$string . '%']);
while ($feature = $features->fetchObject()) {
$key = "$feature->uniquename [id: $feature->feature_id]";
$items[$key] = "$feature->uniquename ($feature->name, $feature->type, $feature->genus $feature->species)";
* Performs a reverse compliment of a nucleotide sequence.
* @param $sequence
* The nucelotide sequence.
* @return
* an upper-case reverse complemented sequence.
* @ingroup tripal_feature_api
function chado_reverse_compliment_sequence($sequence) {
$seq = strtoupper($sequence);
$seq = strrev($seq);
$seq = str_replace("A", "t", $seq);
$seq = str_replace("T", "a", $seq);
$seq = str_replace("G", "c", $seq);
$seq = str_replace("C", "g", $seq);
$seq = str_replace("Y", "r", $seq);
$seq = str_replace("R", "y", $seq);
$seq = str_replace("W", "w", $seq);
$seq = str_replace("S", "s", $seq);
$seq = str_replace("K", "m", $seq);
$seq = str_replace("M", "k", $seq);
$seq = str_replace("D", "h", $seq);
$seq = str_replace("V", "b", $seq);
$seq = str_replace("H", "d", $seq);
$seq = str_replace("B", "v", $seq);
return strtoupper($seq);
* Retrieves the sequences for a given feature.
* If a feature has multiple alignments or multiple relationships then
* multiple sequences will be returned.
* @param $feature
* An associative array describing the feature. Valid keys include:
* - feature_id: The feature_id of the feature for which the sequence will
* be retrieved.
* - name: The feature name. This will appear on the FASTA definition line.
* - parent_id: (optional) only retrieve a sequence if 'derive_from_parent'
* is true and the parent matches this ID.
* - featureloc_id: (optional) only retrieve a sequence if
* 'derive_from_parent' is true and the alignment is defined with this
* featureloc_id.
* @param $options
* An associative array of options. Valid keys include:
* - width: Indicate the number of bases to use per line. A new line will
* be added after the specified number of bases on each line.
* - is_html: Set to '1' if the sequence is meant to be displayed on a web
* page. This will cause a
tag to separate lines of the FASTA
* sequence.
* - derive_from_parent: Set to '1' if the sequence should be obtained from
* the parent to which this feature is aligned.
* - aggregate: Set to '1' if the sequence should only contain sub features,
* excluding intro sub feature sequence. For example, set this option to
* obtain just the coding sequence of an mRNA.
* - upstream: An integer specifing the number of upstream bases to include
* in the output.
* - downstream: An integer specifying the number of downstream bases to
* include in the output.
* - sub_feature_types: Only include sub features (or child features) of
* the types provided in the array.
* - relationship_type: If a relationship name is provided (e.g.
* sequence_of)
* then any sequences that are in relationships of this type with matched
* sequences are also included.
* - relationship_part: If a relationship is provided in the preceding
* argument then the rel_part must be either 'object' or 'subject' to
* indicate which side of the relationship the matched features belong.
* @return
* an array of matching sequence in the following keys for each sequence:
* - types: an array of feature types that were used to derive
* the sequence (e.g. from an aggregated sequence)
* - upstream: the number of upstream bases included in the sequence
* - downstream: the number of downstream bases included in the
* sequence
* - defline: the definintion line used to create a FASTA sequence
* - residues: the residues
* - featureloc_id: the featureloc_id if the sequences is from an
* alignment
* @ingroup tripal_feature_api
function chado_get_feature_sequences($feature, $options) {
// Default values for finding the feature.
$feature_id = array_key_exists('feature_id', $feature) ? $feature['feature_id'] : 0;
$parent_id = array_key_exists('parent_id', $feature) ? $feature['parent_id'] : 0;
$featureloc_id = array_key_exists('featureloc_id', $feature) ? $feature['featureloc_id'] : 0;
$feature_name = array_key_exists('name', $feature) ? $feature['name'] : '';
// Default values for building the sequence.
