fetchObject()) { $organisms[$organism->organism_id] = "$organism->genus $organism->species ($organism->common_name)"; } $form['organism_id'] = [ '#title' => t('Existing Organism'), '#type' => 'select', '#description' => t("Choose an existing organism to which the entries in the GFF file will be associated."), '#required' => TRUE, '#options' => $organisms, ]; $form['create_organism'] = [ '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Create organism'), '#required' => FALSE, '#description' => t('The Tripal GFF loader supports the "organism" attribute. This allows features of a different organism to be aligned to the landmark sequence. The format of the attribute is "organism=[genus]:[species]", where [genus] is the organism\'s genus and [species] is the species name. Check this box to automatically add the organism to the database if it does not already exists. Otherwise lines with an organism attribute where the organism is not present in the database will be skipped.'), ]; $form['landmark_type'] = [ '#title' => t('Landmark Type'), '#type' => 'textfield', '#description' => t("Optional. Use this field to specify a Sequence Ontology type for the landmark sequences in the GFF fie (e.g. 'chromosome'). This is only needed if the landmark features (first column of the GFF3 file) are not already in the database.."), ]; $form['proteins'] = [ '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Proteins'), '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => FALSE, ]; $form['proteins']['skip_protein'] = [ '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Skip automatic protein creation'), '#required' => FALSE, '#description' => t('The GFF loader will automatically create a protein feature for each transcript in the GFF file if a protein feature is missing in the GFF file. Check this box to disable this functionality. Protein features that are specifically present in the GFF will always be created.'), '#default_value' => 0, ]; $form['proteins']['re_mrna'] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Optional. Regular expression for the mRNA name'), '#required' => FALSE, '#description' => t('If automatic protein creation is enabled, then by default the loader will give each protein a name based on the name of the corresponding mRNA followed by the "-protein" suffix. If you want to customize the name of the created protein, you can enter a regular expression that will extract portions of the mRNA unique name. For example, for a mRNA with a unique name finishing by -RX (e.g. SPECIES0000001-RA), the regular expression would be, "^(.*?)-R([A-Z]+)$". Elements surrounded by parentheses are captured as backreferences and can be used for replacement.' ), ]; $form['proteins']['re_protein'] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Optional. Replacement string for the protein name'), '#required' => FALSE, '#description' => t('If a regular expression is used to specify a protein name you can use the backreference tokens to extract the portion of the mRNA name that you want to use for a protein. You use a dollar sign followed by a number to indicate the backreferences. For example: "$1-P$2".'), ]; $form['targets'] = [ '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Targets'), '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => FALSE, ]; $form['targets']['adesc'] = [ '#markup' => t("When alignments are represented in the GFF file (e.g. such as alignments of cDNA sequences to a whole genome, or blast matches), they are represented using two feature types: 'match' (or cDNA_match, EST_match, etc.) and 'match_part'. These features may also have a 'Target' attribute to specify the sequence that is being aligned. However, the organism to which the aligned sequence belongs may not be present in the GFF file. Here you can specify the organism and feature type of the target sequences. The options here will apply to all targets unless the organism and type are explicity set in the GFF file using the 'target_organism' and 'target_type' attributes."), ]; $form['targets']['target_organism_id'] = [ '#title' => t('Target Organism'), '#type' => t('select'), '#description' => t("Optional. Choose the organism to which target sequences belong. Select this only if target sequences belong to a different organism than the one specified above. And only choose an organism here if all of the target sequences belong to the same species. If the targets in the GFF file belong to multiple different species then the organism must be specified using the 'target_organism=genus:species' attribute in the GFF file."), '#options' => $organisms, ]; $form['targets']['target_type'] = [ '#title' => t('Target Type'), '#type' => t('textfield'), '#description' => t("Optional. If the unique name for a target sequence is not unique (e.g. a protein and an mRNA have the same name) then you must specify the type for all targets in the GFF file. If the targets are of different types then the type must be specified using the 'target_type=type' attribute in the GFF file. This must be a valid Sequence Ontology (SO) term."), ]; $form['targets']['create_target'] = [ '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Create Target'), '#required' => FALSE, '#description' => t("If the target feature cannot be found, create one using the organism and type specified above, or using the 'target_organism' and 'target_type' fields specified in the GFF file. Values specified in the GFF file take precedence over those specified above."), ]; // Advanced Options $form['advanced'] = [ '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Additional Options'), '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => FALSE, ]; $form['advanced']['line_number'] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Start Line Number'), '#description' => t('Enter the line number in the GFF file where you would like to begin processing. The first line is line number 1. This option is useful for examining loading problems with large GFF files.'), '#size' => 10, ]; $form['advanced']['alt_id_attr'] = [ '#title' => t('ID Attribute'), '#type' => t('textfield'), '#description' => t("Optional. Sometimes lines in the GFF file are missing the required ID attribute that specifies the unique name of the feature, but there may be another attribute that can uniquely identify the feature. If so, you may specify the name of the attribute to use for the name."), ]; return $form; } /** * @see TripalImporter::formValidate() */ public function formValidate($form, &$form_state) { $organism_id = $form_state['values']['organism_id']; $target_organism_id = $form_state['values']['target_organism_id']; $target_type = trim($form_state['values']['target_type']); $create_target = $form_state['values']['create_target']; $create_organism = $form_state['values']['create_organism']; $add_only = $form_state['values']['add_only']; $update = $form_state['values']['update']; $refresh = 0; //$form_state['values']['refresh']; $remove = 0; //$form_state['values']['remove']; $line_number = trim($form_state['values']['line_number']); $landmark_type = trim($form_state['values']['landmark_type']); $alt_id_attr = trim($form_state['values']['alt_id_attr']); $re_mrna = trim($form_state['values']['re_mrna']); $re_protein = trim($form_state['values']['re_protein']); // @coder-ignore: there are no functions being called here if (($add_only AND ($update OR $refresh OR $remove)) OR ($update AND ($add_only OR $refresh OR $remove)) OR ($refresh AND ($update OR $add_only OR $remove)) OR ($remove AND ($update OR $refresh OR $add_only))) { form_set_error('add_only', t("Please select only one checkbox from the import options section")); } if ($line_number and !is_numeric($line_number) or $line_number < 0) { form_set_error('line_number', t("Please provide an integer line number greater than zero.")); } if (!($re_mrna and $re_protein) and ($re_mrna or $re_protein)) { form_set_error('re_uname', t("You must provide both a regular expression for mRNA and a replacement string for protein")); } // check the regular expression to make sure it is valid set_error_handler(function () { }, E_WARNING); $result_re = preg_match("/" . $re_mrna . "/", NULL); $result = preg_replace("/" . $re_mrna . "/", $re_protein, NULL); restore_error_handler(); if ($result_re === FALSE) { form_set_error('re_mrna', 'Invalid regular expression.'); } else { if ($result === FALSE) { form_set_error('re_protein', 'Invalid replacement string.'); } } } /** * @see TripalImporter::run() */ public function run() { $arguments = $this->arguments['run_args']; $this->gff_file = $this->arguments['files'][0]['file_path']; // Set the private member variables of this class using the loader inputs. $this->organism_id = $arguments['organism_id']; $this->analysis_id = $arguments['analysis_id']; $this->add_only = $arguments['add_only']; $this->update = $arguments['update']; $this->target_organism_id = $arguments['target_organism_id']; $this->target_type = $arguments['target_type']; $this->create_target = $arguments['create_target']; $this->start_line = $arguments['line_number']; $this->landmark_type = $arguments['landmark_type']; $this->alt_id_attr = $arguments['alt_id_attr']; $this->create_organism = $arguments['create_organism']; $this->re_mrna = $arguments['re_mrna']; $this->re_protein = $arguments['re_protein']; $this->skip_protein = $arguments['skip_protein']; // Check to see if the file is located local to Drupal $dfile = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . base_path() . $this->gff_file; if (!file_exists($dfile)) { $this->gff_file = $dfile; } // If the file is not local to Drupal check if it exists on the system. else if (!file_exists($this->gff_file)) { throw new Exception(t("Cannot find the file: !file", ['!file' => $this->gff_file])); } // Open the GFF3 file. $this->logMessage("Opening !gff_file", ['!gff_file' => $this->gff_file]); $this->gff_file_h = fopen($this->gff_file, 'r'); if (!