initialize-1.11-1.2.sql 698 B

  1. insert into cv (name,definition) values ('chado_properties','Terms that are used in the chadoprop table to describe the state of the database');
  2. insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'chado_properties:version');
  3. insert into cvterm (name,definition,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('version','Chado schema version',(select cv_id from cv where name = 'chado_properties'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='chado_properties:version'));
  4. INSERT INTO chadoprop (type_id, value) VALUES
  5. ((SELECT cvterm_id
  6. FROM cvterm CVT
  7. INNER JOIN cv CV on CVT.cv_id = CV.cv_id
  8. WHERE = 'chado_properties' AND = 'version'),
  9. '1.2')