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- <?php
- /**
- * Implements hook_init()
- */
- function tripal_ws_init() {
- global $base_url;
- $version = 'v0.1';
- $api_url = $base_url . '/ws/' . $version;
- // Following the WC3 Hydra documentation, we want to add LINK to the header
- // of the site that indicates where the API documentation can be found.
- // This allows a hydra-enabled client to discover the API and use it.
- $attributes = array(
- 'rel' => 'http://www.w3.org/ns/hydra/core#apiDocumentation',
- 'href' => $api_url . '/ws-doc/',
- );
- drupal_add_html_head_link($attributes, $header = FALSE);
- }
- /**
- * Implements hook_menu().
- * Defines all menu items needed by Tripal Core
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_ws
- */
- function tripal_ws_menu() {
- // Web Services API callbacks.
- $items['ws/v0.1'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Tripal Entities Web Services API v0.1',
- 'page callback' => 'tripal_ws_rest',
- 'access arguments' => array('access content'),
- 'file' => '/includes/tripal_ws.rest.inc',
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- );
- return $items;
- }
- function tripal_ws_test() {
- print "Blah!!!!\n";
- }