$num_bases_per_line = array_key_exists('width', $options) ? $options['width'] : 50;
$derive_from_parent = array_key_exists('derive_from_parent', $options) ? $options['derive_from_parent'] : 0;
$aggregate = array_key_exists('aggregate', $options) ? $options['aggregate'] : 0;
$upstream = array_key_exists('upstream', $options) ? $options['upstream'] : 0;
$downstream = array_key_exists('downstream', $options) ? $options['downstream'] : 0;
$sub_features = array_key_exists('sub_feature_types', $options) ? $options['sub_feature_types'] : [];
$relationship = array_key_exists('relationship_type', $options) ? $options['relationship_type'] : '';
$rel_part = array_key_exists('relationship_part', $options) ? $options['relationship_part'] : '';
$is_html = array_key_exists('is_html', $options) ? $options['is_html'] : 0;
$is_txt = array_key_exists('is_txt', $options) ? $options['is_txt'] : 0;
$is_raw = array_key_exists('is_raw', $options) ? $options['is_raw'] : 1;
if (!$upstream) {
$upstream = 0;
if (!$downstream) {
$downstream = 0;
// Make sure the sub_features variable is an array.
if (!is_array($sub_features)) {
tripal_report_error('tripal_feature', TRIPAL_ERROR,
"'sub_features' option must be an array for function chado_get_feature_sequences().",
return [];
// If a relationship was specified then retreive and the sequences that
// have the given relationship and the recurse to extract the appropriate
// sequence.
if ($rel_part == "object" or $rel_part == "subject") {
if ($rel_part == "subject") {
$sql = '
SELECT FO.feature_id, FO.name, FO.uniquename, CVTO.name as feature_type, O.genus, O.species
FROM {feature} FS
INNER JOIN {feature_relationship} FR ON FR.subject_id = FS.feature_id
INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVTFR ON CVTFR.cvterm_id = FR.type_id
INNER JOIN {feature} FO ON FO.feature_id = FR.object_id
INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVTO ON CVTO.cvterm_id = FO.type_id
INNER JOIN {organism} O ON O.organism_id = FO.organism_id
FS.feature_id = :feature_id AND
CVTFR.name = :relationship
$features = chado_query($sql, [
':feature_id' => $feature_id,
':relationship' => $relationship,
if ($rel_part == "object") {
$sql = '
SELECT FS.feature_id, FS.name, FS.uniquename, CVTO.name as feature_type, O.genus, O.species
FROM {feature} FO
INNER JOIN {feature_relationship} FR ON FR.object_id = FO.feature_id
INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVTFR ON CVTFR.cvterm_id = FR.type_id
INNER JOIN {feature} FS ON FS.feature_id = FR.subject_id
INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVTO ON CVTO.cvterm_id = FS.type_id
INNER JOIN {organism} O ON O.organism_id = FS.organism_id
FO.feature_id = :feature_id AND
CVTFR.name = :relationship
$features = chado_query($sql, [
':feature_id' => $feature_id,
':relationship' => $relationship,
$sequences = '';
while ($feature = $features->fetchObject()) {
// Recurse and get the sequences for these in the relationship.
if ($rel_part == "subject") {
$defline = "$feature_name, $relationship, $feature->uniquename $feature->feature_type ($feature->genus $feature->species)";
if ($rel_part == "object") {
$defline = "$feature->uniquename $feature->feature_type ($feature->genus $feature->species), $relationship, $feature_name";
return chado_get_feature_sequences(
'feature_id' => $feature->feature_id,
'name' => $defline,
'parent_id' => $parent_id,
'width' => $num_bases_per_line,
'derive_from_parent' => $derive_from_parent,
'aggregate' => $aggregate,
'upstream' => $upstream,
'downstream' => $downstream,
'sub_features' => $sub_features,
// Prepare the queries we're going to use later during the render phase
// This SQL statement uses conditionals in the select clause to handle
// cases cases where the alignment is in the reverse direction and when
// the upstream and downstream extensions go beyond the lenght of the
// parent sequence.
