tcontact.obo 3.1 KB

  1. format-version: 1.2
  2. default-namespace: tripal_contact
  3. ontology: tcontact
  4. [Term]
  5. id: TCONTACT:0000001
  6. name: Contact Type
  7. [Term]
  8. id: TCONTACT:0000002
  9. name: Collective
  10. def: Used when a contact is a collective of individuals rather than a person.
  11. is_a: TCONTACT:0000001 ! Contact Type
  12. [Term]
  13. id: TCONTACT:0000003
  14. name: Person
  15. is_a: TCONTACT:0000001 ! Contact Type
  16. [Term]
  17. id: TCONTACT:0000004
  18. name: Organization
  19. is_a: TCONTACT:0000001 ! Contact Type
  20. [Term]
  21. id: TCONTACT:0000005
  22. name: University
  23. is_a: TCONTACT:0000001 ! Contact Type
  24. [Term]
  25. id: TCONTACT:0000006
  26. name: Lab
  27. is_a: TCONTACT:0000001 ! Contact Type
  28. [Term]
  29. id: TCONTACT:0000007
  30. name: Institute
  31. is_a: TCONTACT:0000001 ! Contact Type
  32. [Term]
  33. id: TCONTACT:0000008
  34. name: Research Group
  35. is_a: TCONTACT:0000001 ! Contact Type
  36. [Term]
  37. id: TCONTACT:0000009
  38. name: Department
  39. is_a: TCONTACT:0000001 ! Contact Type
  40. [Term]
  41. id: TCONTACT:0000010
  42. name: First Initials
  43. def: The first initials for the author including the initial for the first name and any middle names (not the initial for the last name).
  44. relationship: part_of TCONTACT:0000003 ! Person
  45. [Term]
  46. id: TCONTACT:0000011
  47. name: Surname
  48. synonym: "family_name" EXACT []
  49. synonym: "last_name" EXACT []
  50. relationship: part_of TCONTACT:0000003 ! Person
  51. [Term]
  52. id: TCONTACT:0000012
  53. name: Given Name
  54. synonym: "first_name" EXACT []
  55. relationship: part_of TCONTACT:0000003 ! Person
  56. [Term]
  57. id: TCONTACT:0000013
  58. name: Middle Names
  59. def: One or more middle names for this person.
  60. relationship: part_of TCONTACT:0000003 ! Person
  61. [Term]
  62. id: TCONTACT:0000014
  63. name: Middle Initials
  64. def: The middle initials for this person excluding the initial for the given name and the surname.
  65. relationship: part_of TCONTACT:0000003 ! Person
  66. [Term]
  67. id: TCONTACT:0000015
  68. name: Affiliation
  69. [Term]
  70. id: TCONTACT:0000016
  71. name: Department
  72. def: The department of an institution or organization.
  73. relationship: part_of TCONTACT:0000015 ! Affiliation
  74. [Term]
  75. id: TCONTACT:0000017
  76. name: Institution
  77. relationship: part_of TCONTACT:0000015 ! Affiliation
  78. [Term]
  79. id: TCONTACT:0000018
  80. name: Organization
  81. def: A generic term for any organization.
  82. relationship: part_of TCONTACT:0000015 ! Affiliation
  83. [Term]
  84. id: TCONTACT:0000019
  85. name: Address
  86. [Term]
  87. id: TCONTACT:0000020
  88. name: Address Line 1
  89. relationship: part_of TCONTACT:0000019 ! Address
  90. [Term]
  91. id: TCONTACT:0000021
  92. name: Address Line 2
  93. relationship: part_of TCONTACT:0000019 ! Address
  94. [Term]
  95. id: TCONTACT:0000022
  96. name: Address Line 3
  97. relationship: part_of TCONTACT:0000019 ! Address
  98. [Term]
  99. id: TCONTACT:0000023
  100. name: City
  101. relationship: part_of TCONTACT:0000019 ! Address
  102. [Term]
  103. id: TCONTACT:0000024
  104. name: State
  105. relationship: part_of TCONTACT:0000019 ! Address
  106. [Term]
  107. id: TCONTACT:0000025
  108. name: Province
  109. relationship: part_of TCONTACT:0000019 ! Address
  110. [Term]
  111. id: TCONTACT:0000026
  112. name: Country
  113. relationship: part_of TCONTACT:0000019 ! Address
  114. [Term]
  115. id: TCONTACT:0000027
  116. name: Postal Code
  117. relationship: part_of TCONTACT:0000019 ! Address
  118. [Term]
  119. id: TCONTACT:0000028
  120. name: contact_description
  121. def: A description of the contact
  122. [Typedef]
  123. id: is_a
  124. name: is a
  125. is_transitive: true
  126. [Typedef]
  127. id: part_of
  128. name: part of
  129. is_transitive: true