'description' => t('Relationships between features.'),
'default_widget' => 'chado_linker__relationship_widget',
'default_formatter' => 'chado_linker__relationship_formatter',
'settings' => array(),
'storage' => array(
'type' => 'field_chado_storage',
'module' => 'tripal_chado',
'active' => TRUE
* Implements hook_attach_info().
* This is a hook provided by the tripal_Chado module. It allows the field
* to specify which bundles it will attach to and to specify thee settings.
* @param $entity_type
* @param $entity
* @param $term
* @return
* A field array
function chado_linker__relationship_attach_info($entity_type, $bundle, $target) {
$field_info = array();
$table_name = $target['data_table'];
$type_table = $target['type_table'];
$type_field = $target['field'];
$cv_id = $target['cv_id'];
$cvterm_id = $target['cvterm_id'];
// If the linker table does not exists then we don't want to add attach.
$rel_table = $table_name . '_relationship';
if (!chado_table_exists($rel_table)) {
return $field_info;
$schema = chado_get_schema($rel_table);
$pkey = $schema['primary key'][0];
// Initialize the field array.
$field_info = array(
'field_name' => $table_name . '__relationship',
'field_type' => 'chado_linker__relationship',
'widget_type' => 'chado_linker__relationship_widget',
'widget_settings' => array('display_label' => 1),
'description' => '',
'label' => 'Relationsihps',
'is_required' => 0,
'storage' => 'field_chado_storage',
'field_settings' => array(
'chado_table' => $rel_table,
'chado_column' => $pkey,
'base_table' => $table_name,
'semantic_web' => array(
'type' => '',
'ns' => '',
'nsurl' => '',
return $field_info;
* Implements hook_widget_info.
* This is a hook provided by the tripal_chado module for offloading
* the hook_field_widget_info() hook for each field to specify.
function chado_linker__relationship_widget_info() {
return array(
'label' => t('Relationship Settings'),
'field types' => array('chado_linker__relationship')
* Implements hook_formatter_info.
* This is a hook provided by the tripal_chado module for
* offloading the hook_field_formatter_info() for each field
* to specify.
function chado_linker__relationship_formatter_info() {
return array(
'label' => t('Relationships'),
'field types' => array('chado_linker__relationship'),
'settings' => array(
* Implements hook_formatter_settings_summary.
* This is a hook provided by the tripal_chado module for
* offloading the hook_field_formatter_settings_summary() for each field
* to specify.
function chado_linker__relationship_formatter_settings_summary($field, $instance,
$view_mode) {
* Provides a settings form for the formatter.
* This is a hook provided by the tripal_chado module for
* offloading the hook_field_formatter_settings_form() for each field
* to specify.
function chado_linker__relationship_formatter_settings_form($field, $instance,
$view_mode, $form, &$form_state) {
* Validation function for the chado_linker_featureloc_formatter_settings_form.
function chado_linker__relationship_formatter_settings_form_validate(&$form, &$form_state) {
// Place here as an example for validating the settings form.
* TODO: because this field is meant to handle any xxxxx_relationship table
* then feature hard-coding needs to be replaced as it won't work for
* stocks, etc.
function chado_linker__relationship_formatter(&$element, $entity_type, $entity,
$field, $instance, $langcode, $items, $display) {
// Get the settings
$settings = $display['settings'];
$record = $entity->chado_record;
foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
$all_relationships = $item['all_relationships'];
$object_rels = $all_relationships['object'];
$subject_rels = $all_relationships['subject'];
$content = '';
if (count($object_rels) > 0 or count($subject_rels) > 0) {
// first add in the subject relationships.
foreach ($subject_rels as $rel_type => $rels){
foreach ($rels as $obj_type => $objects){
// Make the verb in the sentence make sense in English.
switch ($rel_type) {
case 'integral part of':
case 'instance of':
$verb = 'is an';
case 'proper part of':
case 'transformation of':
case 'genome of':
case 'part of':
case 'position of':
case 'sequence of':
case 'variant of':
$verb = 'is a';
case 'derives from':
case 'connects on':
case 'contains':
case 'finishes':
case 'guides':
case 'has origin':
case 'has part':
case 'has quality':
case 'is consecutive sequence of':
case 'maximally overlaps':
case 'overlaps':
case 'starts':
$verb = '';
$verb = 'is';
// the $headers array is an array of fields to use as the colum headers.
