assertTrue(TRUE); } /** * A helper function for loading any OBO. * * @param $name - ontology name. This goes in the tripal_cv_obo table. * @param $path - path to the OBO. this can be a file path or a URL. * * @throws \Exception */ private function loadOBO($name, $path) { $obo_id = db_select('public.tripal_cv_obo', 't') ->fields('t', ['obo_id']) ->condition('', $name) ->execute() ->fetchField(); if (!$obo_id) { $obo_id = db_insert('public.tripal_cv_obo') ->fields(['name' => $name, 'path' => $path]) ->execute(); } $run_args = ['obo_id' => $obo_id]; module_load_include('inc', 'tripal_chado', 'includes/TripalImporter/OBOImporter'); $importer = new \OBOImporter(); $importer->create($run_args); $importer->prepareFiles(); $importer->run(); } // /** // * Tests that an OBO from a local path can be loaded. // * // * For this test we will use a test ontology. // * // * @group obo // */ // public function testLocalOBO() { // $name = 'tripal_obo_test'; // $path = __DIR__ . '/../example_files/test.obo'; // // $this->loadOBO($name, $path); // // // Make sure we have a proper vocabulary record. // $tot_cv_id = db_select('', 'c') // ->fields('c', ['cv_id']) // ->condition('name', 'tripal_obo_test') // ->execute() // ->fetchField(); // $this->assertNotFalse($tot_cv_id, // "Missing the 'tripal_obo_test' cv record after loading the test.obo file"); // // // Make sure we have a proper database record. // $tot_db_id = db_select('chado.db', 'd') // ->fields('d', ['db_id']) // ->condition('name', 'TOT') // ->execute() // ->fetchField(); // $this->assertNotFalse($tot_db_id, // "Missing the 'TOT' db record after loading the test.obo file"); // // return [[$tot_cv_id, $tot_db_id]]; // } // // /** // * Test that all nodes in our test OBO are loaded. // * // * @group obo // * @dataProvider testLocalOBO // */ // // public function testCVterms($cv_id, $db_id) { // // // Our test OBO has 14 nodes. // $nodes = [ // ['TOT:001' => 'node01'], // ['TOT:002' => 'node02'], // ['TOT:003' => 'node03'], // ['TOT:004' => 'node04'], // ['TOT:005' => 'node05'], // ['TOT:006' => 'node06'], // ['TOT:007' => 'node07'], // ['TOT:008' => 'node08'], // ['TOT:009' => 'node09'], // ['TOT:010' => 'node10'], // ['TOT:011' => 'node11'], // ['TOT:012' => 'node12'], // ['TOT:013' => 'node13'], // ['TOT:014' => 'node14'], // ]; // // // Test that the proper records were added to identify the term. // foreach ($nodes as $id => $node_name) { // // // Check that cvterm record is inserted. // $cvterm_id = db_select('chado.cvterm', 'cvt') // ->fields('cvt', ['cvterm_id']) // ->condition('', $node_name) // ->condition('cvt.cv_id', $cv_id) // ->execute() // ->fetchField(); // $this->assertNotFalse($cvterm_id, // "Missing the cvterm record with name, ' $node_name ' after loading the test.obo file"); // // // Check that the dbxref record is inserted. // $accession = preg_replace('/TOT:/', '', $id); // $dbxref_id = db_select('chado.dbxref', 'dbx') // ->fields('dbx', ['dbxref_id']) // ->condition('accession', $accession) // ->condition('db_id', $db_id); // $this->assertNotFalse($cvterm_id, // "Missing the dbxref record forid, '$id' after loading the test.obo file"); // } // // // Test node 11 to make sure the definition was inserted correctly. // // The definition for node11 has an extra colon and a comment. The colon // // should not throw off the insertion of the full definition and // // the comment should be excluded. // $def = db_select('chado.cvterm', 'cvt') // ->fields('cvt', ['definition']) // ->condition('', 'node11') // ->condition('cvt.cv_id', $cv_id) // ->execute() // ->fetchField(); // $this->assertNotFalse($def, // "The definition for node11 was not added."); // $this->assertEquals('This is node 11 : Yo', $def, // "The definition for