tripal_chado_views_help.tpl.php 3.4 KB

  1. <h3>Views Integration Description:</h3>
  2. <p>Tripal Views provides an interface for integrating <a
  3. href="">Drupal Views</a>
  4. with Chado tables, custom tables and materialized views. This allows site
  5. administrators to create custom pages
  6. and forms for tables in the Chado schema (if Chado was installed by Tripal).
  7. All tables in Chado are integrated
  8. automatically with Drupal Views but custom tables and materialized views are
  9. not. After creating a new materialized
  10. view or custom table you can follow the links above to integrate the table
  11. with Drupal Views. The interface allows
  12. you to specify which fields the table can be joined with other tables and
  13. also specify field, sort and filter
  14. handlers for views. Different handlers provide different functionality.
  15. </p>
  16. <br>
  17. <h3>Setup Instructions:</h3>
  18. <p>After installation of the Tripal core module. The following tasks should be
  19. performed</p>
  20. <ol>
  21. <li><b>Set Permissions</b>: To allow access to site administrators for this
  22. module, simply
  23. <?php print l('assign permissions', 'admin/user/permissions') ?> to the
  24. appropriate user roles for the
  25. permission type "manage tripal_views_integration".
  26. </li>
  27. </ol>
  28. <br>
  29. <h3>Usage Instructions:</h3>
  30. <p>To use Tripal Views integration follow these steps:</p>
  31. <ol>
  32. <li><b>Identify or create a materialized view or custom table:</b> Using
  33. the <?php print l('Tripal materialized View interface', "admin/tripal/mviews") ?>
  34. identify the view you would like to integrate or create a new one. Or,
  35. using
  36. the <?php print l('Tripal custom table interface', 'admin/tripal/custom_tables') ?>
  37. </li>
  38. <li><b>Integration a new table</b>: Navigate to
  39. the <?php print l('new integration page', "admin/tripal/views/integration/new") ?>
  40. to integrate the new table. Provide a user friendly name
  41. and description to help you remember the purpose for integrating the
  42. view. Next, select the table you want to integrate
  43. from the provided select box. If your table has fields that can join
  44. with other Chado tables, you may
  45. provide those relationships in the provided form. Finally, if your
  46. fields require a special handlers, you
  47. may select them from the drop downs provided
  48. </li>
  49. <li><b>Alter an existing integration</b>: If a table is already integrated
  50. you can alter its integration configuration by navigating
  51. to
  52. the <?php print l('list of integrated tables', 'admin/tripal/views/integration/list') ?>
  53. , select the table from the list and alter it accordingly.
  54. You can create new integration configurations for tables that are
  55. already integrated by lowering the priority setting. The configuration
  56. setting
  57. with the lowest priority will be selected.
  58. </li>
  59. <li><b>Create custom pages/block/search form</b>: After saving conifguration
  60. settings from either step above, you can navigate to the
  61. Drupal Views interface where you can create a custom page, block or
  62. search form.
  63. </li>
  64. <li><b>Review your integrated views</b>: A page providing a
  65. <?php print l('list of all integrated views', "admin/tripal/views/integration/list") ?>
  66. is provided. You may
  67. view this page to see all integrated views, but also to remove any
  68. unwanted integrations.
  69. </li>
  70. </ol>