1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041 |
- diff --git a/plugins/views_data_export_plugin_display_export.inc b/plugins/views_data_export_plugin_display_export.inc
- index 3356a8c..bf6761a 100644
- @@ -544,7 +544,16 @@ class views_data_export_plugin_display_export extends views_plugin_display_feed
- $select_aliases[] = "cl.$alias AS $hash";
- }
- - $insert_query = 'CREATE TABLE {' . $this->index_tablename() . '} SELECT @row := @row + 1 AS ' . $this->batched_execution_state->sandbox['weight_field_alias'] . ', ' . implode(', ', $select_aliases) . ' FROM (' . $query . ') AS cl, (SELECT @row := 0) AS r';
- + if ($this->_get_database_driver() == 'pgsql') {
- + // Create temporary sequence
- + $seq_name = $this->index_tablename() . '_seq';
- + $create_seq_query = 'CREATE TEMP sequence ' . $seq_name;
- + // query uses sequence to create row number
- + $insert_query = 'CREATE TABLE {' . $this->index_tablename() . "} AS SELECT nextval('".$seq_name."') AS " . $this->batched_execution_state->sandbox['weight_field_alias'] . ', ' . implode(', ', $select_aliases) . ' FROM (' . $query . ') AS cl';
- + }
- + else {
- + $insert_query = 'CREATE TABLE {' . $this->index_tablename() . '} SELECT @row := @row + 1 AS ' . $this->batched_execution_state->sandbox['weight_field_alias'] . ', ' . implode(', ', $select_aliases) . ' FROM (' . $query . ') AS cl, (SELECT @row := 0) AS r';
- + }
- // Allow for a view to query an external database.
- if (isset($view->base_database)) {
- @@ -552,6 +561,9 @@ class views_data_export_plugin_display_export extends views_plugin_display_feed
- $external = TRUE;
- }
- + if ($this->_get_database_driver() == 'pgsql') {
- + db_query($create_seq_query);
- + }
- db_query($insert_query, $args);
- // Now create an index for the weight field, otherwise the queries on the
- @@ -778,7 +790,7 @@ class views_data_export_plugin_display_export extends views_plugin_display_feed
- */
- function is_compatible() {
- $incompatible_drivers = array (
- - 'pgsql',
- + //'pgsql',
- );
- $db_driver = $this->_get_database_driver();
- return !in_array($db_driver, $incompatible_drivers);