'analysis_id', 'field' => 'analysis_id', 'handler' => 'views_handler_join_chado_aggregator', 'pre-aggregated' => TRUE | FALSE //whether the table is already aggregated (contains arrays) 'table_aggregated' => CURRENT | LEFT //the table which has many records for each record in the other ); * @endcode */ class views_handler_join_chado_aggregator extends views_join { // PHP 4 doesn't call constructors of the base class automatically from a // constructor of a derived class. It is your responsibility to propagate // the call to constructors upstream where appropriate. function construct($table = NULL, $left_table = NULL, $left_field = NULL, $field = NULL, $extra = array(), $type = 'LEFT', $added = NULL) { parent::construct($table, $left_table, $left_field, $field, $extra, $type); // Determine the postgresql version $postgresql_version = pg_version(); $this->postgresql_version = $postgresql_version['client']; // If version is 9.0+ then indicate // Needed to apply sorting for aggregated fields if (intval($postgresql_version['client']) >= 9) { $this->postgresql_9up = TRUE; } } /** * Creates SQL including aggregation query used in join */ function join($table, &$query) { $opt = array( 'table' => $this->definition['table'], 'field' => $this->definition['field'], 'left_table' => $this->definition['left_table'], 'left_field' => $this->definition['left_field'], 'table_aggregated' => $this->definition['table_aggregated'], 'sort' => $this->sort, 'filter' => $this->filter, 'postgresql_9up' => $this->postgresql_9up, ); $output = $this->aggregate_join($query, $opt); return implode("\n", $output); } function aggregate_join(&$query, $opt) { // Create the table SQL (used in join) ------- // query creating one-to-one table using array_agg // Only aggregate each field if it the join table hadn't been pre-aggregated // Example where it might be pre-aggregated: Materialized view if (!$this->definition['pre-aggregated']) { $sql = $this->get_aggregate_sql_for_table_field($opt); // Create the join (full SQL) ---------------- $output[] = $this->create_single_join( $query, array( 'table' => $opt['table'], 'field' => $opt['field'], 'table_sql' => $sql, 'is_drupal' => FALSE, ), array( 'table' => $opt['left_table'], 'field' => $opt['left_field'], ), 'LEFT' ); // Otherwise the table has been pre-aggregated // Then only need to do a regular join with any in where } else { // Create the join $current_table_spec = array( 'table' => $opt['table'], 'field' => $opt['field'], 'is_drupal' => FALSE, ); $left_table_spec = array( 'table' => $opt['left_table'], 'field' => $opt['left_field'], ); switch ($opt['table_aggregated']) { default: case 'CURRENT': $current_table_spec['pre-aggregated'] = TRUE; break; case 'LEFT': $left_table_spec['pre-aggregated'] = TRUE; break; } $output[] = $this->create_single_join( $query, $current_table_spec, $left_table_spec, 'LEFT' ); } return $output; } /** * Create the SQL needed to aggregate a table */ function get_aggregate_sql_for_table_field($opt) { // Determine Order BY's for aggregates $order_by = array(); if (!is_array($opt['sort'])) { $opt['sort'] = array(); } foreach ($opt['sort'] as $s) { $order_by[] = $s['table'] . '.' . $s['field'] . ' ' . $s['order']; } // get table description (if defined via schema api) $table_desc = tripal_core_get_chado_table_schema($opt['table']); $select_fields[ $opt['table'] ] = $table_desc['fields']; if (!empty($table_desc)) { // Add joins to tables with a foreign key in this table // (ie: add join to cvterm if this table has a type_id $joins = array(); foreach ($table_desc['foreign keys'] as $defn) { if ($defn['table'] != $opt['left_table']) { foreach ( $defn['columns'] as $left => $right) { $left = $opt['table'] . '.' . $left; $right = $defn['table'] . '.' . $right; $joins[] = "LEFT JOIN $defn[table] $defn[table] ON $left=$right"; } // Fields to be selected from joined table $join_table = tripal_core_get_chado_table_schema($defn['table']); $select_fields[ $defn['table'] ] = $join_table['fields']; } } // Fields to be selected foreach ($select_fields as $table => $table_fields) { foreach ($table_fields as $fname => $f) { $alias = ''; if ($table != $opt['table']) { $alias = $table . '_'; } if ($fname != $opt['field']) { // Add sort to aggregate field if postgreSQL 9.0+ if ($opt['postgresql_9up'] && !empty($order_by)) { $fields[] = 'array_agg(' . $table . '.' . $fname . ' ORDER BY ' . implode(',', $order_by) . ') as ' . $alias . $fname; } else { $fields[] = 'array_agg(' . $table . '.' . $fname . ') as '. $alias . $fname; } $composite_field_parts[] = "'" . $alias . $fname . "::' ||" . $table . '.' . $fname; } else { $fields[] = $fname; $composite_field_parts[] = "'" . $alias . $fname . "::' ||" . $table . '.' . $fname; } } } // There is no definition in schema api // then use postgresql select } else { // No known foreign key reelationships $joins = array(); // Fields to be selected $sql = "SELECT attname as column, format_type(atttypid, atttypmod) as datatype FROM pg_attribute, pg_type WHERE typname='nd_genotype_experiment' AND attrelid=typrelid AND attname NOT IN ('cmin','cmax','ctid','oid','tableoid','xmin','xmax')"; $resource = chado_query($sql); while ($r = db_fetch_object($resource)) { $table = $opt['table']; $alias = ''; //no alias needed if table is current table (only option if no schema api definition) $fname = $r->column; if ($fname != $opt['field']) { // Add sort to aggregate field if postgreSQL 9.0+ if ($opt['postgresql_9up'] && !empty($order_by)) { $fields[] = 'array_agg(' . $table . '.' . $fname . ' ORDER BY ' . implode(',', $order_by) . ') as ' . $alias . $fname; } else { $fields[] = 'array_agg(' . $table . '.' . $fname . ') as ' . $alias . $fname; } $composite_field_parts[] = "'" . $alias . $fname . "::' ||" . $table . '.' . $fname; } else { $fields[] = $fname; $composite_field_parts[] = "'" . $alias . $fname . "::' ||" . $table . '.' . $fname; } } } // composite field // (combines all other fields before aggregating) // Add sort to aggregate field if postgreSQL 9.0+ if ($opt['postgresql_9up'] && !empty($order_by)) { $composite_field = "array_agg('{'||" . implode(" || ',' || ", $composite_field_parts) . "||'}' ORDER BY " . implode(',', $order_by) . ") as all"; } else { $composite_field = "array_agg('{'||" . implode(" || ',' || ", $composite_field_parts) . "||'}') as all"; } $fields[] = $composite_field; // SQL to use in the join $sql = 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $fields) .' FROM ' . $opt['table'] .' ' . implode(' ', $joins); if (!empty($opt['filter'])) { $sql .= ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $opt['filter']); } $sql .= ' GROUP BY ' . $opt['field']; return $sql; } /** * Creates SQL for a single join based on parameters * Join will be: JOIN () * ON = */ function create_single_join(&$query, $right_spec, $left_spec, $join_type) { if ($right_spec['table']) { $right = $query->get_table_info($right_spec['table']); if (!$right['alias']) { $right['alias'] = $right_spec['table']; } $right_field = "$right[alias].$right_spec[field]"; // Add any() around field if already aggregated if ($right_spec['pre-aggregated']) { $right_field = "any(" . $right_field . ")"; } // Add drupal { } around table if ($right_spec['is_drupal']) { $right_table = '{' . $right_spec['table'] . '}'; } else { $right_table = $right_spec['table']; } } if ($left_spec['table']) { $left = $query->get_table_info($left_spec['table']); if (!$left['alias']) { $left['alias'] = $left_spec['table']; } $left_field = "$left[alias].$left_spec[field]"; } else { // This can be used if left_field is a formula or something. It should be used only *very* rarely. $left_field = $this->left_spec['field']; } // Add any() around field if already aggregated if ($left_spec['pre-aggregated']) { $left_field = "any(" . $left_field . ")"; } // Concatenate parts together to form join sql if (!empty($right_spec['table_sql'])) { $output = " $join_type JOIN ($right_spec[table_sql]) $right[alias] ON $left_field = $right_field"; } else { $output = " $join_type JOIN $right_spec[table] $right[alias] ON $left_field = $right_field"; } return $output; } }