<?php class schema__publication_formatter extends ChadoFieldFormatter { // The default lable for this field. public static $default_label = 'Publication'; // The list of field types for which this formatter is appropriate. public static $field_types = array('schema__publication'); /** * * @see TripalFieldFormatter::view() */ public function view(&$element, $entity_type, $entity, $langcode, $items, $display) { $list_items = array(); $chado_table = $this->instance['settings']['chado_table']; // If there are no items, we don't want to return any markup. if (empty($items)) { return; } foreach ($items as $delta => $item) { $title = isset($item['value']['TPUB:0000039']) ? $item['value']['TPUB:0000039'] : ''; $citation = isset($item['value']['TPUB:0000003']) ? $item['value']['TPUB:0000003'] : ''; $entity = (is_array($item['value']) && array_key_exists('entity', $item['value'])) ? $item['value']['entity'] : ''; if ($entity) { list($entity_type, $entity_id) = explode(':', $entity); $new_title = l($title, 'bio_data/' . $entity_id); // Escape anything that isn't alphanumeric $title = preg_replace('/([^\w])/', '\\\\$1', $title); $citation = preg_replace("/$title/", $new_title, $citation); } $list_items[] = $citation; } $list = ''; krsort($list_items, SORT_NUMERIC); if (count($list_items) == 0) { $list = 'There are no publications associated with this record.'; } if (count($list_items) == 1) { $list = $list_items[0]; } if (count($list_items) > 1) { $list = array( 'title' => '', 'items' => $list_items, 'type' => 'ol', 'attributes' => array(), ); $list = theme_item_list($list); } $element[0] = array( '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => $list, ); } }