getValueList() Method. */ class ChadoFieldGetValuesListTest extends TripalTestCase { // Uncomment to auto start and rollback db transactions per test method. use DBTransaction; // Stores a list of field instances to be tested including their storage method and instance info. private $field_list = NULL; /** * Test getValueList for fields based on columns in the base table. * * @dataProvider getBaseFields * * @group fields * @group getValueList */ public function testBaseTableColumns($field_name, $bundle_name, $info) { include_once(drupal_get_path('tripal_chado', 'module') . '/includes/TripalFields/'); // Construct the Field instance we want the values for. // Specifying "ChadoField" here ensures we are only testing our // implementation of getValueList() and not the custom version for any // given field. // YOU SHOULD TEST CUSTOM FIELD IMPLEMENTATIONS SEPARATELY. $instance = new \ChadoField($info['field_info'], $info['instance_info']); // Retrieve the values. // $values will be an array containing the distinct set of values for this field instance. $values = $instance->getValueList(['limit' => 5]); // Ensure we have values returned! $this->assertTrue( is_array($values), t( 'No values returned for @field_name (bundle: @bundle_name, bundle base table: @bundle_base_table, chado table: @chado_table, chado column: @chado_column).', [ '@field_name' => $field_name, '@bundle_name' => $bundle_name, '@bundle_base_table' => $info['bundle_base_table'], '@chado_table' => $info['instance_info']['settings']['chado_table'], '@chado_column' => $info['instance_info']['settings']['chado_column'], ] ) ); // Ensure there are no more then 5 as specified in the limit above. $this->assertLessThanOrEqual(5, sizeof($values), t('Returned too many results for @field_name.', ['@field_name' => $field_name])); // Ensure a known value is in the list. // Note: The following generates fake data with a fixed value for the column this // field is based on. This allows us to check that fixed value is one of those // returned by ChadoField->getValueList(). $fake_value = $this->generateFakeData($info['bundle_base_table'], $info['base_schema'], $info['instance_info']['settings']['chado_column']); if ($fake_value !== FALSE) { // Re-generate the values... $values = $instance->getValueList(['limit' => 200]); // And ensure our fake value is in the returned list. // We can only check this if all the results are returned. // As such, we set the limit quite high above and if we have // less then the limit, we will go ahead with the test. // @note: this tests all fields on TravisCI since there is no pre-existing data. if (sizeof($values) < 200) { $this->assertContains($fake_value, $values, "\nThe following array should but does not contain our fake value ('$fake_value'): '" . implode("', '", $values) . '.'); } } } /** * DataProvider: a list of fields who store their data in the base table of a * bundle. * * Each element describes a field instance and consists of: * - the machine name of the field (e.g. obi__organism). * - the machine name of the bundle (e.g. bio_data_17). * - an array of additional information including: * - instance_info: information about the field instance. * - field_info: information about the field. * - bundle: the TripalBundle object. * - bundle_base_table: if applicable, the chado base table the bundle * stores it's data in. * - base_schema: the Tripal Schema array for the bundle_base_table. */ public function getBaseFields() { // Retrieve a list of fields to test. // Note: this list is cached to improve performance. $fields = $this->retrieveFieldList(); return $fields['field_chado_storage']['base']; } /** * Test for fields based on columns in the base table that are also foreign * keys. * * @dataProvider getBaseFkFields * @group current * @group fields * @group getValueList */ public function testBaseTableForeignKey($field_name, $bundle_name, $info) { include_once(drupal_get_path('tripal_chado', 'module') . '/includes/TripalFields/'); // Construct the Field instance we want the values for. // Specifying "ChadoField" here ensures we are only testing our // implementation of getValueList() and not the custom version for any // given field. // YOU SHOULD TEST CUSTOM FIELD IMPLEMENTATIONS SEPARATELY. $instance = new \ChadoField($info['field_info'], $info['instance_info']); // Retrieve the values using defaults. // $values will be an array containing the distinct set of values for this field instance. $values = $instance->getValueList(['limit' => 5]); // Ensure we have values returned! $this->assertTrue( is_array($values), t( 'No values returned for @field_name with no label string set (bundle: @bundle_name, bundle base table: @bundle_base_table, chado table: @chado_table, chado column: @chado_column).', [ '@field_name' => $field_name, '@bundle_name' => $bundle_name, '@bundle_base_table' => $info['bundle_base_table'], '@chado_table' => $info['instance_info']['settings']['chado_table'], '@chado_column' => $info['instance_info']['settings']['chado_column'], ] ) ); // Ensure there are no more then 5 as specified in the limit above. $this->assertLessThanOrEqual(5, sizeof($values), t('Returned too many results for @field_name.', ['@field_name' => $field_name])); // Ensure it works with a label string set. // Ensure a known value is in the list. // Note: The following generates fake data with a fixed value for the column this // field is based on. This allows us to check that fixed value is one of those // returned by ChadoField->getValueList(). $fake_fk_record = $this->generateFakeData($info['bundle_base_table'], $info['base_schema'], $info['instance_info']['settings']['chado_column'], $info['fk_table']); if ($fake_fk_record !