'Tripal Bulk Loaders', 'description' => 'Tripal bulk loaders for loading tab-delimited file into chado database', 'page callback' => 'tripal_bulk_loader_list', 'access arguments' => array('access tripal_bulk_loader'), 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, ); // Admin page to create the template $items['admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template'] = array( 'title' => 'Bulk Loader Template', 'description' => 'Templates for loading tab-delimited data', 'page callback' => 'tripal_bulk_loader_admin_template', 'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, 'file' => 'tripal_bulk_loader.admin.inc', ); // Create/Edit Template ------- $items['admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/create'] = array( 'title' => 'Create Bulk Loader Template', 'description' => 'Create loader template for loading tab-delimited data', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('tripal_bulk_loader_modify_template_base_form', 'create'), 'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, 'file' => 'tripal_bulk_loader.admin.inc', ); $items['admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/edit'] = array( 'title' => 'Edit Bulk Loader Template', 'description' => 'Edit loader template for loading tab-delimited data', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('tripal_bulk_loader_modify_template_base_form', 'edit'), 'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, 'file' => 'tripal_bulk_loader.admin.inc', ); $items['admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/edit_record'] = array( 'title' => 'Edit Template Record', 'description' => 'Edit a record in an existing tripal bulk loader template.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('tripal_bulk_loader_edit_template_record_form'), 'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'file' => 'tripal_bulk_loader.admin.inc', ); $items['admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/add_field'] = array( 'title' => 'Add Template Field', 'description' => 'Add a template field to an existing tripal bulk loader template.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('tripal_bulk_loader_add_template_field_form'), 'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'file' => 'tripal_bulk_loader.admin.inc', ); $items['admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/edit_field'] = array( 'title' => 'Edit Template Field', 'description' => 'Edit an existing field from a tripal bulk loader template.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('tripal_bulk_loader_edit_template_field_form'), 'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'file' => 'tripal_bulk_loader.admin.inc', ); // Delete Template ----- $items['admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/delete'] = array( 'title' => 'Delete Bulk Loader Template', 'description' => 'Delete bulk loader template', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('tripal_bulk_loader_delete_template_base_form'), 'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, 'file' => 'tripal_bulk_loader.admin.inc', ); // Import/Export --------- $items['admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/import'] = array( 'title' => 'Import Bulk Loader Template', 'description' => 'Import Loaders', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('tripal_bulk_loader_import_export_template_form', 'import'), 'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, 'file' => 'tripal_bulk_loader.admin.inc', ); $items['admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/export'] = array( 'title' => 'Export Bulk Loader Template', 'description' => 'Export Loaders', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('tripal_bulk_loader_import_export_template_form', 'export'), 'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, 'file' => 'tripal_bulk_loader.admin.inc', ); // AHAH --------- $items['admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/add_field_ahah'] = array( 'page callback' => 'tripal_bulk_loader_add_field_ahah', 'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'file' => 'tripal_bulk_loader.admin.inc', ); $items['admin/tripal/tripal_bulk_loader_template/edit_field_ahah'] = array( 'page callback' => 'tripal_bulk_loader_edit_field_ahah', 'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'file' => 'tripal_bulk_loader.admin.inc', ); return $items; } /** * tripal_bulk_loader_list */ function tripal_bulk_loader_list () { return "Loaders"; } /** * tripal_bulk_loader_access */ function tripal_bulk_loader_access($op, $node, $account){ if ($op == 'create') { return user_access('create tripal_bulk_loader', $account); } if ($op == 'update') { if (user_access('edit tripal_bulk_loader', $account)) { return TRUE; } } if ($op == 'delete') { if (user_access('delete tripal_bulk_loader', $account)) { return TRUE; } } if ($op == 'view') { if (user_access('access tripal_bulk_loader', $account)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** * tripal_bulk_loader_perm */ function tripal_bulk_loader_perm(){ return array( 'access tripal_bulk_loader', 'create tripal_bulk_loader', 'delete tripal_bulk_loader', 'edit tripal_bulk_loader', ); } /** * tripal_bulk_loader_node_info */ function tripal_bulk_loader_node_info() { $nodes = array(); $nodes['tripal_bulk_loader'] = array( 'name' => t('Bulk Loading Job'), 'module' => 'tripal_bulk_loader', 'description' => t('A bulk loader for inserting tab-delimited data into chado database'), 'has_title' => TRUE, 'has_body' => FALSE, 'locked' => TRUE ); return $nodes; } /** * tripal_bulk_loader_form */ function tripal_bulk_loader_form ($node){ $form = array(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM {tripal_bulk_loader_template}"; $results = db_query($sql); $templates = array (); while ($template = db_fetch_object ($results)) { $templates [$template->template_id] = $template->name; } if (!