'] = array(
'title' => 'MyModule Administration',
'description' => 'Administration of my module.',
'page callback' => 'mymodule_admin_landing_page',
'access arguments' => array(''),
// Create one of these for each of your default views
$items['admin/tripal//views//enable'] = array(
'title' => 'Enable ',
'page callback' => 'tripal_views_admin_enable_view',
'page arguments' => array('', ''),
'access arguments' => array(''),
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
return $items;
function mymodule_admin_landing_page() {
// Get the View Embed Code
// This function will return FALSE if your view is not enabled
$view_code = views_embed_view('', 'Click each of the following links to '
. 'enable the pertinent views:
$output .= '';
// NOTE: is
// admin/tripal//views//enable
// from above hook_menu().
$output .= '- ' . l('', '') . '
$output .= '
return $output;
* @endcode
* Adding your own Tripal Views Integrations:
* One of the main ways the Tripal View API is likely to be used is if your module needs
* to create it's own tripal views integration. You might need to do this for any number of
* reasons but the following examples are thought to be the most common:
* 1) Your module wants to add handlers with better functionality to fields it has more
* knowledge of than the general integration for all tables
* @code
mymodule_views_data() {
// First check that your integration has not already been added
// When selecting a priority, do not choose -10 or -9 and make sure it is below 0
// so that individual sites still have the ability to override it, if needed
$table_name = 'my_chado_table';
$priority = -5;
if (!tripal_views_is_integrated($table_name, $priority)) {
// If you really only need to tweak an existing integration you can clone it
// If you want to clone the integration that is currently taking priority
// then use tripal_views_get_table_lightest_priority() as below
$lightest_priority = tripal_views_get_table_lightest_priority($table_name);
$setup_id = tripal_views_clone_integration($table_name, $priority, $lightest_priority);
// And then make a few changes
// First get the definition array created via the clone above
$defn_array = tripal_views_integration_export_entry($setup_id);
// Then make some changes to the array here
// And finally save the changes to the integration
tripal_views_integration_update_entry($setup_id, $defn_array);
* @endcode
* 2) Your module creates a chado table that is not already integrated.
* @code
mymodule_views_data() {
// First check that your integration has not already been added
// When selecting a priority, do not choose 10 or 9 and make sure it is below 0
// so that individual sites still have the ability to override it, if needed
$table_name = 'my_chado_table';
$priority = 5;
if (!tripal_views_is_integrated($table_name, $priority)) {
// Describe your table using a large array as specified by tripal_views_integration_add_entry().
$defn_array = array(
'table' => $table_name, //tablename or materialized view name
'name' => 'My Chado Table', // Human readable name
'type' => 'chado', //either chado or mview depending on tablename
'description' => 'Create a listing from my chado table.', //description seen when creating a view of this type
'priority' => $priority, //For Base tripal modules: 10; custom modules: 9 to 0;
'base_table' => TRUE //either TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the current table should show up in the add view list
'fields' => array(
'feature_id' => array(
'name' => 'feature_id', //field name in database
'title' => 'Feature ID', //human-readable name -seen in Views UI
'description' => 'This is the unique identifier for features', //help/description seen in Views UI
'type' => 'int', // the type of field
'handlers' => array( //possible keys are field, filter, sort, argument, relationship
'field' => array(
'name' => 'chado_views_handler_numeric' //name of handler
'filter' => array( ... ),
'join' => array( //describe a table that joins to this one via this field
'table' => 'featureprop', //table to join to
'field' => 'feature_id', //field in above table (featureprop)
'handler' => 'views_handler_join_chado_aggregator', //handler to use
// Actually create the entry
* @endcode
* @}
* Programatically enable view
* This should be used in a hook_menu definition as the callback to provide a link
* to enable the view (first example). It can also be called directly if needed (second example).
* @code
// Create a URL that when the user navigates there, a given view will be enabled.
// You will still need to provide a link to this menu item somewhere appropriate (ie: an admin landing page).
function mymodule_menu() {
$items = array();
// Create one of these for each of your default views
$items['admin/tripal//views//enable'] = array(
'title' => 'Enable ',
'page callback' => 'tripal_views_admin_enable_view',
'page arguments' => array('', ''),
'access arguments' => array(''),
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
return $items;
// Call this function directly to disable a view
// The example shows enabling your own default view when your module is enabled.
