1, ); return $ret; } /** * */ function tripal_analysis_kegg_add_cvterms () { tripal_add_cvterms('analysis_kegg_settings', 'Settings of a KEGG analysis, Currently include only the heir.tar.gz file name & path.'); tripal_add_cvterms('kegg_brite_data', 'This term is intended for use in the analysisfeatureprop table to store the KAAS results data.'); tripal_add_cvterms('analysis_kegg_query_re','The regular expression for finding the feature name in the query definition line of the blast results'); tripal_add_cvterms('analysis_kegg_query_type','The feature type (e.g. mRNA, polypeptide) of the query input file. This type is used to identify the query feature when multiple features have the same name'); tripal_add_cvterms('analysis_kegg_query_uniquename','Indicates if the matched name in the query definition line of the blast results is feature uniquename'); tripal_add_cvterms('analysis_kegg_output_keywords', 'Selected keywords for kegg html output which are indexed for search.'); } /******************************************************************************* * Implementation of hook_uninstall() */ function tripal_analysis_kegg_uninstall(){ // tripal_delete_db('KEGG'); tripal_analysis_unregister_child('tripal_analysis_kegg'); $mview = tripal_mviews_get_mview_id('kegg_by_organism'); if($mview){ tripal_mviews_action('delete',$mview); } } /******************************************************************************* * Implementation of hook_requirements(). Make sure 'Tripal Core' and 'Tripal * Analysis' are enabled before installation */ function tripal_analysis_kegg_requirements($phase) { $requirements = array(); if ($phase == 'install') { if (!function_exists('tripal_create_moddir') || !function_exists('tripal_analysis_register_child')) { $requirements ['tripal_analysis_kegg'] = array( 'title' => "tripal_analysis_kegg", 'value' => "error. Some required modules are just being installed. Please try again.", 'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR, ); } } return $requirements; }