tripal_stock_help.tpl.php 12 KB

  1. <h3>Tripal Stock Quick Links</h3>
  2. <ul>
  3. <li><?php print l(t('Configuration'), 'admin/tripal/tripal_stock/configuration') ?></li>
  4. <li><?php print l(t('Stock Listing'), 'stocks') ?></li>
  5. </ul>
  6. <br>
  7. <h3>Module Description:</h3>
  8. <p>The Tripal Stock Module provides functionality for adding, editing, deleting
  9. and accessing chado stocks. The stock module was designed to store
  10. information about stock collections in a laboratory. What is called a stock
  11. could also be called a strain or an accession. There is a lot in common
  12. between a Drosophila stock and a Saccharomyces strain and an Arabidopsis
  13. line. They all come from some taxon, have genotypes, physical locations in
  14. the lab, some conceivable relationship with a publication, some conceivable
  15. relationship with a sequence feature (such as a transgene), and could be
  16. described by some ontology term. For more information about the chado Stock
  17. Module <a href="">see the GMOD Wiki
  18. Page</a></p>
  19. <h3>Setup Instructions:</h3>
  20. <ul>
  21. <li><p><b>Set Permissions</b>: By default only the site administrator
  22. account has access to create, edit, delete
  23. or administer analyses. Navigate to
  24. the <?php print l('permissions page', 'admin/user/permissions') ?>
  25. and set the
  26. permissions under the 'tripal_stock' section as appropriate for your
  27. site. For a simple setup, allow anonymous
  28. users access to view content and create a special role for creating,
  29. editing and other administrative tasks.</p></li>
  30. <li><p><b>Set Ontologies</b>: Since at the time of this modules developement
  31. there is no accepted ontology for
  32. describing stocks, their properties and relationships, this module
  33. allows you to select the controlled
  34. vocabularies (CVs) in your Chado Database you would like to govern
  35. these data. To Set the Controlled Vocabularies for Stocks:
  36. First, ensure your Controlled Vocabulary is in Chado. This can be
  37. done by either loading an existing Ontology into Chado using
  38. the <a href="tripal_cv/ontology_loader">Tripal Ontology Loader</a>
  39. OR create your ontology from scratch by first
  40. <a href="tripal_cv/add_cv">creating a controlled vocabulary</a> and
  41. then <a href="tripal_cv/add_cvterm">adding terms to it</a>.
  42. Then go to the <a href="tripal_stock/configuration">Configuration
  43. Page for Stocks</a> and, in the "Set Stock Controlled
  44. Vocabularies" Fieldset,
  45. select the Controlled Vocaulary name for Stock Types, Stock
  46. Properties and Stock Relationship Types.</p>
  47. <ol type="i">
  48. <li>Stock Types: When you are creating stocks, the type of each
  49. stock must be indicated. This might include "DNA extraction",
  50. "Individual Plant/Animal" or even "Progeny Population".
  51. </li>
  52. <li>Stock Properties: This module also allows you to assign
  53. properties to any stock. Each property has a type and a value
  54. where type is required an value is not. Therefore, if you want
  55. to say that a stock was grown at 23 degrees Celcius then the
  56. Type would be "temperature grown at" and the value would be 23
  57. degrees Celcius. As such the Stock Properties controlled
  58. vocabulary might include "temperature grown at", "diet",
  59. "extraction date", "stock location", etc.
  60. </li>
  61. <li>Stock Relationship Types: You can also specify relationships
  62. between stocks. For example, a stock of type="DNA extraction"
  63. (Stock 1a) is related to the stock of type="Individual
  64. Plant/Animal" (Stock 1) that it was extracted from. Thus you
  65. might specify the relationship Stock 1 is the source material
  66. for Stock 1a where the relationship type is "is the source
  67. material for". As such Stock Relationship Types might include
  68. "is the source material for", "is maternal parent of", "is
  69. individual of population", etc.
  70. </li>
  71. </ol>
  72. </li>
  73. <li><p><b>Set Permissions</b>: The stock module supports the Drupal user
  74. permissions interface for
  75. controlling access to stock content and functions. These permissions
  76. include viewing,
  77. creating, editing or administering of
  78. stock content. The default is that only the original site
  79. administrator has these
  80. permissions. You can <a href="<?php url('admin/user/roles') ?>">add
  81. roles</a> for classifying users,
  82. <a href="<?php url('admin/user/user') ?>">assign users to roles</a>
  83. and
  84. <a href="<?php url('admin/user/permissions') ?>">assign
  85. permissions</a> for the stock content to
  86. those roles. For a simple setup, allow anonymous users access to
  87. view organism content and
  88. allow the site administrator all other permissions.</p></li>
  89. <li><p><b>Sync Stocks</b>: if you chado database already contains stocks,
  90. they need to be sync'd with Drupal.