// This might be useful if you disable your view when your module is disabled.
function mymodule_enable() {
$view_name = '';
* @endcode
* @param $view_name
* The machine-name of the view to be enabled
* @param $redirect_link
* The path to redirect to. FALSE if no redirect needed
* @ingroup tripal_views_api
function tripal_views_admin_enable_view($view_name, $redirect_link = FALSE) {
$status = variable_get('views_defaults', array());
if (isset($status[$view_name])) {
$status[$view_name] = FALSE;
variable_set('views_defaults', $status);
drupal_set_message("Successfully Enabled $view_name");
else {
drupal_set_message("Unable to find a view by the name of '$view_name'. Unable to enable this view.",'error');
if ($redirect_link) {
* Programatically disable view.
* This should be used in a hook_menu definition as the callback to provide a link
* to disable the view (first example). It can also be called directly if needed (second example).
* @code
// Create a URL that when the user navigates there, a given view will be disabled.
// You will still need to provide a link to this menu item somewhere appropriate.
function mymodule_menu() {
$items = array();
// Create one of these for each of your default views
$items['admin/tripal//views//disable'] = array(
'title' => 'Disable ',
'page callback' => 'tripal_views_admin_disable_view',
'page arguments' => array('', ''),
'access arguments' => array(''),
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
return $items;
// Call this function directly to disable a view
// The example shows disabling your own default view when your module is uninstalled
function mymodule_uninstall() {
$view_name = '';
* @endcode
* @param $view_name
* The machine-name of the view to be enabled
* @param $redirect_link
* The path to redirect to. FALSE if no redirect needed
* @ingroup tripal_views_api
function tripal_views_admin_disable_view($view_name, $redirect_link = FALSE) {
$status = variable_get('views_defaults', array());
if (isset($status[$view_name])) {
$status[$view_name] = TRUE;
variable_set('views_defaults', $status);
drupal_set_message("Disabled $view_name");
else {
drupal_set_message("Unable to find a view by the name of '$view_name'. Unable to disable this view.",'error');
if ($redirect_link) {
* Retrieve the priority of the lightest priority for a given table.
* NOTE: Uses lightest priority (drupal-style) where the range is from -10 to 10
* and -10 is of highest priority.
* @param $table_name
* The name of the table to retrieve the setup ID for. This can be either a materialized
* view or a chado table
* @return
* returns the lowest priority. If the table has not been integrated, a priority of 10
* is returned.
* @ingroup tripal_views_api
function tripal_views_get_table_lightest_priority($table_name) {
// D7 TODO: Check DBTNG changes work
$sql = "SELECT priority FROM {tripal_views} WHERE table_name=:table ORDER BY priority ASC";
$setup = db_query($sql, array(':table' => $table_name));
$setup = $setup->fetchObject();
if ($setup) {
return $setup->priority;
else {
// default priority is 10
return 10;
* Retrieve the views integration setup_id with the lightest priority for a given table
* NOTE: Uses lightest priority (drupal-style) where the range is from -10 to 10
* and -10 is of highest priority.
* @param $table_name
* The name of the table to retrieve the setup ID for. This can be either a materialized
* view or a chado table
* @return
* On success, the setup_id to use for integration of this table; otherwise FALSE
* @ingroup tripal_views_api
function tripal_views_get_lightest_priority_setup($table_name) {
// D7 TODO: Check DBTNG changes work
$sql = "SELECT setup_id FROM {tripal_views} WHERE table_name=:table ORDER BY priority ASC";
$setup = db_query($sql, array(':table' => $table_name));
$setup = $setup->fetchObject();
if ($setup) {
return $setup->setup_id;
else {
return FALSE;
* Retrieve the views integration setup_id with the given priority/table combination.