$parent_sql = '
SELECT featureloc_id, srcname, srcfeature_id, strand, srctypename, typename,
fmin, fmax, upstream, downstream, adjfmin, adjfmax,
substring(residues from (cast(adjfmin as int4) + 1) for cast((upstream + (fmax - fmin) + downstream) as int4)) as residues,
genus, species
FL.featureloc_id, OF.name srcname, FL.srcfeature_id, FL.strand,
OCVT.name as srctypename, SCVT.name as typename,
FL.fmin, FL.fmax, OO.genus, OO.species,
WHEN FL.strand >= 0 THEN
WHEN FL.fmin - :upstream <= 0 THEN 0
ELSE FL.fmin - :upstream
WHEN FL.strand < 0 THEN
WHEN FL.fmin - :downstream <= 0 THEN 0
ELSE FL.fmin - :downstream
END as adjfmin,
WHEN FL.strand >= 0 THEN
WHEN FL.fmax + :downstream > OF.seqlen THEN OF.seqlen
ELSE FL.fmax + :downstream
WHEN FL.strand < 0 THEN
WHEN FL.fmax + :upstream > OF.seqlen THEN OF.seqlen
ELSE FL.fmax + :upstream
END as adjfmax,
WHEN FL.strand >= 0 THEN
WHEN FL.fmin - :upstream <= 0 THEN FL.fmin
ELSE :upstream
WHEN FL.fmax + :upstream > OF.seqlen THEN OF.seqlen - FL.fmax
ELSE :upstream
END as upstream,
WHEN FL.strand >= 0 THEN
WHEN FL.fmax + :downstream > OF.seqlen THEN OF.seqlen - FL.fmax
ELSE :downstream
WHEN FL.fmin - :downstream <= 0 THEN FL.fmin
ELSE :downstream
END as downstream,
FROM {featureloc} FL
INNER JOIN {feature} SF on FL.feature_id = SF.feature_id
INNER JOIN {cvterm} SCVT on SF.type_id = SCVT.cvterm_id
INNER JOIN {feature} OF on FL.srcfeature_id = OF.feature_id
INNER JOIN {cvterm} OCVT on OF.type_id = OCVT.cvterm_id
INNER JOIN {organism} OO on OF.organism_id = OO.organism_id
WHERE SF.feature_id = :feature_id and NOT (OF.residues = \'\' or OF.residues IS NULL) ORDER BY fmin) as tbl1
// This query is meant to get all of the sub features of any given
// feature (arg #1) and order them as they appear on the reference
// feature (arg #2).
$sfsql = '
SELECT SF.feature_id, CVT.name as type_name, SF.type_id
FROM {feature_relationship} FR
INNER JOIN {feature} SF ON SF.feature_id = FR.subject_id
INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVT ON CVT.cvterm_id = SF.type_id
INNER JOIN {featureloc} FL ON FL.feature_id = FR.subject_id
INNER JOIN {feature} PF ON PF.feature_id = FL.srcfeature_id
WHERE FR.object_id = :feature_id and PF.feature_id = :srcfeature_id
// For counting the number of children.
$fsql = '
SELECT count(*) as num_children
FROM {feature_relationship} FR
INNER JOIN {feature} SF ON SF.feature_id = FR.subject_id
INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVT ON CVT.cvterm_id = SF.type_id
INNER JOIN {featureloc} FL ON FL.feature_id = FR.subject_id
INNER JOIN {feature} PF ON PF.feature_id = FL.srcfeature_id
WHERE FR.object_id = :feature_id and PF.feature_id = :srcfeature_id
// The array to be returned.
$sequences = [];
// If we need to get the sequence from the parent then do so now.
if ($derive_from_parent) {
// Execute the query to get the sequence from the parent.
