@@ -1,268 +1,268 @@
- * @file
- * Bulk Loader Administration (Miscellaneous)
- */
- * Provides a description page and quick links for the bulk loader
- */
-function tripal_bulk_loader_admin_template() {
- $output = '';
- $output .= '<br /><h3>Quick Links:</h3>';
- $output .= '<ul>'
- . '<li>'
- . t('<a href="@link">Configure settings</a>',
- array('@link' => url('admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/configure')))
- . '</li>'
- . '<li>'
- . t('List <a href="@link">Bulk Loader Jobs</a>',
- array('@link' => url('admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/jobs')))
- . '</li>'
- . '<li>'
- . t('List <a href="@link">Manage Templates</a>',
- array('@link' => url('admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/manage_templates')))
- . '</li>'
- . '<ul>'
- . '<li>'
- . t('<a href="@create">Create</a> a new template',
- array('@create' => url('admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/manage_templates/create')))
- . '</li>'
- . '<li>'
- . t('<a href="@edit">Edit</a> an existing template',
- array('@edit' => url('admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/manage_templates/edit')))
- . '</li>'
- . '<li>'
- . t('<a href="@delete">Delete</a> an existing template',
- array('@delete' => url('admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/manage_templates/delete')))
- . '</li>'
- . '<li>'
- . t('<a href="@import">Import</a> a new template',
- array('@import' => url('admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/manage_templates/import')))
- . '</li>'
- . '<li>'
- . t('<a href="@export">Export</a> an existing template',
- array('@export' => url('admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/manage_templates/export')))
- . '</li>'
- . '</ul>'
- . '</ul>';
- $output .= '<h3>Module Description:</h3>';
- $output .= '<p>This module provides the ability to create loading templates for any tab-delimited '
- . 'data file allowing it to be loaded into chado. The Loading Templates are a direct mapping '
- . 'between the columns in your file and the columns in chado tables. As such to use this tool '
- . 'you need to be very familar with the chado schema -See '
- . l(t('Chado -Getting Started'), 'http://gmod.org/wiki/Chado_-_Getting_Started')
- . '. The ability to add constants and specify foreign key contraints is also provided '
- . 'in order for the loader to fill chado columns which may be required but are not specified '
- . 'in your input file.</p>';
- $output .= '<br />';
- $output .= '<h3>Setup Instructions</h3>';
- $output .= '<p>After intallation of the bulk loader module, the following tasks should be performed:</p>';
- $output .= '<ol>';
- $output .= '<li><b>Install Theme:</b> In order for Bulk Loading pages to be displayed correctly, '
- .'the contents of the Tripal Bulk Loader theme directory ([drupal root]/sites/all/modules/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader/theme) '
- .'should be moved to the base directory of the Tripal theme ([drupal root]/sites/all/themes/tripal). '
- .'Finally the drupal cache should be cleared for the new theme to take effect -navigate to admin/settings/performance '
- .'and click the Clear Cached Data button.</li>';
- $output .= '</ol>';
- return $output;
- * Provides a description page and quick links for template management
- */
-function tripal_bulk_loader_admin_manage_templates() {
- $output = '';
- $output .= '<br /><h3>Quick Links:</h3>';
- $output .= '<ul>'
- . '<li>'
- . t('<a href="@create">Create</a> a new template',
- array('@create' => url('admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/manage_templates/create')))
- . '</li>'
- . '<li>'
- . t('<a href="@edit">Edit</a> an existing template',
- array('@edit' => url('admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/manage_templates/edit')))
- . '</li>'
- . '<li>'
- . t('<a href="@delete">Delete</a> an existing template',
- array('@delete' => url('admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/manage_templates/delete')))
- . '</li>'
- . '<li>'
- . t('<a href="@import">Import</a> a new template',
- array('@import' => url('admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/manage_templates/import')))
- . '</li>'
- . '<li>'
- . t('<a href="@export">Export</a> an existing template',
- array('@export' => url('admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/manage_templates/export')))
- . '</li>'
- . '</ul>';