* @param $table_name
* The name of the table to retrieve the setup ID for. This can be either a materialized
* view or a chado table
* @param $priority
* The priority of the integration to retrieve the setup_id for
* @return
* On success, the setup_id to use for integration of this table; otherwise FALSE
* @ingroup tripal_views_api
function tripal_views_get_setup_id($table_name, $priority) {
// D7 TODO: Check DBTNG changes work
$sql = "SELECT setup_id FROM {tripal_views} WHERE table_name=:table AND priority=:priority ORDER BY priority ASC";
$setup = db_query($sql, array(':table' => $table_name, ':priority' => $priority));
$setup = $setup->fetchObject();
if ($setup) {
return $setup->setup_id;
else {
return FALSE;
* Check to see if this table already has an integration record with the given priority.
* @param $table_name
* The name of the table to check for integration
* @param $priority (optional)
* The priority of record to check for
* @return
* If the table is already integrated, the setup_id of the existing integration
* record is returned (If priority is not specified this will be the lightest record);
* Otherwise the table is not already integrated and FALSE is returned.
* @ingroup tripal_views_api
function tripal_views_is_integrated($table_name, $priority = NULL) {
if ($priority) {
// D7 TODO: Check DBTNG changes work
$sql = "SELECT setup_id FROM {tripal_views} WHERE table_name=:table AND priority=:priority";
$setup = db_query($sql, array(':table' => $table_name, ':priority' => $priority));
$setup = $setup->fetchObject();
else {
// D7 TODO: Check DBTNG changes work
$sql = "SELECT setup_id FROM {tripal_views} WHERE table_name=:table ORDER BY priority ASC";
$setup = db_query($sql, array(':table' => $table_name));
$setup = $setup->fetchObject();
if ($setup) {
return $setup->setup_id;
else {
return FALSE;
* Checks if you are dealing with the lightest priority setup for a given table. This is a
* good way to determine whether your modules integration is being used by views.
* @param $setup_id
* The ID of the setup to check (is this setup the lightest one?)
* @param $table_name
* The name of the table associated with this setup
* @return TRUE is this is the lightest priority; FALSE otherwise
* @ingroup tripal_views_api
function tripal_views_is_lightest_priority_setup($setup_id, $table_name) {
$lightest_priority_setup_id = tripal_views_get_lightest_priority_setup($table_name);
if ($lightest_priority_setup_id == $setup_id) {
return TRUE;
else {
return FALSE;
* Rebuilds all the default integrations.
* This essentially clears the cache in case you mess up the integrations in your site.
* This should not be used during module development since it really only rebuilds the
* integrations described by all enabled modules in the site and if $delete_first is
* TRUE it can delete custom integrations created by site administrators which will not
* make your module popular.
* @param $delete_first
* If TRUE then all integrations are first deleted.
* @ingroup tripal_views_api
function tripal_views_rebuild_views_integrations($delete_first = FALSE) {
if ($delete_first) {
drupal_set_message('Successfully rebuilt default Tripal Views Integrations');
* Add views integration records into the tripal_views* tables.
* This is the programatic way to add your own integrations to the tripal views integrations
* list. Keep in mind that the priority set in your $defn_array needs to be lighter than
* any existing integrations to be used by views and that it should still be below 0
* in order to allow site administrators to override it should they need to.
* @param $defn_array
* An array describing the structure and fields of the table
* @return
* True/False if completed successfully/not
* Example usage (in hook_install()):
* @code
$defn_array = array(
'table' => 'feature', //tablename or materialized view name
'name' => 'Sequence Features', // Human readable name
'type' => 'chado', //either chado or mview depending on tablename
'description' => 'Create a listing of features.', //description seen when creating a view of this type
'priority' => 10, //For Base tripal modules: 10; custom modules: 9 to 0;
'base_table' => TRUE //either TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the current table should show up in the add view list
'fields' => array(