$this->gff_file_h) { throw new Exception(t("Cannot open file: !file", ['!file' => $this->gff_file])); } // Get the feature property CV object $this->feature_prop_cv = new ChadoRecord('cv'); $this->feature_prop_cv->setValues(['name' => 'feature_property']); $num_found = $this->feature_prop_cv->find(); if ($num_found == 0) { throw new Exception(t("Cannot find the 'feature_property' ontology'", [])); } // Get the sequence CV object. $this->feature_cv = new ChadoRecord('cv'); $this->feature_cv->setValues(['name' => 'sequence']); $num_found = $this->feature_cv->find(); if ($num_found == 0) { throw new Exception(t("Cannot find the 'sequence' ontology'", [])); } // Get the organism object. $this->organism = new ChadoRecord('organism'); $this->organism->setValues(['organism_id' => $this->organism_id]); $num_found = $this->organism->find(); if ($num_found == 0) { throw new Exception(t("Cannot find the specified organism for this GFF3 file.")); } // Get the analysis object. $this->analysis = new ChadoRecord('analysis'); $this->analysis->setValues(['analysis_id' => $this->analysis_id]); $num_found = $this->analysis->find(); if ($num_found == 0) { throw new Exception(t("Cannot find the specified organism for this GFF3 file.")); } // If a landmark type was provided then get that object. if ($this->landmark_type) { $this->landmark_cvterm = new ChadoRecord('cvterm'); $this->landmark_cvterm->setValues([ 'cv_id' => $this->feature_cv->getValue('cv_id'), 'name' => $this->landmark_type, ]); $num_found = $this->landmark_cvterm->find(); if ($num_found == 0) { throw new Exception(t('Cannot find landmark feature type \'%landmark_type\'.', ['%landmark_type' => $this->landmark_type])); } } // If a target type is provided then get the ID. if ($this->target_type) { $target_type = new ChadoRecord('cvterm'); $target_type->setValues([ 'name' => $this->target_type, 'cv_id' => $this->feature_cv->getID() ]); $num_found = $target_type->find(); if ($num_found == 0) { throw new Exception(t("Cannot find the specified target type, !type.", ['!type' => $this->target_type])); } $this->target_type_id = $target_type->getID(); } // Create the cache file for storing parsed GFF entries. $this->openCacheFile(); // Load the GFF3. try { $this->logMessage("Step 1 of 26: Caching GFF3 file... "); $this->parseGFF3(); // Prep the database for necessary records. $this->prepSynonms(); $this->prepNullPub(); $this->prepDBs(); $this->logMessage("Step 2 of 26: Find existing landmarks... "); $this->findLandmarks(); $this->logMessage("Step 3 of 26: Insert new landmarks (if needed)... "); $this->insertLandmarks(); if (!$this->skip_protein) { $this->logMessage("Step 4 of 26: Find missing proteins... "); $this->findMissingProteins(); $this->logMessage("Step 5 of 26: Add missing proteins to list of features... "); $this->addMissingProteins(); } else { $this->logMessage("Step 4 of 26: Find missing proteins (Skipped)... "); $this->logMessage("Step 5 of 26: Add missing proteins to list of features (Skipped)..."); } $this->logMessage("Step 6 of 26: Find existing features... "); $this->findFeatures(); $this->logMessage("Step 7 of 26: Clear attributes of existing features... "); $this->deleteFeatureData(); $this->logMessage("Step 8 of 26: Processing !num_features features... ", ['!num_features' => number_format(count(array_keys($this->features)))]); $this->insertFeatures(); $this->logMessage("Step 9 of 26: Get new feature IDs... "); $this->findFeatures(); $this->logMessage("Step 10 of 26: Insert locations... "); $this->insertFeatureLocs(); $this->logMessage("Step 11 of 26: Associate parents and children... "); $this->associateChildren(); $this->logMessage("Step 12 of 26: Calculate child ranks... "); $this->calculateChildRanks(); $this->logMessage("Step 13 of 26: Add child-parent relationships... "); $this->insertFeatureParents(); $this->logMessage("Step 14 of 26: Insert properties... "); $this->insertFeatureProps(); $this->logMessage("Step 15 of 26: Find synonyms (aliases)... "); $this->findSynonyms(); $this->logMessage("Step 16 of 26: Insert new synonyms (aliases)... "); $this->insertSynonyms(); $this->logMessage("Step 17 of 26: Insert feature synonyms (aliases)... "); $this->insertFeatureSynonyms(); $this->logMessage("Step 18 of 26: Find cross references... "); $this->findDbxrefs(); $this->logMessage("Step 19 of 26: Insert new cross references... "); $this->insertDbxrefs(); $this->logMessage("Step 20 of 26: Get new cross references IDs... "); $this->findDbxrefs(); $this->logMessage("Step 21 of 26: Insert feature cross references... "); $this->insertFeatureDbxrefs(); $this->logMessage("Step 22 of 26: Insert feature ontology terms... "); $this->insertFeatureCVterms(); $this->logMessage("Step 23 of 26: Insert 'derives_from' relationships... "); $this->insertFeatureDerivesFrom(); $this->logMessage("Step 24 of 26: Insert Targets... "); $this->insertFeatureTargets(); $this->logMessage("Step 25 of 26: Associate features with analysis.... "); $this->insertFeatureAnalysis(); if (!empty($this->residue_index)) { $this->logMessage("Step 26 of 26: Adding sequences data... "); $this->insertFeatureSeqs(); } $this->logMessage("Step 26 of 26: Adding sequences data (Skipped: none available)..."); } // On exception, catch the error, clean up the cache file and rethrow catch (Exception $e) { $this->closeCacheFile(); throw $e; } } /** * Load a controlled vocabulary term. * * This method first checks if the term has already been loaded in the * feature_cvterm_lookup array, which helps a lot with performance. * * @param $type * @param $cv_id * * @ingroup gff3_loader */ private function getTypeID($type, $is_prop_type) { $cv = $this->feature_cv; if ($is_prop_type) { $cv = $this->feature_prop_cv; } if ($is_prop_type) { if(array_key_exists(strtolower($type), $this->featureprop_cvterm_lookup)) { return $this->featureprop_cvterm_lookup[strtolower($type)]; } } elseif (array_key_exists(strtolower($type), $this->feature_cvterm_lookup)) { return $this->feature_cvterm_lookup[strtolower($type)]; } $sel_cvterm_sql = " SELECT CVT.cvterm_id FROM {cvterm} CVT LEFT JOIN {cvtermsynonym} CVTS on CVTS.cvterm_id = CVT.cvterm_id WHERE CVT.cv_id = :cv_id and (lower(CVT.name) = lower(:name) or lower(CVTS.synonym) = lower(:synonym)) "; $result = chado_query($sel_cvterm_sql, [ ':cv_id' => $cv->getValue('cv_id'), ':name' => $type, ':synonym' => $type, ]); $cvterm_id = $result->fetchField(); // If the term couldn't be found and it's a property term then insert it // as a local term. if (!$cvterm_id) { $term = [ 'id' => "local:$type", 'name' => $type, 'is_obsolete' => 0, 'cv_name' => $cv->getValue('name'), 'db_name' => 'local', 'is_relationship' => FALSE, ]; $cvterm = (object) chado_insert_cvterm($term, ['update_existing' => FALSE]); $cvterm_id = $cvterm->cvterm_id; } if ($is_prop_type) { $this->featureprop_cvterm_lookup[strtolower($cvterm->name)] = $cvterm_id; $this->featureprop_cvterm_lookup[strtolower($type)] = $cvterm_id; } else { $this->feature_cvterm_lookup[strtolower($cvterm->name)] = $cvterm_id; $this->feature_cvterm_lookup[strtolower($type)] = $cvterm_id; } return $cvterm_id; } /** * Makes sure Chado is ready with the necessary synonym type records. */ private function prepSynonms() { // make sure we have a 'synonym_type' vocabulary $select = ['name' => 'synonym_type']; $results = chado_select_record('cv', ['*'], $select); if (count($results) == 0) { // insert the 'synonym_type' vocabulary $values = [ 'name' => 'synonym_type', 'definition' => 'vocabulary for synonym types', ]; $success = chado_insert_record('cv', $values, array( 'skip_validation' => TRUE, )); if (!$success) { $this->logMessage("Failed to add the synonyms type vocabulary.", [], TRIPAL_WARNING); return 0; } // now that we've added the cv we need to get the record $results = chado_select_record('cv', ['*'], $select); if (count($results) > 0) { $syncv = $results[0]; } } else { $syncv = $results[0]; } // get the 'exact' cvterm, which is the type of synonym we're adding $select = [ 'name' => 'exact', 'cv_id' => [ 'name' => 'synonym_type', ], ]; $result = chado_select_record('cvterm', ['*'], $select); if (count($result) == 0) { $term = [ 'name' => 'exact', 'id' => "synonym_type:exact", 'definition' => '', 'is_obsolete' => 0, 'cv_name' => $syncv->name, 'is_relationship' => FALSE, ]; $syntype = chado_insert_cvterm($term, ['update_existing' => TRUE]); if (!