Use the following to search the various types of biological content available by this site:

Structure -> Views; admin/structure/views) and choose 'disable' from the action drop-down to the right of the view you would like to remove.", TRIPAL_INFO, array('return_html' => 1) ); // Tell Tripal admin how to add views to this list print tripal_set_message( "Developers: To add a view or other search tool to the above list you need to implement hook_search_biological_data_views() in your custom module. This hook should return an array as follows:
    '[view-machine-name]' => array(
      'machine_name' => '[view-machine-name]',
      'human_name' => '[Human-readable title to show in above list]',
      'description' => '[description to show in above list]',
      'link' => '[path to the view]'
Where you should replace all instructions in square-brackets([]) with the details of your view.", TRIPAL_INFO, array('return_html' => 1) ); // Tell Tripal Admin which template to change print tripal_set_message( "Administrators, you can customize the way the content above is presented. Tripal provides a template file for each block of content. To customize, copy the template file to your site's default theme, edit then " . l('clear the Drupal cache', 'admin/config/development/performance', array('attributes' => array('target' => '_blank'))) . ". Currently, the content above is provided by this template:

$template_file", TRIPAL_INFO, array('return_html' => 1) ); ?>