@@ -1,4 +1,149 @@
+ * @file
+ * API to manage the chado prop table for various Tripal Node Types
+ *
+ * How To Use:
+ * @code
+ function chado_example_form($form, $form_state) {
+ // When setting the defaults for your form make sure to take into account
+ // that when ajax is fired via a button (which it is for the properties api)
+ // you're user entered data is in $form_state['input'] instead of $form_state['values']
+ // although it has not been validated. Thus make sure you handle values in $form_state['input']
+ // or user input may be loast on addition of properties
+ // All the form array definition particular to your node type
+ // Add the properties form to your current form
+ // get the chado_example properties to be used in the dropdown
+ $properties = array();
+ $properties[] = 'Select a Property';
+ $sql = "
+ SELECT DISTINCT CVT.cvterm_id, CVT.name, CVT.definition
+ FROM {cvterm} CVT
+ INNER JOIN {cv} CV ON CVT.cv_id = CV.cv_id
+ CV.name = :ontology_name AND
+ NOT CVT.is_obsolete = 1
+ ";
+ $ontology_name = 'nameofproptypeontology'; //you need to set this variable with the cv.name of the ontology governing your prop tables type_id
+ $prop_types = chado_query($sql, array(':ontology_name' => $ontology_name));
+ while ($prop = $prop_types->fetchObject()) {
+ $properties[$prop->cvterm_id] = $prop->name;
+ }
+ $exclude = array();
+ $include = array();
+ $instructions = t('To add additional properties to the drop down. ' . l("Add terms to the $ontology_name vocabulary", "admin/tripal/chado/tripal_cv/cvterm/add") . ".");
+ // actually create and add the form
+ tripal_core_properties_form(
+ $form, $form_state, // form and form_state of the current form
+ 'exampleprop', // properties table name
+ 'example_id', // key to link to the chado content created by this node
+ $ontology_name, // name of ontology governing your prop table type_id column
+ $properties, // an array of properties to use in the drop-down
+ $example_id, // the value of the above key
+ $exclude, // elements from the ontology you don't want to be available as property types
+ $include, // additional elements not in the ontology that you do what in the drop-down
+ $instructions, // form specific instructions
+ 'Properties' // name of the fieldset
+ );
+ return $form;
+ }
+ function nodetype_insert($node) {
+ // if there is an example_id in the $node object then this must be a sync so
+ // we can skip adding the chado_example as it is already there, although
+ // we do need to proceed with the rest of the insert
+ if (!property_exists($node, 'example_id')) {
+ // Add record to chado example table
+ // Add to any other tables needed
+ // Add each property (exampleprop table)
+ // example_property = controlled vocab name for exampleprop.type_id
+ $properties = tripal_core_properties_form_retreive($node, 'example_property');
+ foreach ($properties as $property => $elements) {
+ foreach ($elements as $rank => $value) {
+ $success = tripal_core_insert_property(
+ 'example', //base table name
+ $example_id, // key to link to the chado content created by this node
+ $property, // cvterm.name of the property to be added
+ $ontology_name, // name of the ontology the cvterm is from
+ $value // the value o the property
+ );
+ if (!$success) {
+ watchdog(
+ 'tripal_example',
+ 'Example Update: Unable to insert property %cvterm %value.',
+ array('%cvterm' => $property, '%value' => $value),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Add record to chado_example linking example_id to new node
+ }
+ function nodetype_update($node) {
+ // Update record in chado example table
+ // Update any other tables needed
+ // First delete any existing properties
+ tripal_core_chado_delete(
+ 'exampleprop', // the name of the prop table
+ array('example_id' => $example_id) // name of your key and the current value used to determine which to delete
+ );
+ // Add each property (exampleprop table)
+ // example_property = controlled vocab name for exampleprop.type_id
+ $properties = tripal_core_properties_form_retreive($node, 'example_property');
+ foreach ($properties as $property => $elements) {
+ foreach ($elements as $rank => $value) {
+ $success = tripal_core_insert_property(
+ 'example', //base table name
+ $example_id, // key to link to the chado content created by this node
+ $property, // cvterm.name of the property to be added
+ $ontology_name, // name of the ontology the cvterm is from
+ $value // the value o the property
+ );
+ if (!$success) {
+ watchdog(
+ 'tripal_example',
+ 'Example Update: Unable to insert property %cvterm %value.',
+ array('%cvterm' => $property, '%value' => $value),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Don't need to update chado_example linking table since niether example_id or nid can be changed in update
+ }
+ * @endcode
+ */
* Retrieve a property for a given base table record
@@ -329,13 +474,13 @@ function tripal_core_delete_property_by_id($basetable, $record_id) {
- * This function is a wrapper for adding fields to an existing form for managing properties.