- $output .= '<p>' . t('Templates, as the term is used for this module, refer to plans
- describing how the columns in the data file supplied to a bulk loading job map to tables
- and fields in chado. Templates are created independently of bulk loading jobs so that
- they can be re-used. Thus you only need one template to load any number of files of the
- same format.') . '</p>';
- return $output;
- * Provides a listing of bulk loader jobs and links for administration
- */
-function tripal_bulk_loader_admin_jobs() {
- $output = '';
- $num_jobs_per_page = 50;
- $output .= '<p>' . t('Jobs are not automatically submitted to the tripal jobs management
- system when they are first created. Any jobs listed below with a status of "Initialized"
- will not have a Job ID until you go to the bulk loader page and submit the job.') . '</p>';
- $header = array(
- array('data' => 'Job ID', 'field' => 'job_id', 'sort' => 'DESC'),
- array('data' => 'Name', 'field' => 'loader_name'),
- array('data' => 'Template', 'field' => 'template_name'),
- array('data' => 'Status', 'field' => 'job_status'),
- array('data' => 'Progress', 'field' => 'progress'),
- '');
- $rows = array();
- $resource = pager_query("SELECT n.*, t.name as template_name, j.progress
- FROM {tripal_bulk_loader} n
- LEFT JOIN {tripal_bulk_loader_template} t ON cast(n.template_id as integer) = t.template_id
- LEFT JOIN {tripal_jobs} j ON n.job_id = j.job_id"
- . tablesort_sql($header),
- $num_jobs_per_page);
- while ($n = db_fetch_object($resource)) {
- $rows[] = array(
- l($n->job_id, 'admin/tripal/tripal_jobs/view/' . $n->job_id),
- l($n->loader_name, 'node/' . $n->nid),
- l($n->template_name, 'admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/manage_templates/edit', array('query' => 'template_id=' . $n->template_id)),
- $n->job_status,
- ($n->progress) ? $n->progress . '%' : '',
- l('View', 'node/' . $n->nid) . ' | ' . l('Edit', 'node/' . $n->nid . '/edit')
- );
- }
- $output .= theme_table($header, $rows);
- $output .= theme('pager');
- return $output;
- * @section
- * Configuration Form
- */
- * A Configuration form for this module
- */
-function tripal_bulk_loader_configuration_form($form_state = NULL) {
- $form = array();
- $form['space'] = array(
- '#type' => 'fieldset',
- '#title' => t('Enable/Disable Functionality'),
- );
- $form['space']['keep_track_inserted'] = array(
- '#type' => 'checkbox',
- '#title' => t('Keep track of inserted record IDs'),
- '#description' => t('This enables the ability to revert an entire loading job even if '
- .'it completed successfully. Furthermore, it displays the number of records '
- .'successfully inserted into each table.'),
- '#default_value' => variable_get('tripal_bulk_loader_keep_track_inserted', FALSE),
- );
- $form['speed'] = array(
- '#type' => 'fieldset',
- '#title' => t('Possible Speed Improvements'),
- );
- $form['speed']['prepare'] = array(
- '#type' => 'checkbox',
- '#title' => t('Use Prepared Statements'),
- '#description' => t('SQL Prepared Statements allow for SQL queries which will be run '
- .'many times to be parsed, rewritten and planned only once rather then every time '
- .'the query is run. In the case of the bulk loader, this ensures that planning only '
- .'occurs once for each "record" in your bulk loading template.'),
- '#default_value' => variable_get('tripal_bulk_loader_prepare', TRUE),
- );
- $form['speed']['disable_triggers'] = array(
- '#type' => 'checkbox',
- '#title' => t('Delay Constraint Checking during loading job.'),
- '#description' => t('This delays the constraint checking until the end of the
- loading proccess.'),
- '#default_value' => variable_get('tripal_bulk_loader_disable_triggers', TRUE),
- );
- $form['speed']['no_validate'] = array(
- '#type' => 'checkbox',
- '#title' => t('Skip Validation at the Tripal Core API level'),
- '#description' => t('If an error is encountered, the Tripal core API will try
- to provide informative error messages. With this turned off, you will not benifit
- from these more informative error messages; however, your job will load faster
- since it doesn\'t have to do the additional checking before inserting.'),
- '#default_value' => variable_get('tripal_bulk_loader_skip_validation', FALSE),
- );
- $form['speed']['transactions'] = array(
- '#type' => 'radios',
- '#title' => t('Transaction Rollback when an error is encountered'),
- '#options' => array(
- 'all' => t('Rollback the last constant set.'
