array( 'label' => t('Chado'), 'module' => 'tripal_chado', 'description' => t('Integrates terms stored in the local Chado database with Tripal entities.'), 'settings' => array(), ), ); } /** * Implements hook_vocab_get_vocabularies(). * * This hook is created by the Tripal module and is not a Drupal hook. */ function tripal_chado_vocab_get_vocabularies() { $vocabs = array(); // It's possible that Chado is not available (i.e. it gets renamed // for copying) but Tripal has already been prepared and the // entities exist. If this is the case we don't want to run the // commands below. if (!chado_table_exists('cv')) { return FALSE; } // Make sure the materiailzd view is present. if (!chado_table_exists('db2cv_mview')) { drupal_set_message('Please update the database using "drush updatedb" before continuing'); return FALSE; } $sql = " SELECT as short_name, DB.description, DB.url, DB.urlprefix, SUM(DBCVM.num_terms) as num_terms, array_to_string(array_agg(DBCVM.cvname), ', ') as name FROM {db} DB INNER JOIN {db2cv_mview} DBCVM ON DBCVM.db_id = DB.db_id GROUP BY, DB.description, DB.url, DB.urlprefix ORDER BY "; $results = chado_query($sql, array()); while ($result = $results->fetchAssoc()) { if (!$result['name']) { $result['name'] = $result['short_name']; } $sw_url = $result['urlprefix']; if ($sw_url) { $sw_url = preg_replace('/\{db\}/', $result['short_name'], $sw_url); $sw_url = preg_replace('/\{accession\}/', '', $sw_url); $sw_url = url($sw_url, array('absolute' => TRUE)); } $result['sw_url'] = $sw_url; $vocabs[] = $result; } if (count($vocabs) == 0) { $link = l('populating', 'admin/tripal/storage/chado/mviews/update', array('attributes' => array('target' => '_blank'))); $message = t('If there are no controlled vocabularies it is mostly likely because the db2cv_mview is not populated. Try !populating this mview.', array('!populating' => $link)); tripal_set_message($message, TRIPAL_NOTICE); } return $vocabs; } /** * Implements hook_vocab_get_vocabulary(). * * This hook is created by the Tripal module and is not a Drupal hook. */ function tripal_chado_vocab_get_vocabulary($vocabulary) { // It's possible that Chado is not available (i.e. it gets renamed // for copying) but Tripal has already been prepared and the // entities exist. If this is the case we don't want to run the // commands below. if (!chado_table_exists('cv')) { return FALSE; } // Make sure the materiailzd view is present. if (!chado_table_exists('db2cv_mview')) { drupal_set_message('Please update the database using "drush updatedb" before continuing'); return FALSE; } $sql = " SELECT as short_name, DB.description, DB.url, DB.urlprefix, SUM(DBCVM.num_terms) as num_terms, array_to_string(array_agg(DBCVM.cvname), ', ') as name FROM {db} DB INNER JOIN {db2cv_mview} DBCVM ON DBCVM.db_id = DB.db_id WHERE = :name GROUP BY, DB.description, DB.url, DB.urlprefix "; $result = chado_query($sql, array(':name' => $vocabulary)); $result = $result->fetchAssoc(); if (!$result) { return FALSE; } if (!$result['name']) { $result['name'] = $result['short_name']; } $sw_url = $result['urlprefix']; if ($sw_url) { $sw_url = preg_replace('/\{db\}/', $result['short_name'], $sw_url); $sw_url = preg_replace('/\{accession\}/', '', $sw_url); $sw_url = url($sw_url, array('absolute' => TRUE)); } $result['sw_url'] = $sw_url; return $result; } /** * Implements hook_vocab_get_root_terms(). * * This hook is created by the Tripal module and is not a Drupal hook. */ function tripal_chado_vocab_get_root_terms($vocabulary) { $terms = array(); // It's possible that Chado is not available (i.e. it gets renamed // for copying) but Tripal has already been prepared and the // entities exist. If this is the case we don't want to run the // commands below. if (!chado_table_exists('db')) { return FALSE; } // Get the list of CV's that belong to this vocabulary and get their // roots. $sql = " SELECT * FROM {db2cv_mview} WHERE dbname = :dbname "; $cvs = chado_query($sql, array(':dbname' => $vocabulary)); while ($cv = $cvs->fetchObject()) { $sql = " SELECT cvterm_id FROM {cv_root_mview} CRM WHERE CRM.cv_id = :cv_id "; $results = chado_query($sql, array(':cv_id' => $cv->cv_id)); while($cvterm_id = $results->fetchField()) { $match = array('cvterm_id' => $cvterm_id); $cvterm = chado_generate_var('cvterm', $match); $terms[] = _tripal_chado_format_term_description($cvterm); } } return $terms; } /** * Implements hook_vocab_get_terms(). * * This hook is created by the Tripal module and is not a Drupal hook. */ function tripal_chado_vocab_get_terms($vocabulary, $limit = 25, $element = 0) { // It's possible that Chado is not available (i.e. it gets renamed // for copying) but Tripal has already been prepared and the // entities exist. If this is the case we don't want to run the // commands below. if (!chado_table_exists('cvterm')) { return FALSE; } $sql = " SELECT CVT.cvterm_id FROM {cvterm} CVT INNER JOIN {dbxref} DBX on DBX.dbxref_id = CVT.dbxref_id INNER JOIN {db} DB on DB.db_id = DBX.db_id WHERE = :dbname ORDER BY "; $csql = " SELECT COUNT(CVT.cvterm_id) FROM {cvterm} CVT