(function($) { Drupal.behaviors.tripal_ds = { attach: function (context, settings){ // Add a close button for each pane except for the te_base $('div.tripal_pane').each(function (i) { $(this).prepend( '
' ); var id = '.tripal_pane-fieldset-' + $(this).attr('id'); }); // Hide the pane when the close button is clicked $('#tripal-pane-close-button').each(function (i) { $(this).click(function () { var fs = $(this).parents('div.tripal_pane'); if($(fs).hasClass('showTripalPane')) { $(fs).removeClass('showTripalPane'); $(fs).addClass('hideTripalPane'); } else { $(fs).addClass('hideTripalPane'); } }); }); // Move the tripal pane to the first position when its TOC item is clicked. $('.tripal_pane-toc-list-item-link').each(function (i) { $(this).click(function() { var id = '.tripal_pane-fieldset-' + $(this).attr('id'); var prevObj = $(id).prev().attr('class'); // If the user clicks on other TOC item, move its fieldset to the top $(id + ' fieldset').removeClass('collapsed'); $(id + ' fieldset .fieldset-wrapper').show(); // Highlight the fieldset instead of moving if it's already at the top if (prevObj.indexOf('group-tripal-pane-content-top') == 0) { $(id + ' fieldset').fadeTo(10, 0.3, function() {}); $(id + ' fieldset').fadeTo(200, 1, function() {}); } if ($(id).hasClass('hideTripalPane')) { $(id).removeClass('hideTripalPane'); $(id).addClass('showTripalPane'); } $(id + ' fieldset .fieldset-wrapper').hide(); var obj = $(id).detach(); $('.group-tripal-pane-content-top').after(obj); $(id + ' fieldset .fieldset-wrapper').show(300); return false; }); }); }, }; })(jQuery);