_id as relationship_type_id, FR.object_id, FR.rank,
- CVT.name as rel_type,
- FO.name as object_name, FO.uniquename as object_uniquename,
- CVTO.name as object_type, CVTO.cvterm_id as object_type_id
- FROM {feature_relationship} FR
- INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVT ON FR.type_id = CVT.cvterm_id
- INNER JOIN {feature} FS ON FS.feature_id = FR.subject_id
- INNER JOIN {feature} FO ON FO.feature_id = FR.object_id
- INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVTO ON FO.type_id = CVTO.cvterm_id
- INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVTS ON FS.type_id = CVTS.cvterm_id
- ";
- if (strcmp($side, 'as_object')==0) {
- $sql .= " WHERE FR.object_id = :feature_id";
- }
- if (strcmp($side, 'as_subject')==0) {
- $sql .= " WHERE FR.subject_id = :feature_id";
- }
- $sql .= " ORDER BY FR.rank";
- // get the relationships
- $results = chado_query($sql, array(':feature_id' => $feature_id));
- // Get the bundle for this feature type, if one exists.
- $term = tripal_load_term_entity(array(
- 'vocabulary' => $feature->type_id->dbxref_id->db_id->name,
- 'accession' => $feature->type_id->dbxref_id->accession,
- ));
- $bundle = tripal_load_bundle_entity(array('term_id' => $term->id));
- // iterate through the relationships, put these in an array and add
- // in the Drupal node id if one exists
- $i=0;
- $relationships = array();
- while ($rel = $results->fetchObject()) {
- $entity = chado_get_record_entity_by_bundle($bundle, $rel->subject_id);
- if ($entity) {
- $rel->subject_entity_id = $entity->entity_id;
- }
- $entity = chado_get_record_entity_by_bundle($bundle, $rel->object_id);
- if ($entity) {
- $rel->object_entity_id = $entity->entity_id;
- }
- $relationships[$i++] = $rel;
- }
- return $relationships;
- * Load the locations for a given feature.
- *
- * @param $feature_id
- * The feature to look up locations for.
- * @param $side
- * Whether the feature is the scrfeature, 'as_parent', or feature, 'as_child'.
- * @param $aggregate
- * Whether or not to get the locations for related features.
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_feature_api
- */
-function chado_get_featurelocs($feature_id, $side = 'as_parent', $aggregate = 1) {
- $sql = "
- F.name, F.feature_id, F.uniquename,
- FS.name as src_name, FS.feature_id as src_feature_id, FS.uniquename as src_uniquename,
- CVT.name as cvname, CVT.cvterm_id,
- CVTS.name as src_cvname, CVTS.cvterm_id as src_cvterm_id,
- FL.fmin, FL.fmax, FL.is_fmin_partial, FL.is_fmax_partial,FL.strand, FL.phase
- FROM {featureloc} FL
- INNER JOIN {feature} F ON FL.feature_id = F.feature_id
- INNER JOIN {feature} FS ON FS.feature_id = FL.srcfeature_id
- INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVT ON F.type_id = CVT.cvterm_id
- INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVTS ON FS.type_id = CVTS.cvterm_id
- ";
- if (strcmp($side, 'as_parent')==0) {
- $sql .= "WHERE FL.srcfeature_id = :feature_id ";
- }
- if (strcmp($side, 'as_child')==0) {
- $sql .= "WHERE FL.feature_id = :feature_id ";
- }
- $flresults = chado_query($sql, array(':feature_id' => $feature_id));
- // Copy the results into an array.
- $i=0;
- $featurelocs = array();
- while ($loc = $flresults->fetchObject()) {
- // If a drupal entity exists for this feature then add the nid to the
- // results object.
- // Get the bundle for this feature type, if one exists.
- $ffeature = chado_generate_var('feature', array('feature_id' => $loc->feature_id));
- $sfeature = chado_generate_var('feature', array('feature_id' => $loc->src_feature_id));
- $fterm = tripal_load_term_entity(array(
- 'vocabulary' => $ffeature->type_id->dbxref_id->db_id->name,
- 'accession' => $ffeature->type_id->dbxref_id->accession,
- ));
- $sterm = tripal_load_term_entity(array(
- 'vocabulary' => $sfeature->type_id->dbxref_id->db_id->name,
- 'accession' => $sfeature->type_id->dbxref_id->accession,
- ));
- if($fterm) {
- $fbundle = tripal_load_bundle_entity(array('term_id' => $fterm->id));
- $loc->feid = chado_get_record_entity_by_bundle($fbundle, $loc->feature_id);
- }
- if ($sterm) {
- $sbundle = tripal_load_bundle_entity(array('term_id' => $sterm->id));
- $loc->seid = chado_get_record_entity_by_bundle($sbundle, $loc->src_feature_id);
- }
- // Add the result to the array.