- .'<div class="description"If you added more then one constant set then the
- successfully loaded constant sets will not be rolled back. However, once an error
- is encountered no further constant sets will be loaded either.</div>'),
- 'row' => t('Only Rollback the last line of the input file.'
- .'<div class="description">This option may allow you to restart the job after
- fixing the error (manual intervention needed).</div>'),
- 'none' => t('Do not use transactions<div class="description">This is not recommended.</div>')
- ),
- '#default_value' => variable_get('tripal_bulk_loader_transactions', 'row')
- );
- $form['speed']['lock'] = array(
- '#type' => 'radios',
- '#title' => t('Lock Type'),
- '#description' => t('The type of lock used by the bulk loading jobs. The lock is '
- .'acquired at the beginning of the job and kept till the end. A lock of the type '
- .'selected will be acquired for every table being inserted into.'),
- '#options' => array(
- 'ROW EXCLUSIVE' => t('ROW EXCLUSIVE: The default lock type for insert queries.'),
- 'EXCLUSIVE' => t('EXCLUSIVE: Only Select Queries can access the table.'),
- 'ACCESS EXCLUSIVE' => t('ACCESS EXCLUSIVE: No other queries can access the table.'),
- ),
- '#default_value' => variable_get('tripal_bulk_loader_lock', 'ROW EXCLUSIVE'),
- );
- $form['submit1'] = array(
- '#type' => 'submit',
- '#value' => t('Save')
- );
- return $form;
- * A Configuration form for this module (Submit)
- */
-function tripal_bulk_loader_configuration_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
- variable_set('tripal_bulk_loader_prepare', $form_state['values']['prepare']);
- variable_set('tripal_bulk_loader_disable_triggers', $form_state['values']['disable_triggers']);
- variable_set('tripal_bulk_loader_skip_validation', $form_state['values']['no_validate']);
- variable_set('tripal_bulk_loader_transactions', $form_state['values']['transactions']);
- variable_set('tripal_bulk_loader_lock', $form_state['values']['lock']);
- variable_set('tripal_bulk_loader_keep_track_inserted', $form_state['values']['keep_track_inserted']);
+ * @file
+ * Bulk Loader Administration (Miscellaneous)
+ */
+ * Provides a description page and quick links for the bulk loader
+ */
+function tripal_bulk_loader_admin_template() {
+ $output = '';
+ $output .= '<br /><h3>Quick Links:</h3>';
+ $output .= '<ul>'
+ . '<li>'
+ . t('<a href="@link">Configure settings</a>',
+ array('@link' => url('admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/configure')))
+ . '</li>'
+ . '<li>'
+ . t('List <a href="@link">Bulk Loader Jobs</a>',
+ array('@link' => url('admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/jobs')))
+ . '</li>'
+ . '<li>'
+ . t('List <a href="@link">Manage Templates</a>',
+ array('@link' => url('admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/manage_templates')))
+ . '</li>'
+ . '<ul>'
+ . '<li>'
+ . t('<a href="@create">Create</a> a new template',
+ array('@create' => url('admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/manage_templates/create')))
+ . '</li>'
+ . '<li>'
+ . t('<a href="@edit">Edit</a> an existing template',
+ array('@edit' => url('admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/manage_templates/edit')))
+ . '</li>'
+ . '<li>'
+ . t('<a href="@delete">Delete</a> an existing template',
+ array('@delete' => url('admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/manage_templates/delete')))
+ . '</li>'
+ . '<li>'
+ . t('<a href="@import">Import</a> a new template',
+ array('@import' => url('admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/manage_templates/import')))
+ . '</li>'
+ . '<li>'
+ . t('<a href="@export">Export</a> an existing template',
+ array('@export' => url('admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/manage_templates/export')))
+ . '</li>'
+ . '</ul>'
+ . '</ul>';
+ $output .= '<h3>Module Description:</h3>';
+ $output .= '<p>This module provides the ability to create loading templates for any tab-delimited '
+ . 'data file allowing it to be loaded into chado. The Loading Templates are a direct mapping '
+ . 'between the columns in your file and the columns in chado tables. As such to use this tool '
+ . 'you need to be very familar with the chado schema -See '
+ . l(t('Chado -Getting Started'), 'http://gmod.org/wiki/Chado_-_Getting_Started')
+ . '. The ability to add constants and specify foreign key contraints is also provided '
