@@ -2,50 +2,46 @@
- * A base class for fields attached to Tripal Entities.
+ * A base for fields attached Tripal Entities.
- * The Field API of Drupal defines three "levels" for fields: field types,
- * fields, and instances of fields. This class attempts to consolidate use
- * of all three "levels". All fields must be of a specific type, and
- * the field types are typically defined using the hook_field_info() hook.
- * Normally, using Drupal's Field API, fields can be created by using the
- * field_create_field() function which defines the parameters and settings
- * for the field. The field_create_instance() function is then used to attach
- * a field to a bundle and to set local parameters and settings for the field
- * when attached to the bundle. There are also a variety of hooks for creating
- * widgets, formatters, customizaing settings forms, loading values, validating
- * widget forms, etc. Rather than use all of these hooks, the TripalField class
- * is used to consolidate and simplify creation and management of Fields.
+ * This class is intended to simplify development of fields for Tripal Entities.
+ * The Drupal Field API can still be used if desired, but the hope for this
+ * class it to put the necessary functions in one place so that other Tripal
+ * developers do not need to suffer the pain of navigating and learning the
+ * Drupal Field API.
- * A module can extend this class to create new fields, and attach them to
- * bundles. The class is structured to allow fields to specify which bundles
- * they want to "automatically" attach. This is a bit different from how fields
- * would normally be attached. But allows a field to be self-aware.
- *
- * All of the functionality for a field is self-contained in the Class
- * implementation. To change functionality a developer need only edit the
- * class file for a field rathaer than look for all of the Field API hook that
- * would typically be spread around the module.
- *
- * This class also supports use of controlled vocabulaaries for providing
- * "types" to these fields. This is important for use with the semantic web
- * support for Tripal v3.
- *
- * AJAX callbacks, and theme functions unfortunately cannot be part of the
- * implementation of this class. To keep all functionality for a field
- * in the same file, it is recommended that those functions, if needed, should
- * be added to the bottom of the file where the child class is housed, and each
- * TripalField child class should each be written in a separate file.
+ * To create a new field that can be attached to a Tripal Entity follow these
+ * steps:
+ * # Create a new class that inherits from TripalField
+ * # Copy the editable constant variables (default_desription, default_label,
+ * default_settings and default_storage) to your class and edit as needed.
+ * Be sure not to rename these variables and be sure to keep the 'static'
+ * qualifier on them.
+ * # Copy the functions you want to override. You will not need to copy the
+ * constructor, the static info() functions, or the getters and setters. In
+ * short you'll typically only need to override the Settingsform funtions,
+ * their validators and submitters, the load() function, and the widgetForm
+ * with it's validator and submitter.
+ * # In your custom module implement the function hook_create_tripalfields()
+ * This function will be called anytime a new TripalEntity is created. It
+ * allows your module to create the new fields. See the documentation for
+ * this function for creating the fields. A field is usually only ever
+ * created once and can be reused on multiple entities. So, even though
+ * this function is called everytime a new TripalEntity is created the fields
+ * will only be created once.
+ * # In your custom module implement the function
+ * hook_create_tripalfield_instance(). This function is called anytime a
+ * new TripalEntity is created. It allows you to specify which fields are
+ * attached to an entity. See the documentation for this hook function for
+ * more information.
class TripalField {
- // An object containing configuration data for this field. The contents
- // of this object come directly from the field_config table of Drupal.
- protected $field;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following constants SHOULD be set for each descendent class. They are
// used by the static functions to provide information to Drupal about
@@ -69,43 +65,41 @@ class TripalField {
// this field.
public static $default_storage = 'tripal_no_storage';
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // An array containing details about the field. The format of this array
+ // is the same as that returned by field_info_fields()
+ protected $field;
+ // An array containing details about an instance of the field. A field does
+ // not have to have an instance. But if dealing with an instance (such as
+ // when using the widgetForm, formatterSettingsForm, etc.) it should be set.
+ protected $instance;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Child classes SHOULD NOT need to override these functions.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Instantiates a new TripalField object.
* @param $field
- * If the field already exists in Drupal, then pass in the $field array
- * for this argument. If nothing is passed in then an "empty" field
- * is created. This is only useful
- *
- * The field must have already been previously created.
+ * An array containing the field data as returned by field_info_field()
+ * @param $instance
+ * (Optional). Set the instance of this field when one is available. This
+ * is necessary when working with instance specific functions such as the
+ * formatterSettingsForm, widgetForm, etc.
- public function __construct($info = array()) {
- // If the field array has been passed in then just link it.
- if (array_key_exists('field', $info)) {
- $this->field = $field;
- }
- // If the field name has been passed in then retreive the form info.
- if (array_key_exists('field_name', $info)) {
- $this->field = field_info_field($field_name);
- }
- // If the field info has been passed in then create the field.
- if (array_key_exists('info', $info)) {
- $this->field = field_create_field($info['info']);
- }
+ public function __construct($field, $instance = NULL) {
+ $this->field = $field;
+ $this->instance = $instance;
// Include any instances that have been created for this field.
