format-version: 1.2 default-namespace: tripal_pub subsetdef: MeSH_Publication_Type "MeSH Publication Types" [Term] id: TPUB:0000001 name: Publication Dbxref relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000002 name: Publication [Term] id: TPUB:0000003 name: Citation relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000004 name: Book is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type [Term] id: TPUB:0000005 name: Pub Accession relationship: part_of TPUB:0000001 ! publication_dbxref [Term] id: TPUB:0000006 name: Collective def: Used when an author is a collective of individuals rather than a person. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type relationship: part_of TPUB:0000016 ! Author [Term] id: TPUB:0000007 name: Master's Thesis relationship: part_of TPUB:0000006 ! Collective [Term] id: TPUB:0000008 name: PhD Thesis def: PhD thesis or dissertation. relationship: part_of TPUB:0000006 ! Collective [Term] id: TPUB:0000009 name: Publication Database relationship: part_of TPUB:0000001 ! Publication Dbxref [Term] id: TPUB:0000010 name: Received Date is_a: TPUB:0000046 ! Publication Date [Term] id: TPUB:0000011 name: Conference Name relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000012 name: Book Chapter is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type [Term] id: TPUB:0000013 name: Unknown Type is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type [Term] id: TPUB:0000014 name: Web Page is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type [Term] id: TPUB:0000015 name: Publication Type relationship: part_of TPUB:0000002 ! Publication [Term] id: TPUB:0000016 name: Author relationship: part_of TPUB:0000002 ! Publication [Term] id: TPUB:0000035 name: Epub Date is_a: TPUB:0000046 ! Publication Date [Term] id: TPUB:0000036 name: Accepted Date is_a: TPUB:0000046 ! Publication Date [Term] id: TPUB:0000037 name: Publication Details relationship: part_of TPUB:0000002 ! Publication [Term] id: TPUB:0000038 name: Journal ISO Abbreviation relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000039 name: Title relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000040 name: Journal is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type [Term] id: TPUB:0000041 name: Patent is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type [Term] id: TPUB:0000042 name: Volume relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000043 name: Issue relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000044 name: Pages relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000045 name: Start Page relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000046 name: Publication Date relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000047 name: Authors relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000048 name: ISSN def: International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is an eight-character value that uniquely identifies a periodicals in print or other media. There are two sub categories of ISSN: print, p-ISSN and electronic e-ISSN. relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000049 name: DOI def: Digital Object Identifier. is_a: TPUB:0000080 ! Elocation [Term] id: TPUB:0000050 name: Abstract relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000051 name: Comments relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000052 name: URL relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000053 name: File Attachment relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000059 name: Year relationship: part_of TPUB:0000046 ! Publication Date [Term] id: TPUB:0000064 name: Language relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000065 name: Keywords relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000066 name: Original Title relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000067 name: Alias relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000068 name: Journal Code relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000069 name: pISSN is_a: TPUB:0000048 ! ISSN [Term] id: TPUB:0000070 name: Conference Proceedings def: A generic term for any article, talk, workshop or poster that is part of a conference proceedings. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type [Term] id: TPUB:0000072 name: eISSN is_a: TPUB:0000048 ! ISSN [Term] id: TPUB:0000073 name: Proceedings Talk is_a: TPUB:0000070 ! Conference Proceedings [Term] id: TPUB:0000074 name: Proceedings Article is_a: TPUB:0000070 ! Conference Proceedings [Term] id: TPUB:0000075 name: Journal Name relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000076 name: Proceedings Poster is_a: TPUB:0000070 ! Conference Proceedings [Term] id: TPUB:0000077 name: Conference Year relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000078 name: Proceedings Computer Demo is_a: TPUB:0000070 ! Conference Proceedings [Term] id: TPUB:0000079 name: Vernacular Title def: The title of a publication in its original foreign language. relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000080 name: Elocation def: Provides an electronic location for the items. This includes Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) or Publisher Item Identifiers (PII). relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000081 name: Publication Model def: This term is used to identify the medium/media in which the item is published. There are four possible values which are the same as used by: print, print-electronic, electronic, electronic-print. Further explanation: "print", the journal is published in print format only; "print-electronic", the journal is published in both print and electronic format; "electronic", the journal is published in electronic format only; "electronic-print", the journal is published first in electronic format followed by print. relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000082 name: PII def: Publisher Item Identifier. is_a: TPUB:0000081 ! Publication Model [Term] id: TPUB:0000083 name: Structured Abstract Part def: