1), array('return_array' => 1)); foreach ($terms as $term) { $bundle_id = $term->cvterm_id->dbxref_id->db_id->name . '_' . $term->cvterm_id->dbxref_id->accession; field_attach_delete_bundle('BioData', $bundle_id); } } /** * @section * Schema Definitions. */ /** * The base table for Biological Data Entities. * * This contains the actual data. For example, if you have a 5 genes and 10 mRNA then * this table will have 15 records and include both genes and mRNA's. */ function tripal_entities_tripal_entity_schema() { $schema = array( 'description' => 'The base table for Tripal Vocabulary-based entities.', 'fields' => array( 'id' => array( 'description' => 'The primary identifier for a vocabulary entity.', 'type' => 'serial', 'unsigned' => TRUE, 'not null' => TRUE, ), 'type' => array( 'description' => 'The type of entity. This should be an official vocabulary ID (e.g. SO, RO, GO).', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 64, 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', ), 'bundle' => array( 'description' => 'The type of bundle. This should be an official vocabulary ID (e.g. SO, RO, GO) followed by an underscore and the term accession.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 1024, 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', ), 'cvterm_id' => array( 'description' => 'The cvterm_id for the type of entity. This cvterm_id should match a record in the Chado cvterm table.', 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE, ), 'title' => array( 'description' => 'The title of this node, always treated as non-markup plain text.', 'type' => 'text', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', ), 'uid' => array( 'description' => 'The {users}.uid that owns this node; initially, this is the user that created it.', 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => 0, ), 'status' => array( 'description' => 'Boolean indicating whether the node is published (visible to non-administrators).', 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => 1, ), 'created' => array( 'description' => 'The Unix timestamp when the node was created.', 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => 0, ), 'changed' => array( 'description' => 'The Unix timestamp when the node was most recently saved.', 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => 0, ), ), 'indexes' => array( 'cvterm_id' => array('cvterm_id'), 'entity_changed' => array('changed'), 'entity_created' => array('created'), 'type' => array('type'), 'uid' => array('uid'), ), 'unique keys' => array( ), 'primary key' => array('id'), ); return $schema; } /** * The base table for Biological Data Type Entites. * This table contains a list of Biological Data Types. * For the example above (5 genes and 10 mRNAs), there would only be two records in * this table one for "gene" and another for "mRNA". */ function tripal_entities_tripal_bundle_schema() { $schema = array( 'description' => 'Stores information about defined tripal data types.', 'fields' => array( 'id' => array( 'type' => 'serial', 'not null' => TRUE, 'description' => 'Primary Key: Unique Chado data type identifier.', ), 'type' => array( 'description' => 'The type of entity. This should be an official vocabulary ID (e.g. SO, RO, GO).', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 64, 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', ), 'bundle' => array( 'description' => 'The type of bundle. This should be an official vocabulary ID (e.g. SO, RO, GO) followed by an underscore and the term accession.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 1024, 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', ), 'label' => array( 'description' => 'The human-readable name of this bundle.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', ), 'weight' => array( 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => 0, 'size' => 'tiny', 'description' => 'The weight of this tripal data type in relation to others.', ), 'data' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'not null' => FALSE, 'size' => 'big', 'serialize' => TRUE, 'description' => 'A serialized array of additional data related to this tripal data type.', ), ) + entity_exportable_schema_fields(), 'primary key' => array('id'), 'unique keys' => array( 'bundle' => array('bundle'), ), ); return $schema; } /** * Links Biological Data Entities to the chado "base" table the data is stored in. * This is where we would specify that a particular gene maps to the record in the * chado.feature table with a feature_id=2432; */ function tripal_entities_chado_entity_schema() { $schema = array( 'description' => 'The linker table that associates an enitity from the public.tripal_entity table with a "base" record in Chado', 'fields' => array( 'chado_entity_id' => array( 'description' => 'The primary identifier for this table.', 'type' => 'serial', 'unsigned' => TRUE, 'not null' => TRUE, ), 'entity_id' => array( 'description' => 'The unique entity id.', 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE, ), 'record_id' => array( 'description' => 'The unique numerical identifier for the record that this entity is associated with (e.g. feature_id, stock_id, library_id, etc.).', 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE, ), 'data_table' => array( 'description' => 'Indicates the table in Chado that this term services (e.g. feature, stock, library, etc.)', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 128, 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', ), 'type_table' => array( 'description' => 'Sometimes the record in the data table doesn’t have a field that specifies the record type. For example, an analysis type is stored in the analysisprop table. If the data_table does have a type field then this value will be the same as the data_table.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 128, 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', ), 'field' => array( 'description' => 'The name of the field in the typetable that contains the cvterm record.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 128, 'not null' => FALSE, 'default' => '' ), ), 'indexes' => array( 'record_id' => array('record_id'), 'entity_id' => array('entity_id'), 'data_table' => array('data_table'), ), 'unique keys' => array( 'record' => array('data_table', 'record_id'), 'entity_id' => array('entity_id'), ), 'primary key' => array('chado_entity_id'), ); return $schema; } /** * A list of published vocabularies. * * Usage: This table will be used by the Entity type admin page that lets the site admin * specify which vocabularies should be used as entity types. This table will only be * populated with vocabularies that are actually used within the Chado database. This * table will also be used by web services to provide a list of all of the entity types * that are available for access. */ function tripal_entities_tripal_vocabulary_schema() { $schema = array ( 'table' => 'tripal_vocabulary', 'fields' => array ( 'vocabulary_id' => array( 'type' => 'serial', 'not null' => TRUE ), 'cv_id' => array ( 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE ), 'db_id' => array ( 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE ), 'publish' => array ( 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => 0 ), ), 'primary key' => array ( 0 => 'vocabulary_id' ), 'foreign keys' => array ( 'cv' => array ( 'table' => 'cv', 'columns' => array ( 'cv_id' => 'cv_id' ) ), 'db' => array ( 'table' => 'db', 'columns' => array ( 'db_id' => 'db_id' ) ), ), 'unique keys' => array ( 'tripal_vocabulary_cvdb' => array ( 'cv_id', 'db_id' ), ), 'indexes' => array( 'tripal_vocabulary_cv_id' => array('cv_id'), 'tripal_vocabulary_db_id' => array('db_id'), ) ); return $schema; } /** * A list of published terms. * * Usage: This table is used by web services to provide a list of all of the bundles * (i.e. vocabulary terms) that have data in the site. It is also used by the Entity * administrative pages to allow the site admin to specify which terms should be * publishable (i.e. used as bundles). */ function tripal_entities_tripal_term_schema() { $schema = array ( 'table' => 'tripal_term', 'fields' => array ( 'term_id' => array( 'type' => 'serial', 'not null' => TRUE ), 'vocabulary_id' => array ( 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE ), 'cvterm_id' => array ( 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE ), 'publish' => array ( 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => 0 ), ), 'primary key' => array ( 0 => 'term_id' ), 'foreign keys' => array ( 'cvterm' => array ( 'table' => 'cvterm', 'columns' => array ( 'cvterm_id' => 'cvterm_id' ) ), 'tripal_vocabulary' => array ( 'table' => 'tripal_vocabulary', 'columns' => array ( 'vocabulary_id' => 'vocabulary_id' ) ), ), 'unique keys' => array ( 'tripal_term_unq' => array ( 'vocabulary_id', 'cvterm_id' ), ), 'indexes' => array( 'tripal_term_vocabulary_id' => array('vocabulary_id'), 'tripal_term_cvterm_id' => array('cvterm_id'), ), ); return $schema; } /** * * * Specifies the source table in Chado where this entity will pull data. Because * vocabularies can be used in multiple tables there could be many entries here for each * vocabulary. * * Usage: This table is used by web services when querying for all of the records of a * given type. Web services must know where to look for records of a given term. */ function tripal_entities_tripal_vocabulary_usage_schema(){ $schema = array ( 'table' => 'tripal_vocabulary_usage', 'fields' => array ( 'vocabulary_usage_id' => array( 'type' => 'serial', 'not null' => TRUE ), 'vocabulary_id' => array ( 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE ), 'data_table' => array ( 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 128, 'not null' => TRUE ), 'type_table' => array ( 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 128, 'not null' => TRUE ), 'field' => array ( 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 128, 'not null' => TRUE ), ), 'primary key' => array ( 0 => 'vocabulary_usage_id' ), 'foreign keys' => array ( 'tripal_vocabulary' => array ( 'table' => 'tripal_vocabulary', 'columns' => array ( 'vocabulary_id' => 'vocabulary_id' ), ), ), 'unique keys' => array ( 'tripal_vocabulary_ridbase' => array ( 'vocabulary_id', 'data_table' ), ), 'indexes' => array( 'tripal_vocabulary_vocabulary_id' => array('vocabulary_id'), 'tripal_vocabulary_data_table' => array('data_table'), 'tripal_vocabulary_type_table' => array('type_table'), ), ); return $schema; } /** * * * Specifies the source table in Chado where this bundle will pull data. Because terms * can be used in multiple tables there could be many entries here for each term. * * Note: this table contains the list of tables where a particular cvterm is used, * whereas, the tripal_entity_type_source just provides a list of where cvterms from a * particular vocabulary might be found. */ function tripal_entities_tripal_term_usage_schema() { $schema = array ( 'table' => 'tripal_term_usage', 'fields' => array ( 'term_usage_id' => array( 'type' => 'serial', 'not null' => TRUE ), 'term_id' => array ( 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE ), 'data_table' => array ( 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 128, 'not null' => TRUE ), 'type_table' => array ( 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 128, 'not null' => TRUE ), 'field' => array ( 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 128, 'not null' => TRUE ), ), 'primary key' => array ( 0 => 'term_usage_id' ), 'foreign keys' => array ( 'tripal_term' => array ( 'table' => 'tripal_term', 'columns' => array ( 'term_id' => 'term_id' ), ), ), 'unique keys' => array ( 'tripal_term_usage_ridbase' => array ( 'term_id', 'type_table', 'field' ), ), 'indexes' => array( 'tripal_term_usage_term_id' => array('term_id'), ), ); return $schema; } /** * * * Specifies the predicates used for the semantic web for all properties of a bundle. * * Usage: When fields are added to an entity then there must be some “relationship” term * (i.e. predicate) that indicates the meaning of the relationship. This predicate must * itself be a cvterm from a vocabulary. For all fields that are automatically added to * bundles by tripal there should be a record here. The site admin should be able to * change these if desired, but there should be some sort of default set by Tripal * itself. This will require that all fields for all tables in Chado have some default * predicate value. Also, relationship between two different bundles (whether published * or not) should also have a relationship predicate. See the section in the * specification for how default predicates are set. */ function tripal_entities_tripal_term_relationship_schema() { $schema = array ( 'table' => 'tripal_term_relationship', 'fields' => array ( 'relationship_id' => array( 'type' => 'serial', 'not null' => TRUE ), 'subject_id' => array ( 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE ), 'type_id' => array ( 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE ), 'object_id' => array ( 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => FALSE ), 'fieldname' => array( 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 128, 'not null' => FALSE, ) ), 'primary key' => array ( 0 => 'relationship_id' ), 'foreign keys' => array ( 'tripal_term' => array ( 'table' => 'tripal_term', 'columns' => array ( 'subject_id' => 'term_id', 'object_id' => 'term_id', ), ), ), 'unique keys' => array ( 'tripal_term_relationship_unq' => array ( 'subject_id', 'type_id', 'object_id' ), ), 'indexes' => array( 'tripal_term_relationship_subject_id' => array('subject_id'), 'tripal_term_relationship_object_id' => array('object_id'), 'tripal_term_relationship_type_id' => array('type_id'), ), ); return $schema; }