$syntype) { $this->logMessage("Cannot add synonym type: internal:$type.", [], TRIPAL_WARNING); return 0; } } else { $syntype = $result[0]; } $this->exact_syn = $syntype; } /** * Makes sure there is a null publication in the database. */ private function prepNullPub(){ // Check to see if we have a NULL publication in the pub table. If not, // then add one. $select = ['uniquename' => 'null']; $result = chado_select_record('pub', ['*'], $select); if (count($result) == 0) { $pub_sql = " INSERT INTO {pub} (uniquename,type_id) VALUES (:uname, (SELECT cvterm_id FROM {cvterm} CVT INNER JOIN {dbxref} DBX ON DBX.dbxref_id = CVT.dbxref_id INNER JOIN {db} DB ON DB.db_id = DBX.db_id WHERE CVT.name = :type_id)) "; $status = chado_query($psql); if (!$status) { $this->logMessage("Cannot prepare statement 'ins_pub_uniquename_typeid.", [], TRIPAL_WARNING); return 0; } // Insert the null pub. $result = chado_query($pub_sql, [ ':uname' => 'null', ':type_id' => 'null', ])->fetchObject(); if (!$result) { $this->logMessage("Cannot add null publication needed for setup of alias.", [], TRIPAL_WARNING); return 0; } $result = chado_select_record('pub', ['*'], $select); $pub = $result[0]; } else { $pub = $result[0]; } $this->null_pub = $pub; } /** * Makes sure Chado is ready with the necessary DB records. */ private function prepDBs() { // Get the list of database records that are needed by this GFF file. If // they do not exist then add them. $sql = " SELECT db_id FROM {db} WHERE name = :dbname"; foreach (array_keys($this->db_lookup) as $dbname) { // First look for the database name if it doesn't exist then create one. // first check for the fully qualified URI (e.g. DB:. If that // can't be found then look for the name as is. If it still can't be found // the create the database $values = ['name' => "DB:$dbname"]; $db = chado_select_record('db', ['db_id'], $values); if (count($db) == 0) { $values = ['name' => "$dbname"]; $db = chado_select_record('db', ['db_id'], $values); } if (count($db) == 0) { $values = [ 'name' => $dbname, 'description' => 'Added automatically by the Triapl GFF loader.', ]; $success = chado_insert_record('db', $values, array( 'skip_validation' => TRUE, )); if ($success) { $values = ['name' => "$dbname"]; $db = chado_select_record('db', ['db_id'], $values); } else { $this->logMessage("Cannot find or add the database $dbname.", [], TRIPAL_WARNING); return 0; } } $this->db_lookup[$dbname] = $db[0]->db_id; } } /** * Parses the current line of the GFF3 file for a feature. * * @return array * An associative array containing the 9 elements othe GFF3 file. The * 9th element is an associative array of the attributes. */ private function parseFeature($line) { $date = getdate(); // get the columns $cols = explode("\t", $line); if (sizeof($cols) != 9) { throw new Exception(t('Improper number of columns on line %line_num: %line', ['%line_num' => $this->current_line, '%line' => $line])); } $ret = [ 'line' => $this->current_line, 'landmark' => $cols[0], 'source' => $cols[1], 'type' => strtolower($cols[2]), 'start' => $cols[3], 'stop' => $cols[4], 'score' => $cols[5], 'strand' => $cols[6], 'phase' => $cols[7], 'attrs' => [], ]; // Ready the start and stop for chado. Chado expects these positions // to be zero-based, so we substract 1 from the fmin. Also, in case // they are backwards, put them in the right order. $fmin = $ret['start'] - 1; $fmax = $ret['stop']; if ($ret['stop'] < $ret['start']) { $fmin = $ret['stop'] - 1; $fmax = $ret['start']; } $ret['start'] = $fmin; $ret['stop'] = $fmax; // Landmark (seqid) validation checks based on GFF3 specifications preg_match('/[a-zA-Z0-9\.:\^\*\$@!\+_\?-\|]*/', $ret['landmark'], $matches); if ($matches[0] != $ret['landmark']) { throw new Exception(t("Landmark/seqid !landmark contains invalid characters. Only characters included in this regular expression is allowed [a-zA-Z0-9.:^*$@!+_?-|]", ['!landmark' => $ret['landmark']])); } // Check to make sure strand has a valid character if (preg_match('/[\+-\?\.]/',$ret['strand']) == false) { throw new Exception(t('Invalid strand detected on line !line, strand can only be +-?.',['!line' => $line])); } // Format the strand for chado if (strcmp($ret['strand'], '.') == 0) { $ret['strand'] = 0; } elseif (strcmp($ret['strand'], '?') == 0) { $ret['strand'] = 0; } elseif (strcmp($ret['strand'], '+') == 0) { $ret['strand'] = 1; } elseif (strcmp($ret['strand'], '-') == 0) { $ret['strand'] = -1; } if (preg_match('/[012\.]/',$ret['phase']) == false) { throw new Exception(t('Invalid phase detected on line !line, phase can only be 0,1,2 or . (period)',['!line' => $line])); } if (strcmp($ret['phase'], '.') == 0) { if ($ret['type'] == 'cds') { $ret['phase'] = '0'; } else { $ret['phase'] = ''; } } $tags = []; $attr_name = ''; $attr_uniquename = ''; $attrs = explode(";", $cols[8]); $attr_organism = $this->organism_id; $attr_parent = ''; $attr_others = []; $attr_aliases = []; $attr_dbxref = []; $attr_derives = []; $attr_terms = []; $attr_target = []; foreach ($attrs as $attr) { $attr = rtrim($attr); $attr = ltrim($attr); if (strcmp($attr, '') == 0) { continue; } if (!preg_match('/^[^\=]+\=.+$/', $attr)) { throw new Exception(t('Attribute is not correctly formatted on line !line_num: !attr', ['!line_num' => $this->current_line, '!attr' => $attr])); } // Break apart each attribute into key/value pairs. $tag = preg_split("/=/", $attr, 2); // Tag name validation checks based on GFF3 specifications preg_match('/.+[,=;].+/', $tag[0], $matches); if (count($matches) > 0) { throw new Exception(t('Attribute tag name !tagname contains invalid / unescaped characters', ['!tagname' => $tag[0]]) ); } // Value validation checks based on GFF3 specifications preg_match('/.+[,=;].+/', $tag[1], $matches); if (count($matches) > 0) { throw new Exception(t('Attribute value name !value contains invalid / unescaped characters', ['!value' => $tag[1]]) ); } // Multiple values of an attribute are separated by commas $tag_name = $tag[0]; if (!array_key_exists($tag_name, $tags)) { $tags[$tag_name] = []; } $tags[$tag_name] = array_merge($tags[$tag_name], explode(",", $tag[1])); // Replace the URL escape codes for each tag for ($i = 0; $i < count($tags[$tag_name]); $i++) { $tags[$tag_name][$i] = urldecode($tags[$tag_name][$i]); } if (strcmp($tag_name, 'Alias') == 0) { $attr_aliases = array_merge($attr_aliases, $tags[$tag_name]); } elseif (strcmp($tag_name, 'Parent') == 0) { $attr_parent = urldecode($tag[1]); } elseif (strcmp($tag_name, 'Dbxref') == 0) { $attr_dbxref = array_merge($attr_dbxref, $tags[$tag_name]); } elseif (strcmp($tag_name, 'Derives_from') == 0) { $attr_derives = array_merge($attr_derives, $tags[$tag_name]); } elseif (strcmp($tag_name, 'Ontology_term') == 0) { $attr_terms = array_merge($attr_terms, $tags[$tag_name]); } elseif (strcmp($tag_name, 'organism') == 0) { if (count($tags[$tag_name]) > 1) { throw new Exception(t('Each feature can only have one "organism" attribute. The feature %uniquename has more than one: %organism', ['%uniquename' => $ret['uniquename'], '%organism' => $ret['organism']])); } $attr_organism = $this->findOrganism($tags[$tag_name][0], $this->current_line); } elseif (strcmp($tag_name, 'Target') == 0) { $matches = []; if (count($tags[$tag_name]) > 1) { throw new Exception(t('Each feature can only have one "Target" attribute. The feature %uniquename has more than one.', ['%uniquename' => $ret['uniquename']])); } if (preg_match('/^(.*?)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)(\s+[\+|\-])*$/', trim($tags[$tag_name][0]), $matches)) { $attr_target['name'] = $matches[1]; $attr_target['start'] = $matches[2]; $attr_target['stop'] = $matches[3]; $tfmin = $attr_target['start'] - 1; $tfmax = $attr_target['stop']; if ($attr_target['stop'] < $attr_target['start']) { $tfmin = $attr_target['stop'] - 1; $tfmax = $attr_target['start']; } $attr_target['start'] = $tfmin; $attr_target['stop'] = $tfmax; $attr_target['phase'] = ''; $attr_target['strand'] = 0; if (!empty($matches[4])) { if (preg_match('/^\+$/', trim($matches[4]))) { $attr_target['strand'] = 1; } elseif (preg_match('/^\-$/', trim($matches[4]))) { $attr_target['strand'] = -1; } } $attr_target['organism_id'] = $this->target_organism_id ? $this->target_organism_id : $this->organism_id; $attr_target['type_id'] = $this->target_type_id ? $this->target_type_id : NULL; } } elseif (strcmp($tag_name, 'target_organism') == 0) { $attr_target['organism_id'] = $this->findOrganism($tags[$tag_name][0], $this->current_line); } elseif (strcmp($tag_name, 'target_type') == 0) { $attr_target['type'] = $tags[$tag_name][0]; } // Get the list of non-reserved attributes these will get added // as properties to the featureprop table. The 'Note', 'Gap', 'Is_Circular', // attributes will go in as a property so those are not in the list // checked below. elseif (strcmp($tag_name, 'Name') !=0 and strcmp($tag_name, 'ID') !