A subset of an abstract. For example, abstracts that have section headers such as 'Purpose', 'Results', etc., each of these sections would be an individual part of a structured abstract. relationship: part_of TPUB:0000050 ! Abstract [Term] id: TPUB:0000084 name: Copyright def: Information regarding the copyright of the publication. relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB:0000085 name: Suffix def: Name suffix such as 2nd, 3rd, Jr, Sr., etc. relationship: part_of TPUB:0000016 ! Author [Term] id: TPUB:0000087 name: Language Abbr def: An abbreviation for a language (e.g. 3 letters) is_a: TPUB:0000064 ! Language [Term] id: TPUB:0000100 name: Journal Country def: The country where the journal was published. relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB0000101 name: Abbreviations def: Works consisting of lists of shortened forms of written words or phrases used for brevity. Acronyms are included here. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000102 name: Abstracts def: Works consisting of lists of publications on a subject and that provide full annotated bibliographical information together with substantive summaries or condensations of the facts, ideas, or opinions presented in each publication listed. (From LC Subject Cataloging Manual) is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000103 name: Academic Dissertations def: Works consisting of formal presentations made usually to fulfill requirements for an academic degree. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000104 name: Addresses def: Works consisting of speeches, orations, or written statements, usually formal, directed to a particular group of persons. These are different from LECTURES that are usually delivered to classes for instructional purposes. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000105 name: Almanacs def: Works consisting of a calendar of days, weeks, and months, together with information such as astronomical data, various statistics, etc. (From Genre Terms: A Thesaurus for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloguing, 2d ed) is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000106 name: Anecdotes def: Works consisting of brief accounts or narratives of incidents or events. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000107 name: Animation def: A film or video wholly or partially created by photographing drawings, sculptures, or other inanimate things in sequence to create the illusion of motion. Animations are also generated by computers. (From Moving Image Materials: Genre Terms, 1988) is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000108 name: Annual Reports def: Works consisting of annual statements concerning the administrative and operational functions of an institution or organization. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000109 name: Atlases def: Works consisting of collections of illustrative plates, charts, etc., usually with explanatory captions. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000110 name: Autobiography def: Works consisting of self-described accounts. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000111 name: Bibliography def: A work consisting of a list of books, articles, documents, publications, and other items, usually on a single subject or related subjects. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000112 name: Biobibliography def: Works consisting of biographical information as well as lists of the writings of those persons. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000113 name: Biography def: Works consisting of an account of the events, works, and achievements, personal and professional, during a person's life. It includes articles on the activities and accomplishments of living persons as well as the presentation of an obituary. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000114 name: Book Illustrations def: Works consisting of photographs, prints, drawings, portraits, plates, diagrams, facsimiles, maps, tables, or other representations or systematic arrangements of data designed to elucidate or decorate the contents of a publication. (From The ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science, 1983, p114) is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000115 name: Book Reviews def: Works consisting of critical analyses of books or other monographic works. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000116 name: Bookplates def: Works consisting of book owner's identification labels. They are usually intended for attaching inside a book or similar object. (From Thesaurus for Graphic Materials II: Genre and Physical Characteristic Terms, 1995) is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000117 name: Cartoons def: Images used to comment on such things as contemporary events, social habits, or political trends; usually executed in a broad or abbreviated manner. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000118 name: Case Reports def: Clinical presentations that may be followed by evaluative studies that eventually lead to a diagnosis. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000119 name: Catalogs def: Works consisting of bibliographic records, created according to specific and uniform principles of construction and under the control of an authority file, which describe the materials contained in a collection, library, or group of libraries. Catalogs include also lists of materials prepared for a particular purpose, such as exhibition catalogs, sales catalogs, garden catalogs, medical supply catalogs. (From The ALA Glossary of Library and Information Sciences, 1983) is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000120 name: Charts def: Information presented in graphic form, for example, graphs or diagrams. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000121 name: Chronology def: Works consisting of lists of events arranged in chronological order. