@@ -1,24 +1,41 @@
+ * Implements hook_ds_fields_info().
+function tripal_ds_ds_fields_info($entity_type) {
+ $fields = array();
+ $fields['toc'] = array(
+ 'title' => t('Table of Contents'),
+ 'field_type' => DS_FIELD_TYPE_FUNCTION,
+ 'function' => 'tripal_ds_toc_block',
+ );
+ return array('TripalEntity' => $fields);
+function tripal_ds_toc_block($entity_type) {
+ $bundle_name = $entity_type['bundle'];
+ $toc = views_embed_view('tripal_content_type_toc', 'block', $bundle_name);
+ return $toc;
* Implements hook_ds_layout_settings_info().
function _ds_layout_settings_info($bundle_name, $instances) {
- //$all_fields= array(); //was region_right
- $prop_fields = array(); // was region_left
- $summary_fields = array(); // was region_top
- $data_sequence_fields = array(); //was region_bottom
- //$prop_fields = array();
- //$data_sequence_fields = array();
+ $region_right = array();
+ $region_left = array();
+ $prop_fields = array();
+ $summary_fields = array();
+ $data_sequence_fields = array();
$all_other_fields = array();
- //$fields_with_regions = array();
+ $fields_with_regions = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($instances as $key => $instance){
$instance_name = $instance['field_name'];
array_push($summary_fields, $instance_name);
- //$fields_with_regions[$instance_name]= 'top';
+ $fields_with_regions[$instance_name]= 'right';
else {
@@ -34,19 +51,19 @@ function _ds_layout_settings_info($bundle_name, $instances) {
if ($prop_table !== FALSE){
//Properties section instances
array_push($prop_fields, $instance_name);
- //$fields_with_regions[$instance_name]= 'right';
+ $fields_with_regions[$instance_name]= 'right';
elseif ($data_sequence !== FALSE) {
//data sequence section instances
array_push($data_sequence_fields, $instance_name);
- // $fields_with_regions[$instance_name] = 'right';
+ $fields_with_regions[$instance_name] = 'right';
else {
//overview section instances
array_push($summary_fields, $instance_name);
- // $fields_with_regions[$instance_name] = 'top';
+ $fields_with_regions[$instance_name] = 'right';
@@ -54,19 +71,19 @@ function _ds_layout_settings_info($bundle_name, $instances) {
if ($prop_table !== FALSE){
//Properties section instances
array_push($prop_fields, $instance_name);
- // $fields_with_regions[$instance_name]= 'right';
+ $fields_with_regions[$instance_name]= 'right';
elseif ($data_sequence !== FALSE){
//data sequence section instances
array_push($data_sequence_fields, $instance_name);
- // $fields_with_regions[$instance_name]= 'right';
+ $fields_with_regions[$instance_name]= 'right';
else {
//Linker section instances
array_push($all_other_fields, $instance);
- // $fields_with_regions[$instance_name]= 'right';
+ $fields_with_regions[$instance_name]= 'right';
//update the display settings so that the title is hidden
$instance['display']['default']['label'] = 'hidden';
@@ -83,24 +100,26 @@ function _ds_layout_settings_info($bundle_name, $instances) {
_summary_field_group_info($bundle_name, $summary_fields);
//add the fields to the regions
- //array_unshift($summary_fields, 'group_summary_tripalpane', 'group_summary', 'group_summary_table');
- //$fields_with_regions += [ 'group_summary_tripalpane' =>'top', 'group_summary' => 'top', 'group_summary_table' => 'top' ];
+ array_unshift($summary_fields, 'group_summary_tripalpane', 'group_summary', 'group_summary_table');
+ $fields_with_regions += [ 'group_summary_tripalpane' =>'right', 'group_summary' => 'right', 'group_summary_table' => 'right' ];
+ $region_right = $summary_fields + $region_right;
if (!empty($prop_fields)){
_prop_field_group_info($bundle_name, $prop_fields);
- //array_unshift($prop_fields, 'group_prop_tripalpane', 'group_prop', 'group_prop_table');
+ array_unshift($prop_fields, 'group_prop_tripalpane', 'group_prop', 'group_prop_table');
//add the fields to the regions
- //$region_right = array_merge($prop_fields, $region_right);
- //$fields_with_regions += [ 'group_prop_tripalpane' => 'right', 'group_prop' => 'right', 'group_prop_table' => 'right' ];
+ $region_right = $region_right + $prop_fields;
+ $fields_with_regions += [ 'group_prop_tripalpane' => 'right', 'group_prop' => 'right', 'group_prop_table' => 'right' ];
if (!empty($data_sequence_fields)){
_data_sequence_field_group_info($bundle_name, $data_sequence_fields);
- //array_unshift($data_sequence_fields, 'group_sequence_tripalpane', 'group_sequence', 'group_sequence_table');
+ array_unshift($data_sequence_fields, 'group_sequence_tripalpane', 'group_sequence', 'group_sequence_table');
//add the fields to the regions
- //$region_right = array_merge($data_sequence_fields, $region_right);
- //$fields_with_regions += [ 'group_sequence_tripalpane' => 'right', 'group_sequence' => 'right', 'group_sequence_table' => 'right' ];
+ $region_right = $region_right + $data_sequence_fields;
+ $fields_with_regions += [ 'group_sequence_tripalpane' => 'right', 'group_sequence' => 'right', 'group_sequence_table' => 'right' ];
if (!empty($all_other_fields)){
foreach ($all_other_fields as $key => $other_field) {
@@ -120,15 +139,17 @@ function _ds_layout_settings_info($bundle_name, $instances) {
//build the field group
_additional_fields_field_group_info($bundle_name, $other_field['label'], $group_field_name, $fieldset_field_name, $other_field['field_name']);
//update arrays
- //array_push($temporary_field, $group_field_name, $fieldset_field_name, $other_field['field_name']);
- //$region_right = array_merge($region_right, $temporary_field);
- //$fields_with_regions+= [ $group_field_name => 'right', $fieldset_field_name => 'right' ];
+ array_push($temporary_field, $group_field_name, $fieldset_field_name, $other_field['field_name']);
+ $region_right = $region_right + $temporary_field;
+ $fields_with_regions += [ $group_field_name => 'right', $fieldset_field_name => 'right' ];
- /*
+ //add blocks to $region_left
+ array_push($region_left, 'toc');
+ $fields_with_regions += [ 'toc' => 'left'];
//build the ds layout
$record = new stdClass;
$record->id ='TripalEntity|' . $bundle_name . '|default';
@@ -138,23 +159,17 @@ function _ds_layout_settings_info($bundle_name, $instances) {
$record->layout = 'tripal_ds_feature';
$settings = array(
'regions' => array(
- 'top' =>
- $region_top,
- 'left' =>
+ 'left' =>
'right' =>
- 'bottom' =>
- $region_bottom,
'fields' =>
'classes' => array(),
'wrappers' => array(
- 'top' => 'div',
'left' => 'div',
'right' => 'div',
- 'bottom' => 'div',
'layout_wrapper' => 'div',
'layout_attributes' => '',
@@ -165,5 +180,7 @@ function _ds_layout_settings_info($bundle_name, $instances) {
$record->settings = $settings;
drupal_write_record('ds_layout_settings', $record);
- */