+ * This function is a wrapper for adding fields to an existing form for managing properties.
* Many of the chado tables have a corresponding 'prop' table (e.g. analysisprop, contactprop,
* organismprop, etc) and those prop tables all have the same schema. Use this function
* to add all the necessary components to a form for allowing the user to add/edit properties to
* a given record. To retreive properties in hook_insert or hook_update of a node form use
* use the function tripal_core_properties_form_retreive().
- *
+ *
* @param $form
* The Drupal form array into which the properties elements will be added
* @param $form_state
@@ -357,7 +502,7 @@ function tripal_core_delete_property_by_id($basetable, $record_id) {
* @param $exclude
* An optional array of cvterms to exclude when retreiving terms already saved in the database.
* Use this array when properties are present but should be handled elsewhere.
- * For example, for contacts, the description field is stored as a property because
+ * For example, for contacts, the description field is stored as a property because
* the actual field is only 255 characters. The 'contact_description' therefore should
* not be shown in the list of properties, even if present, because it is handled by
* a different form element.
@@ -370,7 +515,7 @@ function tripal_core_delete_property_by_id($basetable, $record_id) {
* array('cvterm' => $obj2, 'value' => $val2),
* ... etc
* );
- * The 'cvterm' key should have as a value an object with these properties: 'name', 'cvterm_id', 'definition'.
+ * The 'cvterm' key should have as a value an object with these properties: 'name', 'cvterm_id', 'definition'.
* @param $instructions
* An optional additional set of instructions for the form properties.
* @param $fset_title
@@ -378,12 +523,12 @@ function tripal_core_delete_property_by_id($basetable, $record_id) {
* @ingroup tripal_properties_api
function tripal_core_properties_form(&$form, &$form_state, $prop_table, $id_field, $cv_name,
- $available_props, $id = NULL, $exclude = array(), $include = array(), $instructions = '',
+ $available_props, $id = NULL, $exclude = array(), $include = array(), $instructions = '',
$fset_title = 'Additional Details') {
$d_removed = array(); // lists removed properties
$num_new = 0; // the number of new rows
// if we are re constructing the form from a failed validation or ajax callback
// then use the $form_state['values'] values
if (array_key_exists('values', $form_state)) {
@@ -396,7 +541,7 @@ function tripal_core_properties_form(&$form, &$form_state, $prop_table, $id_fiel
$d_removed = $form_state['input']['removed'];
$num_new = $form_state['input']['num_new'] ? $form_state['input']['num_new'] : 0;
$form['properties'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t($fset_title),
@@ -411,23 +556,23 @@ function tripal_core_properties_form(&$form, &$form_state, $prop_table, $id_fiel
'#prefix' => '<div id="tripal-generic-edit-properties-table">',
'#suffix' => '</div>',
// this array keeps track of all properties we have and allows the functions
// below to select the next rank if a property is dupliated
$ranks = array();
// add in the properties from the Chado prop table (only pertains to existing analyses)
if ($id) {
tripal_core_properties_form_add_prop_table_props($prop_table, $id_field, $cv_name,
$form, $form_state, $id, $ranks, $d_removed, $exclude, $include);
// add in any new properties that have been added by the user through an AHAH callback