== FALSE) { // We also want to test the label string functionality. // Grab two columns at random from the related table... $schema = chado_get_schema($info['fk_table']); $fk_table_fields = array_keys($schema['fields']); $use_in_label = array_rand($fk_table_fields, 2); $column1 = $fk_table_fields[$use_in_label[0]]; $column2 = $fk_table_fields[$use_in_label[1]]; // The label string consists of tokens of the form [column_name]. $label_string = '[' . $column2 . '] ([' . $column1 . '])'; // Re-generate the values... $values = $instance->getValueList([ 'limit' => 200, 'label_string' => $label_string, ]); // And ensure our fake value is in the returned list. // We can only check this if all the results are returned. // As such, we set the limit quite high above and if we have // less then the limit, we will go ahead with the test. // @note: this tests all fields on TravisCI since there is no pre-existing data. if (sizeof($values) < 200) { $fixed_key = $fake_fk_record->{$info['fk_table'] . '_id'}; $this->assertArrayHasKey($fixed_key, $values, "\nThe following array should but does not contain our fake record: " . print_r($fake_fk_record, TRUE)); // Now test the label of the fake record option is what we expect // based on the label string we set above. $expected_label = $fake_fk_record->{$column2} . ' (' . $fake_fk_record->{$column1} . ')'; $this->assertEquals($expected_label, $values[$fixed_key], "\nThe label should have been '$label_string' with the column values filled in."); } } } /** * DataProvider: a list of fields who store their data in the base table of a * bundle. * * Each element describes a field instance and consists of: * - the machine name of the field (e.g. obi__organism). * - the machine name of the bundle (e.g. bio_data_17). * - an array of additional information including: * - instance_info: information about the field instance. * - field_info: information about the field. * - bundle: the TripalBundle object. * - bundle_base_table: if applicable, the chado base table the bundle * stores it's data in. * - base_schema: the Tripal Schema array for the bundle_base_table. */ public function getBaseFkFields() { // Retrieve a list of fields to test. // Note: this list is cached to improve performance. $fields = $this->retrieveFieldList(); return $fields['field_chado_storage']['foreign key']; } /** * Test for fields based on tables besides the base one for the bundle. * CURRENTLY RETRIEVING VALUES FOR THESE TABLES IS NOT SUPPORTED. * * @dataProvider getNonBaseFields * * @group fields * @group getValueList */ public function testNonBaseTable($field_name, $bundle_name, $info) { include_once(drupal_get_path('tripal_chado', 'module') . '/includes/TripalFields/'); // Construct the Field instance we want the values for. // Specifying "ChadoField" here ensures we are only testing our // implementation of getValueList() and not the custom version for any // given field. // YOU SHOULD TEST CUSTOM FIELD IMPLEMENTATIONS SEPARATELY. $instance = new \ChadoField($info['field_info'], $info['instance_info']); // Supress tripal errors putenv("TRIPAL_SUPPRESS_ERRORS=TRUE"); ob_start(); try { // Retrieve the values. // $values will be an array containing the distinct set of values for this field instance. $values = $instance->getValueList(['limit' => 5]); // @todo Check that we got the correct warning message. // Currently we can't check this because we need to supress the error in order to keep it from printing // but once we do, we can't access it ;-P } catch (Exception $e) { $this->fail("Although we don't support values lists for $field_name, it still shouldn't produce an exception!"); } // Clean the buffer and unset tripal errors suppression ob_end_clean(); putenv("TRIPAL_SUPPRESS_ERRORS"); $this->assertFalse($values, "We don't support retrieving values for $field_name since it doesn't store data in the base table."); } /** * DataProvider: a list of fields who store their data in the base table of a * bundle. * * Each element describes a field instance and consists of: * - the machine name of the field (e.g. obi__organism). * - the machine name of the bundle (e.g. bio_data_17). * - an array of additional information including: * - instance_info: information about the field instance. * - field_info: information about the field. * - bundle: the TripalBundle object. * - bundle_base_table: if applicable, the chado base table the bundle * stores it's data in. * - base_schema: the Tripal Schema array for the