// additional documentation can be found here
// https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes%21theme.inc/function/theme_table/7
$headers = array('Feature Name' ,'Unique Name', 'Species', 'Type');
// the $rows array contains an array of rows where each row is an array
// of values for each column of the table in that row. Additional documentation
// can be found here:
// https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes%21theme.inc/function/theme_table/7
$rows = array();
foreach ($objects as $object){
// link the feature to it's node
$feature_name = $object->record->object_id->name;
if (property_exists($object->record, 'nid')) {
$feature_name = l($feature_name, "node/" . $object->record->nid, array('attributes' => array('target' => "_blank")));
// link the organism to it's node
$organism = $object->record->object_id->organism_id;
$organism_name = $organism->genus ." " . $organism->species;
if (property_exists($organism, 'nid')) {
$organism_name = l("" . $organism->genus . " " . $organism->species . "", "node/" . $organism->nid, array('html' => TRUE));
$rows[] = array(
array('data' => $feature_name, 'width' => '30%'),
array('data' => $object->record->object_id->uniquename, 'width' => '30%'),
array('data' => $organism_name, 'width' => '30%'),
array('data' => $object->record->object_id->type_id->name, 'width' => '10%'),
// the $table array contains the headers and rows array as well as other
// options for controlling the display of the table. Additional
// documentation can be found here:
// https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes%21theme.inc/function/theme_table/7
$table = array(
'header' => $headers,
'rows' => $rows,
'attributes' => array(
'id' => 'tripal_feature-table-relationship-object',
'class' => 'tripal-data-table'
'sticky' => FALSE,
'caption' => "This " . $record->type_id->name . " $verb $rel_type the following $obj_type feature(s):",
'colgroups' => array(),
'empty' => '',
// once we have our table array structure defined, we call Drupal's theme_table()
// function to generate the table.
$content .= theme_table($table);
// second add in the object relationships.
foreach ($object_rels as $rel_type => $rels){
foreach ($rels as $subject_type => $subjects){
// Make the verb in the sentence make sense in English.
switch ($rel_type) {
case 'integral part of':
case 'instance of':
$verb = 'are an';
case 'proper part of':
case 'transformation of':
case 'genome of':
case 'part of':
case 'position of':
case 'sequence of':
case 'variant of':
$verb = 'are a';
case 'derives from':
case 'connects on':
case 'contains':
case 'finishes':
case 'guides':
case 'has origin':
case 'has part':
case 'has quality':
case 'is consecutive sequence of':
case 'maximally overlaps':
case 'overlaps':
case 'starts':
$verb = '';
$verb = 'are';
// the $headers array is an array of fields to use as the colum headers.
// additional documentation can be found here
// https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes%21theme.inc/function/theme_table/7
$headers = array('Feature Name' ,'Unique Name', 'Species', 'Type');
// the $rows array contains an array of rows where each row is an array
// of values for each column of the table in that row. Additional documentation
// can be found here:
// https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes%21theme.inc/function/theme_table/7
$rows = array();
foreach ($subjects as $subject){
// link the feature to it's node
$feature_name = $subject->record->subject_id->name;
if (property_exists($subject->record, 'nid')) {
$feature_name = l($feature_name, "node/" . $subject->record->nid, array('attributes' => array('target' => "_blank")));
// link the organism to it's node
$organism = $subject->record->subject_id->organism_id;
$organism_name = $organism->genus ." " . $organism->species;
if (property_exists($organism, 'nid')) {
$organism_name = l("" . $organism->genus . " " . $organism->species . "", "node/" . $organism->nid, array('html' => TRUE));
$rows[] = array(
array('data' => $feature_name, 'width' => '30%'),
array('data' =>$subject->record->subject_id->uniquename, 'width' => '30%'),
array('data' =>$organism_name, 'width' => '30%'),
array('data' =>$subject->record->subject_id->type_id->name, 'width' => '10%'),
// the $table array contains the headers and rows array as well as other
// options for controlling the display of the table. Additional
// documentation can be found here:
// https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes%21theme.inc/function/theme_table/7
$table = array(
'header' => $headers,
'rows' => $rows,
'attributes' => array(
'id' => 'tripal_feature-table-relationship-subject',
'class' => 'tripal-data-table'
'sticky' => FALSE,
'caption' => "The following " . $subjects[0]->record->subject_id->type_id->name . " feature(s) $verb $rel_type this " . $record->type_id->name . ":",
'colgroups' => array(),
'empty' => '',
// once we have our table array structure defined, we call Drupal's theme_table()
// function to generate the table.
$content .= theme_table($table);
// once we have our table array structure defined, we call Drupal's theme_table()
// function to generate the table.
$element[$delta] = array(
'#type' => 'markup',
'#markup' => $content,
* Loads the field values with appropriate data.
* This function is called by the tripal_chado_field_storage_load() for
* each property managed by the field_chado_storage storage type. This is
* an optional hook function that is only needed if the field has
* multiple form elements.
function chado_linker__relationship_load($field, $entity, $base_table, $record) {
$field_name = $field['field_name'];
$entity->{$field_name}['und'][0]['all_relationships'] = tripal_get_feature_relationships($record);
* Implements hook_ws_formatter().
// function chado_linker__relationship_ws_formatter(&$element, $entity_type, $entity,
// $field, $instance, $items) {
// foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
// }
// }
* Implements hook_widget().
function chado_linker__relationship_widget(&$widget, $form, $form_state, $field, $instance, $langcode, $items, $delta, $element) {
* Callback function for validating the chado_linker_featureloc_widget.
function chado_linker__relationship_widget_validate($element, &$form_state) {