$parents = chado_query($parent_sql, [
':upstream' => $upstream,
':downstream' => $downstream,
':feature_id' => $feature_id,
while ($parent = $parents->fetchObject()) {
// If the user specified a particular parent and this one doesn't
// match then skip it.
if ($parent_id and $parent_id != $parent->srcfeature_id) {
// If the user specified a particular featureloc_id and this one
// doesn't match then skip it.
if ($featureloc_id and $featureloc_id != $parent->featureloc_id) {
// Initialize the sequence for each parent.
$seq = '';
$notes = '';
$types = [];
// If we are to aggregate then we will ignore the feature returned
// by the query above and rebuild it using the sub features.
if ($aggregate) {
// now get the sub features that are located on the parent.
$children = chado_query($sfsql, [
':feature_id' => $feature_id,
':srcfeature_id' => $parent->srcfeature_id,
$num_children = chado_query($fsql, [
':feature_id' => $feature_id,
':srcfeature_id' => $parent->srcfeature_id,
// Iterate through the sub features and concat their sequences. They
// should already be in order.
$i = 0;
$already_processed_children = [];
while ($child = $children->fetchObject()) {
// In some cases, a feature may be discontinuous (i.e. one feature
// spread over several positions). In this case, the feature will
// appear multiple times and we want to prevent addition of the
// sequence multiple times. A simple check to make sure we haven't
// seen the feature already should suffice.
if (count($already_processed_children) > 0 and in_array($child->feature_id, $already_processed_children)) {
$already_processed_children[] = $child->feature_id;
// If the callee has specified that only certain sub features should be
// included then continue if this child is not one of those allowed
// subfeatures.
if (count($sub_features) > 0 and !in_array($child->type_name, $sub_features)) {
// Keep up with the types.
if (!in_array($child->type_name, $types)) {
$types[] = $child->type_name;
// If the first sub feature we need to include the upstream bases.
// First check if the feature is in the foward direction or the
// reverse.
if ($i == 0 and $parent->strand >= 0) { // forward direction
// -------------------------- ref
// ....----> ---->
// up 1 2
$q = chado_query($parent_sql, [
':upstream' => $upstream,
':downstream' => 0,
':feature_id' => $child->feature_id,
elseif ($i == 0 and $parent->strand < 0) { // reverse direction
// -------------------------- ref
// ....<---- <----
// down 1 2
$q = chado_query($parent_sql, [
':upstream' => 0,
':downstream' => $downstream,
':feature_id' => $child->feature_id,
// Next, if the last sub feature we need to include the downstream
// bases. First check if the feature is in the forward direction or
// the reverse.
elseif ($i == $num_children - 1 and $parent->strand >= 0) { // forward direction
// -------------------------- ref
// ----> ---->....
// 1 2 down
$q = chado_query($parent_sql, [
':upstream' => 0,
':downstream' => $downstream,
':feature_id' => $child->feature_id,
elseif ($i == $num_children - 1 and $parent->strand < 0) { // reverse direction
// -------------------------- ref
// <---- <----....
// 1 2 up
$q = chado_query($parent_sql, [
':upstream' => $upstream,
':downstream' => 0,
':feature_id' => $child->feature_id,
// For internal sub features we don't want upstream or downstream bases.
else {
$q = chado_query($parent_sql, [
':upstream' => 0,
':downstream' => 0,
':feature_id' => $child->feature_id,
while ($subseq = $q->fetchObject()) {
// concatenate the sequences of all the sub features
if ($subseq->srcfeature_id == $parent->srcfeature_id) {
$seq .= $subseq->residues;
if ($subseq->upstream > 0) {
$notes .= "Includes " . $subseq->upstream . " bases upstream. ";
if ($subseq->downstream > 0) {
$notes .= "Includes " . $subseq->downstream . " bases downstream. ";
// If this isn't an aggregate then use the parent residues.
else {
$seq = $parent->residues;
if ($parent->upstream > 0) {
$notes .= "Includes " . $parent->upstream . " bases upstream. ";
if ($parent->downstream > 0) {
$notes .= "Includes " . $parent->downstream . " bases downstream. ";
// Get the reverse compliment if feature is on the reverse strand.