=0 and strcmp($tag_name, 'Alias') != 0 and strcmp($tag_name, 'Parent') != 0 and strcmp($tag_name, 'Target') != 0 and strcmp($tag_name, 'Derives_from') != 0 and strcmp($tag_name, 'Dbxref') != 0 and strcmp($tag_name, 'Ontology_term') != 0 and strcmp($tag_name, 'target_organism') != 0 and strcmp($tag_name, 'target_type') != 0 and strcmp($tag_name, 'organism' != 0)) { foreach ($tags[$tag_name] as $value) { if (!array_key_exists($tag_name, $attr_others)) { $attr_others[$tag_name] = []; } $attr_others[$tag_name][] = $value; } } } // A feature may get ignored. But let's default this to FALSE. $ret['skipped'] = FALSE; // If neither name nor uniquename are provided then generate one. $names = $this->getFeatureNames($tags, $ret['type'], $ret['landmark'], $ret['start'], $ret['stop']); $attr_uniquename = $names['uniquename']; $attr_name = $names['name']; $ret['name'] = $attr_name; $ret['uniquename'] = $attr_uniquename; $ret['synonyms'] = $attr_aliases; // Add in the dbxref record. $ret['dbxrefs'] = []; foreach ($attr_dbxref as $key => $dbx) { $parts = explode(':', $dbx, 2); $ret['dbxrefs']["{$parts[0]}:{$parts[1]}"] = array( 'db' => $parts[0], 'accession' => $parts[1], ); } // Add in the GFF source dbxref. This is needed for GBrowse. $ret['dbxrefs']["GFF_source:{$ret['source']}"] = array( 'db' => 'GFF_source', 'accession' => $ret['source'], ); // Add in the ontology terms $ret['terms'] = []; foreach ($attr_terms as $key => $dbx) { $parts = explode(':', $dbx, 2); $ret['terms']["{$parts[0]}:{$parts[1]}"] = array( 'db' => $parts[0], 'accession' => $parts[1], ); } // Add the derives from entry. $ret['derives_from'] = ''; if (count($attr_derives) == 1) { $ret['derives_from'] = $attr_derives[0]; } if (count($attr_derives) > 1) { throw new Exception(t('Each feature can only have one "Derives_from" attribute. The feature %uniquename has more than one: %derives', [ '%uniquename' => $ret['uniquename'], '%derives' => $ret['derives_from'], ])); } // Now add all of the attributes into the return array. foreach ($tags as $key => $value) { $ret['attrs'][$key] = $value; } // Add the organism entry. $ret['organism'] = $attr_organism; if (!$ret['organism']) { $ret['skipped'] = TRUE; } // Add the target. If the type_id is missing then remove it and we'll // skip it. $ret['target'] = $attr_target; if (!array_key_exists('type', $ret['target']) or empty($ret['target'])) { $ret['target'] = []; } // Make sure we only have one Gap if it exists if (array_key_exists('Gap', $attr_others) and count($attr_others['Gap']) > 1) { throw new Exception(t('Each feature can only have one "Gap" attribute. The feature %uniquename has more than one.', [ '%uniquename' => $ret['uniquename'], ])); } // Add the properties and parent. $ret['properties'] = $attr_others; $ret['parent'] = $attr_parent; return $ret; } /** * Indexes the FASTA section of the file for quick lookup. */ private function indexFASTA() { // Iterate through the remaining lines of the file while ($line = fgets($this->gff_file_h)) { $this->current_line++; $this->addItemsHandled(drupal_strlen($line)); // Get the ID and the current file pointer and store that for later. if (preg_match('/^>/', $line)) { $id = preg_replace('/^>([^\s]+).*$/', '\1', $line); $this->residue_index[trim($id)] = ftell($this->gff_file_h); } } } /** * Loads the actual residue information from the FASTA section of the file. */ private function insertFeatureSeqs() { $num_residues = count(array_keys($this->residue_index)); $this->setItemsHandled(0); $this->setTotalItems($num_residues); $count = 0; foreach ($this->residue_index as $uniquename => $offset) { // Skip this sequence if we can't match the name with a known feature // or landmark name. if (!(array_key_exists($uniquename, $this->features) and $this->features[$uniquename]) and !(array_key_exists($uniquename, $this->landmarks) and $this->landmarks[$uniquename])) { $this->logMessage('Assigning Sequence: cannot find a feature with a unique name of: "!uname". Please ensure the sequence names in the ##FASTA section use the same name as the ID in the feature in the GFF file. ', ['!uname' => $uniquename], TRIPAL_WARNING); $count++; continue; } // Get the feature that this sequence belongs. $feature_id = NULL; if (array_key_exists($uniquename, $this->features)) { $findex = $this->features[$uniquename]['findex']; $feature = $this->getCachedFeature($findex); $feature_id = $feature['feature_id']; } else { $feature_id = $this->landmarks[$uniquename]; } // Seek to the position in the GFF file where this sequence is housed. // iterate through the lines and get store the value. $residues = []; fseek($this->gff_file_h, $offset); while ($line = fgets($this->gff_file_h)) { if (preg_match('/^>/', $line)) { break; } $residues[] = trim($line); } $residues = implode('', $residues); $values = [ 'residues' => $residues, 'seqlen' => strlen($residues), 'md5checksum' => md5($residues), ]; chado_update_record('feature', ['feature_id' => $feature_id], $values); $count++; $this->setItemsHandled($count); } } /** * Retrieves a ChadoRecord object for the landmark feature. * * @param $landmark_name * The name of the landmark to get * * @return * A feature ChadoRecord object or NULL if the landmark is missing and * $skip_on_missing is TRUE. */ private function findLandmark($landmark_name) { // Before performing a database query check to see if // this landmark is already in our lookup list. if (array_key_exists($landmark_name, $this->landmarks)) { return $this->landmarks[$landmark_name]; } $landmark = new ChadoRecord('feature'); $landmark->setValues([ 'organism_id' => $this->organism_id, 'uniquename' => $landmark_name, ]); if ($landmark_type) { $landmark->setValue('type_id', $landmark_type->getValue('cvterm_id')); } $num_found = $landmark->find(); if ($num_found == 0) { return NULL; } if ($num_found > 1) { throw new Exception(t("The landmark '%landmark' has more than one entry for this organism (%species). Did you provide a landmark type? If not, try resubmitting and providing a type." . "Cannot continue", [ '%landmark' => $landmark_name, '%species' => $this->organism->getValues('genus') . " " . $this->organism->getValues('species'), ])); } // The landmark was found, remember it $this->landmarks[$landmark_name] = $landmark->getID(); return $landmark; } /** * Loads into the database any landmark sequences. * * @param $line * The line from the GFF file that is the ##sequence-region comment. */ private function insertHeaderLandmark($line) { $region_matches = []; if (preg_match('/^##sequence-region\s+(\w*?)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/i', $line, $region_matches)) { $rid = $region_matches[1]; $landmark = $this->findLandmark($rid); if (!$landmark) { $rstart = $region_matches[2]; $rend = $region_matches[3]; if (!$this->landmark_type) { throw new Exception(t('The landmark, !landmark, cannot be added becuase no landmark type was provided. Please redo the importer job and specify a landmark type.', ['!landmark' => $rid])); } $this->insertLandmark($rid); } } } /** * Loads a single landmark by name. */ private function insertLandmark($name) { $feature = new ChadoRecord('feature'); $residues = ''; $feature->setValues([ 'organism_id' => $this->organism->getValue('organism_id'), 'uniquename' => $name, 'name' => $name, 'type_id' => $this->landmark_cvterm->getValue('cvterm_id'), 'md5checksum' => md5($residues), 'is_analysis' => FALSE, 'is_obsolete' => FALSE, ]); $feature->insert(); $this->landmarks[$name] = $feature->getID(); } /** * */ private function parseGFF3() { $filesize = filesize($this->gff_file); $this->setTotalItems($filesize); // Holds a unique list of cvterms for later lookup. $feature_cvterms = []; $featureprop_cvterms = []; while ($line = fgets($this->gff_file_h)) { $this->current_line++; $this->addItemsHandled(drupal_strlen($line)); $line = trim($line); if ($this->current_line < $this->start_line) { continue; } // If we're in the FASTA file we're at the end of the features so return. if (preg_match('/^##FASTA/i', $line)) { $this->indexFASTA(); continue; } // if at the ##sequence-region line handle it. $matches = []; if (preg_match('/^##sequence-region\s+(\w*?)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/i', $line, $matches)) { $this->seq_region_headers[$matches[1]] = $line; continue; } // skip comments if (preg_match('/^#/', $line)) { continue; } // skip empty lines if (preg_match('/^\s*$/', $line)) { continue; } // Parse this feature from this line of the GFF3 file. $gff_feature = $this->parseFeature($line); // Add the landmark if it doesn't exist in the landmark list. if (!array_key_exists($gff_feature['landmark'], $this->landmarks)) { $this->landmarks[$gff_feature['landmark']] = FALSE; } // Organize DBs and DBXrefs for faster access later on. foreach ($gff_feature['dbxrefs'] as $index => $info) { if (!array_key_exists($info['db'], $this->db_lookup)) { $this->db_lookup[$info['db']] = FALSE; } if (!array_key_exists($index, $this->dbxref_lookup)) { $this->dbxref_lookup[$index] = $info; } } // We want to make sure the Ontology_term attribute dbxrefs are // also easily looked up... but we do not want to create them // if they do not exist the precense of the 'cvterm' key will // tell the loadDbxrefs() function to not create the term. foreach ($gff_feature['terms'] as $index => $info) { if (!array_key_exists($info['db'], $this->db_lookup)) { $this->db_lookup[$info['db']] = FALSE; } if (!array_key_exists($index, $this->dbxref_lookup)) { $this->dbxref_lookup[$index] = $info; $this->dbxref_lookup[$index]['cvterm_id'] = NULL; } } // Organize the CVterms for faster access later on. if (!array_key_exists($gff_feature['type'], $feature_cvterms)) { $feature_cvterms[$gff_feature['type']] = 0; } $feature_cvterms[$gff_feature['type']]++; // Add any target feature types to the list as well. if (array_key_exists('name', $gff_feature['target'])) { if (!array_key_exists($gff_feature['target']['type'], $feature_cvterms)) { $feature_cvterms[$gff_feature['target']['type']] = 0; } $feature_cvterms[$gff_feature['target']['type']]++; } // Organize