INNER JOIN {dbxref} DBX on DBX.dbxref_id = CVT.dbxref_id INNER JOIN {db} DB on DB.db_id = DBX.db_id WHERE = :dbname "; $results = chado_pager_query($sql, array(':dbname' => $vocabulary), $limit, $element, $csql); $terms = array(); while($cvterm_id = $results->fetchField()) { $match = array('cvterm_id' => $cvterm_id); $cvterm = chado_generate_var('cvterm', $match); $terms[] = _tripal_chado_format_term_description($cvterm); } return $terms; } /** * Implements hook_vocab_get_term_children(). * * This hook is created by the Tripal module and is not a Drupal hook. */ function tripal_chado_vocab_get_term_children($vocabulary, $accession) { $terms = array(); // It's possible that Chado is not available (i.e. it gets renamed // for copying) but Tripal has already been prepared and the // entities exist. If this is the case we don't want to run the // commands below. if (!chado_table_exists('cvtermpath')) { return FALSE; } // Get the parent cvterm. $match = array( 'dbxref_id' => array( 'db_id' => array( 'name' => $vocabulary, ), 'accession' => $accession, ), ); $cvterm = chado_generate_var('cvterm', $match); if (!$cvterm) { return FALSE; } $cvterm = chado_expand_var($cvterm, 'field', 'cvterm.definition'); // Get the children. $sql = " SELECT DISTINCT subject_id FROM {cvterm_relationship} CVTR WHERE object_id = :object_id "; $results = chado_query($sql, array(':object_id' => $cvterm->cvterm_id)); while($cvterm_id = $results->fetchField()) { $match = array('cvterm_id' => $cvterm_id); $cvterm = chado_generate_var('cvterm', $match); $terms[] = _tripal_chado_format_term_description($cvterm); } return $terms; } /** * Implements hook_vocab_get_term(). * * This hook is created by the Tripal module and is not a Drupal hook. */ function tripal_chado_vocab_get_term($vocabulary, $accession) { // It's possible that Chado is not available (i.e. it gets renamed // for copying) but Tripal has already been prepared and the // entities exist. If this is the case we don't want to run the // commands below. if (!chado_table_exists('cvterm')) { return FALSE; } $match = array( 'dbxref_id' => array( 'db_id' => array( 'name' => $vocabulary, ), 'accession' => $accession, ), ); $cvterm = chado_generate_var('cvterm', $match); if (!$cvterm) { return FALSE; } $cvterm = chado_expand_var($cvterm, 'field', 'cvterm.definition'); return _tripal_chado_format_term_description($cvterm); } /** * A helper functions for the hook_vocab_xxx functions. * * @param $cvterm * A cvterm object. */ function _tripal_chado_format_term_description($cvterm) { $url = $cvterm->dbxref_id->db_id->url; $urlprefix = $cvterm->dbxref_id->db_id->urlprefix; // Generate the URL that can be used for semantic web applications. $sw_url = $urlprefix; if ($sw_url) { $sw_url = preg_replace('/{db}/', $cvterm->dbxref_id->db_id->name, $sw_url); $sw_url = preg_replace('/{accession}/', '', $sw_url); $sw_url = url($sw_url, array('absolute' => TRUE)); } $vocabulary = tripal_chado_vocab_get_vocabulary($cvterm->dbxref_id->db_id->name); $term = array( 'vocabulary' => $vocabulary, 'accession' => $cvterm->dbxref_id->accession, 'name' => $cvterm->name, 'url' => chado_get_dbxref_url($cvterm->dbxref_id), 'definition' => (isset($cvterm->definition)) ? $cvterm->definition : '', ); return $term; } /** * Implements hook_vocab_add_term(). * * This hook is created by the Tripal module and is not a Drupal hook. */ function tripal_chado_vocab_add_term($details) { $vocabulary = $details['vocab']['name']; $accession = $details['accession']; // First check to make sure the term doesn't already exist $term = tripal_chado_vocab_get_term($vocabulary, $accession); if ($term) { return TRUE; } // First make sure the vocabulary is added. $values = array( 'name' => $vocabulary, 'description' => $details['vocab']['description'], 'url' => $details['vocab']['url'], // TODO: deal with the URL prefix ); $options = array('update_existing' => TRUE); chado_insert_db($values, $options); // Second make sure the term is added. $term = chado_insert_cvterm(array( 'id' => $vocabulary . ':' . $accession, 'name' => $details['name'], 'definition' => $details['definition'], 'cv_name' => $details['vocab']['name'], )); // Return TRUE on success. if (!$term) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Implements hook_vocab_import_form(); */ function tripal_chado_vocab_import_form($form, &$form_state) { module_load_include('inc', 'tripal_chado', 'includes/loaders/tripal_chado.obo_loader'); return tripal_cv_obo_form($form, $form_state); } /** * Implements hook_vocab_import_form_validate(); */ function tripal_chado_vocab_import_form_validate($form, &$form_state) { module_load_include('inc', 'tripal_chado', 'includes/loaders/tripal_chado.obo_loader'); return tripal_cv_obo_form_validate($form, $form_state); } /** * Implements hook_vocab_import_form_submit(); */ function tripal_chado_vocab_import_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { module_load_include('inc', 'tripal_chado', 'includes/loaders/tripal_chado.obo_loader'); return tripal_cv_obo_form_submit($form, $form_state); }