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- This directory contains all additional views code needed to integrate this module with views2.
- <chado table name>.views.inc:
- contains a single function retrieve_<chado table name>_views_data()
- which describes that table to views. This function is called by
- tripal_organism_views_data() in ../tripal_organism.views.inc.
- For more information on the form of this data array look up the
- views2 documentation for hook_views_data()
- -http://views2.logrus.com/doc/html/index.html
- handlers/
- Each file contained within this folder defines a views handler. Only custom
- handlers are included in this folder and each must be described in
- hook_views_handlers() in ../tripal_organism.views.inc.
- A views handler does one of the following:
- 1) describe the type of a field and how it should be displayed
- 2) describe a method to sort this field
- 3) describe a method to filter this field
- 1. All table definition files should be named tablename.views.inc
- 2. All handlers should be in a handlers sub-directory and follow the naming convention of
- views handlers (ie: views_handler_field/filter/sort_handlername.inc )
- Views Table Definitions:
- - Please use the template files provided whenever you are describing a new table to views.
- For any table in chado simply copy template.table_defn.views.inc to tablename.views.inc and
- follow the instructions listed at the top of the template file.
- - To join a chado table to it's drupal node simply copy template.node_join.views.inc to
- basetablename.views.inc and replace all XXX with basetablename.
- NOTE: Creating the table definition file is not enough. You also need to call the
- retrieve_XXX_views_data() function from ../tripal_organism.views.inc:tripal_organism_views_data()
- by adding the following line:
- $data = array_merge($data, retrieve_XXX_views_data());
- to the function and including the file directly above the function (blow the function
- header by adding:
- require_once('views/XXX.views.inc');