tripal_pub_help.tpl.php 6.8 KB

  1. <br/>
  2. <h3>Module Description:</h3>
  3. <p>The Tripal Publication Module provides the functionality for adding,
  4. editing, deleting viewing and bulk importing of publications. This
  5. module additionally provides a search tool for finding publications that
  6. have been added to Chado database.</p>
  7. <h3>Setup Instructions:</h3>
  8. <ol>
  9. <li>
  10. <p><b>Set Permissions</b>: The publication module supports the Drupal
  11. user permissions interface for controlling access to publication
  12. content and functions. These permissions include viewing, creating,
  13. editing or administering of publications. The default is that only
  14. the
  15. original site administrator has these permissions. You can <a
  16. href="<?php print url('admin/user/roles') ?>">add roles</a>
  17. for
  18. classifying users, <a href="<?php print url('admin/user/user') ?>">assign
  19. users to roles</a> and <a
  20. href="<?php print url('admin/user/permissions') ?>">assign
  21. permissions</a>
  22. for the publication content to those roles. For a simple setup,
  23. allow
  24. anonymous users access to view publication content and allow the
  25. site
  26. administrator all other permissions.</p>
  27. </li>
  28. <li>
  29. <p><b>Sync Publications</b>: If you already have publications in your
  30. Chado database, or you loaded them through a means other than
  31. Tripal,
  32. and you want those publications to appear on your site then you will
  33. need to "sync" them with Drupal. Use
  34. the <?php print l('sync publications', 'admin/tripal/tripal_pub/sync') ?>
  35. page to sync all publications.</p>
  36. </li>
  37. <li>
  38. <p><b>Configure the Search Behavior</b>: Before allowing site visitors
  39. to search for publications visit
  40. the <?php print l('configuration page', 'admin/tripal/storage/chado/pub-search-config') ?>
  41. to disable or enable fields for searching. Tripal uses its own
  42. ontology
  43. for storing publication information in Chado, and all child terms of
  44. the "Publication Details" are made available for searching. However,
  45. some of these may not be desired for searching and can be disabled.
  46. </p>
  47. </li>
  48. <li>
  49. <p><b>AGL Importer</b>: Initially, the Tripal publication module
  50. supports creating publication importers using PubMed and the USDA
  51. National Agricultural Library (AGL). The AGL database uses a Z39.50
  52. protocol for querying and therefore Tripal requires the 'YAZ'
  53. library
  54. to connect. Before you can query AGL you must install the YAZ
  55. library
  56. and the PHP YAZ library. The following steps can be used on an
  57. Ubuntu
  58. 12.04 server to intall the necessary pre-requisites:</p>
  59. <ol>
  60. <li>Install the YAZ libraries: sudo apt-get install yaz
  61. libyaz4-dev
  62. </li>
  63. <li>Install the PHP YAZ extension: sudo pecl install yaz</li>
  64. <li>Add the text '' to the appropriate php.ini file
  65. (e.g. /etc/php5/apache2filter/php.ini). On Ubuntu you may need
  66. to
  67. add it to the php.ini file specfic for the Apache webserver and
  68. also to the php.ini specific for the command-line.
  69. </li>
  70. <li>Restart the webserver</li>
  71. </ol>
  72. </li>
  73. <li>
  74. <p><b>Automate Importers:</b> Site administrators
  75. can <?php print l('create publication importers', 'admin/tripal/tripal_pub/import/new') ?>
  76. that can be used to query remote databases (e.g. PubMed) and import
  77. publications into this database. After creation of importers you can
  78. automate import of publications into the site by creating a cron job
  79. with a <?php print l('Drush', "") ?>
  80. command. The cron job can be setup to run the importers
  81. periodically.
  82. The following is an example entry, added to the 'root' crontab, that
  83. would run importers on a weekly bases (Friday at 9am): <br>
  84. </p>
  85. <pre>0 9 * * 5 su - [web user] -c 'cd [drupal install path]; drush -l http://[site url] tpubs-import --report=[email]'</pre>
  86. Where:<br>
  87. <p>[web user] is the name of the user on the system under which the web
  88. server runs<br>
  89. [drupal install path] is the location where drupal is installed<br>
  90. [site url] is the URL path for the site <br>
  91. [email] is the email address of the person who should receive an
  92. HTML
  93. report of the publications added. Separate multiple emails with a
  94. comma
  95. (no spaces).<br>
  96. The --report=Y option indicates that an HTML style report should be
  97. generated listing the publications that were added. If this options
  98. is
  99. not used then no report is generated.</p>
  100. </li>
  101. </ol>
  102. <h3>Features of this Module:</h3>
  103. <ul>
  104. <li>
  105. <p><b>Add/Edit/Delete Publications</b>: Publications can be maually
  106. added <?php l('here', 'node/add/chado-pub') ?>. Once added,
  107. publications can be modified or deleted by clicking the Edit tab at
  108. the
  109. top of a publication page.</p>
  110. </li>
  111. <li>
  112. <p><b>Publication Search Tool</b>:
  113. A <?php print l('search tool', 'find/publications') ?>
  114. is provided for finding publications. Unlike most default search
  115. tools
  116. for Tripal, this tool does not rely on Drupal Views</p>
  117. </li>
  118. <li>
  119. <p><b>Bulk Import of Publications</b>: Site administrators
  120. can <?php print l('add a new publication importer', 'admin/tripal/tripal_pub/import/new') ?>
  121. which provides a set of search terms for querying a remote
  122. publication
  123. database (e.g. PubMed). Publications that matche the search terms
  124. can
  125. be imported when the publication import cron command is executed.
  126. The
  127. cron command can be executed using the Drush command: drush
  128. tpubs-import. This drush command can be added as a system-wide cron
  129. (in
  130. the same way the Tripal jobs cron is implemented) to be executed on
  131. a
  132. periodic basis. This will allow the site to import publications
  133. which
  134. have been newly added to remote databases and which are relative to
  135. the
  136. site. Site administrators
  137. can <?php print l('see the list of importers', 'admin/tripal/tripal_pub/import_list') ?>
  138. and edit, disable or delete the importers.</p>
  139. </li>
  140. </ul>