fetchField(); if (preg_match('/PostgreSQL (\d+)\.(\d+)/', $version_string, $matches)) { $version = array('major' => $matches[1], 'minor' => $matches[2]); } // If we can't determine the version then use the deprecated method. else { $version = array('major' => 8, 'minor' => 4); } // First check to see if there are any tripal jobs to be run. if ($version['major'] >= 9 ) { $waiting_jobs = db_query( "SELECT count(*) as count, array_to_string(array_agg(j.job_id ORDER BY j.priority ASC, j.job_id ASC),'|') as jobs FROM {tripal_jobs} j WHERE j.status = 'Waiting'" )->fetchObject(); } else { $waiting_jobs = db_query( "SELECT count(*) as count, array_to_string(array_agg(j.job_id),'|') as jobs FROM (SELECT * FROM {tripal_jobs} WHERE j.status = 'Waiting' ORDER BY priority ASC, job_id ASC) as j" )->fetchObject(); } $num_waiting_jobs = $waiting_jobs->count; $job_ids = explode('|', $waiting_jobs->jobs); // If there are then run them and log the output. if ($num_waiting_jobs > 0) { $this->log($num_waiting_jobs . ' Waiting Tripal Jobs... ' . 'Running waiting job(s) now.'); // Launch all tripal jobs :) Yay for bootstrapping!! foreach ($job_ids as $id) { $this->log('Starting Job (ID=' . $id . ')', '', 1); // We would like to log the output from the job. // However, most tripal jobs simply print to the screen :-( // Thus we have to use output buffering to capture the output. // Start Buffering. ob_start(); // Launch Tripal Job. tripal_launch_job(FALSE, $id); // Save the buffer to the log and stop buffering. $this->log(str_repeat('=', 80)); $this->log(ob_get_clean()); $this->log(str_repeat('=', 80)); // Report job details. $job = db_query( "SELECT j.* FROM {tripal_jobs} j WHERE j.job_id = :jid", array(':jid' => $id) )->fetchObject(); $this->log("Job completed at " . date('d M Y H:i:s', $job->end_time) . " with a status of '" . $job->status . "'", "", 1); } } else { $this->log('There are no Tripal Jobs to run'); } } }