node11 is incorrect. it was stored as \"$def\" but should be \"def: This is node 11 : Yo\"."); // // // Make sure that colons in term names don't screw up the term. This test // // corresponds to the term with id CHEBI:132502 in the test.obo file. // $exists = db_select('', 'c') // ->fields('c', ['cv_id']) // ->condition('name', 'fatty acid 18') // ->execute() // ->fetchField(); // $this->assertFalse($exists); // // // // Node14 should be marked as obsolete. // $sql = " // SELECT CVT.is_obsolete // FROM {cvterm} CVT // INNER JOIN {dbxref} DBX on DBX.dbxref_id = CVT.dbxref_id // INNER JOIN {db} DB on DB.db_id = DBX.db_id // WHERE = 'TOT' and DBX.accession = '014' // "; // $is_obsolete = chado_query($sql)->fetchField(); // $this->assertEquals(1, $is_obsolete, // "The term, node14, should be marked as obsolete after loading of the test.obo file."); // // // Every vocabulary should have an is_a term added to support the is_a // // relationships. // $sql = " // SELECT CVT.is_relationshiptype // FROM {cvterm} CVT // INNER JOIN {dbxref} DBX on DBX.dbxref_id = CVT.dbxref_id // INNER JOIN {db} DB on DB.db_id = DBX.db_id // WHERE = 'is_a' and = 'TOT' // "; // $is_reltype = chado_query($sql)->fetchField(); // $this->assertNotFalse($is_reltype, // "The cvterm record for, is_a, should have been added during loading of the test.obo file."); // $this->assertEquals(1, $is_reltype, // "The cvterm record, is_a, should be marked as a relationship type."); // // } // /** // * Test that insertion of synonyms works. // * // * The term 'node11' has a synonym:"crazy node" EXACT [] // * // * @group obo // * @dataProvider testLocalOBO // */ // public function testSynonyms($cv_id, $db_id) { // // $query = db_select('chado.cvtermsynonym', 'cvts'); // $query->fields('cvts', ['synonym']); // $query->join('chado.cvterm', 'cvt', 'cvts.cvterm_id = cvt.cvterm_id'); // $query->condition('', 'node11'); // $synonym = $query->execute()->fetchField(); // $this->assertNotFalse($synonym, // "Failed to find the 'crazy node' synonym record for node 11 after loading the test.obo file."); // // $this->assertEquals("crazy node", $synonym, // "Failed to properly add the 'crazy node' synonym for node 11 instead the following was loaded: $synonym"); // } // /** // * Test that insertion of subset works. // * // * The term 'node11' belongs to the test_crazy subset. Everything else belongs // * to the test_normal subset. // * // * // * @group obo // * @dataProvider testLocalOBO // */ // public function testSubset($cv_id, $db_id) { // // $sql = " // SELECT // FROM {cvtermprop} CVTP // INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVTPT on CVTPT.cvterm_id = CVTP.type_id // INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVT on CVT.cvterm_id = CVTP.cvterm_id // INNER JOIN {dbxref} DBX on CVT.dbxref_id = DBX.dbxref_id // INNER JOIN {db} DB on DB.db_id = DBX.db_id // WHERE = 'Subgroup' and = 'TOT' and CVTP.value = 'test_crazy' // "; // $term_name = chado_query($sql)->fetchField(); // $this->assertNotFalse($term_name, // "This cvtermprop record for the subset 'test_crazy' is missing."); // // $this->assertEquals('node11', $term_name, // "This cvtermprop record for the subset 'test_crazy' is assigned to term, $term_name, instead of node11."); // // $sql = " // SELECT count(CVT.cvterm_id) // FROM {cvtermprop} CVTP // INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVTPT on CVTPT.cvterm_id = CVTP.type_id // INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVT on CVT.cvterm_id = CVTP.cvterm_id // INNER JOIN {dbxref} DBX on CVT.dbxref_id = DBX.dbxref_id // INNER JOIN {db} DB on DB.db_id = DBX.db_id // WHERE = 'Subgroup' and = 'TOT' and CVTP.value = 'test_normal' // "; // $subset_count = chado_query($sql)->fetchField(); // // $this->assertNotFalse($subset_count, // "This cvtermprop record for the subset 'test_normal' are missing."); // // // There should be 12 terms that belong to subset 'test_normal' as node14 // // does not belong to a subset. // $this->assertEquals(12, $subset_count, // "There are $subset_count cvtermprop record for the subset 'test_normal' but there should be 13."); // } // /** // * Test that the insertion of xref works. // * // * The term 'node11' belongs to the test_crazy subset. Everything else belongs // * to the test_normal subset. // * // * // * @group obo // * @dataProvider testLocalOBO // */ // public function testXref($cv_id, $db_id) { // // $sql = " // SELECT concat(, ':', DBX2.accession) // FROM {cvterm} CVT // INNER JOIN {dbxref} DBX on DBX.dbxref_id = CVT.dbxref_id // INNER JOIN {db} on DB.db_id = DBX.db_id // INNER JOIN {cvterm_dbxref} CVTDBX on CVTDBX.cvterm_id = CVT.cvterm_id // INNER JOIN {dbxref} DBX2 on DBX2.dbxref_id = CVTDBX.dbxref_id // INNER JOIN {db} DB2 on DB2.db_id = DBX2.db_id // WHERE = 'TOT' and = 'node11' // ORDER BY DBX.accession // "; // $xref_id = chado_query($sql)->fetchField(); // $this->assertNotFalse($xref_id, // "This cvterm_dbxref record for the xref 'GO:0043226' is missing for node11."); // // $this->assertEquals('GO:0043226', $xref_id, // "This cvterm_dbxref record for node 11 is, $xref_id, instead of GO:0043226."); // } // /** // * Test that the insertion of comments works. // * // * The term 'node11' contains a comment. // * // * @group obo // * @dataProvider testLocalOBO // */ // public function testComment($cv_id, $db_id) { // // $sql = " // SELECT CVTP.value // FROM {cvterm} CVT // INNER JOIN {dbxref} DBX on DBX.dbxref_id = CVT.dbxref_id // INNER JOIN {db} on DB.db_id = DBX.db_id // INNER JOIN {cvtermprop} CVTP on CVTP.cvterm_id = CVT.cvterm_id // INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVTPT on CVTPT.cvterm_id = CVTP.type_id // WHERE = 'TOT' and = 'comment' and = 'node11' // ORDER BY DBX.accession // "; // $comment = chado_query($sql)->fetchField(); // $this->assertNotFalse($xref_id, // "This cvterm_dbxref record for the xref 'This is a crazy node' is missing for node11."); // // $this->assertEquals('This is a crazy node', $comment, // "This cvterm_dbxref record for node11 is, \"$comment\", instead of \"This is a crazy node\"."); // } // // /** // * Tests that the cvtermpath is properly loaded. // * // * @group obo // * @dataProvider testLocalOBO // */ // public function testRelationships($cv_id, $db_id) { // $relationships = [ // ['node02', 'is_a', 'node01'], // ['node03', 'is_a', 'node01'], // ['node04', 'is_a', 'node01'], // ['node04', 'has_part', 'node11'], // ['node05', 'is_a', 'node01'], // ['node06', 'is_a', 'node03'], // ['node07', 'is_a', 'node03'], // ['node08', 'is_a', 'node07'], // ['node09', 'is_a', 'node04'], // ['node09', 'is_a', 'node07'], // ['node10', 'is_a', 'node05'], // ['node11', 'is_a', 'node09'], // ['node11', 'is_a', 'node10'], // ['node12', 'is_a', 'node10'], // ['node13', 'is_a', 'node11'], // ]; // foreach ($relationships as $relationship) { // $subject = $relationship[0]; // $type = $relationship[1]; // $object = $relationship[2]; // $sql = " // SELECT CVTR.cvterm_relationship_id // FROM {cvterm} CVT // INNER JOIN {dbxref} DBX on DBX.dbxref_id = CVT.dbxref_id // INNER JOIN {db} on DB.db_id = DBX.db_id // INNER JOIN {cvterm_relationship} CVTR on CVTR.subject_id = CVT.cvterm_id // INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVT2 on CVT2.cvterm_id = CVTR.object_id // INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVT3 on CVT3.cvterm_id = CVTR.type_id // WHERE = 'TOT' AND = :object AND // = :type AND = :subject // "; // $args = [':object' => $object, ':type' => $type, ':subject' => $subject]; // $rel_id = chado_query($sql, $args)->fetchField(); // $this->assertNotFalse($rel_id, // "The following relationship could not be found: $subect $type $object."); // } // // // Now make sure we have no more relationships than what we are supposed // // to have. // $sql = " // SELECT count(CVTR.cvterm_relationship_id) // FROM {cvterm} CVT // INNER JOIN {dbxref} DBX on DBX.dbxref_id = CVT.dbxref_id // INNER JOIN {db} on DB.db_id = DBX.db_id // INNER JOIN {cvterm_relationship} CVTR on CVTR.object_id = CVT.cvterm_id // WHERE = 'TOT' AND CVT.is_relationshiptype = 0 // "; // $rel_count = chado_query($sql)->fetchField(); // $expected = count($relationships); // $this->assertEquals($expected, $rel_count, // "There are an incorrect number of relationships. There were $rel_count found but there should be $expected."); // } // // /** // * Tests that the cvtermpath is properly loaded. // * // * @group obo // * @dataProvider testLocalOBO // */ // public function testCVtermPath($cv_id, $db_id) { // // // For now we won't include distance or type in the check because depending // // how the tree was loaded and if there are multiple paths to a node // // then there's no guarantee we'll always get the same path. Therefore the // // type and pathdistance may be different (althoug not incorrect). // $relationships = [ // // Node01 as root: note that the root term always has a link to itself // // in the cvtermpath table. // ['node01', 'node01'], // ['node01', 'node02'], // ['node01', 'node03'], // ['node01', 'node04'], // ['node01', 'node05'], // ['node01', 'node06'], // ['node01', 'node07'], // ['node01', 'node08'], // ['node01', 'node09'], // ['node01', 'node10'], // ['node01', 'node11'], // ['node01', 'node12'], // ['node01', 'node13'], // // Node03 as root. // ['node03', 'node04'], // ['node03', 'node06'], // ['node03', 'node07'], // ['node03', 'node08'], // ['node03', 'node09'], // ['node03', 'node11'], // ['node03', 'node13'], // // Node04 as root. // ['node04', 'node09'], // ['node04', 'node11'], // ['node04', 'node13'], // // Node05 as root. // ['node05', 'node04'], // ['node05', 'node09'], // ['node05', 'node10'], // ['node05', 'node11'], // ['node05', 'node12'], // ['node05', 'node13'], // // Node07 as root. // ['node07', 'node04'], // ['node07', 'node08'], // ['node07', 'node09'], // ['node07', 'node11'], // ['node07', 'node13'], // // Node09 as root. // ['node09', 'node04'], // ['node09', 'node11'], // ['node09', 'node13'], // // Node10 as root. // ['node10', 'node04'], // ['node10', 'node09'], // ['node10', 'node11'], // ['node10', 'node12'], // ['node10', 'node13'], // // Node11 as root. // ['node11', 'node04'], // ['node11', 'node09'], // ['node11', 'node13'], // ]; // // // Populate the cvtermpath for our test OBO. // chado_update_cvtermpath($cv_id); // // foreach ($relationships as $relationship) { // $object = $relationship[0]; // $subject = $relationship[1]; // $sql = " // SELECT cvtermpath_id // FROM {cvtermpath} CVTP // INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVTO on CVTO.cvterm_id = CVTP.object_id // INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVTS on CVTS.cvterm_id = CVTP.subject_id // INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVTT on CVTT.cvterm_id = CVTP.type_id // WHERE CVTP.cv_id = :cv_id and = :object and // = :subject // "; // $args = [ // ':cv_id' => $cv_id, // ':object' => $object, // ':subject' => $subject, // ]; // $cvtermpath_id = chado_query($sql, $args)->fetchField(); // $this->assertNotFalse($cvtermpath_id, // "Cound not find the cvtermpath record for the relationship: $subject => $object."); // } // // // Now make sure we have no additional entries. // $sql = " // SELECT count(cvtermpath_id) // FROM {cvtermpath} CVTP // INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVTO on CVTO.cvterm_id = CVTP.object_id // INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVTS on CVTS.cvterm_id = CVTP.subject_id // INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVTT on CVTT.cvterm_id = CVTP.type_id // WHERE CVTP.cv_id = :cv_id // "; // $args = [':cv_id' => $cv_id]; // $rel_count = chado_query($sql, $args)->fetchField(); // $expected = count($relationships); // $this->assertEquals($expected, $rel_count, // "There are an incorrect number of paths. There were $rel_count found but there should be $expected."); // } // // /** // * Tests that the EBI Lookup is properly working. // * // * The term CHEBI:132502 should have been loaded via EBI. // * // * @group obo // * @dataProvider testLocalOBO // */ // public function testEBILookup($cv_id, $db_id) { // $sql = " // SELECT CVT.cvterm_id // FROM {cvterm} CVT // INNER JOIN {dbxref} DBX on DBX.dbxref_id = CVT.dbxref_id // INNER JOIN {db} DB on DB.db_id = DBX.db_id // WHERE = 'CHEBI' and DBX.accession = '132502' // "; // $cvterm_id = chado_query($sql)->fetchField(); // $this->assertNotFalse($cvterm_id, // "The term, CHEBI:132502, is not present the EBI OLS lookup must not have succeeded."); // } // /** // * Tests when changes are made between OBO loads. // * // * Sometimes an ontology can change the names of it's terms, or set some // * as obsolete, etc. We need to makes sure that when changes are made and // * the OBO is reloaded that the terms are properly update. // * // * @group obo // * @dataProvider testLocalOBO // */ // public function testOBOChanges($cv_id, $db_id) { // $name = 'tripal_obo_test_update'; // $path = __DIR__ . '/../example_files/test.update.obo'; // // $this->loadOBO($name, $path); // // // Did the name of term 13 change? // $sql = " // SELECT // FROM {cvterm} CVT // INNER JOIN {dbxref} DBX on DBX.dbxref_id = CVT.dbxref_id // INNER JOIN {db} DB on DB.db_id = DBX.db_id // WHERE = 'TOT' and DBX.accession = '013' // "; // $name = chado_query($sql)->fetchField(); // $this->assertEquals('New name 13.', $name, // "The name for node13 (TOT:013) failed to update to 'New name 13'."); // // // Node15 is new, and node02 got removed. Node15 now uses node02's name and // // has TOT:002 as an alt_id. So, node02 should be marked as obsolete // $sql = " // SELECT CVT.is_obsolete // FROM {cvterm} CVT // INNER JOIN {dbxref} DBX on DBX.dbxref_id = CVT.dbxref_id // INNER JOIN {db} DB on DB.db_id = DBX.db_id // WHERE = 'TOT' and DBX.accession = '002' // "; // $is_obsolete = chado_query($sql)->fetchField(); // $this->assertEquals(1, $is_obsolete, // "The node02 (TOT:002) should be marked as obsolete after update."); // // // Node16 is new, and node08 is now obsolete. Node16 now uses node08's name, // // so, node08 should be marked as obsolete and have the word '(obsolete)' // // added to prevent future conflicts. // $sql = " // SELECT // FROM {cvterm} CVT // INNER JOIN {dbxref} DBX on DBX.dbxref_id = CVT.dbxref_id // INNER JOIN {db} DB on DB.db_id = DBX.db_id // WHERE = 'TOT' and DBX.accession = '008' // "; // $name = chado_query($sql)->fetchField(); // $this->assertEquals("node08 (obsolete)", $name, // "The node08 (TOT:008) should be marked as obsolete after update."); // } // // /** // * @group obo // * @group chado // */ // public function testfindEBITerm_finder_retrieves_term() { // // module_load_include('inc', 'tripal_chado', 'includes/TripalImporter/OBOImporter'); // $importer_private = new \OBOImporter(); // $importer = reflect($importer_private); // $id = 'PECO:0007085'; // $result = $importer->findEBITerm($id); // $this->assertNotEmpty($result); // $this->assertEquals('fertilizer exposure', $result['name'][0]); // } }