/* phylotree d3js graphs */ (function ($) { "use strict"; // Will be dynamically sized. var height = 0; // Store our function as a property of Drupal.behaviors. Drupal.behaviors.TripalPhylotree = { attach: function (context, settings) { // Retrieve the data for this tree. var data_url = Drupal.settings.tripal_chado.phylotree_url; $.getJSON(data_url, function(treeData) { phylogeny_display_data(treeData); $('.phylogram-ajax-loader').hide(); }); } } // Callback function to determine node size. var phylogeny_node_size = function(d) { var size; var tree_options = Drupal.settings.tripal_chado.tree_options; if (d.cvterm_name == "phylo_root") { size = tree_options['root_node_size']; } if (d.cvterm_name == "phylo_interior") { size = tree_options['interior_node_size']; } if (d.cvterm_name == "phylo_leaf") { size = tree_options['leaf_node_size']; } return size; } // Callback function to determine the node color. var phylogeny_organism_color = function(d) { var organism_color = Drupal.settings.tripal_chado.org_colors; var color = null; if (d.genus) { color = organism_color[d.genus + ' ' + d.species]; } if (color) { return color; } else { return 'grey'; } }; // Callback for mouseover event on graph node d. var phylogeny_node_mouse_over = function(d) { var el = $(this); el.attr('cursor', 'pointer'); var circle = el.find('circle'); // highlight in yellow no matter if leaf or interior node circle.attr('fill', 'yellow'); if(!d.children) { // only leaf nodes have descriptive text var txt = el.find('text'); txt.attr('font-weight', 'bold'); } }; // Callback for mouseout event on graph node d. var phylogeny_node_mouse_out = function(d) { var el = $(this); el.attr('cursor', 'default'); var circle = el.find('circle'); if(!d.children) { // restore the color based on organism id for leaf nodes circle.attr('fill', phylogeny_organism_color(d)); var txt = el.find('text'); txt.attr('font-weight', 'normal'); } else { // restore interior nodes to white circle.attr('fill', 'white'); } }; // Callback for mousedown/click event on graph node d. var phylogeny_node_mouse_down = function(d) { var el = $(this); var title = (! d.children ) ? d.name : 'interior node ' + d.phylonode_id; if(d.children) { // interior node if(d.phylonode_id) { } else { // this shouldn't happen but ok } } else { // If this node is not associated with a feature but it has an // organism node then this is a taxonomic node and we want to // link it to the organism page. if (!d.feature_id && d.organism_nid) { window.location.replace(baseurl + '/node/' + d.organism_nid); } if (!d.feature_id && d.organism_eid) { window.location.replace(baseurl + '/bio_data/' + d.organism_eid); } // leaf node } }; // Creates the tree using the d3.phylogram.js library. function phylogeny_display_data(treeData) { var height = phylogeny_graph_height(treeData); var tree_options = Drupal.settings.tripal_chado.tree_options; d3.phylogram.build('#phylogram', treeData, { 'width' : tree_options['phylogram_width'], 'height' : height, 'fill' : phylogeny_organism_color, 'size' : phylogeny_node_size, 'nodeMouseOver' : phylogeny_node_mouse_over, 'nodeMouseOut' : phylogeny_node_mouse_out, 'nodeMouseDown' : phylogeny_node_mouse_down, 'skipTicks' : tree_options['skipTicks'] }); } /* graphHeight() generate graph height based on leaf nodes */ function phylogeny_graph_height(data) { function count_leaf_nodes(node) { if(! node.children) { return 1; } var ct = 0; node.children.forEach( function(child) { ct+= count_leaf_nodes(child); }); return ct; } var leafNodeCt = count_leaf_nodes(data); return 22 * leafNodeCt; } })(jQuery);