'feature_id' => array(
'name' => 'feature_id', //field name in database
'title' => 'Feature ID', //human-readable name -seen in Views UI
'description' => 'This is the unique identifier for features', //help/description seen in Views UI
'type' => 'int', // the type of field
'handlers' => array( //possible keys are field, filter, sort, argument, relationship
'field' => array(
'name' => 'chado_views_handler_numeric' //name of handler
'filter' => array( ... ),
'join' => array( //describe a table that joins to this one via this field
'table' => 'featureprop', //table to join to
'field' => 'feature_id', //field in above table (featureprop)
'handler' => 'views_handler_join_chado_aggregator', //handler to use
* @endcode
* @ingroup tripal_views_api
function tripal_views_integration_add_entry($defn_array) {
$no_errors = TRUE;
if (empty($defn_array['table'])) {
tripal_report_error('tripal_views', TRIPAL_WARNING, 'Recieved integration with no tablename: %defn', array('%defn' => print_r($defn_array,TRUE)));
$no_errors = FALSE;
return $no_errors;
// First insert into tripal_views
$view_record = array(
'table_name' => $defn_array['table'],
'name' => $defn_array['name'],
'comment' => $defn_array['description'],
'priority' => $defn_array['priority'],
'base_table' => $defn_array['base_table'],
if ($defn_array['type'] == 'mview') {
// D7 TODO: Check DBTNG changes work
$mview = db_query("SELECT mview_id FROM {tripal_mviews} WHERE mv_table=:table", array(':table' => $defn_array['table']));
$mview = $mview->fetchObject();
$view_record['mview_id'] = $mview->mview_id;
if (!$mview->mview_id) {
return FALSE;
if ($view_record['name']) { // && $view_record['comment']) { # SPF: commented out 9/24/2012 .. It's not required on the form
if (isset($defn_array['additional_content'])) {
// D7 TODO: Check DBTNG changes work
$setup = db_query(
"SELECT * FROM {tripal_views} WHERE table_name=:table AND priority=:priority",
array(':table' => $view_record['table_name'], ':priority' => $view_record['priority'])
$setup = $setup->fetchObject();
if (empty($setup->setup_id)) {
$status = drupal_write_record('tripal_views', $view_record);
else {
$view_record['setup_id'] = $setup->setup_id;
$status = drupal_write_record('tripal_views', $view_record, 'setup_id');
else {
$status = drupal_write_record('tripal_views', $view_record);
else {
$status = FALSE;
drupal_set_message(t('Unable to integrate "%table" table due to a missing name field.', array('%table' => $defn_array['table'])), 'error');
if ($status) {
// Need to update the tripal_views record so base_table can be false
// this is a fix because drupal_write_record() puts in defaults if !isset()
// and a variable is considered not set if it's null!
// D7 TODO: Check DBTNG changes work
"UPDATE {tripal_views} SET base_table=:base WHERE table_name=:table AND priority=:priority",
':base' => $defn_array['base_table'],
':table' => $defn_array['table'],
':priority' => $defn_array['priority']
// Insert Field Definitions
foreach ($defn_array['fields'] as $field) {
$field_record = array(
'setup_id' => $view_record['setup_id'],
'column_name' => $field['name'],
'name' => $field['title'],
'description' => $field['description'],
'type' => $field['type'],
if ($view_record['setup_id'] && $field['name'] && $field['title'] && $field['description'] && $field['type']) {
if (isset($defn_array['additional_content'])) {
// D7 TODO: Check DBTNG changes work
$is = db_query(
"SELECT true as present FROM {tripal_views_field} WHERE column_name=:column AND setup_id=:setup",
':column' => $field_record['column_name'],
':setup' => $field_record['setup_id']
$is = $is->fetchObject();
if (!$is->present) {
$status = drupal_write_record('tripal_views_field', $field_record);
else {
$status = drupal_write_record('tripal_views_field', $field_record, array('setup_id', 'column_name'));
else {
$status = drupal_write_record('tripal_views_field', $field_record);
else {
drupal_set_message(t('Unable to integrate %name field due to missing required fields.', array('%name' => $field['name'])), 'error');
$status = FALSE;
if ($status) {
// Insert Handler Definitions
foreach ($field['handlers'] as $handler_type => $handler) {
$handler_record = array(
'setup_id' => $view_record['setup_id'],
'column_name' => $field['name'],
'handler_type' => $handler_type,
'handler_name' => $handler['name'],
