Tripal Publication Quick Links

Module Description:

The Tripal Publication Module provides the functionality for adding, editing, deleting viewing and bulk importing of publications. This module additionally provides a search tool for finding publications that have been added to Chado database.

Setup Instructions:

  1. Set Permissions: The publication module supports the Drupal user permissions interface for controlling access to publication content and functions. These permissions include viewing, creating, editing or administering of publications. The default is that only the original site administrator has these permissions. You can add roles for classifying users, assign users to roles and assign permissions for the publication content to those roles. For a simple setup, allow anonymous users access to view publication content and allow the site administrator all other permissions.

  2. Sync Publications: If you already have publications in your Chado database, or you loaded them through a means other than Tripal, and you want those publications to appear on your site then you will need to "sync" them with Drupal. Use the page to sync all publications.

  3. Configure the Search Behavior: Before allowing site visitors to search for publications visit the to disable or enable fields for searching. Tripal uses its own ontology for storing publication information in Chado, and all child terms of the "Publication Details" are made available for searching. However, some of these may not be desired for searching and can be disabled.

Features of this Module: