'Relationship', 'empty' => 'There are no relationships', ]; /** * * @see TripalFieldFormatter::settingsForm() */ public function settingsForm($view_mode, $form, &$form_state) { $display = $this->instance['display'][$view_mode]; $settings = $display['settings']; $element = []; $element['title'] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => 'Table Header', '#default_value' => array_key_exists('title', $settings) ? $settings['title'] : 'Relationship', ]; $element['empty'] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => 'Empty text', '#default_value' => array_key_exists('empty', $settings) ? $settings['empty'] : 'There are no relationships', ]; return $element; } /** * @see TripalFieldFormatter::settingsSummary() */ public function settingsSummary($view_mode) { $display = $this->instance['display'][$view_mode]; $settings = $display['settings']; $summary = t('Title: @title
Empty: @empty', [ '@title' => $settings['title'], '@empty' => $settings['empty'], ] ); return $summary; } /** * * @see TripalFieldFormatter::view() */ public function view(&$element, $entity_type, $entity, $langcode, $items, $display) { // Get the settings $settings = $display['settings']; $rows = []; $headers = [$settings['title']]; foreach ($items as $delta => $item) { if (empty($item['value'])) { continue; } $subject_name = $item['value']['local:relationship_subject']['schema:name']; $subject_type = $item['value']['local:relationship_subject']['rdfs:type']; $object_name = $item['value']['local:relationship_object']['schema:name']; $object_type = $item['value']['local:relationship_object']['rdfs:type']; $rel_type = $item['value']['local:relationship_type']; // Get some better human-readable formats for the type and verb. $verb = sbo__relationship::get_rel_verb($rel_type); $rel_type_clean = lcfirst(preg_replace('/_/', ' ', $rel_type)); // Handle some special cases. // For mRNA objects we don't want to show the CDS, exons, 5' UTR, etc. // we want to show the parent gene and the protein. if ($object_type == 'mRNA' and (in_array($subject_type, [ 'CDS', 'exon', 'five_prime_UTR', 'three_prime_UTR', ]))) { continue; } // Convert the object/subject to a link if an entity exists for it. if (array_key_exists('entity', $item['value']['local:relationship_object'])) { list($entity_type, $object_entity_id) = explode(':', $item['value']['local:relationship_object']['entity']); if ($object_entity_id != $entity->id) { $object_name = l($object_name, 'bio_data/' . $object_entity_id); } } if (array_key_exists('entity', $item['value']['local:relationship_subject'])) { list($entity_type, $subject_entity_id) = explode(':', $item['value']['local:relationship_subject']['entity']); if ($subject_entity_id != $entity->id) { $subject_name = l($subject_name, 'bio_data/' . $subject_entity_id); } } // Add bold font to the subject and object names. $subject_name = '' . $subject_name . ''; $object_name = '' . $object_name . ''; // The $clause text here will match what is already in $item['value']['SIO:000493'] // but we rebuild it here to incorporated links and formatting $clause = 'The ' . $subject_type . ', ' . $subject_name . ', ' . $verb . ' ' . $rel_type_clean . ' ' . $object_type . ', ' . $object_name . '.'; $rows[][] = [ 'data' => $clause, //'class' => array('tripal-entity-unattached field-items') ]; } // Build the pager $items_per_page = array_key_exists('items_per_page', $this->instance['settings']) ? $this->instance['settings']['items_per_page'] : 10; $total_records = count($rows); $total_pages = (int) ($total_records / $items_per_page) + 1; $pelement = 0; $current_page = pager_default_initialize($total_records, $items_per_page, $pelement); $pager = theme('pager', [ 'tags' => [], 'element' => $pelement, 'parameters' => [], 'quantity' => $total_pages, ]); $pager = $this->ajaxifyPager($pager, $entity); $page_items = array_chunk($rows, $items_per_page); $caption = ''; if ($total_records == 1) { $caption = 'There is ' . count($rows) . ' relationship.'; } else { $caption = 'There are ' . count($rows) . ' relationships.'; } $content = theme_table([ 'header' => $headers, 'rows' => count($rows) > 0 ? $page_items[$current_page] : [], 'attributes' => [ 'class' => 'tripal-data-table', ], 'sticky' => FALSE, 'caption' => $caption, 'colgroups' => [], 'empty' => $settings['empty'], ]); $element[0] = [ '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => $content . $pager, ]; } }