the feature property types for faster access later on. foreach ($gff_feature['properties'] as $prop_name => $value) { if (!array_key_exists($prop_name, $featureprop_cvterms)) { $featureprop_cvterms[$prop_name] = NULL; } $featureprop_cvterms[$prop_name]++; } // Cache the GFF feature details for later lookup. if (strcmp($gff_feature['uniquename'], $gff_feature['landmark']) != 0) { $this->cacheFeature($gff_feature); } // If this feature has a target then we need to add the target as // new feature for insertion. if (array_key_exists('name', $gff_feature['target'])) { $this->addTargetFeature($gff_feature); } } // Make sure we have the protein term in our list. if (!array_key_exists('protein', $feature_cvterms) and !array_key_exists('polypeptide', $feature_cvterms)) { $feature_cvterms['polypeptide'] = 0; } // Iterate through the feature type terms and get a chado object for each. foreach (array_keys($feature_cvterms) as $name) { $this->getTypeID($name, FALSE); } // Iterate through the featureprop type terms and get a cvterm_id for // each. If it doesn't exist then add a new record. foreach (array_keys($featureprop_cvterms) as $name) { $this->getTypeID($name, TRUE); } } /** * */ private function findMissingProteins() { $this->setItemsHandled(0); $this->setTotalItems(count(array_keys($this->features))); // Don't do anything if the user wants to skip creation of non listed // proteins. Proteins that have actual lines in the GFF will still be // created. if ($this->skip_protein) { $this->logMessage(' Skipping creation of non-specified proteins... '); return; } // First, store records for which proteins need to exist. These // will be for any parent that has a 'CDS' or 'protein' child. $i = 0; foreach ($this->features as $info) { $i++; $this->setItemsHandled($i); $findex = $info['findex']; $feature = $this->getCachedFeature($findex); $type = $feature['type']; if ($type == 'cds' or $type == 'protein' or $type == 'polypeptide') { $parent_name = $feature['parent']; if ($parent_name) { if (!array_key_exists($parent_name, $proteins)) { $this->proteins[$parent_name] = []; } if ($type == 'cds') { $this->proteins[$parent_name]['cds'][] = $findex; } if ($type == 'protein' or $type == 'polypeptide') { $this->proteins[$parent_name]['protein'] = $findex; } } } } } /** * Checks the features and finds those that need proteins added. */ private function addMissingProteins() { $this->setItemsHandled(0); $this->setTotalItems(count(array_keys($this->proteins))); // Second, iterate through the protein list and for any parents that // don't already have a protein we need to create one. $i = 0; foreach ($this->proteins as $parent_name => $info) { $i++; $this->setItemsHandled($i); // Skip addition of any proteins that are already in the GFF file. if (array_key_exists('protein', $info)) { continue; } // If we don't have a protein if (array_key_exists('cds', $info)) { $start = INF; $stop = -INF; $start_phase = 0; $stop_phase = 0; // Find the starting and end CDS. foreach ($info['cds'] as $findex) { $cds = $this->getCachedFeature($findex); if ($cds['start'] < $start) { $start = $cds['start']; $start_phase = $cds['phase']; } if ($cds['stop'] > $stop) { $stop = $cds['stop']; $stop_phase = $cds['phase']; } } // Set the start of the protein to be the start of the coding // sequence minus the phase. if ($cds['strand'] == '-1') { $stop -= $stop_phase; } else { $start += $start_phase; } // Get the name for the protein $name = $parent_name; $uname = $parent_name . '-protein'; // If regexes are provdied then use those to create the protein name. if ($this->re_mrna and $this->re_protein) { $uname = preg_replace("/" . $this->re_mrna . "/", $this->re_protein, $parent_name); } // Now create the protein feature. $feature = [ 'line' => $cds['line'], 'landmark' => $cds['landmark'], 'source' => $cds['source'], 'type' => 'polypeptide', 'start' => $start, 'stop' => $stop, 'strand' => $cds['strand'], 'phase' => '', 'attr' => [], 'skipped' => FALSE, 'name' => $name, 'uniquename' => $uname, 'synonyms' => [], 'dbxrefs' => [], 'terms' => [], 'derives_from' => NULL, 'organism' => $cds['organism_id'], 'target' => [], 'properties' => [], 'parent' => $cds['parent'], ]; $this->cacheFeature($feature); } } } /** * Adds a new target feature to the feature list. * * @param $gff_feature * The feature array created by the parseFeature function. */ private function addTargetFeature($gff_feature) { if (!array_key_exists($gff_feature['target']['name'], $this->features)) { $feature = [ 'is_target' => TRUE, 'line' => $this->current_line, 'landmark' => $gff_feature['landmark'], 'source' => $gff_feature['source'], 'type' => $gff_feature['target']['type'], 'start' => $gff_feature['target']['start'], 'stop' => $gff_feature['target']['stop'], 'strand' => $gff_feature['target']['strand'], 'phase' => $gff_feature['target']['phase'], 'attr' => [], 'skipped' => FALSE, 'name' => $gff_feature['target']['name'], 'uniquename' => $gff_feature['target']['name'], 'synonyms' => [], 'dbxrefs' => [], 'terms' => [], 'derives_from' => NULL, 'organism' => $gff_feature['target']['organism_id'], 'target' => [], 'properties' => [], 'parent' => '', ]; $this->cacheFeature($feature); } } /** * Opens the cache file for read/write access. */ private function openCacheFile() { $temp_file = drupal_tempnam('temporary://', "TripalGFF3Import_"); $this->gff_cache_file_name = drupal_realpath($temp_file); $this->logMessage("Opening temporary cache file: !cfile", ['!cfile' => $this->gff_cache_file_name]); $this->gff_cache_file = fopen($this->gff_cache_file_name, "r+"); } /** * Closes and cleans up the cache file. */ private function closeCacheFile() { fclose($this->gff_cache_file); $this->logMessage("Removing temporary cache file: !cfile", ['!cfile' => $this->gff_cache_file_name]); unlink($this->gff_cache_file_name); } /** * Caches the processed feature from a GFF3 file */ private function cacheFeature($gff_feature) { // Make sure we're at the end of the file. fseek($this->gff_cache_file, 0, SEEK_END); // Get the index of this location $findex = ftell($this->gff_cache_file); // Write the serialied array for this feature to the cache file // and save the index into the member variable. fwrite($this->gff_cache_file, serialize($gff_feature) . "\n"); $this->features[$gff_feature['uniquename']]['findex'] = $findex; $this->features[$gff_feature['uniquename']]['feature_id'] = NULL; } /** * Retrieves a feature using its index from the cache file. */ private function getCachedFeature($findex) { $retval = fseek($this->gff_cache_file, $findex); if ($retval == -1) { throw new Exception(t('Cannot seek to file location, !findex, in cache file !file.', ['!findex' => $findex, '!file' -> $this->gff_cache_file])); } $feature = fgets($this->gff_cache_file); $feature = unserialize($feature); return $feature; } /** * Imports the landmark features into Chado. */ private function insertLandmarks() { foreach ($this->landmarks as $uniquename => $feature_id) { // If the landmark does not have an entry in the GFF lines, try to // find or add it. if ($feature_id === FALSE) { // First see if there is a definition in the headers region. if (array_key_exists($uniquename, $this->seq_region_headers)) { $this->insertHeaderLandmark($this->seq_region_headers[$uniquename]); } // Second, if a landmark_type is provided then just add the landmark feature. else if ($this->landmark_type) { $this->insertLandmark($uniquename); } else { throw new Exception(t('The landmark (reference) sequence, !landmark, is not in the database and not specified in the GFF3 file. Please either pre-load the landmark sequences or set a "Landmark Type" in the GFF importer.', ['!landmark' => $uniquename])); } } } } /** * Imports the feature records into Chado. */ private function insertFeatures() { $batch_size = 1000; $num_features = count(array_keys($this->features)); $num_batches = (int) ($num_features / $batch_size) + 1; $this->setItemsHandled(0); $this->setTotalItems($num_batches); $init_sql = " INSERT INTO {feature} (uniquename, name, type_id, organism_id, residues, md5checksum, seqlen, is_analysis, is_obsolete) VALUES\n"; $i = 0; $total = 0; $batch_num = 1; $sql = ''; $args = []; foreach ($this->features as $uniquename => $info) { $findex = $info['findex']; $feature_id = $info['feature_id']; $feature = $this->getCachedFeature($findex); $total++; $i++; // Only do an insert if this feature doesn't already exist in the databse. if (!$feature_id and !$feature['skipped']) { $residues = ''; $type_id = $this->feature_cvterm_lookup[$feature['type']]; $sql .= "(:uniquename_$i, :name_$i, :type_id_$i, :organism_id_$i, :residues_$i, " . " :md5checksum_$i, :seqlen_$i, FALSE, FALSE),\n"; $args[":uniquename_$i"] = $uniquename; $args[":name_$i"] = $feature['name']; $args[":type_id_$i"] = $type_id; $args[":organism_id_$i"] = $feature['organism'] ? $feature['organism'] : $this->organism->getID(); $args[":residues_$i"] = $residues; $args[":md5checksum_$i"] = $residues ? md5($residues) : ''; $args[":seqlen_$i"] = strlen($residues); } // If we've reached the size of the batch then let's do the insert. if ($i == $batch_size or $total == $num_features) { if (count($args) > 0) { $sql = rtrim($sql, ",\n"); $sql = $init_sql . $sql; chado_query($sql, $args); } $this->setItemsHandled($batch_num); $batch_num++; // Now reset all of the varables for the next batch. $sql = ''; $i = 0; $args = []; } } } /** * Check if the features exist in the database. */ private function findFeatures() { $batch_size = 1000; $num_features = count(array_keys($this->features)); $num_batches = (int) ($num_features / $batch_size) + 1; $this->setItemsHandled(0); $this->setTotalItems($num_batches); $sql = "SELECT uniquename, type_id, organism_id, feature_id FROM {feature} WHERE uniquename in (:uniquenames)"; $i = 0; $total = 0; $batch_num = 1; $names = []; foreach ($this->features as $uniquename => $info) { $feature_id = $info['feature_id']; $total++; if (!