CONTENTS OF THIS FILE --------------------- * Introduction * Features * Requirements * Installation * Configuration * Daemon Usage INTRODUCTION ------------ This module is meant to provide a simple means of creating a robust command-line-driven, fully bootstrapped PHP Daemon. It uses the PHP-Daemon ( Library to create the Daemon (via the Libraries API) in order to not re-invent the wheel ;-). FEATURES -------- * Provides a Drush interface to start/stop your Daemon. * Your daemon starts in the background and is detached from the current terminal. * Daemon will run all Tripal Jobs submitted within 20 seconds. * A log including the number of jobs executed, their identifiers and results. * Lock Files, Automatic restart (8hrs default) and Built-in Signal Handling & Event Logging are only a few of the features provided by the Daemon API making this a fully featured & robust Daemon. REQUIREMENTS ------------ * Libraries API ( * PHP-Daemon Library version 2.0 ( * Drush 5.x ( * Drush Daemon API ( INSTALLATION ------------ * Install all required modules as per their instructions. * Install this module as you would normally install a contributed drupal module. See: for further information. * Download the PHP-Daemon Library and extract it in your sites/all/libraries directory. The folder must be named "PHP-Daemon". CONFIGURATION ------------- The module has no menu or modifiable settings. There is no configuration. When enabled, the module will provide a number of drush commands for control of the Tripal Daemon from the command-line. TRIPAL DAEMON USAGE ------------------- * Start Daemon drush trpjob-daemon start * Stop Daemon drush trpjob-daemon stop * Check the Status drush trpjob-daemon status * Show the Log * List the last 10 lines of the log file: drush trpjob-daemon show-log * List the last N lines of the log file: drush trpjob-daemon show-log --num_lines=N