- $featurelocs[$i++] = $loc;
- }
- // Add the relationship feature locs if aggregate is turned on.
- if ($aggregate and strcmp($side, 'as_parent')==0) {
- // Get the relationships for this feature without substituting any children
- // for the parent. We want all relationships.
- $relationships = _chado_feature_get_aggregate_relationships($feature_id, 0);
- foreach ($relationships as $rindex => $rel) {
- // Get the featurelocs for each of the relationship features.
- $rel_featurelocs = tripal_feature_load_featurelocs($rel->subject_id, 'as_child', 0);
- foreach ($rel_featurelocs as $findex => $rfloc) {
- $featurelocs[$i++] = $rfloc;
- }
- }
- }
- usort($featurelocs, '_chado_feature__residues_sort_locations');
- return $featurelocs;
- * Get features related to the current feature to a given depth.
- * Recursive function.
- *
- * @param $feature_id
- * @param $substitute
- * @param $levels
- * @param $base_type_id
- * @param $depth
- *
- *
- */
-function _chado_feature_get_aggregate_relationships($feature_id, $substitute=1,
- $levels=0, $base_type_id=NULL, $depth=0) {
- // we only want to recurse to as many levels deep as indicated by the
- // $levels variable, but only if this variable is > 0. If 0 then we
- // recurse until we reach the end of the relationships tree.
- if ($levels > 0 and $levels == $depth) {
- return NULL;
- }
- // first get the relationships for this feature
- return _chado_feature_load_relationships($feature_id, 'as_object');
- * Get the relationships for a feature.
- *
- * @param $feature_id
- * The feature to get relationships for
- * @param $side
- * The side of the relationship this feature is (ie: 'as_subject' or
- * 'as_object')
- *
- *
- */
-function _chado_feature_load_relationships($feature_id, $side = 'as_subject') {
- // Get the relationships for this feature. The query below is used for both
- // querying the object and subject relationships
- $sql = "
- FS.name as subject_name, FS.uniquename as subject_uniquename,
- CVTS.name as subject_type, CVTS.cvterm_id as subject_type_id,
- FR.subject_id, FR.type_id as relationship_type_id, FR.object_id, FR.rank,
- CVT.name as rel_type,
- FO.name as object_name, FO.uniquename as object_uniquename,
- CVTO.name as object_type, CVTO.cvterm_id as object_type_id
- FROM {feature_relationship} FR
- INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVT ON FR.type_id = CVT.cvterm_id
- INNER JOIN {feature} FS ON FS.feature_id = FR.subject_id
- INNER JOIN {feature} FO ON FO.feature_id = FR.object_id
- INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVTO ON FO.type_id = CVTO.cvterm_id
- INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVTS ON FS.type_id = CVTS.cvterm_id
- ";
- if (strcmp($side, 'as_object')==0) {
- $sql .= " WHERE FR.object_id = :feature_id";
- }
- if (strcmp($side, 'as_subject')==0) {
- $sql .= " WHERE FR.subject_id = :feature_id";
- }
- $sql .= " ORDER BY FR.rank";
- // Get the relationships.
- $results = chado_query($sql, array(':feature_id' => $feature_id));
- // Iterate through the relationships, put these in an array and add
- // in the Drupal node id if one exists.
- $i=0;
- $nodesql = "SELECT nid FROM {chado_feature} WHERE feature_id = :feature_id";
- $relationships = array();
- while ($rel = $results->fetchObject()) {
- $node = db_query($nodesql, array(':feature_id' => $rel->subject_id))->fetchObject();
- if ($node) {
- $rel->subject_nid = $node->nid;
- }
- $node = db_query($nodesql, array(':feature_id' => $rel->object_id))->fetchObject();
- if ($node) {
- $rel->object_nid = $node->nid;
- }
- $relationships[$i++] = $rel;
- }
- return $relationships;
- * Used to sort the list of relationship parts by start position.
- *
- * @param $a
- * @param $b
- *
- */
-function _chado_feature__residues_sort_rel_parts_by_start($a, $b) {
- foreach ($a as $type_name => $details) {
- $astart = $a[$type_name]['start'];
- break;
- }
- foreach ($b as $type_name => $details) {
- $bstart = $b[$type_name]['start'];
- break;
- }
- return strnatcmp($astart, $bstart);
- * Used to sort the feature locs by start position.
- *
- * @param $a
- * One featureloc record (as an object).
- * @param $b
- * The other featureloc record (as an object).
- *
- * @return
- * Which feature location comes first.
- *
- */
-function _chado_feature__residues_sort_locations($a, $b) {
- return strnatcmp($a->fmin, $b->fmin);