Tripal Stock Administrative Tools Quick Links

Module Description:

The Tripal Stock Module provides functionality for adding, editing, deleting and accessing chado stocks. The stock module was designed to store information about stock collections in a laboratory. What is called a stock could also be called a strain or an accession. There is a lot in common between a Drosophila stock and a Saccharomyces strain and an Arabidopsis line. They all come from some taxon, have genotypes, physical locations in the lab, some conceivable relationship with a publication, some conceivable relationship with a sequence feature (such as a transgene), and could be described by some ontology term. For more information about the chado Stock Module see the GMOD Wiki Page

Setup Instructions:

  1. Set Permissions: By default only the site administrator account has access to create, edit, delete or administer analyses. Navigate to the and set the permissions under the 'tripal_stock' section as appropriate for your site. For a simple setup, allow anonymous users access to view content and create a special role for creating, editing and other administrative tasks.

  2. Set Ontologies: Since at the time of this modules developement there is no accepted ontology for describing stocks, their properties and relationships, this module allows you to select the controlled vocabularies (CVs) in your Chado Database you would like to govern these data. To Set the Controlled Vocabularies for Stocks: First, ensure your Controlled Vocabulary is in Chado. This can be done by either loading an existing Ontology into Chado using the Tripal Ontology Loader OR create your ontology from scratch by first creating a controlled vocabulary and then adding terms to it. Then go to the Configuration Page for Stocks and, in the "Set Stock Controlled Vocabularies" Fieldset, select the Controlled Vocaulary name for Stock Types, Stock Properties and Stock Relationship Types.
    1. Stock Types: When you are creating stocks, the type of each stock must be indicated. This might include "DNA extraction", "Individual Plant/Animal" or even "Progeny Population".
    2. Stock Properties: This module also allows you to assign properties to any stock. Each property has a type and a value where type is required an value is not. Therefore, if you want to say that a stock was grown at 23 degrees Celcius then the Type would be "temperature grown at" and the value would be 23 degrees Celcius. As such the Stock Properties controlled vocabulary might include "temperature grown at", "diet", "extraction date", "stock location", etc.
    3. Stock Relationship Types: You can also specify relationships between stocks. For example, a stock of type="DNA extraction" (Stock 1a) is related to the stock of type="Individual Plant/Animal" (Stock 1) that it was extracted from. Thus you might specify the relationship Stock 1 is the source material for Stock 1a where the relationship type is "is the source material for". As such Stock Relationship Types might include "is the source material for", "is maternal parent of", "is individual of population", etc.
  3. Set Permissions: The stock module supports the Drupal user permissions interface for controlling access to stock content and functions. These permissions include viewing, creating, editing or administering of stock content. The default is that only the original site administrator has these permissions. You can add roles for classifying users, assign users to roles and assign permissions for the stock content to those roles. For a simple setup, allow anonymous users access to view organism content and allow the site administrator all other permissions.

  4. Sync Stocks: if you chado database already contains stocks, they need to be sync'd with Drupal. This creates Drupal Content including detail pages for each stock (known as nodes in Drupal). To sync' Chado with Drupal simply go to the Configuration Page for Stocks and in the "Sync Stocks" Fieldset select the Organisms whose associated stocks you would like to sync. If this list doesn't contain an organism which you know is in Chado go to the Organism Configuration Page and make sure it is sync'd with Drupal.

Features of this Module: