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Periodic check-in

Stephen Ficklin hace 6 años
Se han modificado 4 ficheros con 179 adiciones y 129 borrados
  1. 45 27
  2. 128 92
  3. 6 9
  4. 0 1

+ 45 - 27

@@ -509,9 +509,23 @@ function tripal_entity_access($op, $entity = NULL, $account = NULL, $entity_type
 function tripal_entity_view($entity, $type, $view_mode, $langcode) {
   if ($type == 'TripalEntity') {
+    $bundle = tripal_load_bundle_entity(['name' => $entity->bundle]);
+    $hide_empty = tripal_get_bundle_variable('hide_empty_field', $bundle->id);
+    $use_ajax = tripal_get_bundle_variable('ajax_field', $bundle->id);
+    // Iterate through the fields attached to this entity and add IDs to them
+    // as well as some classe for ajax loading.
     foreach (element_children($entity->content) as $child_name) {
+      // Surround the field with a <div> box for AJAX loading if this
+      // field is unattached.  this will allow JS code to automatically load
+      // the field.
+      $instance = field_info_instance('TripalEntity', $child_name, $entity->bundle);
+      if (!$instance) {
+        continue;
+      }
       // Initailize the prefix and suffix for this field.
       if (!array_key_exists('#prefix', $entity->content[$child_name])) {
         $entity->content[$child_name]['#prefix'] = '';
@@ -519,27 +533,40 @@ function tripal_entity_view($entity, $type, $view_mode, $langcode) {
       if (!array_key_exists('#suffix', $entity->content[$child_name])) {
         $entity->content[$child_name]['#suffix'] = '';
-      // Surround the field with a <div> box for AJAX loading if this
-      // field is unattached.  this will allow JS code to automatically load
-      // the field.
-      $instance = field_info_instance('TripalEntity', $child_name, $entity->bundle);
-      if ($instance and array_key_exists('settings', $instance)) {
-        $class = '';
-        if (array_key_exists('auto_attach', $instance['settings']) and
-            $instance['settings']['auto_attach'] == FALSE and
-            $entity->{$child_name}['#processed'] == FALSE) {
-          // If the field is empty then try to use ajax to load it.
-          $items = field_get_items('TripalEntity', $entity, $child_name);
-          if (count($items) == 0 or empty($items[0]['value'])) {
-            $class = 'class="tripal-entity-unattached"';
-          }
+      $class = '';
+      // Check if this is an AJAX loadable field, and if so set the class.
+      $auto_attach = array_key_exists('auto_attach', $instance['settings']) ? $instance['settings']['auto_attach'] : TRUE;
+      $load_via_ajax = FALSE;
+      if ($use_ajax and $auto_attach == FALSE and $entity->{$child_name}['#processed'] == FALSE) {
+        $class = 'class="tripal-entity-unattached"';
+        $load_via_ajax = TRUE;
+      }
+      // Set the prefix and suffix.
+      $entity->content[$child_name]['#prefix'] .= '<div id="tripal-entity-' . $entity->id . '--' . $child_name . '" ' . $class . '>';
+      $entity->content[$child_name]['#suffix'] .= '</div>';
+      // Remove any auto attached fields if they are empty.
+      if ($hide_empty and !$load_via_ajax) {
+        $field = field_info_field($instance['field_name']);
+        $items = field_get_items('TripalEntity', $entity, $child_name);
+        if (tripal_field_is_empty($field, $items)) {
+          unset($entity->content[$child_name]);
-        $entity->content[$child_name]['#prefix'] .= '<div id="tripal-entity-' . $entity->id . '--' . $child_name . '" ' . $class . '>';
-        $entity->content[$child_name]['#suffix'] .= '</div>';
+  // Add some settings for AJAX to deal with fields.
+  $settings = [
+    'tripal_display' => [
+      'hide_empty' => $hide_empty,
+      'use_ajax' => $use_ajax
+    ]
+  ];
+  drupal_add_js($settings, 'setting');
@@ -560,10 +587,6 @@ function tripal_ajax_attach_field($id) {
     $entity = $result[$entity_id];
-    // Settings for whether to hide fields for this content type.
-    $bundle_info = tripal_load_bundle_entity(array('name' => $entity->bundle));
-    $hide_variable = tripal_get_bundle_variable('hide_empty_field', $bundle_info->id);
     // Get the element render array for this field and turn off the label
     // display. It's already on the page.  We need to get the display from the
     // instance and pass it into the field_view_field. Otherwise it uses the
@@ -571,12 +594,6 @@ function tripal_ajax_attach_field($id) {
     // more investigation.
     $instance = field_info_instance('TripalEntity', $field_name, $entity->bundle);
     $items = field_get_items('TripalEntity', $entity, $field_name);
-    if(count($items) > 0 && tripal_field_is_empty($field, $items)) {
-      return drupal_json_output([
-        'id' => $id,
-        'content' => '',
-      ]);
-    }
     $element = field_view_field('TripalEntity', $entity, $field_name, $instance['display']['default']);
     $element['#label_display'] = 'hidden';
@@ -584,6 +601,7 @@ function tripal_ajax_attach_field($id) {
     return drupal_json_output([
       'id' => $id,
       'content' => $content,
+      'is_empty' => tripal_field_is_empty($field, $items),