  91. This creates Drupal Content including detail pages for each stock
  92. (known as nodes in Drupal). To sync' Chado
  93. with Drupal simply go to
  94. the <?php print l('stock configuration page', 'admin/tripal/tripal_stock/configuration') ?>
  95. and in the "Sync Stocks" Fieldset select the Organisms whose
  96. associated stocks you would like
  97. to sync. If this list doesn't contain an organism which you know is
  98. in Chado go to the
  99. Organism Configuration Page and make sure it is sync'd with Drupal.
  100. </p></li>
  101. </ul>
  102. <h3>Features of this Module:</h3>
  103. <ul>
  104. <li><p><b><a href="../../node/add/chado_stock">Create a Generic
  105. Stock:</a></b>
  106. This allows you to create content in your drupal and chado for a
  107. stock (only the unique stock identifier
  108. is duplicated). A Generic Stock must have a unique name, a type and
  109. an organism. In addition, you can
  110. optionally supply a more human-readable name, a primary database
  111. reference and even a short description.
  112. The Create Generic Stock form is a multistep form with the first
  113. step creating the Basic stock (stored
  114. in the stock table). All the remaining steps are optional and
  115. descriptions of each follow:</p>
  116. <ol type="i">
  117. <li>The Next Step is to Add Properties to the newly created stock.
  118. Properties allow you to specify
  119. additional details about a given stock. Since the types of
  120. properties you can add are goverened by
  121. a controlled vocaulary that you can create, you have complete
  122. control over what additional properties
  123. you want to allow.
  124. </li>
  125. <li>Then you can Add External Database References. A Database
  126. Reference can be thought of as a
  127. synonym for the current stock where you want to specify a source
  128. for that synonym. The source
  129. would then be thought of as the database where a database can
  130. either be online and provide automatic
  131. linking out to the synonymous record or offline and simply be a
  132. text name of the source. To create a
  133. database reference with a given source you must first add the
  134. database to
  135. chado <?php print l('here', 'admin/tripal/tripal_db/') ?><a
  136. href="tadmin/tripal/tripal_db/add_db">here</a>.
  137. </li>
  138. <li>Finally you can Add Relationships between Stocks. This allows
  139. you to specify, for example, the source
  140. material of a stock or one of it's parents. To create a
  141. relationship between your newly added stock and
  142. another stock, the other stock must first be created as this one
  143. was. Also, since the types of
  144. relationships is governed by a controlled vocabulary, just like
  145. with properties you have complete
  146. control over which relationships you want to allow. Once you
  147. click "Finish" you will be re-directed
  148. to the Details Page of the new Stock.
  149. </li>
  150. </ol>
  151. </li>
  152. <li><p><b>Details Page of a Stock:</b> Each stock get's it's own page on
  153. this website. This page is meant
  154. to give an overall picture of
  155. the stock including listing the basic details, as well as, all
  156. properties, database references and
  157. relationships. To understand where it is -All page content in Drupal
  158. is known as a node and is given
  159. a unique identifier or nid. Thus every drupal page has a path of
  160. node/[nid]. You can get to the
  161. Details page for a given stock from either of the stock listings
  162. described below.
  163. If you want to customize the look of the stock Details page simply
  164. copy the PHP/HTML template
  165. node-chado_stock.tpl.php from theme_tripal to the base theme you are
  166. currently using. Then edit it
  167. as desired. There are plans to integrate this details page with
  168. Drupal Panels which will provide a
  169. much more user-friendly and no-programming-needed method to
  170. customize this page.</p></li>
  171. <li><p><b>Adding/Updating/Deleting Stocks and their Properties, Database
  172. References and Relationships:</b>
  173. The Stock Details Page also acts as a landing pad for
  174. updating/deleting stocks.</p>
  175. <p>To <b>update a stock</b>,
  176. go to the stocks details page and click on the Edit tab near the top
  177. of the page. This tab will only be
  178. visable if you have permission to edit chado stock content (See post
  179. installation steps above for
  180. information on setting user permissions). </p>
  181. <p>To <b>delete a stock</b>, click the Edit tab and
  182. then near the bottom of the form, click the Delete button. This will
  183. delete the entire stock including
  184. it's properties, database references and any relationships including
  185. it.</p>
  186. <p>To <b>update/delete a given property of a stock</b>, click the "Edit
  187. Properties" Tab near the top of
  188. the stock details page. This form provides a listing of all existing
  189. properties for the given stock with
  190. form elements allowing you to change their value. After editing the
  191. properties you wanted to, simply click
  192. the "Update Properties" button to update all the properties for that
  193. stock. To delete a given property
  194. simply click the "Delete" Button beside the property you want to
  195. delete. You cannot undo this action!</p>
  196. <p>To <b>add a property to the given stock</b> simply fill out the "Add
  197. Property" form at the bottom of
  198. the "Edit Properties" Tab.</p>
  199. <p>For <b>Adding, updating and deleting Database References and
  200. Relationships</b> for a given stock is
  201. exactly the same as the method for properties. To edit Database
  202. References, click the "Edit DB References"
  203. tab and to add/edit/update stock relationships, click the "Edit
  204. Relationships" tab.</p>
  205. </li>
  206. </ul>