tripal_core_properties_form_add_new_props($form, $form_state, $ranks, $d_removed);
// add an empty row of field to allow for addition of a new property
tripal_core_properties_form_add_new_empty_props($form, $form_state, $available_props);
$form['properties']['table']['#theme'] = 'tripal_core_properties_form';
@@ -527,7 +672,7 @@ function tripal_core_props_form_props_button_submit($form, &$form_state){
* This adds
function tripal_core_properties_form_add_new_props(&$form, &$form_state, &$ranks, &$d_removed) {
// set some default values
$j = 0;
$num_properties = 0;
@@ -574,7 +719,7 @@ function tripal_core_properties_form_add_new_props(&$form, &$form_state, &$ranks
if ($rows > 10) {
$rows = 10;
// add the new fields
$form['properties']['table']['new'][$new_id][$rank]["new_id-$new_id-$rank"] = array(
'#markup' => $cvterm[0]->name
@@ -682,7 +827,7 @@ function tripal_core_properties_form_add_new_props(&$form, &$form_state, &$ranks
* extra properties that were specified manually by the caller.
-function tripal_core_properties_form_add_prop_table_props($prop_table, $id_field, $cv_name,
+function tripal_core_properties_form_add_prop_table_props($prop_table, $id_field, $cv_name,
&$form, $form_state, $id, &$ranks, &$d_removed, $exclude = array(), $include = array()) {
// get the existing properties
@@ -697,7 +842,7 @@ function tripal_core_properties_form_add_prop_table_props($prop_table, $id_fiel
foreach ($include as $prop) {
$all_props[] = $prop;
// now merge in properties saved in the database
$sql = "
SELECT CVT.cvterm_id, CVT.name, CVT.definition, PP.value, PP.rank
@@ -750,7 +895,7 @@ function tripal_core_properties_form_add_prop_table_props($prop_table, $id_fiel
if ($rows > 10) {
$rows = 10;
$form['properties']['table'][$type_id][$rank]["prop_id-$type_id-$rank"] = array(
'#markup' => $name,
@@ -834,7 +979,7 @@ function theme_tripal_core_properties_form($variables) {
function tripal_core_props_theme_node_form_properties($form) {
- $rows = array();
+ $rows = array();
// first add in the properties derived from the prop table
// the array tree for these properties looks like this:
@@ -900,26 +1045,26 @@ function tripal_core_props_theme_node_form_properties($form) {
* This function is used in a hook_insert, hook_update for a node form
* when the properties form has been added to the form. It retrieves all of the properties
* and returns them in an array of the format:
- *
+ *
* $properties[<property name>][<rank>] = <value
- *
+ *
* This array can then be used for inserting or updating properties using the API call
* tripal_hook_insert_property()
- *
+ *
* @param $node
* @param $cvname
* The name of the controlled vocabulary that the properties belong to
- *
+ *
* @return
* A properties array
- *
+ *
* @ingroup tripal_properties_api
function tripal_core_properties_form_retreive($node, $cv_name) {
// now add the properties
$properties = array(); // stores all of the properties we need to add
// get the list of properties for easy lookup (without doing lots of database queries
$properties_list = array();
$sql = "
@@ -935,12 +1080,12 @@ function tripal_core_properties_form_retreive($node, $cv_name) {
while ($prop = $prop_types->fetchObject()) {
$properties_list[$prop->cvterm_id] = $prop->name;
// get the properties that should be added. Properties are in one of two forms:
// 1) prop_value-[type id]-[index]
// 2) new_value-[type id]-[index]
// 3) new_id, new_value
foreach ($node as $name => $value) {
if (preg_match('/^new_value-(\d+)-(\d+)/', $name, $matches)) {
$type_id = $matches[1];