'field_chado_storage', ); // Provide a list of instance specific settings. These can be access within // the instanceSettingsForm. When the instanceSettingsForm is submitted // then Drupal with automatically change these settings for the instnace. // It is recommended to put settings at the instance level whenever possible. // If you override this variable in a child class be sure to replicate the // term_name, term_vocab, term_accession and term_fixed keys as these are // required for all TripalFields. public static $default_instance_settings = array( // The short name for the vocabulary (e.g. shcema, SO, GO, PATO, etc.). 'term_vocabulary' => 'schema', // The name of the term. 'term_name' => 'Thing', // The unique ID (i.e. accession) of the term. 'term_accession' => 'Thing', // Set to TRUE if the site admin is allowed to change the term // type. This will create form elements when editing the field instance // to allow the site admin to change the term settings above. 'term_fixed' => FALSE, // The table in Chado that the instance maps to. 'chado_table' => '', // The column of the table in Chado where the value of the field comes from. 'chado_column' => '', // The base table. 'base_table' => '', ); // Indicates the download formats for this field. The list must be the // name of a child class of the TripalFieldDownloader. public static $download_formatters = array( 'TripalTabDownloader', 'TripalCSVDownloader', ); // The module that manages this field. public static $module = 'tripal_chado'; /** * @see TripalField::query() * * In addition to the rules to follow for the TripalField::query function * these should also be followed for the ChadoField::query implementation. * * - When giving alias to joined tables be sure to use aliases that are * unique to avoid conflicts with other fields. * - When joining with the base table its alias is 'base'. * - You may join to materialized views if need be to help speed queries. */ public function query($query, $condition) { // If we are here it is because the child class did not implement the // query function. So, we will do our best to make the query work. $chado_table = $this->instance['settings']['chado_table']; $base_table = $this->instance['settings']['base_table']; $bschema = chado_get_schema($base_table); $bpkey = $bschema['primary key'][0]; $alias = 'dbx_linker'; $operator = $condition['operator']; // If the chado_table and the base_table are the same then this is easy. if ($chado_table == $base_table) { // Get the base table column that is associated with the term // passed as $condition['column']. $base_field = chado_get_semweb_column($chado_table, $condition['column']); $query->condition('base.' . $base_field , $condition['value'], $operator); } else { // If the two are not the same then we expect that the child class // will implement a query() function. } } /** * @see TripalField::queryOrder() */ public function queryOrder($query, $order) { // If we are here it is because the child class did not implement the // queryOrder function. So, we will do our best to make the query work. $chado_table = $this->instance['settings']['chado_table']; $base_table = $this->instance['settings']['base_table']; $bschema = chado_get_schema($base_table); $bpkey = $bschema['primary key'][0]; $alias = 'dbx_linker'; $operator = $condition['operator']; // If the chado_table and the base_table are the same then this is easy. if ($chado_table == $base_table) { // Get the base table column that is associated with the term // passed as $condition['column']. $base_field = chado_get_semweb_column($chado_table, $order['column']); $query->orderBy('base.' . $base_field, $order['direction']); } else { // If the two are not the same then we expect that the child class // will implement a query() function. } } /** * A convient way to join a table to a query without duplicates. * * @param $query * The SelectQuery object. * @param $table * The table to join. * @param $alias * The table alias to use. * @param $condition * The join condition. * @param $type * The type of join: INNER, LEFT OUTER, or RIGHT OUTER. */ protected function queryJoinOnce($query, $table, $alias, $condition, $type = 'INNER') { $joins = $query->getTables(); // If this join is already present then don't add it again. if (in_array($alias, array_keys($joins))) { return; } switch($type) { case 'LEFT OUTER': $query->leftjoin($table, $alias, $condition); break; case 'RIGHT OUTER': $query->rightjoin($table, $alias, $condition); break; default: $query->innerjoin($table, $alias, $condition); } } /** * Used to retrieve a distinct list of values already used for the current field instance. * * @param $keyword * A string option used to filter the distinct list. This is used when creating an * autocomplete. For all distinct values, set this to NULL. * @param $options * An array where options for how to generate this list can be specified. * Supported options include: * - limit: how many results to limit to (Default: 25) * - label_string: a string with tokens that should be used to generate the * human-readable values in the returned list. * * The following example shows you how to pull all the value list for a specific instance * of a field. * @code // In this example we want