+ 128 - 92

@@ -3,89 +3,122 @@
   // Store our function as a property of Drupal.behaviors.
   Drupal.behaviors.tripal = {
     attach: function (context, settings) {
       // If we don't have any settings, this is not a entity page so exit
-      if (!settings.tripal_ds) {
+      if (!settings.tripal_display) {
-      var use_ajax    = parseInt(settings.tripal_ds.tripal_field_settings_ajax) === 1;
-      var hide_fields = settings.tripal_ds.tripal_field_settings_hide !== false;
+      // If the site does not support AJAX loading of fields then we're done.
+      // Tripal will have already removed empty fields that wouldn't have 
+      // needed AJAX loading.
+      var use_ajax = settings.tripal_display.use_ajax;
       if (!use_ajax) {
+      // Attach all fields that require AJAX loading. 
       $('.tripal-entity-unattached .field-items').replaceWith('<div class="field-items">Loading... <img src="' + tripal_path + '/theme/images/ajax-loader.gif"></div>');
       $('.tripal-entity-unattached').each(function () {
         var id = $(this).attr('id');
-        if (id) {
-          var field = new AjaxField(id, hide_fields);
-          if (hide_fields) {
-            field.hidePaneTitle();
-          }
-          field.load();
-        }
+        var hide_empty_field = settings.tripal_display.hide_empty;
+        var field = new TripalAjaxField(id, hide_empty_field);
+        field.attach();
-      // Remove auto attached fields that are empty
-      if (hide_fields) {
-        $('.tripal_pane .field-items').each(function () {
-          if ($(this).text().trim().length === 0) {
-            $(this).parents('tr').first().remove();
-            $(this).parents('.field').first().remove();
-          }
-        });
-      }
+  /*    else {
+  if (pane_id) {
+    $('#' + pane_id).show(0);
+  }
+  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   *                        TripalPane Class
+   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   */
+  /**
+   * TripalPane constructor
+   */
+  function TripalPane(id, hidden) {
+    this.id = id;
+    this.hidden = hidden;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Indicates if the pane has any fields as chidren.
+   */
+  TripalPane.prototype.hasChildren = function() {
+	var num_children = $('.tripal_pane-fieldset-' + this.id)
+	  .first()
+	  .children()
+	  .not('.tripal_pane-fieldset-buttons')
+	  .not('.field-group-format-title')
+	  .not('#' + this.id)
+	  .length > 0;
+	if (num_children > 0) {
+      return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Removes the pan from the HTML of the page.
+   */
+  TripalPane.prototype.remove = function() {
+	var pane = $('#' + this.id);
+    pane.remove();
+    // Remove the pane's title from the TOC.
+    $('#' + this.id).hide(0);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Removes a child from the pane.
+   */
+  TripalPane.prototype.removeChild = function(child_id) {
+    var child = $('#' + child_id);
+    // If this child is within a table then remove the row.
+    var row = child.parents('tr');
+    if (row) {
+      row.remove();
+    }
+    child.remove();
+  }
+  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   *                        TripalAjaxField Class
+   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   */
-   * AjaxField Constructor.
+   * TripalAjaxField Constructor.
    * @param {Number} id
    * @param {Boolean} hide_fields
    * @constructor
-  function AjaxField(id, hide_fields) {
-    this.id          = id;
-    this.hide_fields = hide_fields;
+  function TripalAjaxField(id, hide_empty_field) {
+    this.id = id;
+    this.hide_empty_field = hide_empty_field;
+    // Get the pane that this field beongs to (if one exists).
+    this.pane = this.getPane(); 
-  /**
-   * Hide pane title if the content of the pane has only ajax fields.
-   */
-  AjaxField.prototype.hidePaneTitle = function () {
-    var id      = this.id;
-    var field   = $('#' + id);
-    var classes = field.parents('.tripal_pane').first().attr('class').split(' ');
-    var pane_id = this.extractPaneID(classes);
-    if (pane_id) {
-      // Check if the fieldset has children that are not AJAX fields
-      var has_children = $('.tripal_pane-fieldset-' + pane_id)
-        .first()
-        .children()
-        .not('.tripal_pane-fieldset-buttons')
-        .not('.field-group-format-title')
-        .not('.tripal-entity-unattached')
-        .not('#' + id).length > 0;
-      // If there are no children, hide the pane title
-      if (!has_children) {
-        $('#' + pane_id).hide(0);
-      }
-    }
-  };
    * Load the field's content from the server.
-  AjaxField.prototype.load = function () {
+  TripalAjaxField.prototype.attach = function () {
       url     : baseurl + '/bio_data/ajax/field_attach/' + this.id,
       dataType: 'json',
       type    : 'GET',
-      success : this.handleSuccess.bind(this)
+      success : this.setFieldContent.bind(this)
@@ -94,48 +127,45 @@
    * @param data
-  AjaxField.prototype.handleSuccess = function (data) {
+  TripalAjaxField.prototype.setFieldContent = function (data) {
+	// Get the data items: the content, if this field is empty and the id 
+	// of this field.
     var content = data['content'];
-    var id      = data['id'];
-    var field   = $('#' + id);
-    var classes = field.parents('.tripal_pane').first().attr('class').split(' ');
-    var pane_id = this.extractPaneID(classes);
+    var empty = data['is_empty'];
+    var id = data['id'];
+    // Get the field object.
+    var field = $('#' + id);
+    // First step, set the content for this field.  This will be the
+    // field formatter content.
     $('#' + id + ' .field-items').replaceWith(content);
-    // Hiding of content is not set
-    if (!this.hide_fields) {
+    // If the field is not empty then we're done.  Always show non-empty fields.
+    if (!empty) {
-    // If the field has no content, check to verify the pane is empty
-    // then remove it.
-    if (content.trim().length === 0) {
-      // Remove the field since it's empty
-      field.remove();
-      if (pane_id) {
-        var pane = $('#' + pane_id);
-        // If the pane has only the title and close button, we can remove it
-        var has_children = $('.tripal_pane-fieldset-' + pane_id)
-          .first()
-          .children()
-          .not('.tripal_pane-fieldset-buttons')
-          .not('.field-group-format-title')
-          .not('#' + id)
-          .length > 0;
-        if (!has_children) {
-          pane.remove();
-        }
-      }
+    // If empty fields should not be hidden then return.
+    if (!this.hide_empty_field) {
+      return;
-    else {
-      if (pane_id) {
-        $('#' + pane_id).show(0);
+	// Second, if this field is part of a pane then we need to remove it
+	// from the pane. Otherwise, just remove it.
+	if (this.pane) {
+      // Remove this field from the pane.
+      this.pane.removeChild(id);
+      // If the pane has no more children then remove it.
+      if (!this.pane.hasChildren()) {
+        this.pane.remove();
-    }
+	}
+	else {
+	  field.remove();
+	}
@@ -144,17 +174,23 @@
    * @param classes
    * @return {String|null}
-  AjaxField.prototype.extractPaneID = function (classes) {
+  TripalAjaxField.prototype.getPane = function () {
+	var field = $('#' + this.id);
+	var classes = field.parents('.tripal_pane').first().attr('class').split(' ');
     var sub_length = 'tripal_pane-fieldset-'.length;
-    var pane_id    = null;
+    var pane_id = null;
     classes.map(function (cls) {
       if (cls.indexOf('tripal_pane-fieldset-') > -1) {
         pane_id = cls.substring(sub_length, cls.length);
-    return pane_id;
+    if (pane_id) {
+      var pane = new TripalPane(pane_id, false);
+      return pane;
+    }
+    return null;