$feature_id) { $i++; $names[] = $uniquename; } // If we've reached the size of the batch then let's do the select. if ($i == $batch_size or $total == $num_features) { if (count($names) > 0) { $args = [':uniquenames' => $names]; $results = chado_query($sql, $args); while ($f = $results->fetchObject()) { if (array_key_exists($f->uniquename, $this->features)) { $matched_findex = $this->features[$f->uniquename]['findex']; $matched_feature = $this->getCachedFeature($matched_findex); $matched_type_id = $this->feature_cvterm_lookup[$matched_feature['type']]; $matched_organism_id = $this->organism->getID(); if ($matched_feature['organism']) { $matched_organism_id = $matched_feature['organism']; } if ($matched_type_id == $f->type_id and $matched_organism_id == $f->organism_id) { $this->features[$f->uniquename]['feature_id'] = $f->feature_id; } } } } $this->setItemsHandled($batch_num); $batch_num++; // Now reset all of the varables for the next batch. $i = 0; $names = []; } } } /** * Deletes all anciallary data about a feature so we can re-insert it. */ private function deleteFeatureData() { $batch_size = 1000; $num_features = count(array_keys($this->features)); $num_batches = (int) ($num_features / $batch_size) + 1; $this->setItemsHandled(0); $this->setTotalItems($num_batches); $sql1 = "DELETE from {featureprop} WHERE feature_id IN (:feature_ids)"; $sql2 = "DELETE from {featureloc} WHERE feature_id IN (:feature_ids)"; $sql3 = "DELETE from {feature_cvterm} WHERE feature_id IN (:feature_ids)"; $sql4 = "DELETE from {feature_dbxref} WHERE feature_id IN (:feature_ids)"; $sql5 = "DELETE from {feature_synonym} WHERE feature_id IN (:feature_ids)"; $sql6 = "DELETE from {feature_relationship} WHERE subject_id IN (:feature_ids)"; $sql7 = "DELETE from {analysisfeature} WHERE feature_id IN (:feature_ids)"; $i = 0; $total = 0; $batch_num = 1; $feature_ids = []; foreach ($this->features as $info) { $findex = $info['findex']; $feature_id = $info['feature_id']; $feature = $this->getCachedFeature($findex); $total++; $i++; if ($feature_id and !$feature['skipped']) { $feature_ids[] = $feature_id; } // If we've reached the size of the batch then let's do the insert. if ($i == $batch_size or $total == $num_features) { if (count($feature_ids) > 0) { $args = [':feature_ids' => $feature_ids]; chado_query($sql1, $args); chado_query($sql2, $args); chado_query($sql3, $args); chado_query($sql4, $args); chado_query($sql5, $args); chado_query($sql6, $args); chado_query($sql7, $args); } $this->setItemsHandled($batch_num); $batch_num++; // Now reset all of the varables for the next batch. $i = 0; $feature_ids = []; } } } /** * */ private function insertFeatureProps(){ $batch_size = 100; $num_features = count(array_keys($this->features)); $num_batches = (int) ($num_features / $batch_size) + 1; $this->setItemsHandled(0); $this->setTotalItems($num_batches); $init_sql = "INSERT INTO {featureprop} (feature_id, type_id, value, rank) VALUES\n"; $i = 0; $j = 0; $total = 0; $batch_num = 1; $sql = ''; $args = []; foreach ($this->features as $uniquename => $info) { $findex = $info['findex']; $feature_id = $info['feature_id']; $feature = $this->getCachedFeature($findex); $total++; // If the feature is not skipped if (!$feature['skipped']) { $i++; // Iterate through all of the properties of this feature. foreach ($feature['properties'] as $prop_name => $values) { foreach ($values as $rank => $value) { $j++; $type_id = $this->featureprop_cvterm_lookup[strtolower($prop_name)]; $sql .= "(:feature_id_$j, :type_id_$j, :value_$j, :rank_$j),\n"; $args[":feature_id_$j"] = $feature_id; $args[":type_id_$j"] = $type_id; $args[":value_$j"] = $value; $args[":rank_$j"] = $rank; } } } // If we've reached the size of the batch then let's do the insert. if ($i == $batch_size or $total == $num_features) { if (count($args) > 0) { $sql = rtrim($sql, ",\n"); $sql = $init_sql . $sql; chado_query($sql, $args); } $this->setItemsHandled($batch_num); $batch_num++; // Now reset all of the varables for the next batch. $sql = ''; $i = 0; $j = 0; $args = []; } } } /** * */ private function insertFeatureParents(){ $batch_size = 100; $num_parents = count(array_keys($this->parent_lookup)); $num_batches = (int) ($num_parents / $batch_size) + 1; $this->setItemsHandled(0); $this->setTotalItems($num_batches); // Get the 'part_of' and 'derives_from cvterm. $part_of = $this->getTypeID('part_of', FALSE); $derives_from = $this->getTypeID('derives_from', FALSE); $init_sql = "INSERT INTO {feature_relationship} (subject_id, object_id, type_id, rank) VALUES\n"; $i = 0; $j = 0; $total = 0; $batch_num = 1; $sql = ''; $args = []; foreach ($this->parent_lookup as $parent => $children) { $total++; $i++; $parent_feature = $this->getCachedFeature($this->features[$parent]['findex']); $parent_uniquename = $parent_feature['uniquename']; $parent_feature_id = $this->features[$parent_uniquename]['feature_id']; if (!$parent_feature['skipped']) { foreach ($children as $child_findex) { $j++; $child_feature = $this->getCachedFeature($child_findex); $child_uniquename = $child_feature['uniquename']; $child_feature_id = $this->features[$child_uniquename]['feature_id']; $type_id = $part_of; if ($child_feature['type'] == 'polypeptide' or $child_feature['type'] == 'protein') { $type_id = $derives_from; } $sql .= "(:subject_id_$j, :object_id_$j, :type_id_$j, :rank_$j),\n"; $args[":subject_id_$j"] = $child_feature_id; $args[":object_id_$j"] = $parent_feature_id; $args[":type_id_$j"] = $type_id; $args[":rank_$j"] = $this->features[$child_uniquename]['rank']; } } // If we've reached the size of the batch then let's do the insert. if ($i == $batch_size or $total == $num_parents) { if (count($args) > 0) { $sql = rtrim($sql, ",\n"); $sql = $init_sql . $sql; chado_query($sql, $args); } $this->setItemsHandled($batch_num); $batch_num++; // Now reset all of the varables for the next batch. $sql = ''; $i = 0; $j = 0; $args = []; } } } /** * */ private function findDbxrefs() { $batch_size = 1000; $num_dbxrefs = count(array_keys($this->dbxref_lookup)); $num_batches = (int) ($num_dbxrefs / $batch_size) + 1; $this->setItemsHandled(0); $this->setTotalItems($num_batches); // DBXrefs may be already present so we'll do an initial round of // looking for them and then insert those that don't exist. $init_sql = " SELECT DB.name, DBX.db_id, DBX.accession, DBX.dbxref_id, CVT.cvterm_id FROM {dbxref} DBX INNER JOIN {db} DB on DB.db_id = DBX.db_id LEFT JOIN {cvterm} CVT on DBX.dbxref_id = CVT.dbxref_id WHERE "; $i = 0; $total = 0; $batch_num = 1; $sql = ''; $args = []; foreach ($this->dbxref_lookup as $xref => $info) { $i++; $total++; $sql .= "(DBX.accession = :accession_$i and DBX.db_id = :db_id_$i) OR\n"; $args[":accession_$i"] = $info['accession']; $args[":db_id_$i"] = $this->db_lookup[$info['db']]; // If we've reached the size of the batch then let's do the select. if ($i == $batch_size or $total == $num_dbxrefs) { $sql = rtrim($sql, " OR\n"); $sql = $init_sql . $sql; $results = chado_query($sql, $args); while ($dbxref = $results->fetchObject()) { $index = $dbxref->name . ':' . $dbxref->accession; $this->dbxref_lookup[$index]['dbxref_id'] = $dbxref->dbxref_id; if ($dbxref->cvterm_id) { $this->cvterm_lookup[$index] = $dbxref->cvterm_id; $this->dbxref_lookup[$index]['cvterm_id'] = $dbxref->cvterm_id; } } $this->setItemsHandled($batch_num); $batch_num++; // Now reset all of the varables for the next batch. $sql = ''; $i = 0; $j = 0; $args = []; } } } /** * */ private function associateChildren() { $this->setItemsHandled(0); $this->setTotalItems(count(array_keys($this->features))); // Iterate through parent-child relationships and set the ranks. $i = 0; foreach ($this->features as $info) { $i++; $feature = $this->getCachedFeature($info['findex']); if ($feature['parent']) { // Place features in order that they appear by their start coordinates. $parent = $feature['parent']; $start = $feature['start']; $this->parent_lookup[$parent][$start] = $info['findex']; } $this->setItemsHandled($i); } } /** * Calculates ranks for all of the children of each feature. * * This function should not be executed until after features are loaded * into the database and we have feature_ids for all of them. */ private function calculateChildRanks() { $this->setItemsHandled(0); $this->setTotalItems(count(array_keys($this->parent_lookup))); $i = 0; foreach ($this->parent_lookup as $parent => $children) { $starts = array_keys($children); sort($starts); $j = 0; foreach ($starts as $start) { $child_findex = $children[$start]; $child = $this->getCachedFeature($child_findex); $this->features[$child['uniquename']]['rank'] = $j; $j++; } $this->setItemsHandled($j); } } /** * */ private function findLandmarks() { $batch_size = 1000; $num_landmarks = count(array_keys($this->landmarks)); $num_batches = (int) ($num_landmarks / $batch_size) + 1; $this->setItemsHandled(0); $this->setTotalItems($num_batches); $sql = "SELECT name, uniquename, feature_id FROM {feature} WHERE uniquename in (:landmarks)"; $i = 0; $total = 0; $batch_num = 1; $names = []; foreach ($this->landmarks as $landmark_name => $feature_id) { $i++; $total++; // Only do an insert if this dbxref doesn't already exist in the databse. // and this dbxref is from a Dbxref attribute not an Ontology_term attr. if (!$feature_id) { $names[] = $landmark_name; } // If we've reached the size of the batch then let's do the select. if ($i == $batch_size or $total == $num_landmarks) { if (count($names) > 0) { $args = [':landmarks' => $names]; $results = chado_query($sql, $args); while ($f = $results->fetchObject()) { $this->landmarks[$f->uniquename] = $f->feature_id; } } $this->setItemsHandled($batch_num); $batch_num++; // Now reset all of the varables for the next batch. $i = 0; $j = 0; $names = []; } } } /** * */ private function insertDbxrefs() { $batch_size = 1000; $num_dbxrefs = count(array_keys($this->dbxref_lookup)); $num_batches = (int) ($num_dbxrefs / $batch_size) + 1; $this->setItemsHandled(0); $this->setTotalItems($num_batches); $init_sql = "INSERT INTO {dbxref} (db_id, accession) VALUES\n"; $i = 0; $total = 0; $batch_num = 1; $sql = ''; $args = []; foreach ($this->dbxref_lookup as $info) { $i++; $total++; // Only do an insert if this dbxref doesn't already exist in the databse. // and this dbxref is from a Dbxref attribute not an Ontology_term attr. if (!array_key_exists('dbxref_id', $info) and !array_key_exists('cvterm_id', $info)) { $sql .= "(:db_id_$i, :accession_$i),\n"; $args[":db_id_$i"] = $this->db_lookup[$info['db']]; $args[":accession_$i"] = $info['accession']; } // If we've reached the size of the batch then let's do the insert. if ($i == $batch_size or $total == $num_dbxrefs) { if (count($args) > 0) { $sql = rtrim($sql, ",\n"); $sql = $init_sql . $sql; chado_query($sql, $args); } $this->setItemsHandled($batch_num); $batch_num++; // Now reset all of the varables for the next batch. $sql = ''; $i = 0; $j = 0; $args = []; } } } /** * */ private function insertFeatureDbxrefs() { $batch_size = 100; $num_features = count(array_keys($this->features)); $num_batches = (int) ($num_features / $batch_size) + 1; $this->setItemsHandled(0); $this->setTotalItems($num_batches); // Don't need to use placeholders for this insert since we are only using integers. $init_sql = "INSERT INTO {feature_dbxref} (feature_id, dbxref_id) VALUES \n"; $i = 0; $j = 0; $total = 0; $batch_num = 1; $sql = ''; $args = []; foreach ($this->features as $uniquename => $info) { $findex = $info['findex']; $feature_id = $info['feature_id']; $feature = $this->getCachedFeature($findex); $total++; // If the feature is not skipped if (!$feature['skipped']) { $i++; // Iterate through all of the dbxrefs of this feature. foreach ($feature['dbxrefs'] as $index => $details) { $j++; $sql .= "(:feature_id_$j, :dbxref_id_$j),\n"; $args[":feature_id_$j"] = $feature_id; $args[":dbxref_id_$j"] = $this->dbxref_lookup[$index]['dbxref_id']; } } // If we've reached the size of the batch then let's do the insert. if ($i == $batch_size or $total == $num_features) { if (count($args) > 0) { $sql = rtrim($sql, ",\n"); $sql = $init_sql . $sql; chado_query($sql, $args); } $this->setItemsHandled($batch_num); $batch_num++; // Now reset all of the varables for the next batch. $sql = ''; $i = 0; $j = 0; $args = []; } } } /** * */ private function insertFeatureCVterms() { $batch_size = 100; $num_features = count(array_keys($this->features)); $num_batches = (int) ($num_features / $batch_size) + 1; $this->setItemsHandled(0); $this->setTotalItems($num_batches); // Don't need to use placeholders for this insert since we are only using integers. $init_sql = "INSERT INTO {feature_cvterm} (feature_id, cvterm_id, pub_id) VALUES \n"; $i = 0; $j = 0; $total = 0; $batch_num = 1; $sql = ''; $args = []; foreach ($this->features as $uniquename => $info) { $findex = $info['findex']; $feature_id = $info['feature_id']; $feature = $this->getCachedFeature($findex); $total++; // If the feature is not skipped if (!$feature['skipped']) { $i++; // Iterate through all of the dbxrefs of this feature. foreach ($feature['terms'] as $index => $info) { $j++; $sql .= "(:feature_id_$j, :cvterm_id_$j, :pub_id_$j),\n"; $args[":feature_id_$j"] = $feature_id; $args[":cvterm_id_$j"] = $this->cvterm_lookup[$index]; $args[":pub_id_$j"] = $this->null_pub->pub_id; } } // If we've reached the size of the batch then let's do the insert. if ($i == $batch_size or $total == $num_features) { if (count($args) > 0) { $sql = rtrim($sql, ",\n"); $sql = $init_sql . $sql; chado_query($sql, $args); } $this->setItemsHandled($batch_num); $batch_num++; // Now reset all of the varables for the next batch. $sql = ''; $i = 0; $j = 0; $args = []; } } } /** * */ private function insertFeatureTargets() { $batch_size = 1000; $num_features = count(array_keys($this->features)); $num_batches = (int) ($num_features / $batch_size) + 1; $this->setItemsHandled(0); $this->setTotalItems($num_batches); $init_sql = " INSERT INTO {featureloc} (srcfeature_id, feature_id, fmin, fmax, strand, phase, rank) VALUES\n"; $i = 0; $total = 0; $batch_num = 1; $sql = ''; $args = []; foreach ($this->features as $info) { $findex = $info['findex']; $feature_id = $info['feature_id']; $feature = $this->getCachedFeature($findex); $total++; $i++; // If the feature is not skipped and has a target then insert the // target alignment. if (!$feature['skipped'] and array_key_exists('name', $feature['target'])) { $tname = $feature['target']['name']; $tfindex = $this->features[$tname]['findex']; $tfeature_id = $this->features[$tname]['feature_id']; $target = $this->getCachedFeature($tfindex); // According to the Chado instructions for rank, the feature aligned // to the landmark will have a rank of 0. The feature aligned to the // target match will have a rank of 1. $rank = 1; $sql .= "(:srcfeature_id_$i, :feature_id_$i, :fmin_$i, :fmax_$i," . " :strand_$i, :phase_$i, :rank_$i),\n"; $args[":srcfeature_id_$i"] = $tfeature_id; $args[":feature_id_$i"] = $feature_id; $args[":fmin_$i"] = $target['start']; $args[":fmax_$i"] = $target['stop']; $args[":strand_$i"] = $target['strand']; $args[":phase_$i"] = $target['phase'] ? $target['phase'] : NULL; $args[":rank_$i"] = $rank; } // If we've reached the size of the batch then let's do the insert. if ($i == $batch_size or $total == $num_features) { if (count($args) > 0) { $sql = rtrim($sql, ",\n"); $sql = $init_sql . $sql; chado_query($sql, $args); } $this->setItemsHandled($batch_num); $batch_num++; // Now reset all of the varables for the next batch. $sql = ''; $i = 0; $args = []; } } } /** * */ private function insertFeatureDerivesFrom() { $batch_size = 100; $num_features = count(array_keys($this->features)); $num_batches = (int) ($num_features / $batch_size) + 1; $this->setItemsHandled(0); $this->setTotalItems($num_batches); // Get the 'derives_from' cvterm $type_id = $this->getTypeID('derives_from', FALSE); $init_sql = "INSERT INTO {feature_relationship} (subject_id, object_id, type_id, rank) VALUES\n"; $i = 0; $j = 0; $total = 0; $batch_num = 1; $sql = ''; $args = []; foreach ($this->features as $uniquename => $info) { $findex = $info['findex']; $feature_id = $info['feature_id']; $feature = $this->getCachedFeature($findex); $total++; $i++; // If the feature is not skipped if (!$feature['skipped'] and $feature['derives_from']) { $object_id = $this->features[$feature['derives_from']]['feature_id']; $sql .= "(:subject_id_$i, :object_id_$i, :type_id_$i, 0),\n"; $args[":subject_id_$i"] = $feature_id; $args[":object_id_$i"] = $object_id; $args[":type_id_$i"] = $type_id; } // If we've reached the size of the batch then let's do the insert. if ($i == $batch_size or $total == $num_features) { if (count($args) > 0) { $sql = rtrim($sql, ",\n"); $sql = $init_sql . $sql; chado_query($sql, $args); } $this->setItemsHandled($batch_num); $batch_num++; // Now reset all of the varables for the next batch. $sql = ''; $i = 0; $j = 0; $args = []; } } } /** * */ private function insertFeatureLocs() { $batch_size = 1000; $num_features = count(array_keys($this->features)); $num_batches = (int) ($num_features / $batch_size) + 1; $this->setItemsHandled(0); $this->setTotalItems($num_batches); $init_sql = " INSERT INTO {featureloc} (srcfeature_id, feature_id, fmin, fmax, strand, phase, rank) VALUES\n"; $i = 0; $total = 0; $batch_num = 1; $sql = ''; $args = []; foreach ($this->features as $info) { $findex = $info['findex']; $feature_id = $info['feature_id']; $feature = $this->getCachedFeature($findex); $total++; $i++; // If the feature is not skipped and is not a match "target". if (!$feature['skipped'] and !array_key_exists('is_target', $feature)) { $sql .