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- 1.4
- ---
- * Added changelog (this file)
- * Fixed tree control to search only for anchors, allowing images or other elements inside the controls, while keeping the control usable with the keyboard
- * Restructured folder layout: root contains plugin resources, lib contains script dependencies, demo contains demos and related files
- * Added prerendered option: If set to true, assumes all hitarea divs and classes already rendered, speeding up initialization for big trees, but more obtrusive
- * Added jquery.treeview.async.js for ajax-lazy-loading trees, see async.html demo
- * Exposed $.fn.treeview.classes for custom classes if necessary
- * Show treecontrol only when JavaScript is enabled
- * Completely reworked themeing via CSS sprites, resulting in only two files per theme
- * updated dotted, black, gray and red theme
- * added famfamfam theme (no lines)
- * Improved cookie persistence to allow multiple persisted trees per page via cookieId option
- * Improved location persistence by making it case-insensitive
- * Improved swapClass and replaceClass plugin implementations
- * Added folder-closed.gif to filetree example
- 1.3
- ---
- * Fixes for all outstanding bugs
- * Added persistence features
- * location based: click on a link in the treeview and reopen that link after the page loaded
- * cookie based: save the state of the tree in a cookie on each click and load that on reload
- * smoothed animations, fixing flickering in both IE and Opera
- * Tested in Firefox 2, IE 6 & 7, Opera 9, Safari 3
- * Moved documentation to jQuery wiki
- * Requires jQuery 1.2+