'', 'chado_column' => '', 'base_table' => '', ); // Set this to the name of the storage backend that by default will support // this field. public static $default_storage = 'field_chado_storage'; /** * @see TripalField::formatterView() */ public function formatterView(&$element, $entity_type, $entity, $langcode, $items, $display) { $headers = array('Term', 'Definition', 'Is Not', 'Reference'); $rows = array(); $chado_table = $this->field['settings']['chado_table']; foreach ($items as $delta => $item) { if ($item['chado-' . $chado_table . '__cvterm_id']) { $cvterm = chado_generate_var('cvterm', array('cvterm_id' => $item['chado-' . $chado_table . '__cvterm_id'])); $dbxref = $cvterm->dbxref_id; // Build the accession. $accession = $dbxref->db_id->name . ':' . $dbxref->accession; if ($dbxref->db_id->urlprefix) { $accession = l($accession, tripal_get_dbxref_url($dbxref), array('attributes' => array('target' => '_blank'))); } // Build the publication reference. $pub_ref = ''; $pub_id = $item['chado-' . $chado_table . '__pub_id']; if ($pub_id) { $pub = chado_generate_var('pub', array('pub_id' => $pub_id)); $pub_ref = $pub->title; } $rows[] = array( $accession, $cvterm->definition, $item['chado-' . $chado_table . '__is_not'] ? 'Yes' : '', '', ); } } // the $table array contains the headers and rows array as well as other // options for controlling the display of the table. Additional // documentation can be found here: // https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes%21theme.inc/function/theme_table/7 $table = array( 'header' => $headers, 'rows' => $rows, 'attributes' => array( 'id' => "$chado_table-table-terms", 'class' => 'tripal-data-table' ), 'caption' => '', 'sticky' => FALSE, 'colgroups' => array(), 'empty' => 'There are no annotations of this type', ); if (count($items) > 0) { $element[0] = array( '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => theme_table($table), ); } } /** * @see TripalField::widgetForm() */ public function widgetForm(&$widget, &$form, &$form_state, $langcode, $items, $delta, $element) { parent::widgetForm($widget, $form, $form_state, $langcode, $items, $delta, $element); $field_name = $this->field['field_name']; $matches = array(); preg_match('/(.*?)__(\d+)/', $field_name, $matches); // If the field name is not properly formatted then we can't tell what // table and type this is. So just return. if (count($matches) != 3) { return $widget; } $table_name = $matches[1]; $cv_id = $matches[2]; // Get the FK column that links to the base table. $chado_table = $this->field['settings']['chado_table']; $base_table = $this->field['settings']['base_table']; $schema = chado_get_schema($chado_table); $pkey = $schema['primary key'][0]; $fkeys = array_values($schema['foreign keys'][$base_table]['columns']); $fkey = $fkeys[0]; // Get the field defaults. $record_id = ''; $fkey_value = $element['#entity']->chado_record_id; $cvterm_name = ''; $cvterm_id = ''; $pub_id = ''; $uname = ''; $is_not = ''; $cvterm = NULL; // If the field already has a value then it will come through the $items // array. This happens when editing an existing record. if (array_key_exists($delta, $items)) { $record_id = $items[$delta]['value']; $cvterm_name = $items[$delta]['cvterm__name']; $pub_id =$items[$delta]['chado-' . $table_name . '__pub_id']; if ($pub_id && $pub_id != 1) { $pub = chado_generate_var('pub', array('pub_id' => $pub_id)); $uname = $pub->uniquename; } $is_not = $items[$delta]['chado-' . $table_name . '__is_not']; $cvterm_id = $items[$delta]['chado-' . $table_name . '__cvterm_id']; } // Check $form_state['values'] to see if an AJAX call set the values. if (array_key_exists('values', $form_state) and array_key_exists($delta, $form_state['values'])) { // See example in chado_linker_contact.inc // $record_id = tripal_chado_get_field_form_values($table_name, $form_state, $delta, $table_name); // $fkey_value = tripal_chado_get_field_form_values($table_name, $form_state, $delta, $table_name . '__' . $fkey); // $is_not = tripal_chado_get_field_form_values($table_name, $form_state, $delta, $table_name . '__is_not'); // $cvterm_name = tripal_chado_get_field_form_values($table_name, $form_state, $delta, $table_name . '--cvterm__name'); } if ($cvterm_name) { $cvterm = chado_generate_var('cvterm', array('cv_id' => $cv_id, 'name' => $cvterm_name)); } $schema = chado_get_schema('cvterm'); $options = tripal_get_cv_select_options(); $widget['#table_name'] = $chado_table; $widget['#fkey_field'] = $fkey; $widget['#theme'] = 'chado_linker__cvterm_widget'; $widget['#prefix'] = ""; $widget['#suffix'] = ""; $widget['value'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => key_exists($delta, $items) ? $items[$delta]['value'] : '', ); $widget['chado-' . $table_name . '__' . $pkey] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#default_value' => $record_id, ); $widget['cv__cv_id'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#default_value' => $cv_id, ); $widget['chado-' . $table_name . '__cvterm_id'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#default_value' => $cvterm ? $cvterm->cvterm_id : '', ); $widget['chado-' . $table_name . '__' . $fkey] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#default_value' => $fkey_value, ); $widget['cvterm__name'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Term Name'), '#default_value' => $cvterm_name, '#required' => $element['#required'], '#maxlength' => array_key_exists('length', $schema['fields']['name']) ? $schema['fields']['name']['length'] : 255, '#autocomplete_path' => 'admin/tripal/storage/chado/auto_name/cvterm/' . $cv_id, '#size' => 30 ); $widget['pub'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Publication'), '#default_value' => $uname, '#autocomplete_path' => 'admin/tripal/storage/chado/auto_name/pub', '#ajax' => array( 'callback' => "chado_linker__pub_widget_form_ajax_callback", 'wrapper' => "$table_name-$delta", 'effect' => 'fade', 'method' => 'replace' ), '#maxlength' => 100000, ); $widget['chado-' . $table_name . '__pub_id'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#default_value' => $pub_id ? $pub_id : 1, ); $widget['chado-' . $table_name . '__is_not'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Is Not'), '#default_value' => $is_not, '#required' => $element['#required'], ); $widget['cvterm__definition'] = array( '#type' => 'item', '#markup' => '', ); } public function widgetFormSubmit($form, &$form_state, $entity_type, $entity, $langcode, $delta) { $field_name = $this->field['field_name']; $table_name = $this->field['settings']['chado_table']; $schema = chado_get_schema($table_name); $pkey = $schema['primary key'][0]; $base_table = $this->field['settings']['base_table']; $lfkey_field = key($schema['foreign keys'][$base_table]['columns']); $rfkey_field = $schema['foreign keys'][$base_table]['columns'][$lfkey_field]; // If the form ID is field_ui_field_edit_form, then the user is editing the // field's values in the manage fields form of Drupal. We don't want // to validate it as if it were being used in a data entry form. if ($form_state['build_info']['form_id'] =='field_ui_field_edit_form') { return; } // If the user provided a cv_id and a name then we want to set the // foreign key value to be the chado_record_idd $cvterm_name = isset($form_state['values'][$field_name][$langcode][$delta]['cvterm__name']) ? $form_state['values'][$field_name][$langcode][$delta]['cvterm__name'] : ''; if (!