feature_property.obo 12 KB

  1. format-version: 1.2
  2. date: 10:06:2005 15:07
  3. saved-by: cjm
  4. default-namespace: unknown
  5. autogenerated-by: /Users/cjm/cvs/go-dev/go-perl/scripts/go2fmt.pl
  6. default-namespace: feature_property
  7. remark: Initially generated by Chris Mungall, sourced from FB and Rice chado. TODO: TIGR Chado; TODO: GFF3
  8. subsetdef: fpo_sgd "SGD and related dbs subset"
  9. subsetdef: fpo_gff "GFF3 specific tags"
  10. subsetdef: fpo_apollo "properties with fixed semantics in apollo"
  11. [Typedef]
  12. id: SOFP:feature_property
  13. name: feature_property
  14. namespace: feature_property
  15. def: "A general purpose relation between a biological feature and some value" [so:cjm]
  16. [Typedef]
  17. id: SOFP:aminoacid
  18. name: aminoacid
  19. namespace: feature_property
  20. def: "amino acid coded for by a tRNA transcript feature" [so:cjm]
  21. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  22. domain: SO:0000253
  23. range: CHEBI:22477
  24. [Typedef]
  25. id: SOFP:anticodon
  26. name: anticodon
  27. namespace: feature_property
  28. def: "anticodon coded for by a tRNA transcript feature" [so:cjm]
  29. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  30. domain: SO:0000253
  31. range: xsd:string
  32. range_def: "A 3 character string representing the anticodon using the IUPAC DNA Sequence alphabet; for example ATG. RNA seqs MUST be converted to DNA seqs" []
  33. comments: Note the difference between GENBANK_SOFP:anticodon and SOFP:anticodon; the former includes the base range
  34. [Typedef]
  35. id: SOFP:citation
  36. name: citation
  37. namespace: feature_property
  38. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  39. domain: SO:0000110
  40. [Typedef]
  41. id: SOFP:comment
  42. name: comment
  43. namespace: feature_property
  44. def: "Annotation comments, from a human curator" []
  45. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  46. domain: SO:0000110
  47. range: xsd:string
  48. [Typedef]
  49. id: SOFP:cyto_range
  50. name: cyto_range
  51. namespace: feature_property
  52. def: "The cytological range covered by a feature. May be auto-generated from sequence coordinates, or determined by experimental methods" [so:cjm]
  53. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  54. domain: SO:0000110
  55. range: xsd:string
  56. range_def: "Must conform to naming standard for that species; typically fly-style (eg 41A2-B3) or normal (eg 14p28.1-q32.2)" [so:cjm]
  57. comments: If auto-derived, may be redundant with feature location
  58. [Typedef]
  59. id: SOFP:description
  60. name: description
  61. namespace: feature_property
  62. def: "Free-text description of feature" []
  63. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  64. domain: SO:0000110
  65. range: xsd:string
  66. comments: Often sourced from fasta header, in which case it includes everything after the > symbol
  67. [Typedef]
  68. id: SOFP:dicistronic
  69. name: dicistronic
  70. namespace: feature_property
  71. def: "true if transcript codes for >1 non-overlapping CDSs" []
  72. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  73. domain: SO:0000115 ! transcript_feature
  74. range: xsd:boolean
  75. comments: redundant with secondary classification term SO:0000079
  76. [Typedef]
  77. id: SOFP:element
  78. name: element
  79. namespace: feature_property
  80. def: "name of transposable element class" []
  81. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  82. domain: SO:0000110
  83. range: xsd:string
  84. comment: in chado or gff, this may also be indicated by a reference to a class in an ontology of TE classes
  85. [Typedef]
  86. id: SOFP:encoded_symbol
  87. name: encoded_symbol
  88. namespace: feature_property
  89. def: "dicistronic CDS/proteins are attached to a single gene feature representing the whole cassette - in which case the symbol refers to the cassette. encoded_symbol refers to a gene in the sense of non-overlapping CDS set. cf Adh and Adhr in dmel" []
  90. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  91. domain: SO:0000110
  92. range: xsd:string
  93. [Typedef]
  94. id: SOFP:evidenceGB
  95. name: evidenceGB
  96. namespace: feature_property
  97. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  98. domain: SO:0000110
  99. range: xsd:string
  100. range_def: "'experimental'"
  101. comment: same as GENBANK_SOFP:experimental??
  102. [Typedef]
  103. id: SOFP:linked_to
  104. name: linked_to
  105. namespace: feature_property
  106. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  107. domain: SO:0000110
  108. range: xsd:string
  109. comment: someone please define.. to do with restriction fragments?
