format-version: 1.2 default-namespace: tripal_contact [Term] id: TContact:0000001 name: Contact Type [Term] id: TContact:0000002 name: Collective def: Used when a contact is a collective of individuals rather than a person. is_a: TContact:0000001 ! Contact Type [Term] id: TContact:0000003 name: Person is_a: TContact:0000001 ! Contact Type [Term] id: TContact:0000004 name: Organization is_a: TContact:0000001 ! Contact Type [Term] id: TContact:0000005 name: University is_a: TContact:0000001 ! Contact Type [Term] id: TContact:0000006 name: Lab is_a: TContact:0000001 ! Contact Type [Term] id: TContact:0000007 name: Institute is_a: TContact:0000001 ! Contact Type [Term] id: TContact:0000008 name: Research Group is_a: TContact:0000001 ! Contact Type [Term] id: TContact:0000009 name: Department is_a: TContact:0000001 ! Contact Type [Term] id: TContact:0000010 name: First Initials def: The first initials for the author including the initial for the first name and any middle names (not the initial for the last name). relationship: part_of TContact:0000003 ! Person [Term] id: TContact:0000011 name: Surname synonym: "family_name" EXACT [] synonym: "last_name" EXACT [] relationship: part_of TContact:0000003 ! Person [Term] id: TContact:0000012 name: Given Name synonym: "first_name" EXACT [] relationship: part_of TContact:0000003 ! Person [Term] id: TContact:0000013 name: Middle Names def: One or more middle names for this person. relationship: part_of TContact:0000003 ! Person [Term] id: TContact:0000014 name: Middle Initials def: The middle initials for this person excluding the initial for the given name and the surname. relationship: part_of TContact:0000003 ! Person [Term] id: TContact:0000015 name: Affiliation [Term] id: TContact:0000016 name: Department def: The department of an institution or organization. relationship: part_of TContact:0000015 ! Affiliation [Term] id: TContact:0000017 name: Institution relationship: part_of TContact:0000015 ! Affiliation [Term] id: TContact:0000018 name: Organization def: A generic term for any organization. relationship: part_of TContact:0000015 ! Affiliation [Term] id: TContact:0000019 name: Address [Term] id: TContact:0000020 name: Address Line 1 relationship: part_of TContact:0000019 ! Address [Term] id: TContact:0000021 name: Address Line 2 relationship: part_of TContact:0000019 ! Address [Term] id: TContact:0000022 name: Address Line 3 relationship: part_of TContact:0000019 ! Address [Term] id: TContact:0000023 name: City relationship: part_of TContact:0000019 ! Address [Term] id: TContact:0000024 name: State relationship: part_of TContact:0000019 ! Address [Term] id: TContact:0000025 name: Province relationship: part_of TContact:0000019 ! Address [Term] id: TContact:0000026 name: Country relationship: part_of TContact:0000019 ! Address [Term] id: TContact:0000027 name: Postal Code relationship: part_of TContact:0000019 ! Address [Term] id: TContact:0000028 name: contact_description def: A description of the contact [Typedef] id: is_a name: is a is_transitive: true [Typedef] id: part_of name: part of is_transitive: true