$cvterm_name) { $form_state['values'][$field_name][$langcode][$delta]['chado-' . $table_name . '__cvterm_id'] = ''; $form_state['values'][$field_name][$langcode][$delta]['chado-' . $table_name . '__' . $lfkey_field] = ''; $form_state['values'][$field_name][$langcode][$delta]['chado-' . $table_name . '__pub_id'] = ''; } } /** * @see TripalField::load() */ public function load($entity, $details = array()) { $field_name = $this->field['field_name']; $field_type = $this->field['type']; $field_table = $this->field['settings']['chado_table']; $field_column = $this->field['settings']['chado_column']; $base_table = $this->field['settings']['base_table']; $matches = array(); preg_match('/(.*?)__(\d+)/', $field_name, $matches); $table_name = $matches[1]; $cv_id = $matches[2]; // Get the FK that links to the base record. $schema = chado_get_schema($field_table); $pkey = $schema['primary key'][0]; $fkey_lcolumn = key($schema['foreign keys'][$base_table]['columns']); $fkey_rcolumn = $schema['foreign keys'][$base_table]['columns'][$fkey_lcolumn]; // Set some defaults for the empty record. $chado_record = $entity->chado_record; $entity->{$field_name}['und'][0] = array( 'value' => '', 'chado-' . $field_table . '__' . $fkey_lcolumn => '', 'chado-' . $field_table . '__' . 'cvterm_id' => '', // The pub column is present in the cell_line_cvterm, feature_cvterm, // library_cvterm, phenotype_comparision_cvterm, phenotype_cvterm, // stock_cvterm, and stock_relationship_cvterm. 'chado-' . $field_table . '__' . 'pub_id' => '', // The is_not column is present in feature_cvterm and stock_cvterm tables. 'chado-' . $field_table . '__' . 'is_not' => '', // The rank column is present in the cell_line_cvterm, expression_cvterm, // feature_cvterm, phenotype_comparision_cvterm, phenotype_cvterm, // and stock_cvterm tables. 'chado-' . $field_table . '__' . 'rank' => '', // The cvterm_type_id is present in the expression_cvterm table. 'cvterm_type_id' => '', // The following field are to help link the cvterm. 'cv__cv_id' => '', 'cvterm__name' => '', ); // Get the annotations associated with this base record for this fields type. $columns = array('*'); $match = array( $fkey_lcolumn => $chado_record->$fkey_rcolumn, 'cvterm_id' => array( 'cv_id' => $cv_id, ), ); $options = array( 'return_array' => TRUE, 'order_by' => array('rank' => 'ASC') ); $fcvterms = chado_select_record($field_table, $columns, $match, $options); for ($i = 0; $i < count($fcvterms); $i++) { $linker = $fcvterms[$i]; $cvterm = chado_generate_var('cvterm', array('cvterm_id' => $linker->cvterm_id)); $entity->{$field_name}['und'][$i] = array( 'value' => $linker->$pkey, 'chado-' . $field_table . '__' . $fkey_lcolumn => $linker->$fkey_lcolumn, 'chado-' . $field_table . '__' . 'cvterm_id' => $linker->cvterm_id, 'chado-' . $field_table . '__' . 'pub_id' => property_exists($linker, 'pub_id') ? $linker->pub_id : '', 'chado-' . $field_table . '__' . 'is_not' => property_exists($linker, 'is_not') ? $linker->is_not : '', 'chado-' . $field_table . '__' . 'rank' => property_exists($linker, 'rank') ? $linker->rank : '', 'chado-' . $field_table . '__' . 'cvterm_type_id' => property_exists($linker, 'cvterm_type_id') ? $linker->cvterm_type_id : '', 'cv__cv_id' => $cvterm->cv_id->cv_id, 'cvterm__name' => $cvterm->name, ); } } } /** * Theme function for the dbxref_id_widget. * * @param $variables */ function theme_chado_linker__cvterm_widget($variables) { $element = $variables['element']; // These two fields were added to the widget to help identify the fields // for layout. $table_name = $element['#table_name']; $fkey = $element['#fkey_field']; $layout = "
"; return $layout; } /** * An Ajax callback for the dbxref widget. */ function chado_linker__cvterm_widget_form_ajax_callback($form, $form_state) { $field_name = $form_state['triggering_element']['#parents'][0]; $delta = $form_state['triggering_element']['#parents'][2]; return $form[$field_name]['und'][$delta]; }