$templates) { $form['label'] = array( '#type' => 'item', '#description' => t("Loader template needs to be created before any bulk loader can be added. Go to 'Tripal Management > Bulk Loader Template' to create the template."), '#weight' => -10, ); return $form; } $form['loader_name'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Loading Job Name'), '#weight' => -10, '#required' => TRUE, '#default_value' => $node->loader_name ); $form['template_id'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Template'), '#description' => t('Please specify a template for this loader'), '#options' => $templates, '#weight' => -9, '#required' => TRUE, '#default_value' => $node->template_id ); $form['file']= array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Data File'), '#description' => t('Please specify the data file to be loaded.'), '#weight' => -8, '#default_value' => $node->file ); $form['has_header'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => 'File has a Header', '#options' => array( 't' => 'Yes', 'f' => 'No'), '#weight' => -7, '#default_value' => $node->file_has_header, ); return $form; } /** * tripal_bulk_loader_theme */ function tripal_bulk_loader_theme() { return array( 'tripal_bulk_loader_node_form' => array( 'arguments' => array('form' => NULL), ), 'tripal_bulk_loader_template' => array( 'arguments'=> array('template_id' => NULL), 'template' => 'tripal_bulk_loader_template' ), 'tripal_bulk_loader_modify_template_base_form' => array( 'arguments' => array('form' => NULL), 'template' => 'tripal_bulk_loader_modify_template_base_form', ), ); } /** * theme_tripal_bulk_loader_node_form */ function theme_tripal_bulk_loader_node_form($form) { // Do not show [Save] and [Preview] buttons if loader template is not available if($form['label']['#type'] == "item") { unset($form['buttons']); } return drupal_render($form); } /** * tripal_bulk_loader_load */ function tripal_bulk_loader_load($node){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM {tripal_bulk_loader} WHERE nid = %d"; $node = db_fetch_object(db_query($sql, $node->nid)); $node->title = 'Bulk Loading Job: '.$node->loader_name; // Add the loader template $sql = "SELECT * FROM {tripal_bulk_loader_template} WHERE template_id=%d"; $results = db_fetch_object(db_query($sql, $node->template_id)); $template = unserialize($results->template_array); $node->template = $results; $node->template->template_array = $template; return $node; } /** * tripal_bulk_loader_insert */ function tripal_bulk_loader_insert ($node) { $sql = "INSERT INTO {tripal_bulk_loader} (nid, loader_name, template_id, file, file_has_header) VALUES (%d, '%s', %d, '%s', %d)"; db_query($sql, $node->nid, $node->loader_name, $node->template_id, $node->file, $node->has_header); $node->title =$node->loader_name; drupal_write_record('node',$node,'nid'); drupal_write_record('node_revision',$node,'nid'); } /** * tripal_bulk_loader_delete */ function tripal_bulk_loader_delete ($node) { $sql = "DELETE FROM {tripal_bulk_loader} WHERE nid = %d"; db_query($sql, $node->nid); } /** * tripal_bulk_loader_update */ function tripal_bulk_loader_update ($node) { $sql = "UPDATE {tripal_bulk_loader} SET nid = %d, loader_name = '%s', template_id = %d, file = '%s', file_has_header = '%s' WHERE nid = %d"; db_query($sql, $node->nid, $node->loader_name, $node->template_id, $node->file, $node->has_header, $node->nid); // Add a job if the user want to load the data global $user; if($node->job) { $job_args[0] =$node->loader_name; $job_args[1] = $node->template_id; $job_args[2] = $node->file; if (is_readable($node->file)) { $fname = preg_replace("/.*\/(.*)/", "$1", $node->file); tripal_add_job("Bulk Load: $fname",'tripal_bulk_loader', 'tripal_bulk_loader_load_data', $job_args, $user->uid); } else { drupal_set_message("Can not open $node->file. Job not scheduled."); } } } /** * Preprocessor function for the tripal_bulk_loader template */ function tripal_bulk_loader_preprocess_tripal_bulk_loader_template (&$variables) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM {tripal_bulk_loader_template} WHERE template_id=%d"; $template = db_fetch_object(db_query($sql, $variables['template_id'])); $template->template_array = unserialize($template->template_array); $variables['template'] = $template; } /** * Implements hook_job_describe_args() * Specifically to make viewing past tripal jobs more readable for jobs registered by this module * * @params $callback * The callback passed into tripal_add_job() * @param $args * The arguements passed into tripal_add_job() * @return * An array where keys are the human readable headers describing each arguement * and the value is the aguement passed in after formatting */ function tripal_bulk_loader_job_describe_args($callback,$args){ $new_args = array(); if($callback == 'tripal_bulk_loader_load_data'){ //1st arg is the nid for a bulk loader node $node = node_load($args[0]); $new_args['Bulk Loading Job'] = l($node->title, 'node/'.$args[0]); return $new_args; } }