[GENERAL] description = <#gbrowse_name#> db_adaptor = Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store db_args = -adaptor DBI::mysql -dsn dbi:mysql:database=<#database_name#>;host=localhost -user 'www-data' plugins = BatchDumper FastaDumper Submitter # Web site configuration info gbrowse root = gbrowse stylesheet = gbrowse.css buttons = images/buttons js = js tmpimages = tmp region segment = 100000 # advanced features balloon tips = 1 balloon style = GBox drag and drop = 1 # one hour cache time = 0 # where to link to when user clicks in detailed view link = AUTO # what image widths to offer image widths = 450 640 800 1024 # default width of detailed view (pixels) default width = 640 # max and default segment sizes for detailed view max segment = 500000 default segment = 50000 # zoom levels zoom levels = 50 100 200 1000 2000 5000 10000 20000 40000 100000 200000 500000 1000000 # whether to show the sources popup menu (0=false, 1=true; defaults to true) show sources = 1 # colors of the overview, detailed map and key overview bgcolor = #EAF3D1 detailed bgcolor = #EAF3D1 key bgcolor = lightgrey # color of the selection rectangle hilite fill = honeydew hilite outline = darkseagreen # examples to show in the introduction #examples = MtChr1:325500..329900 MtChr1:182000..199000 MtChr1:148000..193000 MtChr3:42058653..42059652 # "automatic" classes to try when an unqualified identifier is given automatic classes = Symbol Gene Clone ### HTML TO INSERT AT VARIOUS STRATEGIC LOCATIONS ### # inside the section head = # at the top... #header = Pulse Crop GBrowse # a footer #footer =
# For the source code for this browser, see the Generic Model Organism Database Project. For other questions, send # mail to lacey.sanderson@usask.ca. #
$Id: Medicago Assembly 3.5, Pulse GBrowse v 1.0 02/02/2011 laceysanderson Exp $
# Various places where you can insert your own HTML -- see configuration docs html1 = #html2 =

All features are displayed on the Medicago 3.5 chromosomes regardless of species of origin.

html3 = html4 = html5 = html6 = # Advanced feature: custom balloons custom balloons = [balloon] delayTime = 500 [GBox] balloonImage = Box.png stem = 0 vOffset = 20 hOffset = 20 padding = 1 shadow = 0 # Advanced feature: an example of a customized popup mentu for rubber band selection [OVERVIEW SELECT MENU] width = 100 html =
[DETAIL SELECT MENU] width = 250 html =
Zoom in
Recenter on this region
Dump selection as FASTA
Submit selection to NCBI BLAST
# Configuration for submitter plugin (used in above menu) [Submitter:plugin] submitter = [NCBI_BLAST] confirm = 1 url = http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/Blast.cgi seq_label = QUERY PAGE = Nucleotides PROGRAM = blastn DATABASE = nr CLIENT = web CMD = put # Default glyph settings [TRACK DEFAULTS] glyph = generic height = 8 bgcolor = cyan fgcolor = cyan label density = 25 bump density = 100 link = AUTO link_target = _blank [Genes] feature = gene glyph = transcript key = Genes