  110. [Typedef]
  111. id: SOFP:missing_start_codon
  112. name: missing_start_codon
  113. namespace: feature_property
  114. def: "true if start of CDS is unknown" []
  115. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  116. domain: SO:0000110
  117. range: xsd:boolean
  118. comment: in chado, redundant with featureloc.is_{fmin,fmax}_partial
  119. [Typedef]
  120. id: SOFP:missing_stop_codon
  121. name: missing_stop_codon
  122. namespace: feature_property
  123. def: "true if end of CDS is unknown" []
  124. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  125. domain: SO:0000110
  126. range: xsd:boolean
  127. comment: in chado, redundant with featureloc.is_{fmin,fmax}_partial
  128. [Typedef]
  129. id: SOFP:na_change
  130. name: na_change
  131. namespace: feature_property
  132. def: "A nucleic acid modification in some variant feature relative to the reference sequence" []
  133. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  134. domain: SO:0000109 ! sequence_variant
  135. range: xsd:string
  136. range_def: "<na_seq-REFERENCE><position><na_seq-VARIANT>"
  137. comment: in chado, this is redundant with featureloc.residue_info[rank=0,1]
  138. [Typedef]
  139. id: SOFP:non_canonical_start_codon
  140. name: non_canonical_start_codon
  141. namespace: feature_property
  142. def: "The sequence of the biological start codon" []
  143. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  144. domain: SO:0000110
  145. range: xsd:string
  146. range_def: "3-character DNA sequence, must be different from ATG" []
  147. [Typedef]
  148. id: SOFP:owner
  149. name: owner
  150. namespace: feature_property
  151. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  152. domain: SO:0000110
  153. range: xsd:string
  154. [Typedef]
  155. id: SOFP:pr_change
  156. name: pr_change
  157. namespace: feature_property
  158. def: "An amino acid modification in some variant feature relative to the reference sequence" []
  159. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  160. domain: SO:0000110
  161. range: xsd:string
  162. range_def: "<aa_seq-ORIGINAL><position><aa_seq-NEW>. @ represents stop codon"
  163. comment: see also: na_change; in chado, this is redundant with featureloc.residue_info[rank=0,1]
  164. [Typedef]
  165. id: SOFP:problem
  166. name: problem
  167. namespace: feature_property
  168. def: "True if the annotation for this feature is problematic in some way; more details can be found in the comments property" []
  169. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  170. domain: SO:0000110
  171. range: xsd:boolean
  172. [Typedef]
  173. id: SOFP:readthrough_stop_codon
  174. name: readthrough_stop_codon
  175. namespace: feature_property
  176. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  177. domain: SO:0000110
  178. range: xsd:boolean
  179. [Typedef]
  180. id: SOFP:reported_na_change
  181. name: reported_na_change
  182. namespace: feature_property
  183. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  184. domain: SO:0000110
  185. range: xsd:string
  186. range_def: "As for na_change, suffixed with |<dbxref>" []
  187. [Typedef]
  188. id: SOFP:reported_pr_change
  189. name: reported_pr_change
  190. namespace: feature_property
  191. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  192. domain: SO:0000110
  193. range: xsd:string
  194. range_def: "As for pr_change, suffixed with |<dbxref>" []
  195. [Typedef]
  196. id: SOFP:sp_comment
  197. name: sp_comment
  198. namespace: feature_property
  199. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  200. domain: SO:0000110
  201. range: xsd:string
  202. comment: is this deprecated? originally sourced from gadfly pep validation pipeline - of little interest to others than flybase
  203. [Typedef]
  204. id: SOFP:sp_status
  205. name: sp_status
  206. namespace: feature_property
  207. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  208. domain: SO:0000110
  209. range: xsd:string
  210. comment: is this deprecated? originally sourced from gadfly pep validation pipeline - of little interest to others than flybase
  211. [Typedef]
  212. id: SOFP:status
  213. name: status
  214. namespace: feature_property
  215. def: "Annotation workflow status" []
  216. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  217. domain: SO:0000110
  218. range: xsd:string
  219. range_def: "'not done'"
  220. [Typedef]
  221. id: SOFP:source
  222. name: source
  223. namespace: feature_property
  224. def: "Source from which feature originates - may be a computer program or analysis, or a group. Corresponds to GFF column 2" []
  225. subset: fpo_gff
  226. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  227. domain: SO:0000110
  228. range: xsd:string
  229. [Typedef]
  230. id: SOFP:symbol
  231. name: symbol
  232. namespace: feature_property
  233. def: "Community symbol" []
  234. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  235. domain: SO:0000110
  236. range: xsd:string
  237. [Typedef]
  238. id: SOFP:validation_flag
  239. name: validation_flag
  240. namespace: feature_property
  241. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  242. domain: SO:0000110
  243. range: xsd:string
  244. range_def: "TODO: define the list of allowed values in an ontology" []
  245. [Typedef]
  246. id: SOFP:synonym
  247. name: synonym
  248. exact_synonym: "Alias" []
  249. namespace: feature_property
  250. def: "Historic community symbol, may have originally been symbol" []
  251. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  252. domain: SO:0000110
  253. range: xsd:string
  254. comment: In chado, this is redundant with the synonym table. GFF3 uses the tag "Alias"
  255. [Typedef]
  256. id: SOFP:date
  257. name: date
  258. namespace: feature_property
  259. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  260. domain: SO:0000110
  261. range: xsd:date
  262. comment: date of what?? Annotation??