$dir = 'forward';
$length = strlen($seq);
if ($parent->strand < 0) {
$seq = chado_reverse_compliment_sequence($seq);
$dir = 'reverse';
// Now format for display.
if ($is_html) {
$seq = wordwrap($seq, $num_bases_per_line, "
", TRUE);
if ($is_txt) {
$seq = wordwrap($seq, $num_bases_per_line, "\r\n", TRUE);
if (!$seq) {
$notes .= "No sequence available.";
if (count($types) > 0) {
$notes .= "Excludes all bases but those of type(s): " . implode(', ', $types) . ". ";
// Construct the definition line for this feature. To construct the
// defline we need a featureloc record, so we'll create one using
// the information we have.
$featureloc = new stdClass;
$featureloc->feature_id = $feature;
$featureloc->fmin = $parent->adjfmin;
$featureloc->fmax = $parent->adjfmax;
$featureloc->strand = $parent->strand;
$featureloc->srcfeature_id = new stdClass;
$featureloc->srcfeature_id->name = $parent->srcname;
$featureloc->srcfeature_id->type_id = $parent->srctypename;
$featureloc->srcfeature_id->organism_id = new stdClass;
$featureloc->srcfeature_id->organism_id->genus = $parent->genus;
$featureloc->srcfeature_id->organism_id->species = $parent->species;
// Get a proper feature object.
$f = chado_generate_var('feature', ['feature_id' => $feature_id]);
$defline = chado_get_fasta_defline($f, $notes, $featureloc, '', $length);
$sequences[] = [
'types' => $types,
'upstream' => $parent->upstream,
'downstream' => $parent->downstream,
'defline' => $defline,
'residues' => $seq,
'featureloc_id' => $parent->featureloc_id,
'length' => $length,
// If we are not getting the sequence from the parent sequence then
// use what comes through from the feature record.
else {
$f = chado_generate_var('feature', ['feature_id' => $feature_id]);
$f = chado_expand_var($f, 'field', 'feature.residues');
$residues = $f->residues;
$length = strlen($residues);
if ($is_html) {
$residues = wordwrap($residues, $num_bases_per_line, "
", TRUE);
else {
$residues = wordwrap($residues, $num_bases_per_line, "\r\n", TRUE);
// Get the definintion line for this feature.
$defline = chado_get_fasta_defline($f, '', NULL, '', $length);
// Add to the sequence array.
$sequences[] = [
'types' => $f->type_id->name,
'upstream' => 0,
'downstream' => 0,
'defline' => $defline,
'residues' => $residues,
'length' => $length,
return $sequences;
* Retrieves the bulk sequences for a given feature.
* @param $options
* An associative array of options for selecting a feature. Valid keys
* include:
* - org_commonname: The common name of the organism for which sequences
* should be retrieved
* - genus: The genus of the organism for which sequences should be
* retrieved
* - species: The species of the organism for which sequences should be
* retrieved
* - analysis_name: The name of an analysis to which sequences belong. Only
* those that are associated with the analysis will be retrieved.
* - type: The type of feature (a sequence ontology term).
* - feature_name: the name of the feature. Can be an array of feature
* names.
* - feature_uname: the uniquename of the feature. Can be an array of
* feature unique names.
* - upstream: An integer specifing the number of upstream bases to include
* in the output
* - downstream: An integer specifying the number of downstream bases to
* include in the output.
* - derive_from_parent: Set to '1' if the sequence should be obtained from
* the parent to which this feature is aligned.
* - aggregate: Set to '1' if the sequence should only contain sub features,
* excluding intro sub feature sequence. For example, set this option to
* obtain just the coding sequence of an mRNA.
* - sub_feature_types: Only include sub features (or child features) of
* the types provided in the array
* - relationship_type: If a relationship name is provided (e.g.
