$faker->word, 'description' => $faker->text, 'program' => $faker->word, 'programversion' => $faker->word, ]; $organism = [ 'genus' => $faker->word, 'species' => $faker->word, 'common_name' => $faker->word, ]; return [ ['analysis', $analysis], ['organism', $organism], ]; } /** * Tests that the class can be initiated with or without a record specified * * @group api * @group chado * @group wip * @dataProvider recordProvider */ public function testInitClass($table, $values) { $record = new \ChadoRecord($table); $this->assertNotNull($record); $chado_record = factory('chado.' . $table)->create($values); $record_column = $table.'_id'; $record = new \ChadoRecord($table, $chado_record->$record_column); $this->assertNotNull($record); } /** * @group api * @group chado * @group wip * @throws \Exception * @dataProvider recordProvider */ public function testGetTable($table, $values) { $record = new \ChadoRecord($table); $this->assertEquals($table, $record->getTable()); } /** * @group wip * @group api * @group chado * @dataProvider recordProvider * * @throws \Exception */ public function testGetID($table, $values) { $chado_record = factory('chado.' . $table)->create(); $record_column = $table.'_id'; $id = $chado_record->$record_column; $record = new \ChadoRecord($table, $id); $returned_id = $record->getID(); $this->assertEquals($id, $returned_id); } /** * @group api * @group wip * @group chado * @dataProvider recordProvider * * */ public function testGetValues($table, $values) { $chado_record = factory('chado.' . $table)->create($values); $record_column = $table.'_id'; $id = $chado_record->$record_column; $record = new \ChadoRecord($table, $id); $values = $record->getValues(); $this->assertNotEmpty($values); foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $this->assertArrayHasKey($key, $values); $this->assertEquals($value, $values[$key]); } } /** * @group api * @group wip * @group chado * @dataProvider recordProvider * */ public function testGetValue($table, $values) { $chado_record = factory('chado.' . $table)->create($values); $record_column = $table.'_id'; $id = $chado_record->$record_column; $record = new \ChadoRecord($table, $id); foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $returned_value = $record->getValue($key); $this->assertEquals($value, $returned_value); } } /** * @group wip * @group chado * @group api * @dataProvider recordProvider */ public function testFind($table, $values) { $chado_record = factory('chado.' . $table)->create($values); $record_column = $table.'_id'; $id = $chado_record->$record_column; $record = new \ChadoRecord($table); $record->setValues($values); $found = $record->find(); $this->assertNotNull($found); $this->assertEquals(1, $found); } /** * Check that the find method throws an exception when it cant find anything. * * @throws \Exception */ public function testFindFail() { $table = 'organism'; $record = new \ChadoRecord($table); $record->setValue($table . '_id', 'unfindable'); $this->expectException(Exception); $found = $record->find(); } /** * @param $table * @param $values * * @throws \Exception */ public function testSetandGetValue($table, $values) { $record = new \ChadoRecord($table); $record->setValues($values); $vals = $record->getValues(); foreach ($vals as $val_key => $val) { $this->assertEquals($values[$val_key], $val, "The getValues did not match what was provided for setValues"); } } /** * Save should work for both an update and an insert * @group wip * @group chado * @group api * * @dataProvider recordProvider */ public function testSave($table, $values){ //first, test the insert case $record = new \ChadoRecord($table); $record->setValues($values); $record->save(); $record_column = $table.'_id'; $query = db_select('chado.' . $table, 't') ->fields('t', [$record_column]); foreach ($values as $key => $val){ $query->condition($key, $val); } $result =$query->execute()->fetchAll(); $this->assertNotEmpty($result, 'we couldnt insert our record on a save!'); //change the last key //NOTE this will break if the last key isn't a string! $values[$key] = 'new_value_that_i_wantTOBEUNIQUE'; $record->setValues($values); $record->save(); $query = db_select('chado.' . $table, 't') ->fields('t', [$record_column]); foreach ($values as $key => $val){ $query->condition($key, $val); } $result =$query->execute()->fetchAll(); $this->assertNotEmpty($result, 'Our record wasnt updated when saving!'); } /** * @group wip * @group chado * @group api * * @dataProvider recordProvider */ public function testInsert($table, $values){ //first, test the insert case $record = new \ChadoRecord($table); $record->setValues($values); $record->insert(); $record_column = $table.'_id'; $query = db_select('chado.' . $table, 't') ->fields('t', [$record_column]); foreach ($values as $key => $val){ $query->condition($key, $val); } $result =$query->execute()->fetchAll(); $this->assertNotEmpty($result, 'we couldnt insert our record on a save!'); //If we insert again, it should fail $this->expectException(EXCEPTION); $record->insert(); } /** * @group wip * @group chado * @group api * * @dataProvider recordProvider */ public function testUpdate($table, $values){ $id = $this->genChadoRecord($table, $values); $record = new \ChadoRecord($table, $id); $record_column = $table.'_id'; //$dump_vals = $record->getValues(); // var_dump($dump_vals); $key = array_keys($values)[0]; $string = 'some_random_new_string34792387'; $values[$key] = $string; $record->update($values); //$dump_vals = $record->getValues(); // var_dump($dump_vals); $query = db_select('chado.' . $table, 't') ->fields('t', [$key]); foreach ($values as $key => $val){ $query->condition($key, $val); } $result =$query->execute()->fetchField(); $this->assertNotFalse($result, 'we couldnt update our record.'); $this->assertEquals($string, $result); } /** * @group wip * @group chado * @group api * * @dataProvider recordProvider * */ public function testDelete($table, $values){ $id = $this->genChadoRecord($table, $values); $record = new \ChadoRecord($table, $id); $record_column = $table.'_id'; $record->delete(); $query = db_select('chado.' . $table, 't') ->fields('t', [$record_column]); foreach ($values as $key => $val){ $query->condition($key, $val); } $result =$query->execute()->fetchAll(); $this->assertEmpty($result, 'we couldnt delete our record!'); } private function genChadoRecord($table, $values){ $chado_record = factory('chado.' . $table)->create($values); $record_column = $table.'_id'; $id = $chado_record->$record_column; return $id; } }