@@ -39,6 +39,11 @@ abstract class TripalFieldDownloader {
protected $outfile = '';
+ /**
+ * The remote site json data returned for the entity
+ */
+ protected $remote_entity = '';
* Constructs a new instance of the TripalFieldDownloader class.
* @param $bundle_name
@@ -133,7 +138,7 @@ abstract class TripalFieldDownloader {
fwrite($fh, $line . "\r\n");
- print_r($this->bundle_name);
+ //print_r($this->bundle_name);
// Determine if the entity is remote or local.
if (strpos($this->bundle_name, 'bio_data_') !== 0) {
// Get all fields for that remote site/bundle name pairing, put them all in a fake entity
@@ -191,7 +196,31 @@ abstract class TripalFieldDownloader {
//print_r("\n \n");
// This entity needs to be pulled down and data grabbed.
$query = $entity_type . '/' . $single_id;
- $remote_entity = tripal_web_services_remote_request($site_id, $query);
+ $this->remote_entity = tripal_web_services_remote_request($site_id, $query);
+ /**
+ * remote_entity looks like this:
+ * [@context] => http://demo.tripal.info/3.x/sites/default/files/tripal/ws/context/content.v0_1.gene.296.json
+ * [@id] => http://demo.tripal.info/3.x/web-services/content/v0.1/Gene/296
+ * [@type] => gene
+ * [label] => td01_000348m.g
+ * [ItemPage] => http://demo.tripal.info/3.x/bio_data/296
+ * [type] => Gene
+ * [organism] => Array
+ * (
+ * [label] => <i>Tripalus databasica</i>
+ * [genus] => Tripalus
+ * [species] => databasica
+ * )
+ *
+ * [name] => td01_000348m.g
+ * [identifier] => td01_000348m.g
+ * [sequence_checksum] => d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
+ * [time_accessioned] => 2011-06-30 17:00:58.050856
+ * [time_last_modified] => 2011-06-30 17:00:58.050856
+ * [sequence_coordinates] => http://demo.tripal.info/3.x/web-services/content/v0.1/Gene/296/Sequence+coordinates
+ * [relationship] => http://demo.tripal.info/3.x/web-services/content/v0.1/Gene/296/relationship
+ */
+ print_r($this->remote_entity);
@@ -230,7 +259,7 @@ abstract class TripalFieldDownloader {
// This entity needs to be pulled down and data grabbed.
$query = $entity_type . '/' . $entity_id;
- $remote_entity = tripal_web_services_remote_request($site_id, $query);
+ $this->remote_entity = tripal_web_services_remote_request($site_id, $query);
@@ -240,33 +269,29 @@ abstract class TripalFieldDownloader {
// Need the label of the field so we can pull the data from the json.
$fields = [];
$fields = $this->fields;
+ print_r($fields);
+ print_r($site_vocab);
+ /**
+ * $site_vocab will look like this:
+ * [3] => Array(
+ * [property] => data:0842
+ * [hydra:title] => Identifier
+ * [hydra:description] =>
+ * [required] => 1
+ * [readable] =>
+ * [writeable] => 1
+ * [tripal_formatters] => Array
+ * (
+ * [0] => TripalTabDownloader
+ * [1] => TripalCSVDownloader
+ * )
+ * )
+ */
foreach ($fields as $field) {
- foreach ($site_vocab as $item) {
- if (is_array($item)) {
- foreach ($item as $vocab_term) {
- if (!empty($vocab_term) && is_array($vocab_term)) {
- foreach ($vocab_term as $key => $term) {
- if (is_array($$key)) {
- print_r($key);
- if ($key['property'] === $field) {
- if (in_array('hydra:title', $key)) {
- $fields[] = $key['hydra:title'];
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- if ($term['property'] === $field) {
- if (in_array('hydra:title', $term)) {
- $fields[] = $$term['hydra:title'];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ $returned_array = $this->vocabSearch($site_vocab, $field, array());
+ if (in_array('hydra:title', $returned_array)) {
+ print_r($returned_array['hydra:title']);
+ $fields[] = $returned_array['hydra:title'];
@@ -285,8 +310,7 @@ abstract class TripalFieldDownloader {
- }
- //print_r($fake_tripal_entity);
+ };
$lines = $this->formatEntity($fake_tripal_entity);
foreach ($lines as $line) {
fwrite($fh, $line . "\r\n");
@@ -396,6 +420,28 @@ abstract class TripalFieldDownloader {
+ /**
+ * Recursive function to walk down the array looking for the passed value.
+ *
+ * Returns the array of the field with title included.
+ */
+ public function vocabSearch($haystack, $needle, &$current_array) {
+ if (is_array($haystack)) {
+ foreach ($array as $item) {
+ if (is_array($item)) {
+ $current_array = $item;
+ vocabSearch($item, $needle, $current_array);
+ }
+ else {
+ print($item);
+ if (strtolower($item) == strtolower($needle)) {
+ return $current_array;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
* Formats the entity and the specified fields for output.
@@ -419,4 +465,5 @@ abstract class TripalFieldDownloader {
* the header lines for an output file.
abstract protected function getHeader();