* sequence_of)
* then any sequences that are in relationships of this type with matched
* sequences are also included
* - relationship_part: If a relationship is provided in the preceding
* argument then the rel_part must be either 'object' or 'subject' to
* indicate which side of the relationship the matched features belong
* - width: Indicate the number of bases to use per line. A new line will
* be added after the specified number of bases on each line.
* - is_html: Set to '1' if the sequence is meant to be displayed on a
* web page. This will cause a
tag to separate lines of the FASTA
* sequence.
* @return
* Returns an array of sequences. The sequences will be in an array with the
* following keys for each sequence:
* 'types' => an array of feature types that were used to derive
* the sequence (e.g. from an aggregated sequence)
* 'upstream' => the number of upstream bases in the sequence
* 'downstream' => the number of downstream bases in the sequence
* 'defline' => the definintion line used to create a FASTA sequence
* 'residues' => the residues
* 'featureloc_id' => the featureloc_id if from an alignment
* @ingroup tripal_feature_api
function chado_get_bulk_feature_sequences($options) {
// Default values for building the sequence
$org_commonname = array_key_exists('org_commonname', $options) ? $options['org_commonname'] : '';
$genus = array_key_exists('genus', $options) ? $options['genus'] : '';
$species = array_key_exists('species', $options) ? $options['species'] : '';
$analysis_name = array_key_exists('analysis_name', $options) ? $options['analysis_name'] : '';
$type = array_key_exists('type', $options) ? $options['type'] : '';
$feature_name = array_key_exists('feature_name', $options) ? $options['feature_name'] : '';
$feature_uname = array_key_exists('feature_uname', $options) ? $options['feature_uname'] : '';
$derive_from_parent = array_key_exists('derive_from_parent', $options) ? $options['derive_from_parent'] : 0;
$aggregate = array_key_exists('aggregate', $options) ? $options['aggregate'] : 0;
$sub_features = array_key_exists('sub_feature_types', $options) ? $options['sub_feature_types'] : [];
$relationship = array_key_exists('relationship_type', $options) ? $options['relationship_type'] : '';
$rel_part = array_key_exists('relationship_part', $options) ? $options['relationship_part'] : '';
$num_bases_per_line = array_key_exists('width', $options) ? $options['width'] : 50;
$upstream = array_key_exists('upstream', $options) ? $options['upstream'] : 0;
$downstream = array_key_exists('downstream', $options) ? $options['downstream'] : 0;
if (!$type and !$feature_name and !$genus) {
print "Please provide a type, feature name or genus\n";
// Get the list of features.
$vars = [];
$sql = "
SELECT DISTINCT F.feature_id, F.name, F.uniquename,
O.genus, O.species, CVT.name as feature_type
FROM {feature} F
INNER JOIN {organism} O on O.organism_id = F.organism_id
INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVT on CVT.cvterm_id = F.type_id
if ($analysis_name) {
$sql .= "
INNER JOIN {analysisfeature} AF on AF.feature_id = F.feature_id
INNER JOIN {analysis} A on AF.analysis_id = A.analysis_id
$sql .= "WHERE (1=1) ";
if ($org_commonname) {
$sql .= "AND O.common_name = :common_name ";
$vars[':common_name'] = $org_commonname;
if ($genus) {
$sql .= "AND O.genus = :genus ";
$vars[':genus'] = $genus;
if ($species) {
$sql .= "AND O.species = :species ";
$vars[':species'] = $species;
if ($type) {
$sql .= "AND CVT.name = :cvtname ";
$vars[':cvtname'] = $type;
if ($feature_name) {
if (is_array($feature_name)) {
$sql .= "AND F.name IN (";
foreach ($feature_name as $i => $fname) {
$sql .= ":fname$i, ";
$vars[":fname$i"] = $fname;
// Remove the trailing comma and close the parenthesis.
$sql = substr($sql, 0, -2) . ")";
else {
$sql .= "AND F.name = :fname";
$vars[':fname'] = $feature_name;
if ($feature_uname) {
if (is_array($feature_uname)) {
$sql .= "AND F.uniquename IN (";
foreach ($feature_uname as $i => $funame) {
$sql .= ":funame$i, ";
$vars[":funame$i"] = $funame;
// Remove the trailing comma and close the parenthesis.