+ 6 - 9

@@ -1518,22 +1518,19 @@ function tripal_html5_file_value($element, $input = FALSE, &$form_state) {
  * @param $context
 function tripal_field_display_TripalEntity_alter(&$display, $context){
+  $field = $context['field'];
   $field_name = $context['field']['field_name'];
   $bundle = $context['entity']->bundle;
   $bundle_info = tripal_load_bundle_entity(array('name' => $bundle));
   // Hide fields that are empty, but only if the hide_empty_field variable
   // is set to TRUE for this bundle and ajax load is turned off.
-  $hide_variable = tripal_get_bundle_variable('hide_empty_field', $bundle_info->id);
-  $ajax_field = tripal_get_bundle_variable('ajax_field', $bundle_info->id);
-  if($hide_variable == TRUE && $ajax_field == FALSE){
+  $hide_empty = tripal_get_bundle_variable('hide_empty_field', $bundle_info->id);
+  if ($hide_empty == TRUE) {
     $items = field_get_items('TripalEntity', $context['entity'], $field_name);
-    if($items) {
-      $field = field_info_field($field_name);
-      if(tripal_field_is_empty($field, $items)) {
-        // Stop the right rail element from rendering.
-        drupal_add_css('.' . $field_name.' {display: none;}', 'inline');
-      }
+    if (tripal_field_is_empty($field, $items)) {
+      // Stop the right rail element from rendering.
+      drupal_add_css('.' . $field_name.' {display: none;}', 'inline');

+ 0 - 1

@@ -492,7 +492,6 @@ function tripal_ds_field_display_alter(&$display, $context){
-    drupal_add_js(array('tripal_ds' => array('tripal_field_settings_hide' => $hide_variable, 'tripal_field_settings_ajax' => $ajax_variable)), 'setting');