Stephen Ficklin
Made field widgets consistent when checking for default values from form submits
7 years ago |
Stephen Ficklin
Cleaned up unused formatterSettings function in all fields, and fixed data__accession field
7 years ago |
Stephen Ficklin
Added the CV and CVTerm admin pages by moving them from legacy. Creation of content types now supports record association using prop tables. Fixed a few other bugs along the way
7 years ago |
Stephen Ficklin
Added Tripal Views to Tripal v3 (non legacy) and renamed Tripal Chado Views. Fixed several bugs, removed unneeded files
8 years ago |
Chun-Huai Cheng
Fixed bugs for display of custom field title and empty text. Fixed lots of bugs for data__accession, md5checksum, synonym, relationship fields.
8 years ago |
Stephen Ficklin
unlocked all fields... need to revisit that. Fixed bug with theming legacy templaates
8 years ago |
Chun-Huai Cheng
Fixed bugs found when saving an organism or a feature
8 years ago |
Stephen Ficklin
Working through bugs with fields and web services
8 years ago |
Stephen Ficklin
Got field querying working. Web services working again. Added theme function to TripalFieldWidget class
8 years ago |
Stephen Ficklin
Moved Chado settings from field to instance
8 years ago |
Stephen Ficklin
Removed property of TripalField as it's not used until field_create_field function. It's been put in the array. Also properties types are automatically added for all types in the database
8 years ago |
Stephen Ficklin
Adjusted the fields so that the term they are associated with is now in the instance settings. This will allow site admins to change the term, but also allow for flexibility when adding new cvterm and prop fields to an entity
8 years ago |
Stephen Ficklin
Moved field classes into their own directories
8 years ago |