the values for the obi__organism field // attached to the Tripal Content Type with a machine name of bio_data_17: $field_name = 'obi__organism'; $bundle_name = 'bio_data_17'; // The following two calls get information about the field we want the values for. $field_info = field_info_field($field_name); $instance_info = field_info_instance('TripalEntity', $field_name, $bundle_name); // Construct the Field instance we want the values for. $instance = new ChadoField($field_info, $instance_info); // Retrieve the values. // $values will be an array containing the distinct set of values for this field instance. $values = $instance->getValueList(); * @endcode * * @return * An array of values. */ public function getValueList($options = array(), $keyword = NULL) { $values = array(); // Set some defaults. $options['limit'] = (isset($options['limit'])) ? $options['limit'] : 25; $options['label_string'] = (isset($options['label_string'])) ? $options['label_string'] : ''; // Make sure we know the chado table and column. // If not, we can't give them a list *shrugs*. if (!isset($this->instance['settings']['chado_table']) OR !isset($this->instance['settings']['chado_column'])) { tripal_report_error( 'TripalField', TRIPAL_WARNING, 'Values List: Unable to generate a values list for %field_name since we don\'t know it\'s chado table/column.', array('%field_name' => $this->instance['field_name']) ); return FALSE; } // First get some important info about the chado table.column this field is attached to. $chado_table = $this->instance['settings']['chado_table']; $chado_column = $this->instance['settings']['chado_column']; $base_table = $this->instance['settings']['base_table']; $bschema = chado_get_schema($base_table); // Now build the distinct query. if ($chado_table == $base_table) { // Is the current column a foreign key to another table? $is_fk = FALSE; $fk_table = $fk_column = NULL; foreach ($bschema['foreign keys'] as $k => $v) { if (isset($v['columns'][$chado_column])) { $is_fk = TRUE; $fk_table = $v['table']; $fk_column = $v['columns'][$chado_column]; } } // Check if this column is a foreign key to another one. // If so we would like to travel through the relationship // to capture a better human-readable option. if ($is_fk) { // Determine the query. $sql = "SELECT base.$chado_column as id, fk.* FROM {".$chado_table."} base LEFT JOIN {".$fk_table."} fk ON base.$chado_column=fk.$fk_column GROUP BY base.$chado_column, fk.$fk_column LIMIT ".$options['limit']; // Choose a default label string, if needed. if (empty($options['label_string'])) { $fkschema = chado_get_schema($fk_table); if (isset($fkschema['fields']['name'])) { $options['label_string'] = '[name]'; } elseif (isset($fkschema['fields']['uniquename'])) { $options['label_string'] = '[uniquename]'; } elseif (isset($fkschema['fields']['accession'])) { $options['label_string'] = '[accession]'; } elseif (isset($fkschema['fields']['title'])) { $options['label_string'] = '[title]'; } elseif ($fk_table == 'organism') { $options['label_string'] = '[genus] [species]'; } else { tripal_report_error( 'TripalField', TRIPAL_WARNING, 'Values List: Unable to generate a default human-readable label for %field_name since there is no name/uniquename column. Please set the options[label_string].', array('%field_name' => $this->instance['field_name']) ); return FALSE; } } } // Not a foreign key, so just make the key and value from the base table. else { $sql = "SELECT $chado_column as id, $chado_column FROM {".$chado_table."} base GROUP BY $chado_column LIMIT ".$options['limit']; // Choose a default label string, if needed. if (empty($options['label_string'])) { $options['label_string'] = '[' . $chado_column . ']'; } } } else { tripal_report_error( 'TripalField', TRIPAL_WARNING, 'Unable to retrieve a values list for %field_name since it is not a direct column in %base', array('%field_name' => $this->instance['field_name'], '%base' => $base_table) ); return FALSE; } $results = chado_query($sql); // Pre-process the label string for better performance. // Each token is enclosed in square brackets and should be the name of a chado column. preg_match_all('/\[(\w+)\]/', $options['label_string'], $matches); $tokens = $matches[1]; foreach ($results as $r) { // Determine the label using the label_string option. $label = $options['label_string']; $replace = array(); foreach ($tokens as $column) { if (isset($r->{$column})) { $replace[ "[$column]" ] = $r->{$column}; } else { $replace[ "[$column]" ] = ""; } } // Set the value. $values[$r->id] = strtr($options['label_string'], $replace); } return $values; } /** * @see TripalField::instanceSettingsForm() */ public function instanceSettingsForm() { // Make sure we don't lose our Chado table mappings when the settings // are updated. Setting them as values in the form ensures they don't // get accidentally overwritten. $element['base_table'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $this->instance['settings']['base_table'], ); $element['chado_table'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $this->instance['settings']['chado_table'], ); $element['chado_column'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $this->instance['settings']['chado_column'], ); return $element; } }