= "(:srcfeature_id_$i, :feature_id_$i, :fmin_$i, :fmax_$i," . " :strand_$i, :phase_$i, :rank_$i),\n"; $args[":srcfeature_id_$i"] = $this->landmarks[$feature['landmark']]; $args[":feature_id_$i"] = $feature_id; $args[":fmin_$i"] = $feature['start']; $args[":fmax_$i"] = $feature['stop']; $args[":strand_$i"] = $feature['strand']; $args[":phase_$i"] = $feature['phase'] ? $feature['phase'] : NULL; $args[":rank_$i"] = 0; } // If we've reached the size of the batch then let's do the insert. if ($i == $batch_size or $total == $num_features) { if (count($args) > 0) { $sql = rtrim($sql, ",\n"); $sql = $init_sql . $sql; chado_query($sql, $args); } $this->setItemsHandled($batch_num); $batch_num++; // Now reset all of the varables for the next batch. $sql = ''; $i = 0; $args = []; } } } /** * Finds an organism from an organism attribute value. */ private function findOrganism($organism_attr, $line_num) { if (array_key_exists($organism_attr, $this->organism_lookup)) { return $this->organism_lookup[$organism_attr]; } // Get the organism object. [$genus, $species] = explode(':', $organism_attr, 2); $organism = new ChadoRecord('organism'); $organism->setValues([ 'genus' => $genus, 'species' => $species ]); $num_found = $organism->find(); if ($num_found == 1){ $this->organism_lookup[$organism_attr] = $organism->getID(); return $organism->getID(); } if ($num_found > 1) { throw new Exception(t('Multiple organisms were found for the "organism" attribute, %organism, on line %line_num', ['%organism' => $organism_attr, '%line_num' => $line_num])); } if ($this->create_organism) { $organism->insert(); $this->organism_lookup[$organism_attr] = $organism->getID(); $gff_feature['organism'] = $organism->getID(); return $organism->getID(); } return NULL; } /** * */ private function findSynonyms() { $batch_size = 1000; $num_features = count(array_keys($this->features)); $num_batches = (int) ($num_features / $batch_size) + 1; $this->setItemsHandled(0); $this->setTotalItems($num_batches); $init_sql = "SELECT synonym_id, name FROM {synonym} WHERE \n"; $i = 0; $j = 0; $total = 0; $batch_num = 1; $sql = ''; $args = []; $batch_synonyms = []; foreach ($this->features as $uniquename => $info) { $findex = $info['findex']; $feature = $this->getCachedFeature($findex); $i++; $total++; // Get all of the synonyms for this batch. if (array_key_exists('synonyms', $feature)) { foreach ($feature['synonyms'] as $index => $synonym) { $batch_synonyms[] = $synonym; } } // If we've reached the size of the batch then let's do the select if ($i == $batch_size or $total == $num_features) { $batch_synonyms = array_unique($batch_synonyms); foreach ($batch_synonyms as $synonym) { $j++; if (!array_key_exists($synonym, $this->synonym_lookup)) { $this->synonym_lookup[$synonym] = NULL; } if (!$this->synonym_lookup[$synonym]) { $sql .= "(type_id = :type_id_$j AND name = :name_$j) OR\n"; $args[":type_id_$j"] = $this->exact_syn->cvterm_id; $args[":name_$j"] = $synonym; } } if (count($args) > 0) { $sql = rtrim($sql, " OR\n"); $sql = $init_sql . $sql; $results = chado_query($sql, $args); while ($synonym = $results->fetchObject()) { $this->synonym_lookup[$synonym->name] = $synonym->synonym_id; } } $this->setItemsHandled($batch_num); $batch_num++; // Now reset all of the varables for the next batch. $sql = ''; $i = 0; $j = 0; $args = []; $batch_synonyms = []; } } } /** * */ private function insertSynonyms() { $batch_size = 1000; $num_synonyms = count(array_keys($this->synonym_lookup)); $num_batches = (int) ($num_synonyms / $batch_size) + 1; $this->setItemsHandled(0); $this->setTotalItems($num_batches); $init_sql = "INSERT INTO {synonym} (type_id, name, synonym_sgml) VALUES\n"; $i = 0; $total = 0; $batch_num = 1; $sql = ''; $args = []; foreach ($this->synonym_lookup as $synonym => $synonym_id) { $i++; $total++; // Only do an insert if this dbxref doesn't already exist in the databse. if (!$synonym_id) { $sql .= "(:type_id_$i,:name_$i, ''),\n"; $args[":type_id_$i"] = $this->exact_syn->cvterm_id; $args[":name_$i"] = $synonym; } // If we've reached the size of the batch then let's do the insert. if ($i == $batch_size or $total == $num_synonyms) { if (count($args) > 0) { $sql = rtrim($sql, ",\n"); $sql = $init_sql . $sql; chado_query($sql, $args); } $this->setItemsHandled($batch_num); $batch_num++; // Now reset all of the varables for the next batch. $sql = ''; $i = 0; $args = []; } } // Now we need to retrieve the synonyms IDs. $this->findSynonyms(); } /** * */ private function insertFeatureSynonyms(){ $batch_size = 1000; $num_features = count(array_keys($this->features)); $num_batches = (int) ($num_features / $batch_size) + 1; $this->setItemsHandled(0); $this->setTotalItems($num_batches); $init_sql = "INSERT INTO {feature_synonym} (synonym_id, feature_id, pub_id) VALUES \n"; $i = 0; $j = 0; $total = 0; $batch_num = 1; $args = []; foreach ($this->features as $uniquename => $info) { $findex = $info['findex']; $feature_id = $info['feature_id']; $feature = $this->getCachedFeature($findex); $total++; // If the feature is not skipped if (!$feature['skipped']) { $i++; // Handle all of the synonyms for this feature. foreach (array_unique($feature['synonyms']) as $synonym) { $j++; $sql .= "(:synonym_id_$j, :feature_id_$j, :pub_id_$j),\n"; $args[":synonym_id_$j"] = $this->synonym_lookup[$synonym]; $args[":feature_id_$j"] = $feature_id; $args[":pub_id_$j"] = $this->null_pub->pub_id; } } // If we've reached the size of the batch then let's do the insert. if ($i == $batch_size or $total == $num_features) { if (count($args) > 0) { $sql = rtrim($sql, ",\n"); $sql = $init_sql . $sql; chado_query($sql, $args); } $this->setItemsHandled($batch_num); $batch_num++; // Now reset all of the varables for the next batch. $sql = ''; $i = 0; $j = 0; $args = []; } } } /** * Determines the names for a feature using the ID and name attributes. * * @param $feature_attrs * The associative array of attributes for the feature. * * @param $type * The type of feature. * * @return array * An associative array with 'uniquename' and 'name' keys. */ private function getFeatureNames($attrs, $type, $landmark_name, $fmin, $fmax) { $uniquename = ''; $name = ''; // If there is no ID or name then try to create a name and ID. if (!array_key_exists('ID', $attrs) and !array_key_exists('name', $attrs)) { // Check if an alternate ID field is suggested, if so, then use // that for the name. if (array_key_exists($this->alt_id_attr, $attrs)) { $uniquename = $attrs[$this->alt_id_attr][0]; $name = $uniquename; } // If the row has a parent then generate a unqiue ID elseif (array_key_exists('Parent', $attrs)) { $uniquename = $attrs['Parent'][0] . "-" . $type . "-" . $landmark_name . ":" . ($fmin + 1) . ".." . $fmax; $name = $attrs['Parent'][0] . "-" . $type; } // Generate a unique name based on the type and location // and set the name to simply be the type. else { $uniquename = $type . "-" . $landmark_name . ":" . ($fmin + 1) . ".." . $fmax; $name = $type . "-" . $landmark_name; } } elseif (!array_key_exists('Name', $attrs)) { $uniquename = $attrs['ID'][0]; $name = $attrs['ID'][0]; } elseif (!array_key_exists('ID', $attrs)) { $uniquename = $attrs['Name'][0]; $name = $attrs['Name'][0]; } else { $uniquename = $attrs['ID'][0]; $name = $attrs['Name'][0]; } // Does this uniquename already exist? if (array_key_exists($uniquename, $this->features)) { $prev_feature = $this->getCachedFeature($this->features[$uniquename]['findex']); // A name can be duplicated for subfeatures (e.g. CDS features) // that have the same parent but are really all the same thing. if (array_key_exists('Parent', $attrs)) { // Iterate through the list of similar IDs and see how many we have // then add a numeric suffix. $i = 2; while (array_key_exists($uniquename . "_" . $i, $this->features)) { $i++; } $uniquename = $uniquename . "_" . $i; } // A name can be duplicated if there is a target match alignment and // the feature appears first in the GFF as a target before it appears // on it's own independent line of the gff file. elseif ($prev_feature['is_target'] == TRUE) { // Do nothing, the previous feature is a target so we'll overwrite // it with this record. } else { throw new Exception(t("A feature with the same ID exists multiple times: !uname", ['!uname' => $uniquename])); } } return [ 'name' => $name, 'uniquename' => $uniquename, ]; } /** * */ private function insertFeatureAnalysis() { $batch_size = 1000; $num_features = count(array_keys($this->features)); $num_batches = (int) ($num_features / $batch_size) + 1; $this->setItemsHandled(0); $this->setTotalItems($num_batches); $init_sql = "INSERT INTO {analysisfeature} (feature_id, analysis_id, significance) VALUES \n"; $i = 0; $total = 0; $batch_num = 1; $args = []; foreach ($this->features as $info) { $findex = $info['findex']; $feature_id = $info['feature_id']; $feature = $this->getCachedFeature($findex); $i++; $total++; // If the feature is not skipped then add it to the table if (!$feature['skipped']) { $sql .= "(:feature_id_$i, :analysis_id_$i, :significance_$i),\n"; $args[":feature_id_$i"] = $feature_id; $args[":analysis_id_$i"] = $this->analysis->getID(); if (strcmp($feature['score'], '.') != 0) { $args[":significance_$i"] = $feature['score']; } else { $args[":significance_$i"] = NULL; } } // If we've reached the size of the batch then let's do the insert. if ($i == $batch_size or $total == $num_features) { if (count($args) > 0) { $sql = rtrim($sql, ",\n"); $sql = $init_sql . $sql; chado_query($sql, $args); } $this->setItemsHandled($batch_num); $batch_num++; // Now reset all of the varables for the next batch. $sql = ''; $i = 0; $args = []; } } } }