feature; $options = [ 'return_array' => 1, 'order_by' => [ 'map_feature_id' => 'ASC', ], 'pager' => [ 'limit' => $num_results_per_page, 'element' => $featurepos_pager_id, ], 'include_fk' => [ 'map_feature_id' => [ 'type_id' => 1, 'organism_id' => 1, ], 'featuremap_id' => [ 'unittype_id' => 1, ], ], ]; $feature = chado_expand_var($feature, 'table', 'featurepos', $options); // because the featurepos table has FK relationships with map_feature_id and feature_id with the feature table // the function call above will try to expand both and will create an array of matches for each FK. // we only want to show the map that this feature belongs to $map_positions = $feature->featurepos->map_feature_id; // get the total number of records $total_records = chado_pager_get_count($featurepos_pager_id); if (count($map_positions) > 0) { ?>
This feature is contained in the following map(s):
map_feature_id; // check if there are any values in the featureposprop table for the start and stop $mappos = $position->mappos; $options = [ 'return_array' => 1, 'include_fk' => [ 'type_id' => 1, ], ]; $position = chado_expand_var($position, 'table', 'featureposprop', $options); $featureposprop = $position->featureposprop; $start = ''; $stop = ''; if (is_array($featureposprop)) { foreach ($featureposprop as $index => $property) { if ($property->type_id->name == 'start') { $start = $property->value; } if ($property->type_id->name == 'stop') { $stop = $property->value; } } } if ($start and $stop and $start != $stop) { $mappos = "$start-$stop"; } if ($start and !$stop) { $mappos = $start; } if ($start and $stop and $start == $stop) { $mappos = $start; } // get the map name feature $map_name = $position->featuremap_id->name; if (property_exists($position->featuremap_id, 'nid')) { $map_name = l($map_name, 'node/' . $position->featuremap_id->nid, ['attributes' => ['target' => '_blank']]); } // get the landmark $landmark = $map_feature->name; if (property_exists($map_feature, 'nid')) { $landmark = l($landmark, 'node/' . $map_feature->nid, ['attributes' => ['target' => '_blank']]); } $rows[] = [ $map_name, $landmark, $map_feature->type_id->name, $mappos . ' ' . $position->featuremap_id->unittype_id->name, ]; } // the $table array contains the headers and rows array as well as other // options for controlling the display of the table. Additional // documentation can be found here: // https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes%21theme.inc/function/theme_table/7 $table = [ 'header' => $headers, 'rows' => $rows, 'attributes' => [ 'id' => 'tripal_feature-table-featurepos', 'class' => 'tripal-data-table', ], 'sticky' => FALSE, 'caption' => '', 'colgroups' => [], 'empty' => '', ]; // once we have our table array structure defined, we call Drupal's theme_table() // function to generate the table. print theme_table($table); // the $pager array values that control the behavior of the pager. For // documentation on the values allows in this array see: // https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes!pager.inc/function/theme_pager/7 // here we add the paramter 'block' => 'features'. This is because // the pager is not on the default block that appears. When the user clicks a // page number we want the browser to re-appear with the page is loaded. // We remove the 'pane' parameter from the original query parameters because // Drupal won't reset the parameter if it already exists. $get = $_GET; unset($_GET['pane']); $pager = [ 'tags' => [], 'element' => $featurepos_pager_id, 'parameters' => [ 'pane' => 'featurepos', ], 'quantity' => $num_results_per_page, ]; print theme_pager($pager); $_GET = $get; }