  263. [Typedef]
  264. id: SOFP:internal_synonym
  265. name: internal_synonym
  266. namespace: feature_property
  267. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  268. domain: SO:0000110
  269. range: xsd:string
  270. comment: FB specific?
  271. [Typedef]
  272. id: SOFP:qseq_type
  273. name: qseq_type
  274. namespace: feature_property
  275. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  276. domain: SO:0000110
  277. range: xsd:string
  278. comment: deprecated?
  279. [Typedef]
  280. id: SOFP:unixdate
  281. name: unixdate
  282. namespace: feature_property
  283. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  284. domain: SO:0000110
  285. range: xsd:integer
  286. range_def: "No of seconds since unix time zero, 1 Jan 1970" []
  287. comment: date of what?? Annotation??
  288. [Typedef]
  289. id: SOFP:gbunit
  290. name: gbunit
  291. namespace: feature_property
  292. def: "Name of genbank scaffold sequence intersected by the feature" []
  293. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  294. domain: SO:0000110
  295. range: xsd:string
  296. range_def: "<dbxref> - taken from NCBI/EMBL/DDBJ" []
  297. [Typedef]
  298. id: SOFP:keywords
  299. name: keywords
  300. namespace: feature_property
  301. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  302. domain: SO:0000110
  303. range: xsd:string
  304. [Typedef]
  305. id: SOFP:orf_classification
  306. name: orf_classification
  307. namespace: feature_property
  308. def: "gene call confidence flag"
  309. subset: fpo_sgd
  310. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  311. domain: SO:0000110
  312. range: xsd:string
  313. range_def: "'Dubious'|'Uncharacterized'|'Verified'" []
  314. comment: Currently only used by SGD
  315. [Typedef]
  316. id: SOFP:ontology_term
  317. name: ontology_term
  318. namespace: feature_property
  319. def: "A term from some ontology classifying the feature" []
  320. subset: fpo_gff
  321. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  322. domain: SO:0000110
  323. range: xsd:string
  324. range_def: "<dbxref> of a term in some ontology" []
  325. comment: In chado, this is redundant with the feature_cvterm table
  326. [Typedef]
  327. id: SOFP:protein_id
  328. name: protein_id
  329. namespace: feature_property
  330. def: "A protein sequence identifier" [so:sjc]
  331. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  332. domain: SO:0000110
  333. range: xsd:string
  334. comment: Should really be a dbxref [so:sjc]
  335. [Typedef]
  336. id: SOFP:organism
  337. name: organism
  338. namespace: feature_property
  339. def: "The name of the organism" [so:sjc]
  340. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  341. domain: SO:0000110
  342. range: xsd:string
  343. comment: In chado, this is redundant with the organism table [so:sjc]
  344. [Typedef]
  345. id: SOFP:mol_type
  346. name: mol_type
  347. namespace: feature_property
  348. def: "The type of molecule" [so:sjc]
  349. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  350. domain: SO:0000110
  351. range: xsd:string
  352. comment: Presumably, this could be inferred from the SO type [so:sjc]
  353. [Typedef]
  354. id: SOFP:dev_stage
  355. name: dev_stage
  356. namespace: feature_property
  357. def: "Stage of development" [so:sjc]
  358. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  359. domain: SO:0000110
  360. range: xsd:string
  361. [Typedef]
  362. id: SOFP:chromosome
  363. name: chromosome
  364. namespace: feature_property
  365. def: "Name of chromosome the feature occurs on(?)" [so:sjc]
  366. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  367. domain: SO:0000110
  368. range: xsd:string
  369. comment: What is this for? [so:sjc]
  370. [Typedef]
  371. id: SOFP:map
  372. name: map
  373. namespace: feature_property
  374. def: "A map location" [so:sjc]
  375. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  376. domain: SO:0000110
  377. range: xsd:string
  378. [Typedef]
  379. id: SOFP:finished
  380. name: finished
  381. namespace: feature_property
  382. def: "If the annotation of the feature is complete" [so:sjc]
  383. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  384. domain: SO:0000110
  385. range: xsd:boolean
  386. [Typedef]
  387. id: SOFP:Note
  388. name: Note
  389. namespace: feature_property
  390. def: "A GFF3 Note attribute" [so:sjc]
  391. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  392. domain: SO:0000110
  393. range: xsd:string
  394. [Typedef]
  395. id: SOFP:Gap
  396. name: Gap
  397. namespace: feature_property
  398. def: "A GFF3 Gap cigar string" [so:sjc]
  399. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  400. domain: SO:0000110
  401. range: xsd:string
  402. [Typedef]
  403. id: SOFP:score
  404. name: score
  405. namespace: feature_property
  406. def: "A GFF3 score" [so:sjc]
  407. is_a: SOFP:feature_property
  408. domain: SO:0000110
  409. range: xsd:string