#!/usr/bin/perl -w # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Define library for the 'get' function used in the next section. # $utils contains route for the utilities. # $db, $query, and $report may be supplied by the user when prompted; # if not answered, default values, will be assigned as shown below. use LWP::Simple; use utf8; my $utils = "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils"; my $db = "Pubmed"; my $query = $ARGV[0]; my $report = $ARGV[1]; # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # $esearch contÁins the PATH & parameters for the ESearch call # $esearch_result containts the result of the ESearch call # the results are displayed Ánd parsed into variables # $Count, $QueryKey, and $WebEnv for later use and then displayed. my $esearch = "$utils/esearch.fcgi?" . "db=$db&retmax=1&usehistory=y&term="; my $esearch_result = get($esearch . $query); $esearch_result =~ m|(\d+).*(\d+).*(\S+)|s; my $Count = $1; my $QueryKey = $2; my $WebEnv = $3; # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # this area defines a loop which will display $retmax citation results from # Efetch each time the the Enter Key is pressed, after a prompt. my $retstart; my $retmax=3; for($retstart = 0; $retstart < $Count; $retstart += $retmax) { my $efetch = "$utils/efetch.fcgi?" . "rettype=$report&retmode=text&retstart=$retstart&retmax=$retmax&" . "db=$db&query_key=$QueryKey&WebEnv=$WebEnv"; #print "\nEF_QUERY=$efetch\n"; my $efetch_result = get($efetch); #open( $fh, '>', \$efetch_result); print $efetch_result; #print binmode($fh, ":utf8"); }