Analysis/Annotation =================== The following modules provide support for loading annotation or analysis' into Chado and displaying them on Tripal pages. Tripal Analysis Expression -------------------------- A module for loading, annotating, and visualizing NCBI Biomaterials and expression data. `Documentation `__ `Repository `__ Tripal Analysis Blast --------------------- This module extends the Tripal Analysis Module and provides a method for loading XML results from the NCBI blast program. Blast results appear on each feature page. `Documentation `__ `Repository `__ Tripal Analysis KEGG -------------------- This module provides a method for loading of KEGG ortholog assignments derived from the KEGG Automated Annotation Server (KAAS). KEGG assignments appear on each feature page, and a full KEGG report is available for browsing results once uploaded. `Repository `__ Tripal Analysis Interpro ------------------------ This module provides a method for loading XML results from the InterProScan program. The module can load InterProScan XML v4 or InterProScan XML v5 generated from the command-line or web-based versions of InterProScan. Additionally, GO terms mapped by InterProScan can optionally be assigned to features. `Documentation `__ `Repository `__ Tripal CV-Xray -------------- Tripal CV-Xray maps content annotations onto controlled vocabulary trees. The end result is a browseable CV field that lets users explore ontologies and find associated content. `Documentation `__ `Repository `__