format-version: 1.2
date: 11:09:2010 16:00
saved-by: scottcain
default-namespace: cv_property
remark: Initially generated by Scott Cain, sourced from GO, SO, OBO_REL.
data-version: 1.0

id: CVP:cv_property
name: cv_property
namespace: cv_property
def: "A general purpose relation between an ontology meta tag some value" []

id: CVP:data-version
name: data-version
namespace: cv_property
def: "The release version of the ontology" []
is_a: CVP:cv_property
range: xsd:float

id: CVP:remark
name: remark
namespace: cv_property
def: "A free text comment about the ontology." []
is_a: CVP:cv_property
range: xsd:string

id: CVP:date
name: date
namespace: cv_property
def: "The creation date for the obo file." []
is_a: CVP:cv_property
range: xsd:dateTime

id: CVP:subset
name: subset
namespace: cv_property
def: "The 'name' part of the subsetdef string, which can be used to match the subset term in terms." []
is_a: CVP:cv_property
range: xsd:string

id: CVP:subsetdef
name: subsetdef
namespace: cv_property
def: "Text to define subsets of the ontology.  For format is 'tagname' space 'tag definition'." []
is_a: CVP:cv_property
range: xsd:string

id: CVP:synonymtypedef
name: synonymtypedef
namespace: cv_property
def: "Information about the synonyms used in the obo file." []
is_a: CVP:cv_property
range: xsd:string

id: CVP:default-namespace
name: default-namespace
namespace: cv_property
def: "Information about the default name space of the ontology." []
is_a: CVP:cv_property
range: xsd:string

id: CVP:saved-by
name: saved-by
namespace: cv_property
def: "Information about the person who edited the obo file (not necessarily a real name)."  []
is_a: CVP:cv_property
range: xsd:string

id: CVP:idspace
name: idspace
namespace: cv_property
def: "UNKNOWN" []
is_a: CVP:cv_property
range: xsd:string

id: CVP:treat-xrefs-as-equivalent
name: treat-xrefs-as-equivalent
namespace: cv_property
def: "UNKNOWN" []
is_a: CVP:cv_property
range: xsd:string

id: CVP:ontology
name: ontology
namespace: cv_property
def: "UNKNOWN" []
is_a: CVP:cv_property
range: xsd:string