'arguments' => serialize($handler)
if ($view_record['setup_id'] && $field['name'] && $handler_type && $handler['name'] && $handler) {
$status = drupal_write_record('tripal_views_handlers', $handler_record);
else {
$status = FALSE;
if (!$status) {
drupal_set_message(t('Unable to integrate %handler_type handler: %handler_name', array('%handler_type' => $handler_type, '%handler_name' => $handler['name'])), 'error');
$no_errors = FALSE;
// Insert Joins
if (!is_array($field['joins'])) {
$field['joins'] = array();
foreach ($field['joins'] as $join) {
$join_record = array(
'setup_id' => $view_record['setup_id'],
'base_table' => $defn_array['table'],
'base_field' => $field['name'],
'left_table' => $join['table'],
'left_field' => $join['field'],
$join_record['handler'] = (!empty($join['handler'])) ? $join['handler'] : 'views_join';
$join_record['relationship_handler'] = (!empty($join['relationship_handler'])) ? $join['relationship_handler'] : 'views_handler_relationship';
$join_record['relationship_only'] = (!empty($join['relationship_only'])) ? $join['relationship_only'] : 0;
if ($view_record['setup_id'] && $defn_array['table'] && $field['name'] && $join['table'] && $join['field']) {
$status = drupal_write_record('tripal_views_join', $join_record);
else {
$status = FALSE;
if (!$status) {
'Unable to join %left_table.%left_field with %table.%field',
'%left_table' => $join['table'],
'%left_field' => $join['field'],
'%table' => $defn_array['table'],
'%field' => $field['name']
$no_errors = FALSE;
else {
drupal_set_message(t('Unable to integrate %field_name field', array('%field_name' => $field['name'])), 'error');
$no_errors = FALSE;
else {
drupal_set_message(t('Unable to set default tripal views integration'), 'error');
$no_errors = FALSE;
return $no_errors;
* Export Views integration records.
* This is a great way to create your own integration since it returns an already defined
* integration in array form that you can modify. After modifications simply set the
* priority to something lighter (but still below 0) than any existing integrations
* and use tripal_views_integration_add_entry() to add it to the list of integrations.
* @param $setup_id
* The unique setup id of the tripal views integration
* @return
* A views integration definition array as used by tripal_views_integration_add_entry()
* @ingroup tripal_views_api
function tripal_views_integration_export_entry($setup_id) {
// Main setup details
// D7 TODO: Check DBTNG changes work
$r = db_query("SELECT * FROM {tripal_views} WHERE setup_id=:setup", array(':setup' => $setup_id));
$r = $r->fetchObject();
$defn_array = array(
'table' => $r->table_name,
'name' => $r->name,
'type' => ($r->mview_id) ? 'mview' : 'chado',
'description' => $r->comment,
'priority' => $r->priority,
'base_table' => $r->base_table,
'fields' => array(),
// Add fields
// D7 TODO: Check DBTNG changes work
$resource = db_query("SELECT * FROM {tripal_views_field} WHERE setup_id=:setup", array(':setup' => $setup_id));
foreach ($resource as $r) {
$defn_array['fields'][ $r->column_name ] = array(
'name' => $r->column_name,
'title' => $r->name,
'description' => $r->description,
'type' => $r->type,
'handlers' => array(),
'joins' => array()
// Add handlers
// D7 TODO: Check DBTNG changes work
$resource = db_query("SELECT * FROM {tripal_views_handlers} WHERE setup_id=:setup", array(':setup' => $setup_id));
foreach ($resource as $r) {
$defn_array['fields'][ $r->column_name ]['handlers'][ $r->handler_type ] = array(
'name' => $r->handler_name
// Add joins
// D7 TODO: Check DBTNG changes work
$resource = db_query("SELECT * FROM {tripal_views_join} WHERE setup_id=:setup", array(':setup' => $setup_id));
foreach ($resource as $r) {
$defn_array['fields'][ $r->base_field ]['joins'][ $r->left_table ] = array(
'table' => $r->left_table,
'field' => $r->left_field,
'handler' => $r->handler,
return $defn_array;
* Removes a View Integration Entry when you only know the table the integration was
* created for and the priority.
* This should only be used to remove integrations created by your own module (possibly
* on uninstall of your module). To override existing integrations simply create your own
* integration with a lighter priority using tripal_views_clone_integration() or
* tripal_views_integration_export_entry() to create a template.
* @param $table_name
* The name of the table to remove a views integration entry for
* @param $priority
* The priority of the of views integration entry
* @return
* TRUE on Success; FALSE otherwise
* @ingroup tripal_views_api
function tripal_views_integration_remove_entry_by_table_name($table_name, $priority) {
// D7 TODO: Check DBTNG changes work
$views = db_query(
"SELECT * FROM {tripal_views} WHERE table_name=:table AND priority=:priority",
':table' => $table_name,
':priority' => $priority
$views = $views->fetchObject();
if ($views->setup_id) {
return TRUE;
else {
return FALSE;
* Removes a View Integration Entry when you know the setup_id
* This should only be used to remove integrations created by your own module (possibly
* on uninstall of your module). To override existing integrations simply create your own
* integration with a lighter priority using tripal_views_clone_integration() or
* tripal_views_integration_export_entry() to create a template.
* @param $setup_id
* The setup ID of the views integration entry to remove
* @ingroup tripal_views_api
function tripal_views_integration_remove_entry_by_setup_id($setup_id) {
// D7 TODO: Check DBTNG changes work
db_query('DELETE FROM {tripal_views} WHERE setup_id=:setup', array(':setup' => $setup_id));
db_query('DELETE FROM {tripal_views_field} WHERE setup_id=:setup', array(':setup' => $setup_id));
db_query('DELETE FROM {tripal_views_handlers} WHERE setup_id=:setup', array(':setup' => $setup_id));
db_query('DELETE FROM {tripal_views_join} WHERE setup_id=:setup', array(':setup' => $setup_id));
* Clone an integration. This is often a great way to create your own module-specific
* integration while still benifiting from an existing (or even the lightest priority)
* integration.
* @param $table_name
* The table for which you'd like to clone an integration
* @param $new_priority
* The priority of the clone; this is the integration which will be created.
* If no priority is supplied then one lighter then the $template_priority will be used.
* @param $template_priority
* The priority of the template to be used for the clone; this is an existing integration.
* If no priority is supplied then the lightest priority will be used.
* @ingroup tripal_views_api
function tripal_views_clone_integration($table_name, $new_priority = NULL, $template_priority = NULL) {
if (empty($template_priority)) {
$template_setup_id = tripal_views_get_lightest_priority_setup($table_name);
else {
$template_setup_id = tripal_views_get_setup_id($table_name, $template_priority);
$defn_array = tripal_views_integration_export_entry($template_setup_id);
if (empty($new_priority)) {
$defn_array['priority'] = $new_priority;
else {
$new_priority = $defn_array['priority'] - 1;
$defn_array['priority'] = $defn_array['priority'] - 1;
// D7 TODO: Check DBTNG changes work
$setup_id = db_query(
"SELECT setup_id FROM {tripal_views} WHERE table_name=:table AND priority=:priority",
':table' => $table_name,
':priority' => $new_priority
$setup_id = $setup_id->fetchObject();
if (empty($setup_id)) {
tripal_report_error('tripal_views', TRIPAL_ERROR, 'Unable to clone the setup for %table in order to add the following field to the integration: %field.',
array('%table' => $table_name, '%field' => print_r($field_array,TRUE)));
return FALSE;
else {
return $setup_id;
* Adds the given field to an existing or cloned integration. In the case of a cloned
* integration, the lightest integration is used as the template for the clone.
* NOTE: If that field already exists in the specified integration then it will first be
* deleted and the new one added.