+ . 'in order for the loader to fill chado columns which may be required but are not specified '
+ . 'in your input file.</p>';
+ $output .= '<br />';
+ $output .= '<h3>Setup Instructions</h3>';
+ $output .= '<p>After intallation of the bulk loader module, the following tasks should be performed:</p>';
+ $output .= '<ol>';
+ $output .= '<li><b>Install Theme:</b> In order for Bulk Loading pages to be displayed correctly, '
+ .'the contents of the Tripal Bulk Loader theme directory ([drupal root]/sites/all/modules/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader/theme) '
+ .'should be moved to the base directory of the Tripal theme ([drupal root]/sites/all/themes/tripal). '
+ .'Finally the drupal cache should be cleared for the new theme to take effect -navigate to admin/settings/performance '
+ .'and click the Clear Cached Data button.</li>';
+ $output .= '</ol>';
+ return $output;
+ * Provides a description page and quick links for template management
+ */
+function tripal_bulk_loader_admin_manage_templates() {
+ $output = '';
+ $output .= '<br /><h3>Quick Links:</h3>';
+ $output .= '<ul>'
+ . '<li>'
+ . t('<a href="@create">Create</a> a new template',
+ array('@create' => url('admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/manage_templates/create')))
+ . '</li>'
+ . '<li>'
+ . t('<a href="@edit">Edit</a> an existing template',
+ array('@edit' => url('admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/manage_templates/edit')))
+ . '</li>'
+ . '<li>'
+ . t('<a href="@delete">Delete</a> an existing template',
+ array('@delete' => url('admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/manage_templates/delete')))
+ . '</li>'
+ . '<li>'
+ . t('<a href="@import">Import</a> a new template',
+ array('@import' => url('admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/manage_templates/import')))
+ . '</li>'
+ . '<li>'
+ . t('<a href="@export">Export</a> an existing template',
+ array('@export' => url('admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/manage_templates/export')))
+ . '</li>'
+ . '</ul>';
+ $output .= '<p>' . t('Templates, as the term is used for this module, refer to plans
+ describing how the columns in the data file supplied to a bulk loading job map to tables
+ and fields in chado. Templates are created independently of bulk loading jobs so that
+ they can be re-used. Thus you only need one template to load any number of files of the
+ same format.') . '</p>';
+ return $output;
+ * Provides a listing of bulk loader jobs and links for administration
+ */
+function tripal_bulk_loader_admin_jobs() {
+ $output = '';
+ $num_jobs_per_page = 50;
+ $output .= '<p>' . t('Jobs are not automatically submitted to the tripal jobs management
+ system when they are first created. Any jobs listed below with a status of "Initialized"
+ will not have a Job ID until you go to the bulk loader page and submit the job.') . '</p>';
+ $header = array(
+ array('data' => 'Job ID', 'field' => 'job_id', 'sort' => 'DESC'),
+ array('data' => 'Name', 'field' => 'loader_name'),
+ array('data' => 'Template', 'field' => 'template_name'),
+ array('data' => 'Status', 'field' => 'job_status'),
+ array('data' => 'Progress', 'field' => 'progress'),
+ '');
+ $rows = array();
+ $resource = pager_query("SELECT n.*, t.name as template_name, j.progress
+ FROM {tripal_bulk_loader} n
+ LEFT JOIN {tripal_bulk_loader_template} t ON cast(n.template_id as integer) = t.template_id
+ LEFT JOIN {tripal_jobs} j ON n.job_id = j.job_id"
+ . tablesort_sql($header),
+ $num_jobs_per_page);
+ while ($n = db_fetch_object($resource)) {
+ $rows[] = array(
+ l($n->job_id, 'admin/tripal/tripal_jobs/view/' . $n->job_id),
+ l($n->loader_name, 'node/' . $n->nid),
+ l($n->template_name, 'admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/manage_templates/edit', array('query' => 'template_id=' . $n->template_id)),
+ $n->job_status,
+ ($n->progress) ? $n->progress . '%' : '',
+ l('View', 'node/' . $n->nid) . ' | ' . l('Edit', 'node/' . $n->nid . '/edit')
+ );
+ }
+ $output .= theme_table($header, $rows);
+ $output .= theme('pager');
+ return $output;
+ * @section
+ * Configuration Form
+ */
+ * A Configuration form for this module
+ */
+function tripal_bulk_loader_configuration_form($form_state = NULL) {
+ $form = array();
+ $form['space'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'fieldset',
+ '#title' => t('Enable/Disable Functionality'),
+ );
