Tripal Feature Administrative Tools Quick Links:

Module Description:

The Tripal Feature module provides a new feature content type and interface for genomic features.

Setup Instructions:

After installation of the feature module. The following tasks should be performed

  1. Set Permissions: By default only the site administrator account has access to create, edit, delete or administer features. Navigate to the and set the permissions under the 'tripal_feature' section as appropriate for your site. For a simple setup, allow anonymous users access to view content and create a special role for creating, editing and other administrative tasks.

  2. Loading of Ontologies: Before loading genomic features you must also have several vocabularies loaded as well. Using the you should load the following ontologies:

  3. Create Organisms: Before adding feature data you must already have the organisms loaded in the database. See the for instructions for adding and Syncing organisms.

  4. Create an Analysis: Tripal requires that feature data loaded using the Tripal loaders be associated with an analyis. This provides a grouping for the feature data and can be used later to visualize data pipelines. Before loading feature data through the FASTA or GFF loaders you will need to for the data.

  5. Create Database Cross References: If you would like to associate your feature data with an external database, check to ensure that the . If not you should before importing feature data. Be sure to set the URL and URL prefix for the database if you would like accessions (e.g. GO terms, NCBI accession) to link out to the external database.

  6. Data Import: if you do not already have an existing Chado database with preloaded data then you will want to import data. You can do so using the Chado perl scripts that come with the normal distribution of Chado or you can use the FASTA loader and GFF loader provided here. If you created the Chado database using Tripal then you'll most likely want to use the Tripal loaders. If your data is not condusive for loading with these loaders and you can get your data into a tab-delimited format you can use Tripals' bulk loader.

  7. Sync Features: After data is loaded you need to sync features. This process is what creates the pages for viewing online. Not all features need be synced. For instance, if you have loaded whole genome sequence with fully defined gene models with several features to define a gene and its products (e.g. gene, mRNA, CDS, 5\'UTR, 3\'UTR, etc) you probably only want to create pages for genes or genes and mRNA. You probably do not want a page for a 5\'UTR. Using the Feature Sync page you can sync (or create pages) for the desired feature types.

  8. Set Feature URL: It is often convenient to have a simple URL for each feature page. For example,[feature], where [feature] is a unique identifier for a feature page. With this, people can easily include links to feature pages of interest. Use the Feature Configuration page to specify whether to use the feature name, unique name or internal ID as the [feature] portion of the URL. Select the one that will guarantee a unique identifier for feature pages.

Features of this Module:

Aside from data loading and feature page setup (as described in the Setup section above), The Tripal feature module also provides the following functionality