* @param $table_name
* The name of the table the integration is for
* @param $priority
* The priority of the integration to use; pass NULL to use the lightest integration
* @param $field
* An array describing the field ot add; uses the same format as the $defn_array
* @return
* TRUE if the field was added successfully; FALSE otherwise
* @ingroup tripal_views_api
function tripal_views_add_field_to_integration($table_name, $priority, $field) {
$no_errors = TRUE;
// If no priority is supplied then add the field to the lightest integration
if (empty($priority)) {
$priority = tripal_views_get_table_lightest_priority($table_name);
// First get the setup_id
// D7 TODO: Check DBTNG changes work
$setup_id = db_query(
"SELECT setup_id FROM {tripal_views} WHERE table_name=:table AND priority=:priority",
':table' => $table_name,
':priority' => $priority
$setup_id = $setup_id->fetchObject();
// If there isn't an integration matching that table/priority combination
// then clone the lightest priority integration
if (empty($setup_id)) {
$setup_id = tripal_views_clone_integration($table_name, $priority);
// Now delete any existing field
db_query("DELETE FROM {tripal_views_field} WHERE setup_id=:setup AND column_name=:column",
array(':setup' => $setup_id, 'column' => $field['name'])
db_query("DELETE FROM {tripal_views_handlers} WHERE setup_id=:setup AND column_name=:column",
array(':setup' => $setup_id, 'column' => $field['name'])
db_query("DELETE FROM {tripal_views_join} WHERE setup_id=:setup AND base_table=:table AND base_field=:field",
array(':setup' => $setup_id, ':table' => $table_name, ':field' => $field['name'])
// Now we need to add/update the field
$field_record = array(
'setup_id' => $setup_id,
'column_name' => $field['name'],
'name' => $field['title'],
'description' => $field['description'],
'type' => $field['type'],
if ($setup_id && $field['name'] && $field['title'] && $field['description'] && $field['type']) {
if ($defn_array['additional_content']) {
// D7 TODO: Check DBTNG changes work
$is = db_query(
"SELECT true as present FROM {tripal_views_field} WHERE column_name=:column AND setup_id=:setup",
array(':column' => $field_record['column_name'], ':setup' => $field_record['setup_id'])
$is = $is->fetchObject();
if (!$is->present) {
$status = drupal_write_record('tripal_views_field', $field_record);
else {
$status = drupal_write_record('tripal_views_field', $field_record, array('setup_id', 'column_name'));
else {
$status = drupal_write_record('tripal_views_field', $field_record);
else {
drupal_set_message(t('Unable to integrate %name field due to missing required fields.', array('%name' => $field['name'])), 'error');
$status = FALSE;
if ($status) {
// Insert Handler Definitions
foreach ($field['handlers'] as $handler_type => $handler) {
$handler_record = array(
'setup_id' => $setup_id,
'column_name' => $field['name'],
'handler_type' => $handler_type,
'handler_name' => $handler['name'],
'arguments' => serialize($handler)
if ($setup_id && $field['name'] && $handler_type && $handler['name'] && $handler) {
$status = drupal_write_record('tripal_views_handlers', $handler_record);
else {
$status = FALSE;
if (!$status) {
drupal_set_message(t('Unable to integrate %handler_type handler: %handler_name', array('%handler_type' => $handler_type, '%handler_name' => $handler['name'])), 'error');
$no_errors = FALSE;
// Insert Joins
if (!is_array($field['joins'])) {
$field['joins'] = array();
foreach ($field['joins'] as $join) {
$join_record = array(
'setup_id' => $setup_id,
'base_table' => $defn_array['table'],
'base_field' => $field['name'],
'left_table' => $join['table'],
'left_field' => $join['field'],
if (!empty($join['handler'])) {
$join_record['handler'] = $join['handler'];
else {
$join_record['handler'] = 'views_join';
if ($setup_id && $defn_array['table'] && $field['name'] && $join['table'] && $join['field']) {
$status = drupal_write_record('tripal_views_join', $join_record);
else {
$status = FALSE;
if (!$status) {
'Unable to join %left_table.%left_field with %table.%field',
'%left_table' => $join['table'],
'%left_field' => $join['field'],
'%table' => $defn_array['table'],
'%field' => $field['name']
$no_errors = FALSE;
else {
drupal_set_message(t('Unable to integrate %field_name field', array('%field_name' => $field['name'])), 'error');
$no_errors = FALSE;
return $no_errors;
* Remove a join from an integration. This is usually done after cloning an existing
* integration using tripal_views_clone_integration().
* @param $setup_id
* The setup_id of the integration to delete the join from
* @param $base_table
* The name of the base table involved the join
* @param $base_field
* The field from the base table involved in the join
* @param $left_table
* The name of the other table involved in the join
* @param $left_field
* The name of the field from the other table involved in the join
* @ingroup tripal_views_api
function tripal_views_remove_join_from_integration($setup_id, $base_table, $base_field, $left_table, $left_field) {
"DELETE FROM {tripal_views_join} WHERE setup_id=:setup AND base_table=:base-table AND base_field=:base-field AND left_table=:left-table AND left_field=:left-field",
':setup' => $setup_id,
':base-table' => $base_table,
':base-field' => $base_field,
':left-table' => $left_table,
':left-field' => $left_field