$sql = substr($sql, 0, -2) . ")";
else {
$sql .= "AND F.uniquename = :funame";
$vars[':funame'] = $feature_uname;
if ($analysis_name) {
$sql .= "AND A.name = :aname";
$vars[':aname'] = $analysis_name;
$num_bases_per_line = 50;
$num_seqs = 0;
$q = chado_query($sql, $vars);
$sequences = [];
while ($feature = $q->fetchObject()) {
// get the sequences
$seqs = chado_get_feature_sequences(['feature_id' => $feature->feature_id], $options);
$sequences = array_merge($sequences, $seqs);
return $sequences;
* Returns a definition line that can be used in a FASTA file.
* @param $feature
* A single feature object containing all the fields from the chado.feature
* table. Best case is to provide an object generated by the
* chado_generate_var() function.
* @param $notes
* Optional: additional notes to be added to the definition line.
* @param $featureloc
* Optional: a single featureloc object generated using chado_generate_var
* that contains a record from the chado.featureloc table. Provide this if the
* sequence was obtained by using the alignment rather than from the
* feature.residues column.
* @param $type
* Optional: the type of sequence. By default the feature type is used.
* @param $length
* Optional: the length of the sequence.
* @return
* A string of the format: uniquename|name|type|feature_id
* or if an alignment: srcfeature_name:fmin..fmax[+-]; alignment of
* uniquename|name|type|feature_id.
* @ingroup tripal_feature_api
function chado_get_fasta_defline($feature, $notes = '', $featureloc = NULL, $type = '', $length = 0) {
// Make sure the featureloc object has the srcfeature if not, then add it.
if ($featureloc) {
if (!is_object($featureloc->srcfeature_id)) {
$featureloc->srcfeature_id = chado_generate_var('feature', ['feature_id' => $featureloc->srcfeature_id]);
if (!is_object($featureloc->srcfeature_id->organism_id)) {
$featureloc->srcfeature_id->organism_id = chado_generate_var('organism', ['organism_id' => $featureloc->srcfeature_id->organism_id]);
// Make sure the feature object has the organism if not, then add it.
if (!is_object($feature->organism_id)) {
$feature->organism_id = chado_generate_var('organism', ['organism_id' => $feature->organism_id]);
// If a type is not provided then use the default type.
if (!$type) {
$type = $feature->type_id->name;
// Construct the definition line.
$defline = $feature->uniquename . " " .
'ID=' . $feature->uniquename . "|" .
'Name=' . $feature->name . "|" .
'organism=' . $feature->organism_id->genus . " " . $feature->organism_id->species . "|" .
'type=' . $type . '|';
if ($length > 0) {
$defline .= "length=" . $length . "bp|";
if ($featureloc) {
$defline .= "location=Sequence derived from alignment at " . chado_get_location_string($featureloc);
$defline .= " (" . $featureloc->srcfeature_id->organism_id->genus . " " . $featureloc->srcfeature_id->organism_id->species . ")|";
if ($notes) {
$defline .= "Notes=$notes|";
$defline = substr($defline, 0, -1); // remove the trailing |
return $defline;
* Returns a string representing a feature location in an alignment.
* @param $featureloc
* A single featureloc object generated using chado_generate_var that
* contains a record from the chado.featureloc table.
* @return
* A string of the format: uniquename:featurelocmin..featurelocmax.strand
* @ingroup tripal_feature_api
function chado_get_location_string($featureloc) {
$feature = $featureloc->feature_id;
$strand = '';
if ($featureloc->strand == 1) {
$strand = '+';
elseif ($featureloc->strand == -1) {
$strand = '-';
return $featureloc->srcfeature_id->name . ":" . ($featureloc->fmin + 1) . ".." . $featureloc->fmax . $strand;