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000122 name: Classical Article def: Works consisting of a current presentation of a previously printed seminal article marking a milestone in the history of medicine or science. It is usually accompanied by introductory remarks heralding its reprinting, often on the anniversary of its original publication or on an anniversary of the author's birth or death. It is usually reprinted in full, with complete bibliographical reference to the original appearance. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000123 name: Clinical Conference def: Work that consists of a conference of physicians on their observations of a patient at the bedside, regarding the physical state, laboratory and other diagnostic findings, clinical manifestations, results of current therapy, etc. A clinical conference usually ends with a confirmation or correction of clinical findings by a pathological diagnosis performed by a pathologist. "Clinical conference" is often referred to as a "clinico-pathological conference." is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000124 name: Clinical Trial def: Work that is the report of a pre-planned clinical study of the safety, efficacy, or optimum dosage schedule of one or more diagnostic, therapeutic, or prophylactic drugs, devices, or techniques in humans selected according to predetermined criteria of eligibility and observed for predefined evidence of favorable and unfavorable effects. While most clinical trials concern humans, this publication type may be used for clinical veterinary articles meeting the requisites for humans. Specific headings for specific types and phases of clinical trials are also available. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000125 name: Clinical Trial, Phase I def: Work that is the report of a pre-planned, usually controlled, clinical study of the safety and efficacy of diagnostic, therapeutic, or prophylactic drugs, devices, or techniques based on a small number of healthy persons and conducted over the period of about a year in either the United States or a foreign country. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000126 name: Clinical Trial, Phase II def: Work that is a report of a pre-planned, usually controlled, clinical study of the safety and efficacy of diagnostic, therapeutic, or prophylactic drugs, devices, or techniques based on several hundred volunteers, including a limited number of patients, and conducted over a period of about two years in either the United States or a foreign country. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000127 name: Clinical Trial, Phase III def: Work that is a report of a pre-planned, usually controlled, clinical study of the safety and efficacy of diagnostic, therapeutic, or prophylactic drugs, devices, or techniques after phase II trials. A large enough group of patients is studied and closely monitored by physicians for adverse response to long-term exposure, over a period of about three years in either the United States or a foreign country. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000128 name: Clinical Trial, Phase IV def: Work that is a report of a planned post-marketing study of diagnostic, therapeutic, or prophylactic drugs, devices, or techniques that have been approved for general sale after clinical trials, phases I, II, and III. These studies, conducted in the United States or a foreign country, often garner additional data about the safety and efficacy of a product. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000129 name: Collected Correspondence def: Works consisting of collected letters by or about a person or on a subject. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000130 name: Collected Works def: Works consisting of collections of previously published works. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000131 name: Collections def: Works that consist of collections of objects. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000132 name: Comment def: Work consisting of a critical or explanatory note written to discuss, support, or dispute an article or other presentation previously published. It may take the form of an article, letter, editorial, etc. It appears in publications under a variety of names: comment, commentary, editorial comment, viewpoint, etc. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000133 name: Comparative Study def: Comparison of outcomes, results, responses, etc for different techniques, therapeutic approaches or other inputs. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000134 name: Congresses def: Published records of the papers delivered at or issued on the occasion of individual congresses, symposia, and meetings; abstracts of papers delivered at such congresses; reports of the officers and delegates of such congresses; combinations of the foregoing; or proceedings of the conference of a society if they are not limited to matters of internal organization. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000135 name: Consensus Development Conference def: A work that consists of summary statements representing the majority and current agreement of physicians, scientists, and other professionals meeting to reach a consensus on a selected subject. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000136 name: Controlled Clinical Trial def: Work consisting of a clinical trial involving one or more test treatments, at least one control treatment, specified outcome measures for evaluating the studied intervention, and a bias-free method for assigning patients to the test treatment. The treatment may be drugs, devices, or procedures studied for diagnostic, therapeutic, or prophylactic effectiveness. Control measures include placebos, active medicine, no-treatment, dosage forms and regimens, historical comparisons, etc. When randomization using mathematical techniques, such as the use of a random numbers table, is employed to assign patients to test or control treatments, the trial is characterized as a RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000137 name: Cookbooks def: Collections of recipes or instructions for preparation of food and organization of meals. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000138 name: Corrected and Republished Article def: Work that is the republication of an article to correct, amplify, or restore text and data of the originally published article. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000139 name: Database def: Work consisting of a structured file of information or a set of logically related data stored and retrieved using computer-based means. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000140 name: Diaries def: Works consisting of records, usually private, of writers' experiences, observations, feelings, attitudes, etc. They may also be works marked in calendar order in which to note appointments and the like. (From Random House Unabridged Dictionary, 2d ed) is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000141 name: Dictionary def: A reference book containing a list of words - usually in alphabetical order - giving information about form, pronunciation, etymology, grammar, and meaning. A foreign-language dictionary is an alphabetical list of words of one language with their meaning and equivalents in another language. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000142 name: Directory def: Work consisting of an alphabetical or classified list of names, organizations, subjects, etc., giving usually titles, addresses, affiliations, and other professional data. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000143 name: Documentaries and Factual Films def: Works consisting of films, videos, and programs which depict actual persons or actual events. They do not include frank historical re-creations and do not attempt to judge the truth of the depiction in a film purporting to be factual or documentary in character. (From Moving Image Materials: Genre Terms, 1988) is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000144 name: Drawings def: Works consisting of graphic representations of objects or ideas by lines. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000145 name: Duplicate Publication def: Work consisting of an article or book of identical or nearly identical material published simultaneously or successively to material previously published elsewhere, without acknowledgment of the prior publication. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000146 name: Editorial def: Work consisting of a statement of the opinions, beliefs, and policy of the editor or publisher of a journal, usually on current matters of medical or scientific significance to the medical community or society at large. The editorials published by editors of journals representing the official organ of a society or organization are generally substantive. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000147 name: Electronic Supplementary Materials def: Supporting content or information, such as animation, datasets, multimedia files, video, movies, audio files, text files, or software, which is submitted for publication in an online journal or an online edition of a journal. This information may be referenced in the text of the article with a link to the supplementary data provided. CATALOG: do not use is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000148 name: Encyclopedias def: Works containing informational articles on subjects in every field of knowledge, usually arranged in alphabetical order, or a similar work limited to a special field or subject. (From The ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science, 1983) is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000149 name: Ephemera def: Works consisting of transient everyday items, usually printed on paper, that are produced for a specific limited use and then often thrown away. (From Genre Terms: A Thesaurus for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloguing, 2d ed & The ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science, 1983) is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000150 name: Essays def: Works consisting of collections of papers or interpretive literary compositions not previously published. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000151 name: Evaluation Studies def: Works consisting of studies determining the effectiveness or utility of processes, personnel, and equipment. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000152 name: Examination Questions def: Works consisting of compilations of questions and answers pertaining to a particular subject, used for study and review. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000153 name: Exhibitions def: Public displays or items representative of a given subject. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000154 name: Festschrift def: Work consisting of a collection of essays or other writings contributed by students, teachers, colleagues, and associates to honor a person or institution, usually on the occasion of an anniversary celebration or other event of importance. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000155 name: Fictional Works def: Works consisting of creative writing, not presented as factual. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000156 name: Forms def: Works consisting of or containing a substantial number of blank forms. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000157 name: Formularies def: Works that consist of lists of drugs or collections of recipes, formulas, and prescriptions for the compounding of medicinal preparations. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000158 name: Government Publications def: Works consisting of documents issued by local, regional, or national governments or by their agencies or subdivisions. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000159 name: Guidebooks def: Works consisting of publications for travelers that give information about a city, region, or country, or similar handbooks about buildings, museums, etc. (The ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science, 1983) is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000160 name: Guideline def: Work consisting of a set of statements, directions, or principles presenting current or future rules or policy. Guidelines may be developed by government agencies at any level, institutions, organizations such as professional societies or governing boards, or by the convening of expert panels. The text may be cursive or in outline form, but it is generally a comprehensive guide to problems and approaches in any discipline or activity. This concept relates to the general conduct and administration of health care activities rather than to specific decisions for a particular clinical condition. For that aspect, PRACTICE GUIDELINE is available. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000161 name: Handbooks def: Works consisting of concise reference works in which facts and information pertaining to a certain subject or field are arranged for ready reference and consultation rather than for continuous reading and study. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000162 name: Herbals def: Works such as books on herbs or plants usually describing their medicinal value. (Random House Unabridged Dictionary, 2d ed) is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000163 name: Historical Article def: An article or portion of an article giving an account of past events or circumstances significant in a field of study, a profession, a discovery, an invention, etc. The concept of history is very wide, ranging from the dawn of time to the present. This publication type is often checked in conjunction with BIOGRAPHY. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000164 name: Humor def: Works consisting of jokes and facetiae relating to a subject. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000165 name: In Vitro def: Studies using excised tissues. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000166 name: Incunabula def: Books printed before 1501. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000167 name: Indexes def: Works providing an analytical subject approach to materials in a field of knowledge. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000168 name: Instructional Films def: Works consisting of nonfiction films and video designed to teach, instruct, or train. (From Moving Image Materials: Genre Terms, 1988) is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000169 name: Interactive Tutorial def: Video recordings or other files in which the progress of the instruction or content is determined by user response. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000170 name: Interview def: Work consisting of a conversation with an individual regarding his or her background and other personal and professional details, opinions on specific subjects posed by the interviewer, etc. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000171 name: Introductory Journal Article def: Prefactory summary to a special issue or section of a journal devoted to a specific topic. This introductory text can be of varying length and substance. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000172 name: Journal Article def: The predominant publication type for articles and other items indexed for NLM databases. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000173 name: Juvenile Literature def: Works produced for children through age 15 or through the ninth grade. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000174 name: Laboratory Manuals def: Works containing concise background information and directions for activities, including conducting experiments or diagnostic tests in the laboratory. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000175 name: Lecture Notes def: Works consisting of notes taken at the delivery or reading of a speech before an audience or class, usually given to instruct. (From Random House Unabridged Dictionary, 2d ed) is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000176 name: Lectures def: Works consisting of speeches read or delivered before an audience or class, especially for instruction or to set forth some subject. They are differentiated from ADDRESSES [PUBLICATION TYPE] which are less didactic and more informational, entertaining, inspirational, or polemic. (From Random House Unabridged Dictionary, 2d ed) is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000177 name: Legal Cases def: Works consisting of collections of law reports or the published reports of decided cases and documents or filings related to those cases. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000178 name: Legislation def: Works consisting of the text of proposed or enacted legislation that may be in the form of bills, laws, statutes, ordinances, or government regulations. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000179 name: Letter def: Work consisting of written or printed communication between individuals or between persons and representatives of corporate bodies. The correspondence may be personal or professional. In medical and other scientific publications the letter is usually from one or more authors to the editor of the journal or book publishing the item being commented upon or discussed. LETTER is often accompanied by COMMENT. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000180 name: Manuscripts def: Works prepared by hand including handwritten or typescript drafts of pre-publication papers or works not otherwise reproduced in multiple copies. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000181 name: Maps def: Works consisting of representations, normally to scale and on a flat medium, of a selection of material or abstract features on the surface of the earth. They may be used also in delineating the heavens and celestial bodies. (From Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, 2d ed, p619) is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000182 name: Meeting Abstracts def: For individual abstracts of presentations at meetings, congresses, conferences, symposia, colloquia, seminars, workshops, round tables, and other professional gatherings. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000183 name: Meta Analysis def: Works consisting of studies using a quantitative method of combining the results of independent studies (usually drawn from the published literature) and synthesizing summaries and conclusions which may be used to evaluate therapeutic effectiveness, plan new studies, etc. It is often an overview of clinical trials. It is usually called a meta-analysis by the author or sponsoring body and should be differentiated from reviews of literature. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000184 name: Monograph def: Work that is any publication that is not a serial or integrating resource. In cataloging usage, It is usually on a single subject or related subjects and is complete in itself, whether constructed of chapters, sections, or parts. While any article encountered in indexing journals can be, strictly speaking, a monograph, as a publication type, a monograph will refer to a cataloging item. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000185 name: Multicenter Study def: Work consisting of a controlled study executed by several cooperating institutions. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000186 name: News def: Works consisting of an announcement or statement of recent or current events of new data and matters of interest in the field of medicine or science. In some publications, such as "Nature" or "Science," the news reports are substantively written and herald medical and scientific data of vital or controversial importance. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000187 name: Newspaper Article def: Work consisting of a news item appearing in a general-interest newspaper or other general news periodical, containing information of current and timely interest in the field of medicine or science. This publication type should not be confused with NEWS Publication Type, reserved for news reports published in various medical or other scientific journals, such as "Nature". is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000188 name: Nurses' Instruction def: Works consisting of materials developed for a nursing audience. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000189 name: Outlines def: Works consisting of brief statements of the principal elements of a subject, usually arranged by heads and subheads. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000190 name: Overall def: A single citation covering papers or abstracts presented at a meeting. The publication type may be used for a single citation with or without the additional indexing or cataloging of individual papers. The individual papers, however, are not labeled OVERALL. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000191 name: Patents def: Works consisting of documents granted by a government giving exclusive rights to an inventor or assignee to manufacture, use, or sell an invention for a certain number of years. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000192 name: Patient Education Handout def: Works consisting of a handout or self-contained informative material used to explain a procedure or a condition or the contents of a specific article in a biomedical journal and written in non-technical language for the patient or consumer. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000193 name: Periodical Index def: Work consisting of a subject approach to the contents of a periodical issuing an annual, biennial, quinquennial, decennial, etc., index. The heading is used for the overall body of articles published by a periodical in the same sense that BIBLIOGRAPHY is useful when published as a single article. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000194 name: Periodicals def: Publications intended to be issued on an ongoing basis, generally more frequently than annually, containing separate articles, stories, or writings. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000195 name: Personal Narratives def: Works consisting of accounts of individual experience in relation to a particular field or of participation in related activities. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000196 name: Pharmacopoeias def: Authoritative works containing lists of drugs and preparations, their description, formulation, analytic composition, main chemical properties, standards for strength, purity, and dosage, chemical tests for determining identity, etc. They have the status of a standard. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000197 name: Photographs def: Still images produced from radiation-sensitive materials (sensitive to light, electron beams, or nuclear radiation), generally by means of the chemical action of light on a sensitive film, paper, glass, or metal. Photographs may be positive or negative, opaque or transparent. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000198 name: Phrases def: Works consisting of common terms, phrases, idioms, and typical conversations, e.g., between health professional and patients. These are often intended for use by non-native speakers of a language. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000199 name: Pictorial Works def: Works consisting exclusively or mainly of pictures but not technical drawings. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000200 name: Poetry def: Works that consist of literary and oral genre expressing meaning via symbolism and following formal or informal patterns. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000201 name: Popular Works def: Works written for non-professional or lay audiences. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000202 name: Portraits def: Works consisting of graphic representations, especially of the face, of real persons, usually posed, living or dead. They are pictures whose purpose is the portrayal of an individual or group of individuals, not pictures which merely include people as part of an event or scene. (From Thesaurus for Graphic Materials II, p540, 1995) is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000203 name: Postcards def: Cards on which a message may be written or printed for mailing without an envelope. Art & Architectural Thesaurus Online accessed 12/18/2008 is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000204 name: Posters def: Works consisting of single or multi-sheet notices made to attract attention to events, activities, causes, goods, or services. They are for posting, usually in a public place and are chiefly pictorial. They are intended to make an immediate impression from a distance. Posters do not include poster presentations at conferences and meetings. (From Thesaurus for Graphic Materials II: Genre and Physical Characteristic Headings, 1995) is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000205 name: Practice Guideline def: Work consisting of a set of directions or principles to assist the health care practitioner with patient care decisions about appropriate diagnostic, therapeutic, or other clinical procedures for specific clinical circumstances. Practice guidelines may be developed by government agencies at any level, institutions, organizations such as professional societies or governing boards, or by the convening of expert panels. They can provide a foundation for assessing and evaluating the quality and effectiveness of health care in terms of measuring improved health, reduction of variation in services or procedures performed, and reduction of variation in outcomes of health care delivered. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000206 name: Price Lists def: Works consisting of lists giving the prices of items for sale, including drugs, equipment, books, etc. Price lists are less detailed than catalogs and not as long. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000207 name: Problems and Exercises def: Works consisting of collections of practice questions and drills, generally for instructional or review use. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000208 name: Programmed Instruction def: Works consisting of sequenced self-correction texts. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000209 name: Programs def: Works consisting of lists of the events, pieces, performers, speakers, etc., of an entertainment, ceremony, or the like. (From: Genre Terms: A Thesaurus for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloging, 2d ed) is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000210 name: Prospectuses def: Works consisting of advertisements separately printed and distributed by a publisher to describe and solicit orders for a recent or forthcoming publication. In the case of books, they may include sample pages. (From: ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science, 1983) is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000211 name: Publication Components def: Specific parts of publications. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000212 name: Publication Formats def: Specific genre of publication. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000213 name: Published Erratum def: Work consisting of an acknowledgment of an error, issued by a publisher, editor, or author. It customarily cites the source where the error occurred, giving complete bibliographic data for retrieval. In the case of books and monographs, author, title, imprint, paging, and other helpful references will be given; in the case of journal articles, the author, title, paging, and journal reference will be shown. An erratum notice is variously cited as Errata or Corrigenda. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000214 name: Randomized Controlled Trial def: Work consisting of a clinical trial that involves at least one test treatment and one control treatment, concurrent enrollment and follow-up of the test- and control-treated groups, and in which the treatments to be administered are selected by a random process, such as the use of a random-numbers table. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000215 name: Resource guides def: Works listing and describing various sources of information, from multiple media or in different formats, on a given subject. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000216 name: Retracted Publication def: Work consisting of the designation of an article or book as retracted in whole or in part by an author or authors or an authorized representative. It identifies a citation previously published and now retracted through a formal issuance from the author, publisher, or other authorized agent, and is distinguished from RETRACTION OF PUBLICATION, which identifies the citation retracting the original published item. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000217 name: Retraction of Publication def: Work consisting of a statement issued by one or more authors of an article or a book, withdrawing or disavowing acknowledgment of their participation in performing research or writing the results of their study. In indexing, the retraction is sent to the editor of the publication in which the article appeared and is published under the rubric "retraction" or in the form of a letter. This publication type designates the author's statement of retraction: it should be differentiated from RETRACTED PUBLICATION which labels the retracted publication. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000218 name: Review def: An article or book published after examination of published material on a subject. It may be comprehensive to various degrees and the time range of material scrutinized may be broad or narrow, but the reviews most often desired are reviews of the current literature. The textual material examined may be equally broad and can encompass, in medicine specifically, clinical material as well as experimental research or case reports. State-of-the-art reviews tend to address more current matters. A review of the literature must be differentiated from HISTORICAL ARTICLE on the same subject, but a review of historical literature is also within the scope of this publication type. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000219 name: Scientific Integrity Review def: Work consisting of reports by the United States Office of Research Integrity, identifying questionable research published in articles or books. Notification of the questionable data is carried in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000220 name: Statistics def: Works consisting of presentations of numerical data on particular subjects. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000221 name: Support of Research def: Organizational source for funding of research activity. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000222 name: Tables def: Presentations of nonstatistical data in tabular form. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000223 name: Technical Report def: Work consisting of a formal report giving details of the investigation and results of a medical or other scientific problem. When issued by a government agency or comparable official body, its contents may be classified, unclassified, or declassified with regard to security clearance. This publication type may also cover a scientific paper or article that records the current state or current position of scientific research and development. If so labeled by the editor or publisher, this publication type may be properly used for journal articles. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000224 name: Terminology def: Work consisting of lists of the technical terms or expressions used in a specific field. These lists may or may not be formally adopted or sanctioned by usage. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000225 name: Textbooks def: Books intended for use in the study of specific subjects, containing systematic presentation of the principles and essential knowledge of the subjects. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000226 name: Twin Study def: Work consisting of reporting using a method of detecting genetic causes in human traits and genetic factors in behavior using sets of twins. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000227 name: Unedited Footage def: Work consisting of untitled raw motion picture and video footage which has not been edited or assembled into a finished work. (From: Moving Image Materials: Genre Terms, 1988) is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000228 name: Union Lists def: Works consisting of records of the holdings or items owned by two or more libraries. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000229 name: Unpublished Works def: Works that have not been formally published. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000230 name: Validation Studies def: Works consisting of research using processes by which the reliability and relevance of a procedure for a specific purpose are established. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000231 name: Video Audio Media def: Used with articles which include video files or clips, or for articles which are entirely video. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000232 name: Webcasts def: Content from transmission of live or pre-recorded audio or video via connection or download from the INTERNET. is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type subset: MeSH_Publication_Type [Term] id: TPUB0000233 name: Research Support, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act subset: MeSH_Publication_Type is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type [Term] id: TPUB0000234 name: Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural def: A designation for publications of research resulting from extramural research funded by the National Institutes of Health. subset: MeSH_Publication_Type is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type [Term] id: TPUB0000235 name: Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural def: A designation for publications of research resulting from intramural research at the National Institutes of Health. subset: MeSH_Publication_Type is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type [Term] id: TPUB0000236 name: Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't subset: MeSH_Publication_Type is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type [Term] id: TPUB0000237 name: Research Support, U.S. Gov't, Non-P.H.S. subset: MeSH_Publication_Type is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type [Term] id: TPUB0000238 name: Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S. subset: MeSH_Publication_Type is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type [Term] id: TPUB0000239 name: Research Support, U.S. Government def: For publications noted as supported by US Government. subset: MeSH_Publication_Type is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type [Term] id: TPUB:0000240 name: Author List relationship: part_of TPUB:0000037 ! Publication Details [Term] id: TPUB0000241 name: English Abstract subset: MeSH_Publication_Type is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type [Term] id: TPUB0000242 name: Meta-Analysis def: Works consisting of studies using a quantitative method of combining the results of independent studies (usually drawn from the published literature) and synthesizing summaries and conclusions which may be used to evaluate therapeutic effectiveness, plan new studies, etc. It is often an overview of clinical trials. It is usually called a meta-analysis by the author or sponsoring body and should be differentiated from reviews of literature. subset: MeSH_Publication_Type is_a: TPUB:0000015 ! Publication Type [Typedef] id: is_a name: is a is_transitive: true [Typedef] id: part_of name: part of is_transitive: true