+ $form['space']['keep_track_inserted'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'checkbox',
+ '#title' => t('Keep track of inserted record IDs'),
+ '#description' => t('This enables the ability to revert an entire loading job even if '
+ .'it completed successfully. Furthermore, it displays the number of records '
+ .'successfully inserted into each table.'),
+ '#default_value' => variable_get('tripal_bulk_loader_keep_track_inserted', FALSE),
+ );
+ $form['speed'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'fieldset',
+ '#title' => t('Possible Speed Improvements'),
+ );
+ $form['speed']['prepare'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'checkbox',
+ '#title' => t('Use Prepared Statements'),
+ '#description' => t('SQL Prepared Statements allow for SQL queries which will be run '
+ .'many times to be parsed, rewritten and planned only once rather then every time '
+ .'the query is run. In the case of the bulk loader, this ensures that planning only '
+ .'occurs once for each "record" in your bulk loading template.'),
+ '#default_value' => variable_get('tripal_bulk_loader_prepare', TRUE),
+ );
+ $form['speed']['disable_triggers'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'checkbox',
+ '#title' => t('Delay Constraint Checking during loading job.'),
+ '#description' => t('This delays the constraint checking until the end of the
+ loading proccess.'),
+ '#default_value' => variable_get('tripal_bulk_loader_disable_triggers', TRUE),
+ );
+ $form['speed']['no_validate'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'checkbox',
+ '#title' => t('Skip Validation at the Tripal Core API level'),
+ '#description' => t('If an error is encountered, the Tripal core API will try
+ to provide informative error messages. With this turned off, you will not benifit
+ from these more informative error messages; however, your job will load faster
+ since it doesn\'t have to do the additional checking before inserting.'),
+ '#default_value' => variable_get('tripal_bulk_loader_skip_validation', FALSE),
+ );
+ $form['speed']['transactions'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'radios',
+ '#title' => t('Transaction Rollback when an error is encountered'),
+ '#options' => array(
+ 'all' => t('Rollback the last constant set.'
+ .'<div class="description"If you added more then one constant set then the
+ successfully loaded constant sets will not be rolled back. However, once an error
+ is encountered no further constant sets will be loaded either.</div>'),
+ 'row' => t('Only Rollback the last line of the input file.'
+ .'<div class="description">This option may allow you to restart the job after
+ fixing the error (manual intervention needed).</div>'),
+ 'none' => t('Do not use transactions<div class="description">This is not recommended.</div>')
+ ),
+ '#default_value' => variable_get('tripal_bulk_loader_transactions', 'row')
+ );
+ $form['speed']['lock'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'radios',
+ '#title' => t('Lock Type'),
+ '#description' => t('The type of lock used by the bulk loading jobs. The lock is '
+ .'acquired at the beginning of the job and kept till the end. A lock of the type '
+ .'selected will be acquired for every table being inserted into.'),
+ '#options' => array(
+ 'ROW EXCLUSIVE' => t('ROW EXCLUSIVE: The default lock type for insert queries.'),
+ 'EXCLUSIVE' => t('EXCLUSIVE: Only Select Queries can access the table.'),
+ 'ACCESS EXCLUSIVE' => t('ACCESS EXCLUSIVE: No other queries can access the table.'),
+ ),
+ '#default_value' => variable_get('tripal_bulk_loader_lock', 'ROW EXCLUSIVE'),
+ );
+ $form['submit1'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'submit',
+ '#value' => t('Save')
+ );
+ return $form;
+ * A Configuration form for this module (Submit)
+ */
+function tripal_bulk_loader_configuration_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
+ variable_set('tripal_bulk_loader_prepare', $form_state['values']['prepare']);
+ variable_set('tripal_bulk_loader_disable_triggers', $form_state['values']['disable_triggers']);
+ variable_set('tripal_bulk_loader_skip_validation', $form_state['values']['no_validate']);
+ variable_set('tripal_bulk_loader_transactions', $form_state['values']['transactions']);
+ variable_set('tripal_bulk_loader_lock', $form_state['values']['lock']);
+ variable_set('tripal_bulk_loader_keep_track_inserted', $form_state['values']['keep_track_inserted']);