[-] Collapse All
cvname; ?> sequence
residues){ print ereg_replace("(.{100})","\\1
",$feature->residues); } else { print "sequence currently not available"; } ?>
Dababase | Accession |
db_name?> | urlprefix){ ?>accession?>accession; } ?> |
Feature | Type | Position | Phase | Strand |
name ?> | cvname ?> | fmin . ".." . $loc->fmax ?> | phase ?> | strand ?> |
Features Located on featurename;?>
Feature | Type | Position | Phase | Strand |
name ?> | cvname ?> | fmin . ".." . $loc->fmax ?> | phase ?> | strand ?> |
$srelationships = $node->subject_relationships;
if(count($srelationships) > 0){
print "Subject Relationships
"; print "
"; } ?> object_relationships; $other_seqs = array(); if(count($orelationships) > 0){ print "Object Relationships
"; print "
// print the sequences for those that are located on a references
// sequence
$rel_info = $node->relationship_object_info;
foreach($rel_info as $index => $info){
print "
Sequence Context:
"; print "$info->source:$info->fmin..$info->fmax
"; print $info->residues; } } // now print any remaining sequences foreach($other_seqs as $i => $rel){ print "
$rel->subject_type sequence"; print "
"; print "
Relationship | Feature | Type |
$result->rel_type | "; print ""; if(isset($result->object_nid)){ print "object_nid") . "\">$result->object_name "; } else { print "$result->object_name "; } print " | "; print "$result->object_type | "; } print "
"; } ?> object_relationships; $other_seqs = array(); if(count($orelationships) > 0){ print "Object Relationships
"; print "
Feature | Type | Relationship | Position | |
"; if(isset($result->subject_nid)){ print "subject_nid") . "\">$result->subject_name ($result->subject_type) "; } else { print "$subject_name"; } print " | "; print "$result->subject_type | "; print "$result->rel_type | "; if($result->src_name){ print "$result->src_name ($result->src_cvname):$result->fmin $result->fmax | "; } else { print ""; } print " |
Sequence Context:
"; print "$info->source:$info->fmin..$info->fmax
"; print $info->residues; } } // now print any remaining sequences foreach($other_seqs as $i => $rel){ print "
$rel->subject_type sequence"; print "
"; print ereg_replace("(.{100})","\\1"; } print "
",$rel->subject_residues); print "