bundle_base_table. */ public function getNonBaseFields() { // Retrieve a list of fields to test. // Note: this list is cached to improve performance. $fields = $this->retrieveFieldList(); return $fields['field_chado_storage']['referring']; } /** * Returns a list of Fields sorted by their backend, etc. for use in tests. */ private function retrieveFieldList() { if ($this->field_list === NULL) { $this->field_list = []; // field_info_instances() retrieves a list of all the field instances in the current site, // indexed by the bundle it is attached to. // @todo use fake bundles here to make these tests less dependant upon the current site. $bundles = field_info_instances('TripalEntity'); foreach ($bundles as $bundle_name => $fields) { // Load the bundle object to later determine the chado table. $bundle = tripal_load_bundle_entity(['name' => $bundle_name]); // For each field instance... foreach ($fields as $field_name => $instance_info) { $bundle_base_table = $base_schema = NULL; // Load the field info. $field_info = field_info_field($field_name); // Determine the storage backend. $storage = $field_info['storage']['type']; // If this field stores it's data in chado... // Determine the relationship between this field and the bundle base table. $rel = NULL; if ($storage == 'field_chado_storage') { // We need to know the table this field stores it's data in. $bundle_base_table = $bundle->data_table; // and the schema for that table. $base_schema = chado_get_schema($bundle_base_table); // and the table this field stores it's data in. $field_table = $instance_info['settings']['chado_table']; $field_column = $instance_info['settings']['chado_column']; // By default we simply assume there is some relationship. $rel = 'referring'; $rel_table = NULL; // If the field and bundle store their data in the same table // then it's either a "base" or "foreign key" relationship // based on the schema. if ($bundle_base_table == $field_table) { // We assume it's not a foreign key... $rel = 'base'; // and then check the schema to see if we're wrong :-) foreach ($base_schema['foreign keys'] as $schema_info) { if (isset($schema_info['columns'][$field_column])) { $rel = 'foreign key'; $rel_table = $schema_info['table']; } } } } // Store all the info about bundle, field, instance, schema for use in the test. $info = [ 'field_name' => $field_name, 'bundle_name' => $bundle_name, 'bundle' => $bundle, 'bundle_base_table' => $bundle_base_table, 'base_schema' => $base_schema, 'field_info' => $field_info, 'instance_info' => $instance_info, 'fk_table' => $rel_table, ]; // Create a unique key. $key = $bundle_name . '--' . $field_name; // If this bundle uses chado and we know the fields relationship to the base // chado table, then we want to index the field list by that relationship. if ($rel) { $this->field_list[$storage][$rel][$key] = [ $field_name, $bundle_name, $info, ]; } else { $this->field_list[$storage][$key] = [ $field_name, $bundle_name, $info, ]; } } } } return $this->field_list; } /** * Generate fake data for a given bundle. * * If only the first parameter is provided this function adds fake data to * the indicated chado table. If the third parameter is provided the * generated fake data will have a fixed value for the indicated column. * * @return * Returns FALSE if it was unable to create fake data. */ private function generateFakeData($chado_table, $schema, $fixed_column = FALSE, $fk_table = FALSE) { $faker = \Faker\Factory::create(); // First, do we have a factory? We can't generate data without one... if (!Factory::exists('chado.' . $chado_table)) { return FALSE; } // Create fake data -TripalTestSuite will use faker for all values. if ($fixed_column === FALSE) { factory('chado.' . $chado_table, 50)->create(); return TRUE; } // Attempt to create a fixed fake value. // This needs to match the column type in the chado table and if the column is a // foreign key, this value should match a fake record in the related table. $fake_value = NULL; // If we weren't told the related table then we assume this is a simple column (not a foreign key). if ($fk_table === FALSE) { $column_type = $schema[$fixed_column]['type']; if (($column_type == 'int')) { $fake_value = $faker->randomNumber(); } elseif (($column_type == 'varchar') OR ($column_type == 'text')) { $fake_value = $faker->words(2, TRUE); } if ($fake_value !== NULL) { factory('chado.' . $chado_table)->create([ $fixed_column => $fake_value, ]); return $fake_value; } } // Otherwise, we need to create a fixed fake record in the related table and then // use it in our fake data for the chado table. else { // Create our fixed fake record in the related table. $fake_table_record = factory('chado.' . $fk_table)->create(); // Again, if we don't have a factory :-( there's nothing we can do. if (!Factory::exists('chado.' . $fk_table)) { return FALSE; } // Now create our fake records. if (isset($fake_table_record->{$fk_table . '_id'})) { factory('chado.' . $chado_table)->create([ $fixed_column => $fake_table_record->{$fk_table . '_id'}, ]); return $fake_table_record; } } return FALSE; } }