- if (is_array($field) and array_key_exists('id', $this->field)) {
+ if (is_array($this->field) and array_key_exists('id', $this->field)) {
$instances = db_select('field_config_instance', 'fci')
- ->condition('field_id', $field['id'])
+ ->condition('field_id', $this->field['id'])
while ($instance = $instances->fetchObject()) {
@@ -115,9 +109,7 @@ class TripalField {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Child classes SHOULD NOT need to override these functions.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -191,9 +183,7 @@ class TripalField {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Child classes SHOULD NOT need to override these functions.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -206,66 +196,18 @@ class TripalField {
return $this->field['field_name'];
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Child classes SHOULD NOT override these functions as needed.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ public function getField() {
+ return $this->field;
+ }
+ public function getInstance() {
+ return $this->instance;
+ }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Child classes SHOULD override these functions as needed.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Performs a check to see disallow attaching of a field instance to a bundle.
- *
- * By default Tripal will try to automatically attach all TripalFields to
- * every bundle. But this is certainly not appropriate.
- * This function should be overridden by a child to ensure it is attached
- * to only desired bundles.
- *
- * This function returns FALSE if this field should NOT be attached to the
- * bundle. This should always be honored by a child class. If the parent class
- * returns FALSE then so should the child. Alternatively, this function
- * returns NULL if there is no good reason to deny attachment and leaves it up
- * to the child class to decide. If the child class does not impolment
- * this function then the NULL is recognized as FALSE by Tripal and the
- * field will not be attached to the bundle. Therefore, it is necessary
- * for the child class to implement this function and return TRUE for
- * bundles to which this field should be attached. Because bundles names
- * use controlled vocabulary terms the child class should be able to
- * determine if it should attach.
- *
- * @param $entity_type
- * The entity type
- * @param $bundle_name
- * The name of the bundle
- *
- * @return
- * FALSE if the child class should return FALSE, NULL if the child class
- * should decide. The child class should always return FAlSE or TRUE. If
- * TRUE is returned then an instance of the field can be attached to the
- * bundle.
- */
-// protected function canAttach($entity_type, $bundle_name) {
-// // Don't attach if it's already attached.
-// if (array_key_exists('bundles', $this->field) and
-// array_key_exists('TripalEntity', $this->field['bundles']) and
-// in_array($bundle_name, $this->field['bundles']['TripalEntity'])) {
-// return FALSE;
-// }
-// // Child classes should check to see if this field can be attached
-// // to the bundle.
-// return NULL;
-// }
* Provides a summary of the formatter settings.
@@ -345,8 +287,7 @@ class TripalField {
* An element array compatible with that returned by the
* hook_field_formatter_view() function.
- public static function formatterView(&$element, $entity_type, $entity,
- $field, $instance, $langcode, $items, $display) {
+ public function formatterView(&$element, $entity_type, $entity, $langcode, $items, $display) {
foreach($items as $delta => $item) {
$element[$delta] = array(
@@ -369,26 +310,46 @@ class TripalField {
* or via web services, or some other mechanism. However, the 'value' is
* sometimes not enough for a field. For example, the Tripal Chado module
* maps fields to table columns and sometimes those columns are foreign keys
- * therefore, the Tripal Chado modules does not use the 'value' but adds
+ * therefore, the Tripal Chado modules does not just use the 'value' but adds
* additional elements to help link records via FKs. But even in this case
- * the 'value' element must always be present in the returne form and in such
+ * the 'value' element must always be present in the return form and in such
* cases it's value should be set equal to that added in the 'load' function.
* @param $widget
* @param $form
+ * The form structure where widgets are being attached to. This might be a
+ * full form structure, or a sub-element of a larger form.
* @param $form_state
- * @param $field
- * @param $instance
+ * An associative array containing the current state of the form.
* @param $langcode
+ * The language associated with $items.
* @param $items
+ * Array of default values for this field.
* @param $delta
+ * The order of this item in the array of subelements (0, 1, 2, etc).
* @param $element
- *
- * @return
- * A Drupal form. See the hook_field_widget_form() function for more information.
+ * A form element array containing basic properties for the widget:
+ * - #entity_type: The name of the entity the field is attached to.
+ * - #bundle: The name of the field bundle the field is contained in.
+ * - #field_name: The name of the field.
+ * - #language: The language the field is being edited in.
+ * - #field_parents: The 'parents' space for the field in the form. Most
+ * widgets can simply overlook this property. This identifies the location
+ * where the field values are placed within $form_state['values'], and is
+ * used to access processing information for the field through the
+ * field_form_get_state() and field_form_set_state() functions.
+ * - #columns: A list of field storage columns of the field.
+ * - #title: The sanitized element label for the field instance, ready for
+ * output.
+ * - #description: The sanitized element description for the field instance,
+ * ready for output.
+ * - #required: A Boolean indicating whether the element value is required;
+ * for required multiple value fields, only the first widget's values are
+ * required.
+ * - #delta: The order of this item in the array of subelements; see
+ * $delta above
- public static function widgetForm(&$widget, &$form, &$form_state, $field, $instance,
- $langcode, $items, $delta, $element) {
+ public function widgetForm(&$widget, &$form, &$form_state, $langcode, $items, $delta, $element) {
$widget['value'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
@@ -463,7 +424,6 @@ class TripalField {
* Loads the field values from the underlying data store.
- * @param $field
* @param $entity
* @param $details
@@ -489,7 +449,7 @@ class TripalField {
- public static function load($field, $entity, $details = array()) {
+ public function load($entity, $details = array()) {